
     1  @setupApplicationTest
     2  @ignore
     3  Feature: settings / update: Update Settings
     4    In order to authenticate with an ACL token
     5    As a user
     6    I need to be able to add my token via the UI
     7    Scenario: I click Save without actually typing anything
     8      Given 1 datacenter model with the value "datacenter"
     9      When I visit the settings page
    10      Then the url should be /settings
    11      Then I have settings like yaml
    12      ---
    13      consul:token: ~
    14      ---
    15      And I submit
    16      Then I have settings like yaml
    17      ---
    18      consul:token: ''
    19      ---
    20      And the url should be /settings
    21      And "[data-notification]" has the "notification-update" class
    22      And "[data-notification]" has the "success" class