
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Commands: deployment promote"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-commands-deployment-promote"
     5  description: >
     6    The deployment promote command is used to promote canaries in a deployment.
     7  ---
     9  # Command: deployment promote
    11  The `deployment promote` command is used to promote task groups in a deployment.
    12  Promotion should occur when the deployment has placed canaries for a task group
    13  and those canaries have been deemed healthy. When a task group is promoted, the
    14  rolling upgrade of the remaining allocations is unblocked. If the canaries are
    15  found to be unhealthy, the deployment may either be failed using the "nomad
    16  deployment fail" command, the job can be failed forward by submitting a new
    17  version or failed backwards by reverting to an older version using the [`job
    18  revert`](/docs/commands/job/revert.html) command.
    20  ## Usage
    22  ```
    23  nomad deployment promote [options] <deployment id>
    24  ```
    26  The `deployment promote` command requires a single argument, a deployment ID or
    27  prefix. When run without specifying any groups to promote, the promote command
    28  promotes all task groups. The group flag can be specified multiple times to
    29  select particular groups to promote.
    31  ## General Options
    33  <%= partial "docs/commands/_general_options" %>
    35  ## Promote Options
    37  * `-group`: Group may be specified many times and is used to promote that
    38    particular group. If no specific groups are specified, all groups are
    39    promoted.
    41  * `-detach`: Return immediately instead of monitoring. A new evaluation ID
    42    will be output, which can be used to examine the evaluation using the
    43    [eval status](/docs/commands/eval-status.html) command
    45  * `-verbose`: Show full information.
    47  ## Examples
    49  Promote canaries in all groups:
    51  ```
    52  # Have two task groups waiting for promotion.
    53  $ nomad status example
    54  ID            = example
    55  Name          = example
    56  Submit Date   = 07/25/17 18:35:05 UTC
    57  Type          = service
    58  Priority      = 50
    59  Datacenters   = dc1
    60  Status        = running
    61  Periodic      = false
    62  Parameterized = false
    64  Summary
    65  Task Group  Queued  Starting  Running  Failed  Complete  Lost
    66  cache       0       0         3        0       0         0
    67  web         0       0         3        0       0         0
    69  Latest Deployment
    70  ID          = 9fa81f27
    71  Status      = running
    72  Description = Deployment is running but requires promotion
    74  Deployed
    75  Task Group  Promoted  Desired  Canaries  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy
    76  web         false     2        1         1       0        0
    77  cache       false     2        1         1       0        0
    79  Allocations
    80  ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status   Created At
    81  091377e5  a8dcce2d  web         1        run      running  07/25/17 18:35:05 UTC
    82  d2b13584  a8dcce2d  cache       1        run      running  07/25/17 18:35:05 UTC
    83  4bb185b7  a8dcce2d  web         0        run      running  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
    84  9b6811ee  a8dcce2d  cache       0        run      running  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
    85  e0a2441b  a8dcce2d  cache       0        run      running  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
    86  f2409f7d  a8dcce2d  web         0        run      running  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
    88  # Promote all groups within the deployment
    89  $ nomad deployment promote 9fa81f27
    90  ==> Monitoring evaluation "6c6e64ae"
    91      Evaluation triggered by job "example"
    92      Evaluation within deployment: "9fa81f27"
    93      Allocation "8fa21654" created: node "a8dcce2d", group "web"
    94      Allocation "9f6727a6" created: node "a8dcce2d", group "cache"
    95      Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
    96  ==> Evaluation "6c6e64ae" finished with status "complete"
    98  # Inspect the status and see both groups have been promoted.
    99  $ nomad status example
   100  ID            = example
   101  Name          = example
   102  Submit Date   = 07/25/17 18:35:05 UTC
   103  Type          = service
   104  Priority      = 50
   105  Datacenters   = dc1
   106  Status        = running
   107  Periodic      = false
   108  Parameterized = false
   110  Summary
   111  Task Group  Queued  Starting  Running  Failed  Complete  Lost
   112  cache       0       0         2        0       2         0
   113  web         0       0         2        0       2         0
   115  Latest Deployment
   116  ID          = 9fa81f27
   117  Status      = successful
   118  Description = Deployment completed successfully
   120  Deployed
   121  Task Group  Promoted  Desired  Canaries  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy
   122  web         true      2        1         2       2        0
   123  cache       true      2        1         2       2        0
   125  Allocations
   126  ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status    Created At
   127  8fa21654  a8dcce2d  web         1        run      running   07/25/17 18:35:21 UTC
   128  9f6727a6  a8dcce2d  cache       1        run      running   07/25/17 18:35:21 UTC
   129  091377e5  a8dcce2d  web         1        run      running   07/25/17 18:35:05 UTC
   130  d2b13584  a8dcce2d  cache       1        run      running   07/25/17 18:35:05 UTC
   131  4bb185b7  a8dcce2d  web         0        stop     complete  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
   132  9b6811ee  a8dcce2d  cache       0        stop     complete  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
   133  e0a2441b  a8dcce2d  cache       0        stop     complete  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
   134  f2409f7d  a8dcce2d  web         0        stop     complete  07/25/17 18:31:34 UTC
   135  ```
   137  Promote canaries in a particular group:
   139  ```
   140  # Have two task groups waiting for promotion.
   141  $ nomad status example
   142  ID            = example
   143  Name          = example
   144  Submit Date   = 07/25/17 18:37:14 UTC
   145  Type          = service
   146  Priority      = 50
   147  Datacenters   = dc1
   148  Status        = running
   149  Periodic      = false
   150  Parameterized = false
   152  Summary
   153  Task Group  Queued  Starting  Running  Failed  Complete  Lost
   154  cache       0       0         3        0       0         0
   155  web         0       0         3        0       0         0
   157  Latest Deployment
   158  ID          = a6b87a6c
   159  Status      = running
   160  Description = Deployment is running but requires promotion
   162  Deployed
   163  Task Group  Promoted  Desired  Canaries  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy
   164  cache       false     2        1         1       1        0
   165  web         false     2        1         1       1        0
   167  Allocations
   168  ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status   Created At
   169  3071ab8f  6240eed6  web         1        run      running  07/25/17 18:37:14 UTC
   170  eeeed13b  6240eed6  cache       1        run      running  07/25/17 18:37:14 UTC
   171  0ee7800c  6240eed6  cache       0        run      running  07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   172  a714a926  6240eed6  cache       0        run      running  07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   173  cee52788  6240eed6  web         0        run      running  07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   174  ee8f972e  6240eed6  web         0        run      running  07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   176  # Promote only the cache canaries
   177  $ nomad deployment promote -group cache a6b87a6c
   178  ==> Monitoring evaluation "37383564"
   179      Evaluation triggered by job "example"
   180      Evaluation within deployment: "a6b87a6c"
   181      Allocation "bbddf5c3" created: node "6240eed6", group "cache"
   182      Evaluation status changed: "pending" -> "complete"
   183  ==> Evaluation "37383564" finished with status "complete"
   185  # Inspect the status and see that only the cache canaries are promoted
   186  $ nomad status example
   187  ID            = example
   188  Name          = example
   189  Submit Date   = 07/25/17 18:37:14 UTC
   190  Type          = service
   191  Priority      = 50
   192  Datacenters   = dc1
   193  Status        = running
   194  Periodic      = false
   195  Parameterized = false
   197  Summary
   198  Task Group  Queued  Starting  Running  Failed  Complete  Lost
   199  cache       0       0         2        0       2         0
   200  web         0       0         3        0       0         0
   202  Latest Deployment
   203  ID          = a6b87a6c
   204  Status      = running
   205  Description = Deployment is running but requires promotion
   207  Deployed
   208  Task Group  Promoted  Desired  Canaries  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy
   209  web         false     2        1         1       1        0
   210  cache       true      2        1         2       2        0
   212  Allocations
   213  ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status    Created At
   214  bbddf5c3  6240eed6  cache       1        run      running   07/25/17 18:37:40 UTC
   215  eeeed13b  6240eed6  cache       1        run      running   07/25/17 18:37:14 UTC
   216  3071ab8f  6240eed6  web         1        run      running   07/25/17 18:37:14 UTC
   217  a714a926  6240eed6  cache       0        stop     complete  07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   218  cee52788  6240eed6  web         0        run      running   07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   219  ee8f972e  6240eed6  web         0        run      running   07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   220  0ee7800c  6240eed6  cache       0        stop     complete  07/25/17 18:37:08 UTC
   221  ```