
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Drivers: Docker"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-drivers-docker"
     5  description: |-
     6    The Docker task driver is used to run Docker based tasks.
     7  ---
     9  # Docker Driver
    11  Name: `docker`
    13  The `docker` driver provides a first-class Docker workflow on Nomad. The Docker
    14  driver handles downloading containers, mapping ports, and starting, watching,
    15  and cleaning up after containers.
    17  ## Task Configuration
    19  ```hcl
    20  task "webservice" {
    21    driver = "docker"
    23    config {
    24      image = "redis:3.2"
    25      labels {
    26        group = "webservice-cache"
    27      }
    28    }
    29  }
    30  ```
    32  The `docker` driver supports the following configuration in the job spec.  Only
    33  `image` is required.
    35  * `image` - The Docker image to run. The image may include a tag or custom URL
    36    and should include `https://` if required. By default it will be fetched from
    37    Docker Hub. If the tag is omitted or equal to `latest` the driver will always
    38    try to pull the image. If the image to be pulled exists in a registry that
    39    requires authentication credentials must be provided to Nomad. Please see the
    40    [Authentication section](#authentication).
    42      ```hcl
    43      config {
    44        image = "https://hub.docker.internal/redis:3.2"
    45      }
    46      ```
    48  * `args` - (Optional) A list of arguments to the optional `command`. If no
    49    `command` is specified, the arguments are passed directly to the container.
    50    References to environment variables or any [interpretable Nomad
    51    variables](/docs/runtime/interpolation.html) will be interpreted before
    52    launching the task. For example:
    54      ```hcl
    55      config {
    56        args = [
    57          "-bind", "${NOMAD_PORT_http}",
    58          "${nomad.datacenter}",
    59          "${MY_ENV}",
    60          "${}",
    61        ]
    62      }
    63      ```
    65  * `auth` - (Optional) Provide authentication for a private registry (see below).
    67  * `auth_soft_fail` `(bool: false)` - Don't fail the task on an auth failure.
    68    Attempt to continue without auth.
    70  * `command` - (Optional) The command to run when starting the container.
    72      ```hcl
    73      config {
    74        command = "my-command"
    75      }
    76      ```
    78  * `dns_search_domains` - (Optional) A list of DNS search domains for the container
    79    to use.
    81  * `dns_options` - (Optional) A list of DNS options for the container to use.
    83  * `dns_servers` - (Optional) A list of DNS servers for the container to use
    84    (e.g. ["", ""]). Requires Docker v1.10 or greater.
    86  * `entrypoint` - (Optional) A string list overriding the image's entrypoint.
    88  * `extra_hosts` - (Optional) A list of hosts, given as host:IP, to be added to
    89    `/etc/hosts`.
    91  * `force_pull` - (Optional) `true` or `false` (default). Always pull latest image
    92    instead of using existing local image. Should be set to `true` if repository tags
    93    are mutable.
    95  * `hostname` - (Optional) The hostname to assign to the container. When
    96    launching more than one of a task (using `count`) with this option set, every
    97    container the task starts will have the same hostname.
    99  * `interactive` - (Optional) `true` or `false` (default). Keep STDIN open on
   100    the container.
   102  * `sysctl` - (Optional) A key-value map of sysctl configurations to set to the
   103     containers on start.
   105      ```hcl
   106      config {
   107        sysctl {
   108          net.core.somaxconn = "16384"
   109        }
   110      }
   111      ```
   113  * `ulimit` - (Optional) A key-value map of ulimit configurations to set to the
   114    containers on start.
   116      ```hcl
   117      config {
   118        ulimit {
   119          nproc = "4242"
   120          nofile = "2048:4096"
   121        }
   122      }
   123      ```
   125  * `privileged` - (Optional) `true` or `false` (default). Privileged mode gives
   126    the container access to devices on the host. Note that this also requires the
   127    nomad agent and docker daemon to be configured to allow privileged
   128    containers.
   130  * `ipc_mode` - (Optional) The IPC mode to be used for the container. The default
   131    is `none` for a private IPC namespace. Other values are `host` for sharing
   132    the host IPC namespace or the name or id of an existing container. Note that
   133    it is not possible to refer to Docker containers started by Nomad since their
   134    names are not known in advance. Note that setting this option also requires the
   135    Nomad agent to be configured to allow privileged containers.
   137  * `ipv4_address` - (Optional) The IPv4 address to be used for the container when
   138    using user defined networks. Requires Docker 1.13 or greater.
   140  * `ipv6_address` - (Optional) The IPv6 address to be used for the container when
   141    using user defined networks. Requires Docker 1.13 or greater.
   143  * `labels` - (Optional) A key-value map of labels to set to the containers on
   144    start.
   146      ```hcl
   147      config {
   148        labels {
   149          foo = "bar"
   150          zip = "zap"
   151        }
   152      }
   153      ```
   155  * `load` - (Optional) Load an image from a `tar` archive file instead of from a
   156    remote repository. Equivalent to the `docker load -i <filename>` command.
   158      ```hcl
   159      artifact {
   160        source = ""
   161      }
   162      config {
   163        load = "redis.tar"
   164        image = "redis"
   165      }
   166      ```
   168  * `logging` - (Optional) A key-value map of Docker logging options. The default
   169    value is `syslog`.
   171      ```hcl
   172      config {
   173        logging {
   174          type = "fluentd"
   175          config {
   176            fluentd-address = "localhost:24224"
   177            tag = "your_tag"
   178          }
   179        }
   180      }
   181      ```
   183  * `mac_address` - (Optional) The MAC address for the container to use (e.g.
   184    "02:68:b3:29:da:98").
   186  * `network_aliases` - (Optional) A list of network-scoped aliases, provide a way for a
   187    container to be discovered by an alternate name by any other container within
   188    the scope of a particular network. Network-scoped alias is supported only for
   189    containers in user defined networks
   191      ```hcl
   192      config {
   193        network_mode = "user-network"
   194        network_aliases = [
   195          "${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}",
   196          "${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}-${NOMAD_ALLOC_INDEX}"
   197        ]
   198      }
   199      ```
   201  * `network_mode` - (Optional) The network mode to be used for the container. In
   202    order to support userspace networking plugins in Docker 1.9 this accepts any
   203    value. The default is `bridge` for all operating systems but Windows, which
   204    defaults to `nat`. Other networking modes may not work without additional
   205    configuration on the host (which is outside the scope of Nomad).  Valid values
   206    pre-docker 1.9 are `default`, `bridge`, `host`, `none`, or `container:name`.
   208  * `pid_mode` - (Optional) `host` or not set (default). Set to `host` to share
   209    the PID namespace with the host. Note that this also requires the Nomad agent
   210    to be configured to allow privileged containers.
   211    See below for more details.
   213  * `port_map` - (Optional) A key-value map of port labels (see below).
   215  * `security_opt` - (Optional) A list of string flags to pass directly to
   216    [`--security-opt`](
   217    For example:
   220      ```hcl
   221      config {
   222        security_opt = [
   223          "credentialspec=file://gmsaUser.json",
   224        ]
   225      }
   226      ```
   228  * `shm_size` - (Optional) The size (bytes) of /dev/shm for the container.
   230  * `SSL` - (Optional) If this is set to true, Nomad uses SSL to talk to the
   231    repository. The default value is `true`. **Deprecated as of 0.5.3**
   233  * `tty` - (Optional) `true` or `false` (default). Allocate a pseudo-TTY for the
   234    container.
   236  * `uts_mode` - (Optional) `host` or not set (default). Set to `host` to share
   237    the UTS namespace with the host. Note that this also requires the Nomad agent
   238    to be configured to allow privileged containers.
   240  * `userns_mode` - (Optional) `host` or not set (default). Set to `host` to use
   241    the host's user namespace when user namespace remapping is enabled on the
   242    docker daemon.
   244  * `volumes` - (Optional) A list of `host_path:container_path` strings to bind
   245    host paths to container paths. Mounting host paths outside of the allocation
   246    directory can be disabled on clients by setting the `docker.volumes.enabled`
   247    option set to false. This will limit volumes to directories that exist inside
   248    the allocation directory.
   250      ```hcl
   251      config {
   252        volumes = [
   253          # Use absolute paths to mount arbitrary paths on the host
   254          "/path/on/host:/path/in/container",
   256          # Use relative paths to rebind paths already in the allocation dir
   257          "relative/to/task:/also/in/container"
   258        ]
   259      }
   260      ```
   262  * `volume_driver` - (Optional) The name of the volume driver used to mount
   263    volumes. Must be used along with `volumes`.
   264    Using a `volume_driver` also allows to use `volumes` with a named volume as
   265    well as absolute paths. If `docker.volumes.enabled` is false then volume
   266    drivers are disallowed.
   268      ```hcl
   269      config {
   270        volumes = [
   271          # Use named volume created outside nomad.
   272          "name-of-the-volume:/path/in/container"
   273        ]
   274        # Name of the Docker Volume Driver used by the container
   275        volume_driver = "pxd"
   276      }
   277      ```
   279  * `work_dir` - (Optional) The working directory inside the container.
   281  * `mounts` - (Optional) A list of
   282    [mounts](
   283    to be mounted into the container. Only volume type mounts are supported.
   285      ```hcl
   286      config {
   287        mounts = [
   288          {
   289            target = "/path/in/container"
   290            source = "name-of-volume"
   291            readonly = false
   292            volume_options {
   293              no_copy = false
   294              labels {
   295                foo = "bar"
   296              }
   297              driver_config {
   298                name = "pxd"
   299                options = {
   300                  foo = "bar"
   301                }
   302              }
   303            }
   304          }
   305        ]
   306      }
   307      ```
   308  * `devices` - (Optional) A list of
   309    [devices](
   310    to be exposed the container. `host_path` is the only required field. By default, the container will be able to
   311    `read`, `write` and `mknod` these devices. Use the optional `cgroup_permissions` field to restrict permissions.
   313      ```hcl
   314      config {
   315        devices = [
   316          {
   317            host_path = "/dev/sda1"
   318            container_path = "/dev/xvdc"
   319            cgroup_permissions = "r"
   320          },
   321          {
   322            host_path = "/dev/sda2"
   323            container_path = "/dev/xvdd"
   324          }
   325        ]
   326      }
   327      ```
   329  * `cap_add` - (Optional) A list of Linux capabilities as strings to pass directly to
   330    [`--cap-add`](
   331    Effective capabilities (computed from `cap_add` and `cap_drop`) have to match the configured whitelist.
   332    The whitelist can be customized using the `docker.caps.whitelist` key in the client node's configuration.
   333    For example:
   336      ```hcl
   337      config {
   338        cap_add = [
   339          "SYS_TIME",
   340        ]
   341      }
   342      ```
   344  * `cap_drop` - (Optional) A list of Linux capabilities as strings to pass directly to
   345    [`--cap-drop`](
   346    Effective capabilities (computed from `cap_add` and `cap_drop`) have to match the configured whitelist.
   347    The whitelist can be customized using the `docker.caps.whitelist` key in the client node's configuration.
   348    For example:
   351      ```hcl
   352      config {
   353        cap_drop = [
   354          "MKNOD",
   355        ]
   356      }
   357      ```
   359  * `cpu_hard_limit` - (Optional) `true` or `false` (default). Use hard CPU
   360    limiting instead of soft limiting. By default this is `false` which means
   361    soft limiting is used and containers are able to burst above their CPU limit
   362    when there is idle capacity.
   364  * `advertise_ipv6_address` - (Optional) `true` or `false` (default). Use the container's 
   365     IPv6 address (GlobalIPv6Address in Docker) when registering services and checks.
   366     See [IPv6 Docker containers](/docs/job-specification/service.html#IPv6 Docker containers) for details.
   368  * `readonly_rootfs` - (Optional) `true` or `false` (default). Mount
   369    the container's filesystem as read only.
   371  ### Container Name
   373  Nomad creates a container after pulling an image. Containers are named
   374  `{taskName}-{allocId}`. This is necessary in order to place more than one
   375  container from the same task on a host (e.g. with count > 1). This also means
   376  that each container's name is unique across the cluster.
   378  This is not configurable.
   380  ### Authentication
   382  If you want to pull from a private repo (for example on dockerhub or,
   383  you will need to specify credentials in your job via:
   385   * the `auth` option in the task config.
   387   * by storing explicit repository credentials or by specifying Docker
   388     `credHelpers` in a file and setting the [docker.auth.config](#auth_file)
   389     value on the client.
   391   * by specifying a [docker.auth.helper](#auth_helper) on the client
   393  The `auth` object supports the following keys:
   395  * `username` - (Optional) The account username.
   397  * `password` - (Optional) The account password.
   399  * `email` - (Optional) The account email.
   401  * `server_address` - (Optional) The server domain/IP without the protocol.
   402    Docker Hub is used by default.
   404  Example task-config:
   406  ```hcl
   407  task "example" {
   408    driver = "docker"
   410    config {
   411      image = "secret/service"
   413      auth {
   414        username = "dockerhub_user"
   415        password = "dockerhub_password"
   416      }
   417    }
   418  }
   419  ```
   421  Example docker-config, using two helper scripts in $PATH,
   422  "docker-credential-ecr" and "docker-credential-vault":
   424  ```json
   425  {
   426    "auths": {
   427      "internal.repo": { "auth": "`echo -n '<username>:<password>' | base64 -w0`" }
   428    },
   429    "credHelpers": {
   430        "<XYZ>.dkr.ecr.<region>": "ecr-login"
   431    },
   432    "credsStore": "secretservice"
   433  }
   434  ```
   436  Example agent configuration, using a helper script "docker-credential-ecr" in
   437  $PATH
   439  ```hcl
   440  client {
   441    enabled = true
   442    options {
   443      "docker.auth.helper" = "ecr"
   444    }
   445  }
   446  ```
   447  !> **Be Careful!** At this time these credentials are stored in Nomad in plain
   448  text. Secrets management will be added in a later release.
   450  ## Networking
   452  Docker supports a variety of networking configurations, including using host
   453  interfaces, SDNs, etc. Nomad uses `bridged` networking by default, like Docker.
   455  You can specify other networking options, including custom networking plugins
   456  in Docker 1.9. **You may need to perform additional configuration on the host
   457  in order to make these work.** This additional configuration is outside the
   458  scope of Nomad.
   460  ### Allocating Ports
   462  You can allocate ports to your task using the port syntax described on the
   463  [networking page](/docs/job-specification/network.html). Here is a recap:
   465  ```hcl
   466  task "example" {
   467    driver = "docker"
   469    resources {
   470      network {
   471        port "http" {}
   472        port "https" {}
   473      }
   474    }
   475  }
   476  ```
   478  ### Forwarding and Exposing Ports
   480  A Docker container typically specifies which port a service will listen on by
   481  specifying the `EXPOSE` directive in the `Dockerfile`.
   483  Because dynamic ports will not match the ports exposed in your Dockerfile,
   484  Nomad will automatically expose all of the ports it allocates to your
   485  container.
   487  These ports will be identified via environment variables. For example:
   489  ```hcl
   490  port "http" {}
   491  ```
   493  If Nomad allocates port `23332` to your task for `http`, `23332` will be
   494  automatically exposed and forwarded to your container, and the driver will set
   495  an environment variable `NOMAD_PORT_http` with the value `23332` that you can
   496  read inside your container.
   498  This provides an easy way to use the `host` networking option for better
   499  performance.
   501  ### Using the Port Map
   503  If you prefer to use the traditional port-mapping method, you can specify the
   504  `port_map` option in your job specification. It looks like this:
   506  ```hcl
   507  task "example" {
   508    driver = "docker"
   510    config {
   511      image = "redis"
   513      port_map {
   514        redis = 6379
   515      }
   516    }
   518    resources {
   519      network {
   520        mbits = 20
   521        port "redis" {}
   522      }
   523    }
   524  }
   525  ```
   527  If Nomad allocates port `23332` to your task, the Docker driver will
   528  automatically setup the port mapping from `23332` on the host to `6379` in your
   529  container, so it will just work!
   531  Note that by default this only works with `bridged` networking mode. It may
   532  also work with custom networking plugins which implement the same API for
   533  expose and port forwarding.
   535  ### Advertising Container IPs
   537  *New in Nomad 0.6.*
   539  When using network plugins like `weave` that assign containers a routable IP
   540  address, that address will automatically be used in any `service`
   541  advertisements for the task. You may override what address is advertised by
   542  using the `address_mode` parameter on a `service`. See
   543  [service](/docs/job-specification/service.html) for details.
   545  ### Networking Protocols
   547  The Docker driver configures ports on both the `tcp` and `udp` protocols.
   549  This is not configurable.
   551  ### Other Networking Modes
   553  Some networking modes like `container` or `none` will require coordination
   554  outside of Nomad. First-class support for these options may be improved later
   555  through Nomad plugins or dynamic job configuration.
   557  ## Client Requirements
   559  Nomad requires Docker to be installed and running on the host alongside the
   560  Nomad agent. Nomad was developed against Docker `1.8.2` and `1.9`.
   562  By default Nomad communicates with the Docker daemon using the daemon's Unix
   563  socket. Nomad will need to be able to read/write to this socket. If you do not
   564  run Nomad as root, make sure you add the Nomad user to the Docker group so
   565  Nomad can communicate with the Docker daemon.
   567  For example, on Ubuntu you can use the `usermod` command to add the `vagrant`
   568  user to the `docker` group so you can run Nomad without root:
   570      sudo usermod -G docker -a vagrant
   572  For the best performance and security features you should use recent versions
   573  of the Linux Kernel and Docker daemon.
   575  ## Client Configuration
   577  The `docker` driver has the following [client configuration
   578  options](/docs/agent/configuration/client.html#options):
   580  * `docker.endpoint` - If using a non-standard socket, HTTP or another location,
   581    or if TLS is being used, `docker.endpoint` must be set. If unset, Nomad will
   582    attempt to instantiate a Docker client using the `DOCKER_HOST` environment
   583    variable and then fall back to the default listen address for the given
   584    operating system. Defaults to `unix:///var/run/docker.sock` on Unix platforms
   585    and `npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine` for Windows.
   587  * `docker.auth.config` <a id="auth_file"></a>- Allows an operator to specify a
   588    JSON file which is in the dockercfg format containing authentication
   589    information for a private registry, from either (in order) `auths`,
   590    `credHelpers` or `credsStore`.
   592  * `docker.auth.helper` <a id="auth_helper"></a>- Allows an operator to specify
   593    a [credsStore](
   594    -like script on $PATH to lookup authentication information from external
   595    sources. The script's name must begin with `docker-credential-` and this
   596    option should include only the basename of the script, not the path.
   598  * `docker.tls.cert` - Path to the server's certificate file (`.pem`). Specify
   599    this along with `docker.tls.key` and `` to use a TLS client to
   600    connect to the docker daemon. `docker.endpoint` must also be specified or
   601    this setting will be ignored.
   603  * `docker.tls.key` - Path to the client's private key (`.pem`). Specify this
   604    along with `docker.tls.cert` and `` to use a TLS client to
   605    connect to the docker daemon. `docker.endpoint` must also be specified or
   606    this setting will be ignored.
   608  * `` - Path to the server's CA file (`.pem`). Specify this along
   609    with `docker.tls.cert` and `docker.tls.key` to use a TLS client to connect to
   610    the docker daemon. `docker.endpoint` must also be specified or this setting
   611    will be ignored.
   613  * `docker.cleanup.image` Defaults to `true`. Changing this to `false` will
   614    prevent Nomad from removing images from stopped tasks.
   616  * `docker.cleanup.image.delay` A time duration, as [defined
   617    here](, that defaults to `3m`. The
   618    delay controls how long Nomad will wait between an image being unused and
   619    deleting it. If a tasks is received that uses the same image within the delay,
   620    the image will be reused.
   622  * `docker.volumes.enabled`: Defaults to `true`. Allows tasks to bind host paths
   623    (`volumes`) inside their container and use volume drivers (`volume_driver`).
   624    Binding relative paths is always allowed and will be resolved relative to the
   625    allocation's directory.
   627  * `docker.volumes.selinuxlabel`: Allows the operator to set a SELinux
   628    label to the allocation and task local bind-mounts to containers. If used
   629    with `docker.volumes.enabled` set to false, the labels will still be applied
   630    to the standard binds in the container.
   632  * `docker.privileged.enabled` Defaults to `false`. Changing this to `true` will
   633    allow containers to use `privileged` mode, which gives the containers full
   634    access to the host's devices. Note that you must set a similar setting on the
   635    Docker daemon for this to work.
   637  * `docker.caps.whitelist`: A list of allowed Linux capabilities. Defaults to
   639    which is the list of capabilities allowed by docker by default, as 
   640    [defined here](
   641    Allows the operator to control which capabilities can be obtained by 
   642    tasks using `cap_add` and `cap_drop` options. Supports the value `"ALL"` as a 
   643    shortcut for whitelisting all capabilities.
   645  Note: When testing or using the `-dev` flag you can use `DOCKER_HOST`,
   646  `DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY`, and `DOCKER_CERT_PATH` to customize Nomad's behavior. If
   647  `docker.endpoint` is set Nomad will **only** read client configuration from the
   648  config file.
   650  An example is given below:
   652  ```hcl
   653  client {
   654    options {
   655      "docker.cleanup.image" = "false"
   656    }
   657  }
   658  ```
   660  ## Client Attributes
   662  The `docker` driver will set the following client attributes:
   664  * `driver.docker` - This will be set to "1", indicating the driver is
   665    available.
   666  * `driver.docker.bridge_ip` - The IP of the Docker bridge network if one
   667    exists.
   668  * `driver.docker.version` - This will be set to version of the docker server.
   670  Here is an example of using these properties in a job file:
   672  ```hcl
   673  job "docs" {
   674    # Require docker version higher than 1.2.
   675    constraint {
   676      attribute = "${driver.docker.version}"
   677      operator  = ">"
   678      version   = "1.2"
   679    }
   680  }
   681  ```
   683  ## Resource Isolation
   685  ### CPU
   687  Nomad limits containers' CPU based on CPU shares. CPU shares allow containers
   688  to burst past their CPU limits. CPU limits will only be imposed when there is
   689  contention for resources. When the host is under load your process may be
   690  throttled to stabilize QoS depending on how many shares it has. You can see how
   691  many CPU shares are available to your process by reading `NOMAD_CPU_LIMIT`.
   692  1000 shares are approximately equal to 1 GHz.
   694  Please keep the implications of CPU shares in mind when you load test workloads
   695  on Nomad.
   697  ### Memory
   699  Nomad limits containers' memory usage based on total virtual memory. This means
   700  that containers scheduled by Nomad cannot use swap. This is to ensure that a
   701  swappy process does not degrade performance for other workloads on the same
   702  host.
   704  Since memory is not an elastic resource, you will need to make sure your
   705  container does not exceed the amount of memory allocated to it, or it will be
   706  terminated or crash when it tries to malloc. A process can inspect its memory
   707  limit by reading `NOMAD_MEMORY_LIMIT`, but will need to track its own memory
   708  usage. Memory limit is expressed in megabytes so 1024 = 1 GB.
   710  ### IO
   712  Nomad's Docker integration does not currently provide QoS around network or
   713  filesystem IO. These will be added in a later release.
   715  ### Security
   717  Docker provides resource isolation by way of
   718  [cgroups and namespaces](
   719  Containers essentially have a virtual file system all to themselves. If you
   720  need a higher degree of isolation between processes for security or other
   721  reasons, it is recommended to use full virtualization like
   722  [QEMU](/docs/drivers/qemu.html).
   724  ## Docker for Mac Caveats
   726  Docker for Mac runs Docker inside a small VM and then allows access to parts of
   727  the host filesystem into that VM. At present, nomad uses a syslog server bound to
   728  a Unix socket within a path that both the host and the VM can access to forward
   729  log messages back to nomad. But at present, Docker For Mac does not work for
   730  Unix domain sockets ( in one of
   731  these shared paths.
   733  As a result, using nomad with the docker driver on OS X/macOS will work, but no
   734  logs will be available to nomad. Users must use the native docker facilities to
   735  examine the logs of any jobs running under docker.
   737  In the future, we will resolve this issue, one way or another.
   739  ## Docker for Windows Caveats
   741  Docker for Windows only supports running Windows containers. Because Docker for
   742  Windows is relatively new and rapidly evolving you may want to consult the
   743  [list of relevant issues on GitHub][WinIssues].
   745  [WinIssues]: