
     1  @setupApplicationTest
     2  Feature: dc / intentions / update: Intention Create
     3    In order to define intentions
     4    As a user
     5    I want to visit the intention create page, fill in the form and hit the create button and see a success notification
     6    Scenario:
     7      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter"
     8      When I visit the intention page for yaml
     9      ---
    10        dc: datacenter
    11      ---
    12      Then the url should be /datacenter/intentions/create
    13      # Set source
    14      And I click "[data-test-source-element] .ember-power-select-trigger"
    15      And I type "web" into ".ember-power-select-search-input"
    16      And I click ".ember-power-select-option:first-child"
    17      Then I see the text "web" in "[data-test-source-element] .ember-power-select-selected-item"
    18      # Set destination
    19      And I click "[data-test-destination-element] .ember-power-select-trigger"
    20      And I type "db" into ".ember-power-select-search-input"
    21      And I click ".ember-power-select-option:first-child"
    22      Then I see the text "db" in "[data-test-destination-element] .ember-power-select-selected-item"
    23      # Specifically set deny
    24      And I click "[value=deny]"
    25      And I submit
    26      Then a POST request is made to "/v1/connect/intentions?dc=datacenter" with the body from yaml
    27      ---
    28        SourceName: web
    29        DestinationName: db
    30        Action: deny
    31      ---
    32      Then the url should be /datacenter/intentions
    33      And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-create" class
    34      And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class