
     1  package isolated
     3  import (
     4  	. ""
     5  	""
     6  	. ""
     7  	. ""
     8  	. ""
     9  	. ""
    10  )
    12  var _ = Describe("create-app command", func() {
    13  	var (
    14  		orgName   string
    15  		spaceName string
    16  		appName   string
    17  	)
    19  	BeforeEach(func() {
    20  		orgName = helpers.NewOrgName()
    21  		spaceName = helpers.NewSpaceName()
    22  		appName = helpers.PrefixedRandomName("app")
    23  	})
    25  	Describe("help", func() {
    26  		When("--help flag is set", func() {
    27  			It("appears in cf help -a", func() {
    28  				session := helpers.CF("help", "-a")
    29  				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
    30  				Expect(session).To(HaveCommandInCategoryWithDescription("create-app", "APPS", "Create an Application in the target space"))
    31  			})
    33  			It("Displays command usage to output", func() {
    34  				session := helpers.CF("create-app", "--help")
    35  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("NAME:"))
    36  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("create-app - Create an Application in the target space"))
    37  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("USAGE:"))
    38  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`cf create-app APP_NAME \[--app-type \(buildpack | docker\)\]`))
    39  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("OPTIONS:"))
    40  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`--app-type\s+App lifecycle type to stage and run the app \(Default: buildpack\)`))
    41  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("SEE ALSO:"))
    42  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("app, apps, push"))
    43  				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
    44  			})
    45  		})
    46  	})
    48  	When("the app name is not provided", func() {
    49  		It("tells the user that the app name is required, prints help text, and exits 1", func() {
    50  			session := helpers.CF("create-app")
    52  			Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: the required argument `APP_NAME` was not provided"))
    53  			Eventually(session).Should(Say("NAME:"))
    54  			Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
    55  		})
    56  	})
    58  	When("app type is not supported", func() {
    59  		It("tells the user that the app type is incorrect, prints help text, and exits 1", func() {
    60  			session := helpers.CF("create-app", appName, "--app-type", "unknown-app-type")
    62  			Eventually(session.Err).Should(Say("Incorrect Usage: Invalid value `unknown-app-type' for option `--app-type'. Allowed values are: buildpack or docker"))
    63  			Eventually(session).Should(Say("NAME:"))
    64  			Eventually(session).Should(Exit(1))
    65  		})
    66  	})
    68  	When("the environment is not setup correctly", func() {
    69  		It("fails with the appropriate errors", func() {
    70  			helpers.CheckEnvironmentTargetedCorrectly(true, true, ReadOnlyOrg, "create-app", appName)
    71  		})
    72  	})
    74  	When("the environment is set up correctly", func() {
    75  		BeforeEach(func() {
    76  			helpers.SetupCF(orgName, spaceName)
    77  		})
    79  		AfterEach(func() {
    80  			helpers.QuickDeleteOrg(orgName)
    81  		})
    83  		When("the app does not exist", func() {
    84  			It("creates the app with default app type buildpack", func() {
    85  				session := helpers.CF("create-app", appName)
    86  				userName, _ := helpers.GetCredentials()
    87  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("Creating app %s in org %s / space %s as %s...", appName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
    88  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("OK"))
    89  				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
    91  				session = helpers.CF("app", appName)
    92  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("buildpacks:"))
    93  				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
    94  			})
    96  			When("app type is specified", func() {
    97  				It("creates the app with the specified app type", func() {
    98  					session := helpers.CF("create-app", appName, "--app-type", "docker")
    99  					userName, _ := helpers.GetCredentials()
   100  					Eventually(session).Should(Say("Creating app %s in org %s / space %s as %s...", appName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
   101  					Eventually(session).Should(Say("OK"))
   102  					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   104  					session = helpers.CF("app", appName)
   105  					Eventually(session).Should(Say("docker image:"))
   106  					Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   107  				})
   108  			})
   109  		})
   111  		When("the app already exists", func() {
   112  			BeforeEach(func() {
   113  				Eventually(helpers.CF("create-app", appName)).Should(Exit(0))
   114  			})
   116  			It("fails to create the app", func() {
   117  				session := helpers.CF("create-app", appName)
   118  				userName, _ := helpers.GetCredentials()
   119  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("Creating app %s in org %s / space %s as %s...", appName, orgName, spaceName, userName))
   120  				Eventually(session).Should(Say(`App with the name '%s' already exists\.`, appName))
   121  				Eventually(session).Should(Say("OK"))
   122  				Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   123  			})
   124  		})
   125  	})
   126  })