(about) 1 package isolated 2 3 import ( 4 "regexp" 5 6 "" 7 . "" 8 . "" 9 . "" 10 . "" 11 ) 12 13 var _ = Describe("add-network-policy command", func() { 14 Describe("help", func() { 15 When("--help flag is set", func() { 16 It("Displays command usage to output", func() { 17 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", "--help") 18 Eventually(session).Should(Say("NAME:")) 19 Eventually(session).Should(Say("add-network-policy - Create policy to allow direct network traffic from one app to another")) 20 Eventually(session).Should(Say("USAGE:")) 21 Eventually(session).Should(Say(regexp.QuoteMeta("cf add-network-policy SOURCE_APP --destination-app DESTINATION_APP [-s DESTINATION_SPACE_NAME [-o DESTINATION_ORG_NAME]] [--protocol (tcp | udp) --port RANGE]"))) 22 Eventually(session).Should(Say("EXAMPLES:")) 23 Eventually(session).Should(Say(" cf add-network-policy frontend --destination-app backend --protocol tcp --port 8081")) 24 Eventually(session).Should(Say(" cf add-network-policy frontend --destination-app backend -s backend-space -o backend-org --protocol tcp --port 8080-8090")) 25 Eventually(session).Should(Say("OPTIONS:")) 26 Eventually(session).Should(Say(" --destination-app Name of app to connect to")) 27 Eventually(session).Should(Say(` --port Port or range of ports for connection to destination app \(Default: 8080\)`)) 28 Eventually(session).Should(Say(` --protocol Protocol to connect apps with \(Default: tcp\)`)) 29 Eventually(session).Should(Say(` -o The org of the destination app \(Default: targeted org\)`)) 30 Eventually(session).Should(Say(` -s The space of the destination app \(Default: targeted space\)`)) 31 Eventually(session).Should(Say("SEE ALSO:")) 32 Eventually(session).Should(Say(" apps, network-policies, remove-network-policy")) 33 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 34 }) 35 }) 36 }) 37 38 When("the environment is not setup correctly", func() { 39 It("fails with the appropriate errors", func() { 40 helpers.CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(true, true, ReadOnlyOrg, "add-network-policy", "some-app", "--destination-app", "some-other-app") 41 }) 42 }) 43 44 When("the org and space are properly targetted", func() { 45 var ( 46 orgName string 47 spaceName string 48 appName string 49 ) 50 51 BeforeEach(func() { 52 orgName = helpers.NewOrgName() 53 spaceName = helpers.NewSpaceName() 54 appName = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("app") 55 56 helpers.SetupCF(orgName, spaceName) 57 58 helpers.WithHelloWorldApp(func(appDir string) { 59 Eventually(helpers.CF("push", appName, "-p", appDir, "-b", "staticfile_buildpack", "--no-start")).Should(Exit(0)) 60 }) 61 }) 62 63 AfterEach(func() { 64 helpers.QuickDeleteOrg(orgName) 65 }) 66 67 When("an app exists", func() { 68 It("creates a policy", func() { 69 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", appName, "--destination-app", appName, "--port", "8080-8090", "--protocol", "udp") 70 71 username, _ := helpers.GetCredentials() 72 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Adding network policy from app %s to app %s in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, appName, appName, orgName, spaceName, username)) 73 Eventually(session).Should(Say("OK")) 74 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 75 76 session = helpers.CF("network-policies") 77 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Listing network policies in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, orgName, spaceName, username)) 78 Consistently(session).ShouldNot(Say("OK")) 79 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`source\s+destination\s+protocol\s+ports\s+destination space\s+destination org`)) 80 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`%s\s+%s\s+udp\s+8080-8090\s+%s\s+%s`, appName, appName, spaceName, orgName)) 81 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 82 }) 83 84 When("destination space and org are specified", func() { 85 var ( 86 sourceOrg string 87 sourceSpace string 88 sourceApp string 89 ) 90 91 BeforeEach(func() { 92 sourceOrg = helpers.NewOrgName() 93 sourceSpace = helpers.NewSpaceName() 94 sourceApp = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("sourceapp") 95 96 helpers.SetupCF(sourceOrg, sourceSpace) 97 98 helpers.WithHelloWorldApp(func(appDir string) { 99 Eventually(helpers.CF("push", sourceApp, "-p", appDir, "-b", "staticfile_buildpack", "--no-start")).Should(Exit(0)) 100 }) 101 }) 102 103 It("creates a policy", func() { 104 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", sourceApp, "--destination-app", appName, "-o", orgName, "-s", spaceName) 105 username, _ := helpers.GetCredentials() 106 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Adding network policy from app %s in org %s / space %s to app %s in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, sourceApp, sourceOrg, sourceSpace, appName, orgName, spaceName, username)) 107 Eventually(session).Should(Say("OK")) 108 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 109 110 session = helpers.CF("network-policies") 111 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Listing network policies in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, sourceOrg, sourceSpace, username)) 112 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`source\s+destination\s+protocol\s+ports\s+destination space\s+destination org`)) 113 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`%s\s+%s\s+tcp\s+8080\s+%s\s+%s`, sourceApp, appName, spaceName, orgName)) 114 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 115 }) 116 }) 117 118 When("port and protocol are not specified", func() { 119 It("creates a policy with the default values", func() { 120 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", appName, "--destination-app", appName) 121 122 username, _ := helpers.GetCredentials() 123 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Adding network policy from app %s to app %s in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, appName, appName, orgName, spaceName, username)) 124 Eventually(session).Should(Say("OK")) 125 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 126 127 session = helpers.CF("network-policies") 128 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Listing network policies in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, orgName, spaceName, username)) 129 Consistently(session).ShouldNot(Say("OK")) 130 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`source\s+destination\s+protocol\s+ports\s+destination space\s+destination org`)) 131 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`%s\s+%s\s+tcp\s+8080\s+%s\s+%s`, appName, appName, spaceName, orgName)) 132 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0)) 133 }) 134 }) 135 }) 136 137 When("the source app does not exist", func() { 138 It("returns an error", func() { 139 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", "pineapple", "--destination-app", appName) 140 141 username, _ := helpers.GetCredentials() 142 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Adding network policy from app pineapple to app %s in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, appName, orgName, spaceName, username)) 143 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("App 'pineapple' not found")) 144 Eventually(session).Should(Say("FAILED")) 145 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 146 }) 147 }) 148 149 When("the dest app does not exist", func() { 150 It("returns an error", func() { 151 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", appName, "--destination-app", "pineapple") 152 153 username, _ := helpers.GetCredentials() 154 Eventually(session).Should(Say(`Adding network policy from app %s to app pineapple in org %s / space %s as %s\.\.\.`, appName, orgName, spaceName, username)) 155 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("App 'pineapple' not found")) 156 Eventually(session).Should(Say("FAILED")) 157 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 158 }) 159 }) 160 161 When("port is specified but protocol is not", func() { 162 It("returns an error", func() { 163 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", appName, "--destination-app", appName, "--port", "8080") 164 165 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: --protocol and --port flags must be specified together")) 166 Eventually(session).Should(Say("FAILED")) 167 Eventually(session).Should(Say("USAGE:")) 168 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 169 }) 170 }) 171 172 When("protocol is specified but port is not", func() { 173 It("returns an error", func() { 174 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", appName, "--destination-app", appName, "--protocol", "tcp") 175 176 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: --protocol and --port flags must be specified together")) 177 Eventually(session).Should(Say("FAILED")) 178 Eventually(session).Should(Say("USAGE:")) 179 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 180 }) 181 }) 182 183 When("policy to another space is specified", func() { 184 When("org is specified but space is not", func() { 185 It("returns an error", func() { 186 session := helpers.CF("add-network-policy", appName, "--destination-app", appName, "-o", "myorg") 187 188 Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: A space must be provided when an org is provided, but the '-s' flag was not specified.")) 189 Eventually(session).Should(Say("FAILED")) 190 Eventually(session).Should(Say("USAGE:")) 191 Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1)) 192 }) 193 }) 194 }) 195 }) 196 })