(about) 1 @setupApplicationTest 2 Feature: dc / acls / tokens / legacy / update: ACL Token Update 3 Background: 4 Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" 5 And 1 token model from yaml 6 --- 7 AccessorID: key 8 SecretID: secret 9 Rules: 'key {}' 10 Type: client 11 Policies: ~ 12 --- 13 When I visit the token page for yaml 14 --- 15 dc: datacenter 16 token: key 17 --- 18 Then the url should be /datacenter/acls/tokens/key 19 Scenario: Update to [Name] 20 Then I fill in with yaml 21 --- 22 name: [Name] 23 --- 24 # TODO: Remove this when I'm 100% sure token types are gone 25 # And I click "[value=[Type]]" 26 And I submit 27 Then a PUT request is made to "/v1/acl/update?dc=datacenter" with the body from yaml 28 # You can no longer edit Type but make sure it gets sent 29 --- 30 ID: secret 31 Name: [Name] 32 Type: client 33 --- 34 Then the url should be /datacenter/acls/tokens 35 And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-update" class 36 And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class 37 Where: 38 --------------------------------------------- 39 | Name | Rules | 40 | key-name | node "0" {policy = "read"} | 41 | key name | node "0" {policy = "write"} | 42 | key%20name | node "0" {policy = "read"} | 43 | utf8? | node "0" {policy = "write"} | 44 --------------------------------------------- 45 Scenario: There was an error saving the key 46 Given the url "/v1/acl/update" responds with a 500 status 47 And I submit 48 Then the url should be /datacenter/acls/tokens/key 49 Then "[data-notification]" has the "notification-update" class 50 And "[data-notification]" has the "error" class 51 # @ignore 52 # Scenario: Rules can be edited/updated 53 # Then ok 54 # @ignore 55 # Scenario: The feedback dialog says success or failure 56 # Then ok