
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "autopilot Stanza - Agent Configuration"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-agent-configuration-autopilot"
     5  description: |-
     6    The "autopilot" stanza configures the Nomad agent to configure Autopilot behavior.
     7  ---
     9  # `autopilot` Stanza
    11  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
    12    <tr>
    13      <th width="120">Placement</th>
    14      <td>
    15        <code>**autopilot**</code>
    16      </td>
    17    </tr>
    18  </table>
    20  The `autopilot` stanza configures the Nomad agent to configure Autopilot behavior.
    21  For more information about Autopilot, see the [Autopilot Guide](/guides/cluster/autopilot.html).
    23  ```hcl
    24  autopilot {
    25      cleanup_dead_servers = true
    26      last_contact_threshold = "200ms"
    27      max_trailing_logs = 250
    28      server_stabilization_time = "10s"
    29      enable_redundancy_zones = false
    30      disable_upgrade_migration = false
    31      enable_custom_upgrades = false
    32  }
    33  ```
    35  ## `autopilot` Parameters
    37  - `cleanup_dead_servers` `(bool: true)` - Specifies automatic removal of dead
    38    server nodes periodically and whenever a new server is added to the cluster.
    40  - `last_contact_threshold` `(string: "200ms")` - Specifies the maximum amount of
    41    time a server can go without contact from the leader before being considered
    42    unhealthy. Must be a duration value such as `10s`.
    44  - `max_trailing_logs` `(int: 250)` specifies the maximum number of log entries
    45    that a server can trail the leader by before being considered unhealthy.
    47  - `server_stabilization_time` `(string: "10s")` - Specifies the minimum amount of
    48    time a server must be stable in the 'healthy' state before being added to the
    49    cluster. Only takes effect if all servers are running Raft protocol version 3
    50    or higher. Must be a duration value such as `30s`.
    52  - `enable_redundancy_zones` `(bool: false)` - (Enterprise-only) Controls whether
    53    Autopilot separates servers into zones for redundancy, in conjunction with the
    54    [redundancy_zone](/docs/agent/configuration/server.html#redundancy_zone) parameter.
    55    Only one server in each zone can be a voting member at one time.
    57  - `disable_upgrade_migration` `(bool: false)` - (Enterprise-only) Disables Autopilot's
    58    upgrade migration strategy in Nomad Enterprise of waiting until enough
    59    newer-versioned servers have been added to the cluster before promoting any of
    60    them to voters.
    62  - `enable_custom_upgrades` `(bool: false)` - (Enterprise-only) Specifies whether to 
    63    enable using custom upgrade versions when performing migrations, in conjunction with
    64    the [upgrade_version](/docs/agent/configuration/server.html#upgrade_version) parameter.