(about) 1 @setupApplicationTest 2 Feature: dc / intentions / form select: Intention Service Select Dropdowns 3 In order to set future Consul services as intention sources and destinations 4 As a user 5 I want to type into the autocomplete and select what I've typed to use it as the future service 6 Scenario: Selecting a future Consul Service in to [Name] 7 Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter" 8 When I visit the intention page for yaml 9 --- 10 dc: datacenter 11 intention: intention 12 --- 13 Then the url should be /datacenter/intentions/intention 14 And I click "[data-test-[Name]-element] .ember-power-select-trigger" 15 And I type "something" into ".ember-power-select-search-input" 16 And I click ".ember-power-select-option:first-child" 17 Then I see the text "something" in "[data-test-[Name]-element] .ember-power-select-selected-item" 18 Where: 19 --------------- 20 | Name | 21 | source | 22 | destination | 23 ---------------