
     1  // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // “Abstract” syntax representation.
     7  package gc
     9  import (
    10  	"cmd/compile/internal/syntax"
    11  	"cmd/compile/internal/types"
    12  	"cmd/internal/obj"
    13  	"cmd/internal/src"
    14  )
    16  // A Node is a single node in the syntax tree.
    17  // Actually the syntax tree is a syntax DAG, because there is only one
    18  // node with Op=ONAME for a given instance of a variable x.
    19  // The same is true for Op=OTYPE and Op=OLITERAL. See Node.mayBeShared.
    20  type Node struct {
    21  	// Tree structure.
    22  	// Generic recursive walks should follow these fields.
    23  	Left  *Node
    24  	Right *Node
    25  	Ninit Nodes
    26  	Nbody Nodes
    27  	List  Nodes
    28  	Rlist Nodes
    30  	// most nodes
    31  	Type *types.Type
    32  	Orig *Node // original form, for printing, and tracking copies of ONAMEs
    34  	// func
    35  	Func *Func
    38  	Name *Name
    40  	Sym *types.Sym  // various
    41  	E   interface{} // Opt or Val, see methods below
    43  	// Various. Usually an offset into a struct. For example:
    44  	// - ONAME nodes that refer to local variables use it to identify their stack frame position.
    45  	// - ODOT, ODOTPTR, and OINDREGSP use it to indicate offset relative to their base address.
    46  	// - OSTRUCTKEY uses it to store the named field's offset.
    47  	// - OXCASE and OXFALL use it to validate the use of fallthrough.
    48  	// - Named OLITERALs use it to to store their ambient iota value.
    49  	// Possibly still more uses. If you find any, document them.
    50  	Xoffset int64
    52  	Pos src.XPos
    54  	flags bitset32
    56  	Esc uint16 // EscXXX
    58  	Op    Op
    59  	Etype types.EType // op for OASOP, etype for OTYPE, exclam for export, 6g saved reg, ChanDir for OTCHAN, for OINDEXMAP 1=LHS,0=RHS
    60  }
    62  // IsAutoTmp indicates if n was created by the compiler as a temporary,
    63  // based on the setting of the .AutoTemp flag in n's Name.
    64  func (n *Node) IsAutoTmp() bool {
    65  	if n == nil || n.Op != ONAME {
    66  		return false
    67  	}
    68  	return n.Name.AutoTemp()
    69  }
    71  const (
    72  	nodeClass, _     = iota, 1 << iota // PPARAM, PAUTO, PEXTERN, etc; three bits; first in the list because frequently accessed
    73  	_, _                               // second nodeClass bit
    74  	_, _                               // third nodeClass bit
    75  	nodeWalkdef, _                     // tracks state during typecheckdef; 2 == loop detected; two bits
    76  	_, _                               // second nodeWalkdef bit
    77  	nodeTypecheck, _                   // tracks state during typechecking; 2 == loop detected; two bits
    78  	_, _                               // second nodeTypecheck bit
    79  	nodeInitorder, _                   // tracks state during init1; two bits
    80  	_, _                               // second nodeInitorder bit
    81  	_, nodeHasBreak
    82  	_, nodeIsClosureVar
    83  	_, nodeIsOutputParamHeapAddr
    84  	_, nodeNoInline  // used internally by inliner to indicate that a function call should not be inlined; set for OCALLFUNC and OCALLMETH only
    85  	_, nodeAssigned  // is the variable ever assigned to
    86  	_, nodeAddrtaken // address taken, even if not moved to heap
    87  	_, nodeImplicit
    88  	_, nodeIsddd    // is the argument variadic
    89  	_, nodeLocal    // type created in this file (see also Type.Local)
    90  	_, nodeDiag     // already printed error about this
    91  	_, nodeColas    // OAS resulting from :=
    92  	_, nodeNonNil   // guaranteed to be non-nil
    93  	_, nodeNoescape // func arguments do not escape; TODO(rsc): move Noescape to Func struct (see CL 7360)
    94  	_, nodeBounded  // bounds check unnecessary
    95  	_, nodeAddable  // addressable
    96  	_, nodeHasCall  // expression contains a function call
    97  	_, nodeLikely   // if statement condition likely
    98  	_, nodeHasVal   // node.E contains a Val
    99  	_, nodeHasOpt   // node.E contains an Opt
   100  	_, nodeEmbedded // ODCLFIELD embedded type
   101  )
   103  func (n *Node) Class() Class     { return Class(n.flags.get3(nodeClass)) }
   104  func (n *Node) Walkdef() uint8   { return n.flags.get2(nodeWalkdef) }
   105  func (n *Node) Typecheck() uint8 { return n.flags.get2(nodeTypecheck) }
   106  func (n *Node) Initorder() uint8 { return n.flags.get2(nodeInitorder) }
   108  func (n *Node) HasBreak() bool              { return n.flags&nodeHasBreak != 0 }
   109  func (n *Node) IsClosureVar() bool          { return n.flags&nodeIsClosureVar != 0 }
   110  func (n *Node) NoInline() bool              { return n.flags&nodeNoInline != 0 }
   111  func (n *Node) IsOutputParamHeapAddr() bool { return n.flags&nodeIsOutputParamHeapAddr != 0 }
   112  func (n *Node) Assigned() bool              { return n.flags&nodeAssigned != 0 }
   113  func (n *Node) Addrtaken() bool             { return n.flags&nodeAddrtaken != 0 }
   114  func (n *Node) Implicit() bool              { return n.flags&nodeImplicit != 0 }
   115  func (n *Node) Isddd() bool                 { return n.flags&nodeIsddd != 0 }
   116  func (n *Node) Local() bool                 { return n.flags&nodeLocal != 0 }
   117  func (n *Node) Diag() bool                  { return n.flags&nodeDiag != 0 }
   118  func (n *Node) Colas() bool                 { return n.flags&nodeColas != 0 }
   119  func (n *Node) NonNil() bool                { return n.flags&nodeNonNil != 0 }
   120  func (n *Node) Noescape() bool              { return n.flags&nodeNoescape != 0 }
   121  func (n *Node) Bounded() bool               { return n.flags&nodeBounded != 0 }
   122  func (n *Node) Addable() bool               { return n.flags&nodeAddable != 0 }
   123  func (n *Node) HasCall() bool               { return n.flags&nodeHasCall != 0 }
   124  func (n *Node) Likely() bool                { return n.flags&nodeLikely != 0 }
   125  func (n *Node) HasVal() bool                { return n.flags&nodeHasVal != 0 }
   126  func (n *Node) HasOpt() bool                { return n.flags&nodeHasOpt != 0 }
   127  func (n *Node) Embedded() bool              { return n.flags&nodeEmbedded != 0 }
   129  func (n *Node) SetClass(b Class)     { n.flags.set3(nodeClass, uint8(b)) }
   130  func (n *Node) SetWalkdef(b uint8)   { n.flags.set2(nodeWalkdef, b) }
   131  func (n *Node) SetTypecheck(b uint8) { n.flags.set2(nodeTypecheck, b) }
   132  func (n *Node) SetInitorder(b uint8) { n.flags.set2(nodeInitorder, b) }
   134  func (n *Node) SetHasBreak(b bool)              { n.flags.set(nodeHasBreak, b) }
   135  func (n *Node) SetIsClosureVar(b bool)          { n.flags.set(nodeIsClosureVar, b) }
   136  func (n *Node) SetNoInline(b bool)              { n.flags.set(nodeNoInline, b) }
   137  func (n *Node) SetIsOutputParamHeapAddr(b bool) { n.flags.set(nodeIsOutputParamHeapAddr, b) }
   138  func (n *Node) SetAssigned(b bool)              { n.flags.set(nodeAssigned, b) }
   139  func (n *Node) SetAddrtaken(b bool)             { n.flags.set(nodeAddrtaken, b) }
   140  func (n *Node) SetImplicit(b bool)              { n.flags.set(nodeImplicit, b) }
   141  func (n *Node) SetIsddd(b bool)                 { n.flags.set(nodeIsddd, b) }
   142  func (n *Node) SetLocal(b bool)                 { n.flags.set(nodeLocal, b) }
   143  func (n *Node) SetDiag(b bool)                  { n.flags.set(nodeDiag, b) }
   144  func (n *Node) SetColas(b bool)                 { n.flags.set(nodeColas, b) }
   145  func (n *Node) SetNonNil(b bool)                { n.flags.set(nodeNonNil, b) }
   146  func (n *Node) SetNoescape(b bool)              { n.flags.set(nodeNoescape, b) }
   147  func (n *Node) SetBounded(b bool)               { n.flags.set(nodeBounded, b) }
   148  func (n *Node) SetAddable(b bool)               { n.flags.set(nodeAddable, b) }
   149  func (n *Node) SetHasCall(b bool)               { n.flags.set(nodeHasCall, b) }
   150  func (n *Node) SetLikely(b bool)                { n.flags.set(nodeLikely, b) }
   151  func (n *Node) SetHasVal(b bool)                { n.flags.set(nodeHasVal, b) }
   152  func (n *Node) SetHasOpt(b bool)                { n.flags.set(nodeHasOpt, b) }
   153  func (n *Node) SetEmbedded(b bool)              { n.flags.set(nodeEmbedded, b) }
   155  // Val returns the Val for the node.
   156  func (n *Node) Val() Val {
   157  	if !n.HasVal() {
   158  		return Val{}
   159  	}
   160  	return Val{n.E}
   161  }
   163  // SetVal sets the Val for the node, which must not have been used with SetOpt.
   164  func (n *Node) SetVal(v Val) {
   165  	if n.HasOpt() {
   166  		Debug['h'] = 1
   167  		Dump("have Opt", n)
   168  		Fatalf("have Opt")
   169  	}
   170  	n.SetHasVal(true)
   171  	n.E = v.U
   172  }
   174  // Opt returns the optimizer data for the node.
   175  func (n *Node) Opt() interface{} {
   176  	if !n.HasOpt() {
   177  		return nil
   178  	}
   179  	return n.E
   180  }
   182  // SetOpt sets the optimizer data for the node, which must not have been used with SetVal.
   183  // SetOpt(nil) is ignored for Vals to simplify call sites that are clearing Opts.
   184  func (n *Node) SetOpt(x interface{}) {
   185  	if x == nil && n.HasVal() {
   186  		return
   187  	}
   188  	if n.HasVal() {
   189  		Debug['h'] = 1
   190  		Dump("have Val", n)
   191  		Fatalf("have Val")
   192  	}
   193  	n.SetHasOpt(true)
   194  	n.E = x
   195  }
   197  func (n *Node) Iota() int64 {
   198  	return n.Xoffset
   199  }
   201  func (n *Node) SetIota(x int64) {
   202  	n.Xoffset = x
   203  }
   205  // mayBeShared reports whether n may occur in multiple places in the AST.
   206  // Extra care must be taken when mutating such a node.
   207  func (n *Node) mayBeShared() bool {
   208  	switch n.Op {
   209  	case ONAME, OLITERAL, OTYPE:
   210  		return true
   211  	}
   212  	return false
   213  }
   215  // funcname returns the name of the function n.
   216  func (n *Node) funcname() string {
   217  	return n.Func.Nname.Sym.Name
   218  }
   220  // Name holds Node fields used only by named nodes (ONAME, OTYPE, OPACK, OLABEL, some OLITERAL).
   221  type Name struct {
   222  	Pack      *Node      // real package for import . names
   223  	Pkg       *types.Pkg // pkg for OPACK nodes
   224  	Defn      *Node      // initializing assignment
   225  	Curfn     *Node      // function for local variables
   226  	Param     *Param     // additional fields for ONAME, OTYPE
   227  	Decldepth int32      // declaration loop depth, increased for every loop or label
   228  	Vargen    int32      // unique name for ONAME within a function.  Function outputs are numbered starting at one.
   229  	Funcdepth int32
   231  	used  bool // for variable declared and not used error
   232  	flags bitset8
   233  }
   235  const (
   236  	nameCaptured = 1 << iota // is the variable captured by a closure
   237  	nameReadonly
   238  	nameByval     // is the variable captured by value or by reference
   239  	nameNeedzero  // if it contains pointers, needs to be zeroed on function entry
   240  	nameKeepalive // mark value live across unknown assembly call
   241  	nameAutoTemp  // is the variable a temporary (implies no dwarf info. reset if escapes to heap)
   242  )
   244  func (n *Name) Captured() bool  { return n.flags&nameCaptured != 0 }
   245  func (n *Name) Readonly() bool  { return n.flags&nameReadonly != 0 }
   246  func (n *Name) Byval() bool     { return n.flags&nameByval != 0 }
   247  func (n *Name) Needzero() bool  { return n.flags&nameNeedzero != 0 }
   248  func (n *Name) Keepalive() bool { return n.flags&nameKeepalive != 0 }
   249  func (n *Name) AutoTemp() bool  { return n.flags&nameAutoTemp != 0 }
   250  func (n *Name) Used() bool      { return n.used }
   252  func (n *Name) SetCaptured(b bool)  { n.flags.set(nameCaptured, b) }
   253  func (n *Name) SetReadonly(b bool)  { n.flags.set(nameReadonly, b) }
   254  func (n *Name) SetByval(b bool)     { n.flags.set(nameByval, b) }
   255  func (n *Name) SetNeedzero(b bool)  { n.flags.set(nameNeedzero, b) }
   256  func (n *Name) SetKeepalive(b bool) { n.flags.set(nameKeepalive, b) }
   257  func (n *Name) SetAutoTemp(b bool)  { n.flags.set(nameAutoTemp, b) }
   258  func (n *Name) SetUsed(b bool)      { n.used = b }
   260  type Param struct {
   261  	Ntype    *Node
   262  	Heapaddr *Node // temp holding heap address of param
   265  	Stackcopy *Node // the PPARAM/PPARAMOUT on-stack slot (moved func params only)
   267  	// ONAME PPARAM
   268  	Field *types.Field // TFIELD in arg struct
   270  	// ONAME closure linkage
   271  	// Consider:
   272  	//
   273  	//	func f() {
   274  	//		x := 1 // x1
   275  	//		func() {
   276  	//			use(x) // x2
   277  	//			func() {
   278  	//				use(x) // x3
   279  	//				--- parser is here ---
   280  	//			}()
   281  	//		}()
   282  	//	}
   283  	//
   284  	// There is an original declaration of x and then a chain of mentions of x
   285  	// leading into the current function. Each time x is mentioned in a new closure,
   286  	// we create a variable representing x for use in that specific closure,
   287  	// since the way you get to x is different in each closure.
   288  	//
   289  	// Let's number the specific variables as shown in the code:
   290  	// x1 is the original x, x2 is when mentioned in the closure,
   291  	// and x3 is when mentioned in the closure in the closure.
   292  	//
   293  	// We keep these linked (assume N > 1):
   294  	//
   295  	//   - x1.Defn = original declaration statement for x (like most variables)
   296  	//   - x1.Innermost = current innermost closure x (in this case x3), or nil for none
   297  	//   - x1.IsClosureVar() = false
   298  	//
   299  	//   - xN.Defn = x1, N > 1
   300  	//   - xN.IsClosureVar() = true, N > 1
   301  	//   - x2.Outer = nil
   302  	//   - xN.Outer = x(N-1), N > 2
   303  	//
   304  	//
   305  	// When we look up x in the symbol table, we always get x1.
   306  	// Then we can use x1.Innermost (if not nil) to get the x
   307  	// for the innermost known closure function,
   308  	// but the first reference in a closure will find either no x1.Innermost
   309  	// or an x1.Innermost with .Funcdepth < Funcdepth.
   310  	// In that case, a new xN must be created, linked in with:
   311  	//
   312  	//     xN.Defn = x1
   313  	//     xN.Outer = x1.Innermost
   314  	//     x1.Innermost = xN
   315  	//
   316  	// When we finish the function, we'll process its closure variables
   317  	// and find xN and pop it off the list using:
   318  	//
   319  	//     x1 := xN.Defn
   320  	//     x1.Innermost = xN.Outer
   321  	//
   322  	// We leave xN.Innermost set so that we can still get to the original
   323  	// variable quickly. Not shown here, but once we're
   324  	// done parsing a function and no longer need xN.Outer for the
   325  	// lexical x reference links as described above, closurebody
   326  	// recomputes xN.Outer as the semantic x reference link tree,
   327  	// even filling in x in intermediate closures that might not
   328  	// have mentioned it along the way to inner closures that did.
   329  	// See closurebody for details.
   330  	//
   331  	// During the eventual compilation, then, for closure variables we have:
   332  	//
   333  	//     xN.Defn = original variable
   334  	//     xN.Outer = variable captured in next outward scope
   335  	//                to make closure where xN appears
   336  	//
   337  	// Because of the sharding of pieces of the node, x.Defn means x.Name.Defn
   338  	// and x.Innermost/Outer means x.Name.Param.Innermost/Outer.
   339  	Innermost *Node
   340  	Outer     *Node
   342  	// OTYPE
   343  	//
   344  	// TODO: Should Func pragmas also be stored on the Name?
   345  	Pragma syntax.Pragma
   346  	Alias  bool // node is alias for Ntype (only used when type-checking ODCLTYPE)
   347  }
   349  // Func holds Node fields used only with function-like nodes.
   350  type Func struct {
   351  	Shortname  *types.Sym
   352  	Enter      Nodes // for example, allocate and initialize memory for escaping parameters
   353  	Exit       Nodes
   354  	Cvars      Nodes   // closure params
   355  	Dcl        []*Node // autodcl for this func/closure
   356  	Inldcl     Nodes   // copy of dcl for use in inlining
   357  	Closgen    int
   358  	Outerfunc  *Node // outer function (for closure)
   359  	FieldTrack map[*types.Sym]struct{}
   360  	Ntype      *Node // signature
   361  	Top        int   // top context (Ecall, Eproc, etc)
   362  	Closure    *Node // OCLOSURE <-> ODCLFUNC
   363  	Nname      *Node
   364  	lsym       *obj.LSym
   366  	Inl     Nodes // copy of the body for use in inlining
   367  	InlCost int32
   368  	Depth   int32
   370  	Label int32 // largest auto-generated label in this function
   372  	Endlineno src.XPos
   373  	WBPos     src.XPos // position of first write barrier
   375  	Pragma syntax.Pragma // go:xxx function annotations
   377  	flags bitset8
   378  }
   380  const (
   381  	funcDupok         = 1 << iota // duplicate definitions ok
   382  	funcWrapper                   // is method wrapper
   383  	funcNeedctxt                  // function uses context register (has closure variables)
   384  	funcReflectMethod             // function calls reflect.Type.Method or MethodByName
   385  	funcIsHiddenClosure
   386  	funcNoFramePointer // Must not use a frame pointer for this function
   387  	funcHasDefer       // contains a defer statement
   388  )
   390  func (f *Func) Dupok() bool           { return f.flags&funcDupok != 0 }
   391  func (f *Func) Wrapper() bool         { return f.flags&funcWrapper != 0 }
   392  func (f *Func) Needctxt() bool        { return f.flags&funcNeedctxt != 0 }
   393  func (f *Func) ReflectMethod() bool   { return f.flags&funcReflectMethod != 0 }
   394  func (f *Func) IsHiddenClosure() bool { return f.flags&funcIsHiddenClosure != 0 }
   395  func (f *Func) NoFramePointer() bool  { return f.flags&funcNoFramePointer != 0 }
   396  func (f *Func) HasDefer() bool        { return f.flags&funcHasDefer != 0 }
   398  func (f *Func) SetDupok(b bool)           { f.flags.set(funcDupok, b) }
   399  func (f *Func) SetWrapper(b bool)         { f.flags.set(funcWrapper, b) }
   400  func (f *Func) SetNeedctxt(b bool)        { f.flags.set(funcNeedctxt, b) }
   401  func (f *Func) SetReflectMethod(b bool)   { f.flags.set(funcReflectMethod, b) }
   402  func (f *Func) SetIsHiddenClosure(b bool) { f.flags.set(funcIsHiddenClosure, b) }
   403  func (f *Func) SetNoFramePointer(b bool)  { f.flags.set(funcNoFramePointer, b) }
   404  func (f *Func) SetHasDefer(b bool)        { f.flags.set(funcHasDefer, b) }
   406  type Op uint8
   408  // Node ops.
   409  const (
   410  	OXXX = Op(iota)
   412  	// names
   413  	ONAME    // var, const or func name
   414  	ONONAME  // unnamed arg or return value: f(int, string) (int, error) { etc }
   415  	OTYPE    // type name
   416  	OPACK    // import
   417  	OLITERAL // literal
   419  	// expressions
   420  	OADD             // Left + Right
   421  	OSUB             // Left - Right
   422  	OOR              // Left | Right
   423  	OXOR             // Left ^ Right
   424  	OADDSTR          // +{List} (string addition, list elements are strings)
   425  	OADDR            // &Left
   426  	OANDAND          // Left && Right
   427  	OAPPEND          // append(List); after walk, Left may contain elem type descriptor
   428  	OARRAYBYTESTR    // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is a []byte)
   429  	OARRAYBYTESTRTMP // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is a []byte, ephemeral)
   430  	OARRAYRUNESTR    // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is a []rune)
   431  	OSTRARRAYBYTE    // Type(Left) (Type is []byte, Left is a string)
   432  	OSTRARRAYBYTETMP // Type(Left) (Type is []byte, Left is a string, ephemeral)
   433  	OSTRARRAYRUNE    // Type(Left) (Type is []rune, Left is a string)
   434  	OAS              // Left = Right or (if Colas=true) Left := Right
   435  	OAS2             // List = Rlist (x, y, z = a, b, c)
   436  	OAS2FUNC         // List = Rlist (x, y = f())
   437  	OAS2RECV         // List = Rlist (x, ok = <-c)
   438  	OAS2MAPR         // List = Rlist (x, ok = m["foo"])
   439  	OAS2DOTTYPE      // List = Rlist (x, ok = I.(int))
   440  	OASOP            // Left Etype= Right (x += y)
   441  	OCALL            // Left(List) (function call, method call or type conversion)
   442  	OCALLFUNC        // Left(List) (function call f(args))
   443  	OCALLMETH        // Left(List) (direct method call x.Method(args))
   444  	OCALLINTER       // Left(List) (interface method call x.Method(args))
   445  	OCALLPART        // Left.Right (method expression x.Method, not called)
   446  	OCAP             // cap(Left)
   447  	OCLOSE           // close(Left)
   448  	OCLOSURE         // func Type { Body } (func literal)
   449  	OCMPIFACE        // Left Etype Right (interface comparison, x == y or x != y)
   450  	OCMPSTR          // Left Etype Right (string comparison, x == y, x < y, etc)
   451  	OCOMPLIT         // Right{List} (composite literal, not yet lowered to specific form)
   452  	OMAPLIT          // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is map)
   453  	OSTRUCTLIT       // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is struct)
   454  	OARRAYLIT        // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is array)
   455  	OSLICELIT        // Type{List} (composite literal, Type is slice)
   456  	OPTRLIT          // &Left (left is composite literal)
   457  	OCONV            // Type(Left) (type conversion)
   458  	OCONVIFACE       // Type(Left) (type conversion, to interface)
   459  	OCONVNOP         // Type(Left) (type conversion, no effect)
   460  	OCOPY            // copy(Left, Right)
   461  	ODCL             // var Left (declares Left of type Left.Type)
   463  	// Used during parsing but don't last.
   464  	ODCLFUNC  // func f() or func (r) f()
   465  	ODCLFIELD // struct field, interface field, or func/method argument/return value.
   466  	ODCLCONST // const pi = 3.14
   467  	ODCLTYPE  // type Int int or type Int = int
   469  	ODELETE    // delete(Left, Right)
   470  	ODOT       // Left.Sym (Left is of struct type)
   471  	ODOTPTR    // Left.Sym (Left is of pointer to struct type)
   472  	ODOTMETH   // Left.Sym (Left is non-interface, Right is method name)
   473  	ODOTINTER  // Left.Sym (Left is interface, Right is method name)
   474  	OXDOT      // Left.Sym (before rewrite to one of the preceding)
   475  	ODOTTYPE   // Left.Right or Left.Type (.Right during parsing, .Type once resolved); after walk, .Right contains address of interface type descriptor and .Right.Right contains address of concrete type descriptor
   476  	ODOTTYPE2  // Left.Right or Left.Type (.Right during parsing, .Type once resolved; on rhs of OAS2DOTTYPE); after walk, .Right contains address of interface type descriptor
   477  	OEQ        // Left == Right
   478  	ONE        // Left != Right
   479  	OLT        // Left < Right
   480  	OLE        // Left <= Right
   481  	OGE        // Left >= Right
   482  	OGT        // Left > Right
   483  	OIND       // *Left
   484  	OINDEX     // Left[Right] (index of array or slice)
   485  	OINDEXMAP  // Left[Right] (index of map)
   486  	OKEY       // Left:Right (key:value in struct/array/map literal)
   487  	OSTRUCTKEY // Sym:Left (key:value in struct literal, after type checking)
   488  	OLEN       // len(Left)
   489  	OMAKE      // make(List) (before type checking converts to one of the following)
   490  	OMAKECHAN  // make(Type, Left) (type is chan)
   491  	OMAKEMAP   // make(Type, Left) (type is map)
   492  	OMAKESLICE // make(Type, Left, Right) (type is slice)
   493  	OMUL       // Left * Right
   494  	ODIV       // Left / Right
   495  	OMOD       // Left % Right
   496  	OLSH       // Left << Right
   497  	ORSH       // Left >> Right
   498  	OAND       // Left & Right
   499  	OANDNOT    // Left &^ Right
   500  	ONEW       // new(Left)
   501  	ONOT       // !Left
   502  	OCOM       // ^Left
   503  	OPLUS      // +Left
   504  	OMINUS     // -Left
   505  	OOROR      // Left || Right
   506  	OPANIC     // panic(Left)
   507  	OPRINT     // print(List)
   508  	OPRINTN    // println(List)
   509  	OPAREN     // (Left)
   510  	OSEND      // Left <- Right
   511  	OSLICE     // Left[List[0] : List[1]] (Left is untypechecked or slice)
   512  	OSLICEARR  // Left[List[0] : List[1]] (Left is array)
   513  	OSLICESTR  // Left[List[0] : List[1]] (Left is string)
   514  	OSLICE3    // Left[List[0] : List[1] : List[2]] (Left is untypedchecked or slice)
   515  	OSLICE3ARR // Left[List[0] : List[1] : List[2]] (Left is array)
   516  	ORECOVER   // recover()
   517  	ORECV      // <-Left
   518  	ORUNESTR   // Type(Left) (Type is string, Left is rune)
   519  	OSELRECV   // Left = <-Right.Left: (appears as .Left of OCASE; Right.Op == ORECV)
   520  	OSELRECV2  // List = <-Right.Left: (apperas as .Left of OCASE; count(List) == 2, Right.Op == ORECV)
   521  	OIOTA      // iota
   522  	OREAL      // real(Left)
   523  	OIMAG      // imag(Left)
   524  	OCOMPLEX   // complex(Left, Right)
   525  	OALIGNOF   // unsafe.Alignof(Left)
   526  	OOFFSETOF  // unsafe.Offsetof(Left)
   527  	OSIZEOF    // unsafe.Sizeof(Left)
   529  	// statements
   530  	OBLOCK    // { List } (block of code)
   531  	OBREAK    // break
   532  	OCASE     // case Left or List[0]..List[1]: Nbody (select case after processing; Left==nil and List==nil means default)
   533  	OXCASE    // case List: Nbody (select case before processing; List==nil means default)
   534  	OCONTINUE // continue
   535  	ODEFER    // defer Left (Left must be call)
   536  	OEMPTY    // no-op (empty statement)
   537  	OFALL     // fallthrough (after processing)
   538  	OXFALL    // fallthrough (before processing)
   539  	OFOR      // for Ninit; Left; Right { Nbody }
   540  	OFORUNTIL // for Ninit; Left; Right { Nbody } ; test applied after executing body, not before
   541  	OGOTO     // goto Left
   542  	OIF       // if Ninit; Left { Nbody } else { Rlist }
   543  	OLABEL    // Left:
   544  	OPROC     // go Left (Left must be call)
   545  	ORANGE    // for List = range Right { Nbody }
   546  	ORETURN   // return List
   547  	OSELECT   // select { List } (List is list of OXCASE or OCASE)
   548  	OSWITCH   // switch Ninit; Left { List } (List is a list of OXCASE or OCASE)
   549  	OTYPESW   // List = Left.(type) (appears as .Left of OSWITCH)
   551  	// types
   552  	OTCHAN   // chan int
   553  	OTMAP    // map[string]int
   554  	OTSTRUCT // struct{}
   555  	OTINTER  // interface{}
   556  	OTFUNC   // func()
   557  	OTARRAY  // []int, [8]int, [N]int or [...]int
   559  	// misc
   560  	ODDD        // func f(args or f(l...) or var a = [...]int{0, 1, 2}.
   561  	ODDDARG     // func f(args, introduced by escape analysis.
   562  	OINLCALL    // intermediary representation of an inlined call.
   563  	OEFACE      // itable and data words of an empty-interface value.
   564  	OITAB       // itable word of an interface value.
   565  	OIDATA      // data word of an interface value in Left
   566  	OSPTR       // base pointer of a slice or string.
   567  	OCLOSUREVAR // variable reference at beginning of closure function
   568  	OCFUNC      // reference to c function pointer (not go func value)
   569  	OCHECKNIL   // emit code to ensure pointer/interface not nil
   570  	OVARKILL    // variable is dead
   571  	OVARLIVE    // variable is alive
   572  	OINDREGSP   // offset plus indirect of REGSP, such as 8(SP).
   574  	// arch-specific opcodes
   575  	ORETJMP // return to other function
   576  	OGETG   // runtime.getg() (read g pointer)
   578  	OEND
   579  )
   581  // Nodes is a pointer to a slice of *Node.
   582  // For fields that are not used in most nodes, this is used instead of
   583  // a slice to save space.
   584  type Nodes struct{ slice *[]*Node }
   586  // Slice returns the entries in Nodes as a slice.
   587  // Changes to the slice entries (as in s[i] = n) will be reflected in
   588  // the Nodes.
   589  func (n Nodes) Slice() []*Node {
   590  	if n.slice == nil {
   591  		return nil
   592  	}
   593  	return *n.slice
   594  }
   596  // Len returns the number of entries in Nodes.
   597  func (n Nodes) Len() int {
   598  	if n.slice == nil {
   599  		return 0
   600  	}
   601  	return len(*n.slice)
   602  }
   604  // Index returns the i'th element of Nodes.
   605  // It panics if n does not have at least i+1 elements.
   606  func (n Nodes) Index(i int) *Node {
   607  	return (*n.slice)[i]
   608  }
   610  // First returns the first element of Nodes (same as n.Index(0)).
   611  // It panics if n has no elements.
   612  func (n Nodes) First() *Node {
   613  	return (*n.slice)[0]
   614  }
   616  // Second returns the second element of Nodes (same as n.Index(1)).
   617  // It panics if n has fewer than two elements.
   618  func (n Nodes) Second() *Node {
   619  	return (*n.slice)[1]
   620  }
   622  // Set sets n to a slice.
   623  // This takes ownership of the slice.
   624  func (n *Nodes) Set(s []*Node) {
   625  	if len(s) == 0 {
   626  		n.slice = nil
   627  	} else {
   628  		// Copy s and take address of t rather than s to avoid
   629  		// allocation in the case where len(s) == 0 (which is
   630  		// over 3x more common, dynamically, for make.bash).
   631  		t := s
   632  		n.slice = &t
   633  	}
   634  }
   636  // Set1 sets n to a slice containing a single node.
   637  func (n *Nodes) Set1(n1 *Node) {
   638  	n.slice = &[]*Node{n1}
   639  }
   641  // Set2 sets n to a slice containing two nodes.
   642  func (n *Nodes) Set2(n1, n2 *Node) {
   643  	n.slice = &[]*Node{n1, n2}
   644  }
   646  // Set3 sets n to a slice containing three nodes.
   647  func (n *Nodes) Set3(n1, n2, n3 *Node) {
   648  	n.slice = &[]*Node{n1, n2, n3}
   649  }
   651  // MoveNodes sets n to the contents of n2, then clears n2.
   652  func (n *Nodes) MoveNodes(n2 *Nodes) {
   653  	n.slice = n2.slice
   654  	n2.slice = nil
   655  }
   657  // SetIndex sets the i'th element of Nodes to node.
   658  // It panics if n does not have at least i+1 elements.
   659  func (n Nodes) SetIndex(i int, node *Node) {
   660  	(*n.slice)[i] = node
   661  }
   663  // SetFirst sets the first element of Nodes to node.
   664  // It panics if n does not have at least one elements.
   665  func (n Nodes) SetFirst(node *Node) {
   666  	(*n.slice)[0] = node
   667  }
   669  // SetSecond sets the second element of Nodes to node.
   670  // It panics if n does not have at least two elements.
   671  func (n Nodes) SetSecond(node *Node) {
   672  	(*n.slice)[1] = node
   673  }
   675  // Addr returns the address of the i'th element of Nodes.
   676  // It panics if n does not have at least i+1 elements.
   677  func (n Nodes) Addr(i int) **Node {
   678  	return &(*n.slice)[i]
   679  }
   681  // Append appends entries to Nodes.
   682  func (n *Nodes) Append(a ...*Node) {
   683  	if len(a) == 0 {
   684  		return
   685  	}
   686  	if n.slice == nil {
   687  		s := make([]*Node, len(a))
   688  		copy(s, a)
   689  		n.slice = &s
   690  		return
   691  	}
   692  	*n.slice = append(*n.slice, a...)
   693  }
   695  // Prepend prepends entries to Nodes.
   696  // If a slice is passed in, this will take ownership of it.
   697  func (n *Nodes) Prepend(a ...*Node) {
   698  	if len(a) == 0 {
   699  		return
   700  	}
   701  	if n.slice == nil {
   702  		n.slice = &a
   703  	} else {
   704  		*n.slice = append(a, *n.slice...)
   705  	}
   706  }
   708  // AppendNodes appends the contents of *n2 to n, then clears n2.
   709  func (n *Nodes) AppendNodes(n2 *Nodes) {
   710  	switch {
   711  	case n2.slice == nil:
   712  	case n.slice == nil:
   713  		n.slice = n2.slice
   714  	default:
   715  		*n.slice = append(*n.slice, *n2.slice...)
   716  	}
   717  	n2.slice = nil
   718  }