
     1  package helpers
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"strings"
     7  	. ""
     8  	. ""
     9  )
    11  // SetupReadOnlyOrgAndSpace creates a randomly-named org containing two randomly-named
    12  // spaces. It creates a new CF_HOME directory to run these commands, then deletes it
    13  // afterwards.
    14  func SetupReadOnlyOrgAndSpace() (string, string) {
    15  	homeDir := SetHomeDir()
    16  	SetAPI()
    17  	LoginCF()
    18  	orgName := NewOrgName()
    19  	spaceName1 := NewSpaceName()
    20  	spaceName2 := NewSpaceName()
    21  	Eventually(CF("create-org", orgName)).Should(Exit(0))
    22  	Eventually(CF("create-space", spaceName1, "-o", orgName)).Should(Exit(0))
    23  	Eventually(CF("create-space", spaceName2, "-o", orgName)).Should(Exit(0))
    24  	DestroyHomeDir(homeDir)
    25  	return orgName, spaceName1
    26  }
    28  // CreateAndTargetOrg creates a randomly-named org and targets it.
    29  func CreateAndTargetOrg() string {
    30  	org := NewOrgName()
    31  	CreateOrg(org)
    32  	TargetOrg(org)
    33  	return org
    34  }
    36  // CreateOrgAndSpace creates an org and a space in that org with specified names.
    37  func CreateOrgAndSpace(org string, space string) {
    38  	CreateOrg(org)
    39  	TargetOrg(org)
    40  	CreateSpace(space)
    41  }
    43  // CreateOrgAndSpaceUnlessExists creates an org and a space in that org with
    44  // specified names only if these don't exist yet.
    45  func CreateOrgAndSpaceUnlessExists(org string, space string) {
    46  	WithRandomHomeDir(func() {
    47  		SetAPI()
    48  		LoginCF()
    50  		session := CF("org", org)
    51  		Eventually(session).Should(Exit())
    52  		if session.ExitCode() != 0 {
    53  			CreateOrgAndSpace(org, space)
    54  			return
    55  		}
    57  		TargetOrg(org)
    59  		session = CF("space", space)
    60  		Eventually(session).Should(Exit())
    61  		if session.ExitCode() != 0 {
    62  			CreateSpace(space)
    63  		}
    64  	})
    65  }
    67  // CreateOrg creates an org with the given name using 'cf create-org'.
    68  func CreateOrg(org string) {
    69  	Eventually(CF("create-org", org)).Should(Exit(0))
    70  }
    72  // CreateSpace creates a space with the given name using 'cf create-space'.
    73  func CreateSpace(space string) {
    74  	Eventually(CF("create-space", space)).Should(Exit(0))
    75  }
    77  // SetOrgRole sets the org role with `cf set-org-role`.
    78  func SetOrgRole(username, org, role string, isClient bool) {
    79  	if isClient {
    80  		Eventually(CF("set-org-role", username, org, role, "--client")).Should(Exit(0))
    81  	} else {
    82  		Eventually(CF("set-org-role", username, org, role)).Should(Exit(0))
    83  	}
    84  }
    86  // SetSpaceRole sets the space role with `cf set-org-role`.
    87  func SetSpaceRole(username, org, space, role string, isClient bool) {
    88  	if isClient {
    89  		Eventually(CF("set-space-role", username, org, space, role, "--client")).Should(Exit(0))
    90  	} else {
    91  		Eventually(CF("set-space-role", username, org, space, role)).Should(Exit(0))
    92  	}
    93  }
    95  // GetOrgGUID gets the GUID of an org with the given name.
    96  func GetOrgGUID(orgName string) string {
    97  	session := CF("org", "--guid", orgName)
    98  	Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
    99  	return strings.TrimSpace(string(session.Out.Contents()))
   100  }
   102  // GetSpaceGUID gets the GUID of a space with the given name.
   103  func GetSpaceGUID(spaceName string) string {
   104  	session := CF("space", "--guid", spaceName)
   105  	Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   106  	return strings.TrimSpace(string(session.Out.Contents()))
   107  }
   109  // QuickDeleteOrg deletes the org with the given name, if provided, using
   110  // 'cf curl /v2/organizations... -X DELETE'.
   111  func QuickDeleteOrg(orgName string) {
   112  	// If orgName is empty, the BeforeSuite has failed and attempting to delete
   113  	// will produce a meaningless error.
   114  	if orgName == "" {
   115  		fmt.Println("Empty org name. Skipping deletion.")
   116  		return
   117  	}
   119  	guid := GetOrgGUID(orgName)
   120  	url := fmt.Sprintf("/v2/organizations/%s?recursive=true&async=true", guid)
   121  	session := CF("curl", "-X", "DELETE", url)
   122  	Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   123  }
   125  // QuickDeleteOrgIfExists deletes the org with the given name, if it exists, using
   126  // 'cf curl /v2/organizations... -X DELETE'.
   127  func QuickDeleteOrgIfExists(orgName string) {
   128  	session := CF("org", "--guid", orgName)
   129  	Eventually(session).Should(Exit())
   130  	if session.ExitCode() != 0 {
   131  		return
   132  	}
   133  	guid := strings.TrimSpace(string(session.Out.Contents()))
   134  	url := fmt.Sprintf("/v2/organizations/%s?recursive=true&async=true", guid)
   135  	session = CF("curl", "-X", "DELETE", url)
   136  	Eventually(session).Should(Exit())
   137  }
   139  // QuickDeleteSpace deletes the space with the given name, if it exists, using
   140  // 'cf curl /v2/spaces... -X DELETE'.
   141  func QuickDeleteSpace(spaceName string) {
   142  	guid := GetSpaceGUID(spaceName)
   143  	url := fmt.Sprintf("/v2/spaces/%s?recursive=true&async=true", guid)
   144  	session := CF("curl", "-X", "DELETE", url)
   145  	Eventually(session).Should(Exit(0))
   146  }