
     1  // Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package modload
     7  import ""
     9  // TODO(rsc): The "module code layout" section needs to be written.
    11  var HelpModules = &base.Command{
    12  	UsageLine: "modules",
    13  	Short:     "modules, module versions, and more",
    14  	Long: `
    15  A module is a collection of related Go packages.
    16  Modules are the unit of source code interchange and versioning.
    17  The go command has direct support for working with modules,
    18  including recording and resolving dependencies on other modules.
    19  Modules replace the old GOPATH-based approach to specifying
    20  which source files are used in a given build.
    22  Preliminary module support
    24  Go 1.11 includes preliminary support for Go modules,
    25  including a new module-aware 'go get' command.
    26  We intend to keep revising this support, while preserving compatibility,
    27  until it can be declared official (no longer preliminary),
    28  and then at a later point we may remove support for work
    29  in GOPATH and the old 'go get' command.
    31  The quickest way to take advantage of the new Go 1.11 module support
    32  is to check out your repository into a directory outside GOPATH/src,
    33  create a go.mod file (described in the next section) there, and run
    34  go commands from within that file tree.
    36  For more fine-grained control, the module support in Go 1.11 respects
    37  a temporary environment variable, GO111MODULE, which can be set to one
    38  of three string values: off, on, or auto (the default).
    39  If GO111MODULE=off, then the go command never uses the
    40  new module support. Instead it looks in vendor directories and GOPATH
    41  to find dependencies; we now refer to this as "GOPATH mode."
    42  If GO111MODULE=on, then the go command requires the use of modules,
    43  never consulting GOPATH. We refer to this as the command being
    44  module-aware or running in "module-aware mode".
    45  If GO111MODULE=auto or is unset, then the go command enables or
    46  disables module support based on the current directory.
    47  Module support is enabled only when the current directory is outside
    48  GOPATH/src and itself contains a go.mod file or is below a directory
    49  containing a go.mod file.
    51  In module-aware mode, GOPATH no longer defines the meaning of imports
    52  during a build, but it still stores downloaded dependencies (in GOPATH/pkg/mod)
    53  and installed commands (in GOPATH/bin, unless GOBIN is set).
    55  Defining a module
    57  A module is defined by a tree of Go source files with a go.mod file
    58  in the tree's root directory. The directory containing the go.mod file
    59  is called the module root. Typically the module root will also correspond
    60  to a source code repository root (but in general it need not).
    61  The module is the set of all Go packages in the module root and its
    62  subdirectories, but excluding subtrees with their own go.mod files.
    64  The "module path" is the import path prefix corresponding to the module root.
    65  The go.mod file defines the module path and lists the specific versions
    66  of other modules that should be used when resolving imports during a build,
    67  by giving their module paths and versions.
    69  For example, this go.mod declares that the directory containing it is the root
    70  of the module with path, and it also declares that the module
    71  depends on specific versions of and
    73  	module
    75  	require (
    76 v0.3.0
    77 v2.1.0
    78  	)
    80  The go.mod file can also specify replacements and excluded versions
    81  that only apply when building the module directly; they are ignored
    82  when the module is incorporated into a larger build.
    83  For more about the go.mod file, see 'go help go.mod'.
    85  To start a new module, simply create a go.mod file in the root of the
    86  module's directory tree, containing only a module statement.
    87  The 'go mod init' command can be used to do this:
    89  	go mod init
    91  In a project already using an existing dependency management tool like
    92  godep, glide, or dep, 'go mod init' will also add require statements
    93  matching the existing configuration.
    95  Once the go.mod file exists, no additional steps are required:
    96  go commands like 'go build', 'go test', or even 'go list' will automatically
    97  add new dependencies as needed to satisfy imports.
    99  The main module and the build list
   101  The "main module" is the module containing the directory where the go command
   102  is run. The go command finds the module root by looking for a go.mod in the
   103  current directory, or else the current directory's parent directory,
   104  or else the parent's parent directory, and so on.
   106  The main module's go.mod file defines the precise set of packages available
   107  for use by the go command, through require, replace, and exclude statements.
   108  Dependency modules, found by following require statements, also contribute
   109  to the definition of that set of packages, but only through their go.mod
   110  files' require statements: any replace and exclude statements in dependency
   111  modules are ignored. The replace and exclude statements therefore allow the
   112  main module complete control over its own build, without also being subject
   113  to complete control by dependencies.
   115  The set of modules providing packages to builds is called the "build list".
   116  The build list initially contains only the main module. Then the go command
   117  adds to the list the exact module versions required by modules already
   118  on the list, recursively, until there is nothing left to add to the list.
   119  If multiple versions of a particular module are added to the list,
   120  then at the end only the latest version (according to semantic version
   121  ordering) is kept for use in the build.
   123  The 'go list' command provides information about the main module
   124  and the build list. For example:
   126  	go list -m              # print path of main module
   127  	go list -m -f={{.Dir}}  # print root directory of main module
   128  	go list -m all          # print build list
   130  Maintaining module requirements
   132  The go.mod file is meant to be readable and editable by both
   133  programmers and tools. The go command itself automatically updates the go.mod file
   134  to maintain a standard formatting and the accuracy of require statements.
   136  Any go command that finds an unfamiliar import will look up the module
   137  containing that import and add the latest version of that module
   138  to go.mod automatically. In most cases, therefore, it suffices to
   139  add an import to source code and run 'go build', 'go test', or even 'go list':
   140  as part of analyzing the package, the go command will discover
   141  and resolve the import and update the go.mod file.
   143  Any go command can determine that a module requirement is
   144  missing and must be added, even when considering only a single
   145  package from the module. On the other hand, determining that a module requirement
   146  is no longer necessary and can be deleted requires a full view of
   147  all packages in the module, across all possible build configurations
   148  (architectures, operating systems, build tags, and so on).
   149  The 'go mod tidy' command builds that view and then
   150  adds any missing module requirements and removes unnecessary ones.
   152  As part of maintaining the require statements in go.mod, the go command
   153  tracks which ones provide packages imported directly by the current module
   154  and which ones provide packages only used indirectly by other module
   155  dependencies. Requirements needed only for indirect uses are marked with a
   156  "// indirect" comment in the go.mod file. Indirect requirements are
   157  automatically removed from the go.mod file once they are implied by other
   158  direct requirements. Indirect requirements only arise when using modules
   159  that fail to state some of their own dependencies or when explicitly
   160  upgrading a module's dependencies ahead of its own stated requirements.
   162  Because of this automatic maintenance, the information in go.mod is an
   163  up-to-date, readable description of the build.
   165  The 'go get' command updates go.mod to change the module versions used in a
   166  build. An upgrade of one module may imply upgrading others, and similarly a
   167  downgrade of one module may imply downgrading others. The 'go get' command
   168  makes these implied changes as well. If go.mod is edited directly, commands
   169  like 'go build' or 'go list' will assume that an upgrade is intended and
   170  automatically make any implied upgrades and update go.mod to reflect them.
   172  The 'go mod' command provides other functionality for use in maintaining
   173  and understanding modules and go.mod files. See 'go help mod'.
   175  The -mod build flag provides additional control over updating and use of go.mod.
   177  If invoked with -mod=readonly, the go command is disallowed from the implicit
   178  automatic updating of go.mod described above. Instead, it fails when any changes
   179  to go.mod are needed. This setting is most useful to check that go.mod does
   180  not need updates, such as in a continuous integration and testing system.
   181  The "go get" command remains permitted to update go.mod even with -mod=readonly,
   182  and the "go mod" commands do not take the -mod flag (or any other build flags).
   184  If invoked with -mod=vendor, the go command assumes that the vendor
   185  directory holds the correct copies of dependencies and ignores
   186  the dependency descriptions in go.mod.
   188  Pseudo-versions
   190  The go.mod file and the go command more generally use semantic versions as
   191  the standard form for describing module versions, so that versions can be
   192  compared to determine which should be considered earlier or later than another.
   193  A module version like v1.2.3 is introduced by tagging a revision in the
   194  underlying source repository. Untagged revisions can be referred to
   195  using a "pseudo-version" like v0.0.0-yyyymmddhhmmss-abcdefabcdef,
   196  where the time is the commit time in UTC and the final suffix is the prefix
   197  of the commit hash. The time portion ensures that two pseudo-versions can
   198  be compared to determine which happened later, the commit hash identifes
   199  the underlying commit, and the prefix (v0.0.0- in this example) is derived from
   200  the most recent tagged version in the commit graph before this commit.
   202  There are three pseudo-version forms:
   204  vX.0.0-yyyymmddhhmmss-abcdefabcdef is used when there is no earlier
   205  versioned commit with an appropriate major version before the target commit.
   206  (This was originally the only form, so some older go.mod files use this form
   207  even for commits that do follow tags.)
   209  vX.Y.Z-pre.0.yyyymmddhhmmss-abcdefabcdef is used when the most
   210  recent versioned commit before the target commit is vX.Y.Z-pre.
   212  vX.Y.(Z+1)-0.yyyymmddhhmmss-abcdefabcdef is used when the most
   213  recent versioned commit before the target commit is vX.Y.Z.
   215  Pseudo-versions never need to be typed by hand: the go command will accept
   216  the plain commit hash and translate it into a pseudo-version (or a tagged
   217  version if available) automatically. This conversion is an example of a
   218  module query.
   220  Module queries
   222  The go command accepts a "module query" in place of a module version
   223  both on the command line and in the main module's go.mod file.
   224  (After evaluating a query found in the main module's go.mod file,
   225  the go command updates the file to replace the query with its result.)
   227  A fully-specified semantic version, such as "v1.2.3",
   228  evaluates to that specific version.
   230  A semantic version prefix, such as "v1" or "v1.2",
   231  evaluates to the latest available tagged version with that prefix.
   233  A semantic version comparison, such as "<v1.2.3" or ">=v1.5.6",
   234  evaluates to the available tagged version nearest to the comparison target
   235  (the latest version for < and <=, the earliest version for > and >=).
   237  The string "latest" matches the latest available tagged version,
   238  or else the underlying source repository's latest untagged revision.
   240  A revision identifier for the underlying source repository,
   241  such as a commit hash prefix, revision tag, or branch name,
   242  selects that specific code revision. If the revision is
   243  also tagged with a semantic version, the query evaluates to
   244  that semantic version. Otherwise the query evaluates to a
   245  pseudo-version for the commit.
   247  All queries prefer release versions to pre-release versions.
   248  For example, "<v1.2.3" will prefer to return "v1.2.2"
   249  instead of "v1.2.3-pre1", even though "v1.2.3-pre1" is nearer
   250  to the comparison target.
   252  Module versions disallowed by exclude statements in the
   253  main module's go.mod are considered unavailable and cannot
   254  be returned by queries.
   256  For example, these commands are all valid:
   258  	go get    # same (@latest is default for 'go get')
   259  	go get    # records v1.6.2
   260  	go get # records v1.6.2
   261  	go get   # records v0.0.0-20180517173623-c85619274f5d
   262  	go get    # records current meaning of master
   264  Module compatibility and semantic versioning
   266  The go command requires that modules use semantic versions and expects that
   267  the versions accurately describe compatibility: it assumes that v1.5.4 is a
   268  backwards-compatible replacement for v1.5.3, v1.4.0, and even v1.0.0.
   269  More generally the go command expects that packages follow the
   270  "import compatibility rule", which says:
   272  "If an old package and a new package have the same import path,
   273  the new package must be backwards compatible with the old package."
   275  Because the go command assumes the import compatibility rule,
   276  a module definition can only set the minimum required version of one
   277  of its dependencies: it cannot set a maximum or exclude selected versions.
   278  Still, the import compatibility rule is not a guarantee: it may be that
   279  v1.5.4 is buggy and not a backwards-compatible replacement for v1.5.3.
   280  Because of this, the go command never updates from an older version
   281  to a newer version of a module unasked.
   283  In semantic versioning, changing the major version number indicates a lack
   284  of backwards compatibility with earlier versions. To preserve import
   285  compatibility, the go command requires that modules with major version v2
   286  or later use a module path with that major version as the final element.
   287  For example, version v2.0.0 of must instead use module path
   288, and packages in that module would use that path as
   289  their import path prefix, as in Including the
   290  major version number in the module path and import paths in this way is
   291  called "semantic import versioning". Pseudo-versions for modules with major
   292  version v2 and later begin with that major version instead of v0, as in
   293  v2.0.0-20180326061214-4fc5987536ef.
   295  As a special case, module paths beginning with continue to use the
   296  conventions established on that system: the major version is always present,
   297  and it is preceded by a dot instead of a slash:
   298  and, not and
   300  The go command treats modules with different module paths as unrelated:
   301  it makes no connection between and
   302  Modules with different major versions can be used together in a build
   303  and are kept separate by the fact that their packages use different
   304  import paths.
   306  In semantic versioning, major version v0 is for initial development,
   307  indicating no expectations of stability or backwards compatibility.
   308  Major version v0 does not appear in the module path, because those
   309  versions are preparation for v1.0.0, and v1 does not appear in the
   310  module path either.
   312  Code written before the semantic import versioning convention
   313  was introduced may use major versions v2 and later to describe
   314  the same set of unversioned import paths as used in v0 and v1.
   315  To accommodate such code, if a source code repository has a
   316  v2.0.0 or later tag for a file tree with no go.mod, the version is
   317  considered to be part of the v1 module's available versions
   318  and is given an +incompatible suffix when converted to a module
   319  version, as in v2.0.0+incompatible. The +incompatible tag is also
   320  applied to pseudo-versions derived from such versions, as in
   321  v2.0.1-0.yyyymmddhhmmss-abcdefabcdef+incompatible.
   323  In general, having a dependency in the build list (as reported by 'go list -m all')
   324  on a v0 version, pre-release version, pseudo-version, or +incompatible version
   325  is an indication that problems are more likely when upgrading that
   326  dependency, since there is no expectation of compatibility for those.
   328  See for more information about
   329  semantic import versioning, and see for more about
   330  semantic versioning.
   332  Module code layout
   334  For now, see for information
   335  about how source code in version control systems is mapped to
   336  module file trees.
   338  Module downloading and verification
   340  The go command maintains, in the main module's root directory alongside
   341  go.mod, a file named go.sum containing the expected cryptographic checksums
   342  of the content of specific module versions. Each time a dependency is
   343  used, its checksum is added to go.sum if missing or else required to match
   344  the existing entry in go.sum.
   346  The go command maintains a cache of downloaded packages and computes
   347  and records the cryptographic checksum of each package at download time.
   348  In normal operation, the go command checks these pre-computed checksums
   349  against the main module's go.sum file, instead of recomputing them on
   350  each command invocation. The 'go mod verify' command checks that
   351  the cached copies of module downloads still match both their recorded
   352  checksums and the entries in go.sum.
   354  The go command can fetch modules from a proxy instead of connecting
   355  to source control systems directly, according to the setting of the GOPROXY
   356  environment variable.
   358  See 'go help goproxy' for details about the proxy and also the format of
   359  the cached downloaded packages.
   361  Modules and vendoring
   363  When using modules, the go command completely ignores vendor directories.
   365  By default, the go command satisfies dependencies by downloading modules
   366  from their sources and using those downloaded copies (after verification,
   367  as described in the previous section). To allow interoperation with older
   368  versions of Go, or to ensure that all files used for a build are stored
   369  together in a single file tree, 'go mod vendor' creates a directory named
   370  vendor in the root directory of the main module and stores there all the
   371  packages from dependency modules that are needed to support builds and
   372  tests of packages in the main module.
   374  To build using the main module's top-level vendor directory to satisfy
   375  dependencies (disabling use of the usual network sources and local
   376  caches), use 'go build -mod=vendor'. Note that only the main module's
   377  top-level vendor directory is used; vendor directories in other locations
   378  are still ignored.
   379  	`,
   380  }
   382  var HelpGoMod = &base.Command{
   383  	UsageLine: "go.mod",
   384  	Short:     "the go.mod file",
   385  	Long: `
   386  A module version is defined by a tree of source files, with a go.mod
   387  file in its root. When the go command is run, it looks in the current
   388  directory and then successive parent directories to find the go.mod
   389  marking the root of the main (current) module.
   391  The go.mod file itself is line-oriented, with // comments but
   392  no /* */ comments. Each line holds a single directive, made up of a
   393  verb followed by arguments. For example:
   395  	module my/thing
   396  	require other/thing v1.0.2
   397  	require new/thing v2.3.4
   398  	exclude old/thing v1.2.3
   399  	replace bad/thing v1.4.5 => good/thing v1.4.5
   401  The verbs are module, to define the module path; require, to require
   402  a particular module at a given version or later; exclude, to exclude
   403  a particular module version from use; and replace, to replace a module
   404  version with a different module version. Exclude and replace apply only
   405  in the main module's go.mod and are ignored in dependencies.
   406  See for details.
   408  The leading verb can be factored out of adjacent lines to create a block,
   409  like in Go imports:
   411  	require (
   412  		new/thing v2.3.4
   413  		old/thing v1.2.3
   414  	)
   416  The go.mod file is designed both to be edited directly and to be
   417  easily updated by tools. The 'go mod edit' command can be used to
   418  parse and edit the go.mod file from programs and tools.
   419  See 'go help mod edit'.
   421  The go command automatically updates go.mod each time it uses the
   422  module graph, to make sure go.mod always accurately reflects reality
   423  and is properly formatted. For example, consider this go.mod file:
   425          module M
   427          require (
   428                  A v1
   429                  B v1.0.0
   430                  C v1.0.0
   431                  D v1.2.3
   432                  E dev
   433          )
   435          exclude D v1.2.3
   437  The update rewrites non-canonical version identifiers to semver form,
   438  so A's v1 becomes v1.0.0 and E's dev becomes the pseudo-version for the
   439  latest commit on the dev branch, perhaps v0.0.0-20180523231146-b3f5c0f6e5f1.
   441  The update modifies requirements to respect exclusions, so the
   442  requirement on the excluded D v1.2.3 is updated to use the next
   443  available version of D, perhaps D v1.2.4 or D v1.3.0.
   445  The update removes redundant or misleading requirements.
   446  For example, if A v1.0.0 itself requires B v1.2.0 and C v1.0.0,
   447  then go.mod's requirement of B v1.0.0 is misleading (superseded by
   448  A's need for v1.2.0), and its requirement of C v1.0.0 is redundant
   449  (implied by A's need for the same version), so both will be removed.
   450  If module M contains packages that directly import packages from B or
   451  C, then the requirements will be kept but updated to the actual
   452  versions being used.
   454  Finally, the update reformats the go.mod in a canonical formatting, so
   455  that future mechanical changes will result in minimal diffs.
   457  Because the module graph defines the meaning of import statements, any
   458  commands that load packages also use and therefore update go.mod,
   459  including go build, go get, go install, go list, go test, go mod graph,
   460  go mod tidy, and go mod why.
   461  	`,
   462  }