
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "constraint Stanza - Job Specification"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-job-specification-constraint"
     5  description: |-
     6    The "constraint" stanza allows restricting the set of eligible nodes.
     7    Constraints may filter on attributes or metadata. Additionally constraints may
     8    be specified at the job, group, or task levels for ultimate flexibility.
     9  ---
    11  # `constraint` Stanza
    13  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
    14    <tr>
    15      <th width="120">Placement</th>
    16      <td>
    17        <code>job -> **constraint**</code>
    18        <br>
    19        <code>job -> group -> **constraint**</code>
    20        <br>
    21        <code>job -> group -> task -> **constraint**</code>
    22      </td>
    23    </tr>
    24  </table>
    26  The `constraint` allows restricting the set of eligible nodes. Constraints may
    27  filter on [attributes][interpolation] or [client metadata][client-meta].
    28  Additionally constraints may be specified at the [job][job], [group][group], or
    29  [task][task] levels for ultimate flexibility.
    31  ```hcl
    32  job "docs" {
    33    # All tasks in this job must run on linux.
    34    constraint {
    35      attribute = "${}"
    36      value     = "linux"
    37    }
    39    group "example" {
    40      # All groups in this job should be scheduled on different hosts.
    41      constraint {
    42        operator  = "distinct_hosts"
    43        value     = "true"
    44      }
    46      task "server" {
    47        # All tasks must run where "my_custom_value" is greater than 3.
    48        constraint {
    49          attribute = "${meta.my_custom_value}"
    50          operator  = ">"
    51          value     = "3"
    52        }
    53      }
    54    }
    55  }
    56  ```
    58  Placing constraints at both the job level and at the group level is redundant
    59  since constraints are applied hierarchically. The job constraints will affect
    60  all groups (and tasks) in the job.
    62  ## `constraint` Parameters
    64  - `attribute` `(string: "")` - Specifies the name or reference of the attribute
    65    to examine for the constraint. This can be any of the [Nomad interpolated
    66    values](/docs/runtime/interpolation.html#interpreted_node_vars).
    68  - `operator` `(string: "=")` - Specifies the comparison operator. The ordering is
    69    compared lexically. Possible values include:
    71      ```text
    72      =
    73      !=
    74      >
    75      >=
    76      <
    77      <=
    78      distinct_hosts
    79      distinct_property
    80      regexp
    81      set_contains
    82      version
    83      ```
    85      For a detailed explanation of these values and their behavior, please see
    86      the [operator values section](#operator-values).
    88  - `value` `(string: "")` - Specifies the value to compare the attribute against
    89    using the specified operation. This can be a literal value, another attribute,
    90    or any [Nomad interpolated
    91    values](/docs/runtime/interpolation.html#interpreted_node_vars).
    93  ### `operator` Values
    95  This section details the specific values for the "operator" parameter in the
    96  Nomad job specification for constraints. The operator is always specified as a
    97  string, but the string can take on different values which change the behavior of
    98  the overall constraint evaluation.
   100  ```hcl
   101  constraint {
   102    operator = "..."
   103  }
   104  ```
   106  - `"distinct_hosts"` - Instructs the scheduler to not co-locate any groups on
   107    the same machine. When specified as a job constraint, it applies to all groups
   108    in the job. When specified as a group constraint, the effect is constrained to
   109    that group. This constraint can not be specified at the task level. Note that
   110    the `attribute` parameter should be omitted when using this constraint.
   112      ```hcl
   113      constraint {
   114        operator  = "distinct_hosts"
   115        value     = "true"
   116      }
   117      ```
   119      The constraint may also be specified as follows for a more compact
   120      representation:
   122      ```hcl
   123      constraint {
   124          distinct_hosts = true
   125      }
   126      ```
   128  - `"distinct_property"` - Instructs the scheduler to select nodes that have a
   129    distinct value of the specified property. The `value` parameter specifies how
   130    many allocations are allowed to share the value of a property. The `value`
   131    must be 1 or greater and if omitted, defaults to 1.  When specified as a job
   132    constraint, it applies to all groups in the job. When specified as a group
   133    constraint, the effect is constrained to that group. This constraint can not
   134    be specified at the task level. 
   136      ```hcl
   137      constraint {
   138        operator  = "distinct_property"
   139        attribute = "${meta.rack}"
   140        value     = "3"
   141      }
   142      ```
   144      The constraint may also be specified as follows for a more compact
   145      representation:
   147      ```hcl
   148      constraint {
   149        distinct_property = "${meta.rack}"
   150        value     = "3"
   151      }
   152      ```
   154  - `"regexp"` - Specifies a regular expression constraint against the attribute.
   155    The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the same general syntax used
   156    by Perl, Python, and many other languages. More precisely, it is the syntax
   157    accepted by RE2 and described at in the [Google RE2
   158    syntax](
   160      ```hcl
   161      constraint {
   162        attribute = "..."
   163        operator  = "regexp"
   164        value     = "[a-z0-9]"
   165      }
   166      ```
   168  - `"set_contains"` - Specifies a contains constraint against the attribute. The
   169    attribute and the list being checked are split using commas. This will check
   170    that the given attribute contains **all** of the specified elements.
   172      ```hcl
   173      constraint {
   174        attribute = "..."
   175        operator  = "set_contains"
   176        value     = "a,b,c"
   177      }
   178      ```
   180  - `"version"` - Specifies a version constraint against the attribute. This
   181    supports a comma-separated list of constraints, including the pessimistic
   182    operator. For more examples please see the [go-version
   183    repository]( for more specific
   184    examples.
   186      ```hcl
   187      constraint {
   188        attribute = "..."
   189        operator  = "version"
   190        value     = ">= 0.1.0, < 0.2"
   191      }
   192      ```
   194  ## `constraint` Examples
   196  The following examples only show the `constraint` stanzas. Remember that the
   197  `constraint` stanza is only valid in the placements listed above.
   199  ### Kernel Data
   201  This example restricts the task to running on nodes which have a kernel version
   202  higher than "3.19".
   204  ```hcl
   205  constraint {
   206    attribute = "${attr.kernel.version}"
   207    operator  = "version"
   208    value     = "> 3.19"
   209  }
   210  ```
   212  ### Distinct Property
   214  A potential use case of the `distinct_property` constraint is to spread a
   215  service with `count > 1` across racks to minimize correlated failure. Nodes can
   216  be annotated with which rack they are on using [client
   217  metadata][client-metadata] with values such as "rack-12-1", "rack-12-2", etc.
   218  The following constraint would assure that an individual rack is not running
   219  more than 2 instances of the task group.
   221  ```hcl
   222  constraint {
   223    distinct_property = "${meta.rack}"
   224    value = "2"
   225  }
   226  ```
   228  ### Operating Systems
   230  This example restricts the task to running on nodes that are running Ubuntu
   231  14.04
   233  ```hcl
   234  constraint {
   235    attribute = "${}"
   236    value     = "ubuntu"
   237  }
   239  constraint {
   240    attribute = "${attr.os.version}"
   241    value     = "14.04"
   242  }
   243  ```
   245  ### Cloud Metadata
   247  When possible, Nomad populates node attributes from the cloud environment. These
   248  values are accessible as filters in constraints. This example constrains this
   249  task to only run on nodes that are memory-optimized on AWS.
   251  ```hcl
   252  constraint {
   253    attribute = "${}"
   254    value     = "m4.xlarge"
   255  }
   256  ```
   258  ### User-Specified Metadata
   260  This example restricts the task to running on nodes where the binaries for
   261  redis, cypress, and nginx are all cached locally. This particular example is
   262  utilizing node [metadata][meta].
   264  ```hcl
   265  constraint {
   266    attribute    = "${meta.cached_binaries}"
   267    set_contains = "redis,cypress,nginx"
   268  }
   269  ```
   271  [job]: /docs/job-specification/job.html "Nomad job Job Specification"
   272  [group]: /docs/job-specification/group.html "Nomad group Job Specification"
   273  [client-meta]: /docs/agent/configuration/client.html#meta "Nomad meta Job Specification"
   274  [task]: /docs/job-specification/task.html "Nomad task Job Specification"
   275  [interpolation]: /docs/runtime/interpolation.html "Nomad interpolation"