
     1  package daemon
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io/ioutil"
     6  	"os"
     7  	"testing"
     9  	""
    10  	containertypes ""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  )
    16  func newDaemonWithTmpRoot(t *testing.T) (*Daemon, func()) {
    17  	tmp, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "docker-daemon-unix-test-")
    18  	require.NoError(t, err)
    19  	d := &Daemon{
    20  		repository: tmp,
    21  		root:       tmp,
    22  	}
    23  	d.containers = container.NewMemoryStore()
    24  	return d, func() { os.RemoveAll(tmp) }
    25  }
    27  func newContainerWithState(state *container.State) *container.Container {
    28  	return &container.Container{
    29  		ID:     "test",
    30  		State:  state,
    31  		Config: &containertypes.Config{},
    32  	}
    34  }
    36  // TestContainerDelete tests that a useful error message and instructions is
    37  // given when attempting to remove a container (#30842)
    38  func TestContainerDelete(t *testing.T) {
    39  	tt := []struct {
    40  		errMsg        string
    41  		fixMsg        string
    42  		initContainer func() *container.Container
    43  	}{
    44  		// a paused container
    45  		{
    46  			errMsg: "cannot remove a paused container",
    47  			fixMsg: "Unpause and then stop the container before attempting removal or force remove",
    48  			initContainer: func() *container.Container {
    49  				return newContainerWithState(&container.State{Paused: true, Running: true})
    50  			}},
    51  		// a restarting container
    52  		{
    53  			errMsg: "cannot remove a restarting container",
    54  			fixMsg: "Stop the container before attempting removal or force remove",
    55  			initContainer: func() *container.Container {
    56  				c := newContainerWithState(container.NewState())
    57  				c.SetRunning(0, true)
    58  				c.SetRestarting(&container.ExitStatus{})
    59  				return c
    60  			}},
    61  		// a running container
    62  		{
    63  			errMsg: "cannot remove a running container",
    64  			fixMsg: "Stop the container before attempting removal or force remove",
    65  			initContainer: func() *container.Container {
    66  				return newContainerWithState(&container.State{Running: true})
    67  			}},
    68  	}
    70  	for _, te := range tt {
    71  		c := te.initContainer()
    72  		d, cleanup := newDaemonWithTmpRoot(t)
    73  		defer cleanup()
    74  		d.containers.Add(c.ID, c)
    76  		err := d.ContainerRm(c.ID, &types.ContainerRmConfig{ForceRemove: false})
    77  		testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, te.errMsg)
    78  		testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, te.fixMsg)
    79  	}
    80  }
    82  func TestContainerDoubleDelete(t *testing.T) {
    83  	c := newContainerWithState(container.NewState())
    85  	// Mark the container as having a delete in progress
    86  	c.SetRemovalInProgress()
    88  	d, cleanup := newDaemonWithTmpRoot(t)
    89  	defer cleanup()
    90  	d.containers.Add(c.ID, c)
    92  	// Try to remove the container when its state is removalInProgress.
    93  	// It should return an error indicating it is under removal progress.
    94  	err := d.ContainerRm(c.ID, &types.ContainerRmConfig{ForceRemove: true})
    95  	testutil.ErrorContains(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("removal of container %s is already in progress", c.ID))
    96  }