
     1  <h1>Release 0.8 ("XXXXXX")</h1>
     3  <p><b>2014-mm-dd</b></p>
     5  <p></p>
     7  <center>
     8  <div style='font-size:18pt;font-weight:bold;'><a href=""></a></div>
     9  <div style='margin-top:0.5em;'>
    10  Or browse at Github: <a href=""></a></div>
    11  </center>
    13  <h2>Release stats</h2>
    14  <p>n total committers over n commits since <a href="/docs/release/0.7">0.7</a> (just %v ago), including TODO</p>
    16  <p>Thank you!</p>
    18  <h2>New in 0.8</h2>
    19  <h3>Apps</h3>
    20  <ul>
    21  </ul>
    22  <h3>Web UI</h3>
    23  <ul>
    24          <li>Deletion of selected permanodes.</li>
    25          <li>Image representation for any kind of content (camliContentImage is now a well-supported permanode attribute in the importers, web UI, search, etc).</li>
    26          <li>"Aspects" ... multiple view options for a given blob or permanode</li>
    27  </ul>
    28  <h3>Storage</h3>
    29  <ul>
    30  	<li>Rewritten blob sync handler (the server's background async replication), now bug fixes, better UI status, and option to run a full validation.</li>
    31  	<li>Store blobs in MongoDB. (in addition to the index)</li>
    32          <li>Switched MySQL driver to go-mysql-driver</li>
    33  </ul>
    34  <h3>Search</h3>
    35  <ul>
    36          <li>Indexer now gracefully handles dependent blobs arriving out of order and reschedules indexing as dependencies are satisified. This means full syncs in arbitrary orders don't confuse the indexer.</li>
    37          <li>RelationConstraint implemented for Relation type "parent"</li>
    38          <li>Search operator syntax for searching permanodes for arbitrary attributes: <code>attr:&lt;attribute_name&gt;:&lt;attribute_value&gt;</code></li>
    39          <li>Search operator syntax for searching permanodes by their parent permanode(s): <code>childrenof:sha1-xxxxx</code></li>
    40          <li>Searches can contain parenthesized subexpressions and accept 'and' and 'or'. A whitespace separation still means and.</li>
    41          <li>Permanode deletions now taken into account by index corpus, hence in search results too.</li>
    42          <li>Cleaned up subdirs in ./pkg/index. Cleaned up ./pkg/sorted/ API. Tests with docker for mongo, mysql, postgres.</li>
    43          <li>Describe rules, eliminating the previous inflexible and over-aggressive "describe depth" parameter.</li>
    44          <li>Indexing of MusicBrainz album IDs</li>
    45  </ul>
    46  <h3>Importers</h3>
    47  <ul>
    48          <li>Importer account setup UI at /importer/</li>
    49          <li>Regular, recurring import</li>
    50          <li>Foursquare venue and check-in importer.</li>
    51          <li>Picasaweb (Google Photos) importer.</li>
    52          <li>Twitter importer.</li>
    53          <li>Feeds (RSS, Atom, RDF)</li>
    54  </ul>
    55  <h3>Tools</h3>
    56  <ul>
    57          <li>Added <code>camtool search</code> subcommand.</li>
    58          <li><code>camtool sync</code>: warn about differing identities.</li>
    59  </ul>
    60  <h3>General</h3>
    61  <ul>
    62          <li>kv: all the verifydb flags are on by default on dev, to help with detecting corruptions.</li>
    63  </ul>