
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Upgrade Guides"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-upgrade-specific"
     5  description: |-
     6    Specific versions of Nomad may have additional information about the upgrade
     7    process beyond the standard flow.
     8  ---
    10  # Upgrading Specific Versions
    12  The [upgrading page](/docs/upgrade/index.html) covers the details of doing
    13  a standard upgrade. However, specific versions of Nomad may have more
    14  details provided for their upgrades as a result of new features or changed
    15  behavior. This page is used to document those details separately from the
    16  standard upgrade flow.
    18  ## Nomad 0.8.0
    20  ### Raft Protocol Version Compatibility
    22  When upgrading to Nomad 0.8.0 from a version lower than 0.7.0, users will need
    23  to set the
    24  [`raft_protocol`](/docs/agent/configuration/server.html#raft_protocol) option
    25  in their `server` stanza to 1 in order to maintain backwards compatibility with
    26  the old servers during the upgrade.  After the servers have been migrated to
    27  version 0.8.0, `raft_protocol` can be moved up to 2 and the servers restarted
    28  to match the default.
    30  The Raft protocol must be stepped up in this way; only adjacent version numbers are
    31  compatible (for example, version 1 cannot talk to version 3). Here is a table of the
    32  Raft Protocol versions supported by each Consul version:
    34  <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
    35    <tr>
    36      <th>Version</th>
    37      <th>Supported Raft Protocols</th>
    38    </tr>
    39    <tr>
    40      <td>0.6 and earlier</td>
    41      <td>0</td>
    42    </tr>
    43    <tr>
    44      <td>0.7</td>
    45      <td>1</td>
    46    </tr>
    47    <tr>
    48      <td>0.8</td>
    49      <td>1, 2, 3</td>
    50    </tr>
    51  </table>
    53  In order to enable all [Autopilot](/guides/cluster/autopilot.html) features, all servers
    54  in a Nomad cluster must be running with Raft protocol version 3 or later.
    56  ### Node Draining Improvements
    58  Node draining via the [`node drain`][drain-cli] command or the [drain
    59  API][drain-api] has been substantially changed in Nomad 0.8. In Nomad 0.7.1 and
    60  earlier draining a node would immediately stop all allocations on the node
    61  being drained. Nomad 0.8 now supports a [`migrate`][migrate] stanza in job
    62  specifications to control how many allocations may be migrated at once and the
    63  default will be used for existing jobs.
    65  The `drain` command now blocks until the drain completes. To get the Nomad
    66  0.7.1 and earlier drain behavior use the command: `nomad node drain -enable
    67  -force -detach <node-id>`
    69  See the [`migrate` stanza documentation][migrate] and [Decommissioning Nodes
    70  guide](/guides/node-draining.html) for details.
    72  ### Periods in Environment Variable Names No Longer Escaped
    74  *Applications which expect periods in environment variable names to be replaced
    75  with underscores must be updated.*
    77  In Nomad 0.7 periods (`.`) in environment variables names were replaced with an
    78  underscore in both the [`env`](/docs/job-specification/env.html) and
    79  [`template`](/docs/job-specification/template.html) stanzas.
    81  In Nomad 0.8 periods are *not* replaced and will be included in environment
    82  variables verbatim.
    84  For example the following stanza:
    86  ```text
    87  env {
    88    registry.consul.addr = "${NOMAD_IP_http}:8500"
    89  }
    90  ```
    92  In Nomad 0.7 would be exposed to the task as
    93  `registry_consul_addr=`. In Nomad 0.8 it will now appear exactly
    94  as specified: `registry.consul.addr=`.
    96  ### Client APIs Unavailable on Older Nodes
    98  Because Nomad 0.8 uses a new RPC mechanism to route node-specific APIs like
    99  [`nomad alloc fs`](/docs/commands/alloc/fs.html) through servers to the node,
   100  0.8 CLIs are incompatible using these commands on clients older than 0.8.
   102  To access these commands on older clients either continue to use a pre-0.8
   103  version of the CLI, or upgrade all clients to 0.8.
   105  ### CLI Command Changes
   107  Nomad 0.8 has changed the organization of CLI commands to be based on
   108  subcommands. An example of this change is the change from `nomad alloc-status`
   109  to `nomad alloc status`. All commands have been made to be backwards compatible,
   110  but operators should update any usage of the old style commands to the new style
   111  as the old style will be deprecated in future versions of Nomad.
   113  ### RPC Advertise Address
   115  The behavior of the [advertised RPC
   116  address](/docs/agent/configuration/index.html#rpc-1) has changed to be only used
   117  to advertise the RPC address of servers to client nodes. Server to server
   118  communication is done using the advertised Serf address. Existing cluster's
   119  should not be effected but the advertised RPC address may need to be updated to
   120  allow connecting client's over a NAT.
   123  ## Nomad 0.6.0
   125  ### Default `advertise` address changes
   127  When no `advertise` address was specified and Nomad's `bind_addr` was loopback
   128  or ``, Nomad attempted to resolve the local hostname to use as an
   129  advertise address.
   131  Many hosts cannot properly resolve their hostname, so Nomad 0.6 defaults
   132  `advertise` to the first private IP on the host (e.g. ``).
   134  If you manually configure `advertise` addresses no changes are necessary.
   136  ## Nomad Clients
   138  The change to the default, advertised IP also effect clients that do not specify
   139  which network_interface to use. If you have several routable IPs, it is advised
   140  to configure the client's [network
   141  interface](
   142  such that tasks bind to the correct address.
   144  ## Nomad 0.5.5
   146  ### Docker `load` changes
   148  Nomad 0.5.5 has a backward incompatible change in the `docker` driver's
   149  configuration. Prior to 0.5.5 the `load` configuration option accepted a list
   150  images to load, in 0.5.5 it has been changed to a single string. No
   151  functionality was changed. Even if more than one item was specified prior to
   152  0.5.5 only the first item was used.
   154  To do a zero-downtime deploy with jobs that use the `load` option:
   156  * Upgrade servers to version 0.5.5 or later.
   158  * Deploy new client nodes on the same version as the servers.
   160  * Resubmit jobs with the `load` option fixed and a constraint to only run on
   161    version 0.5.5 or later:
   163  ```hcl
   164      constraint {
   165        attribute = "${attr.nomad.version}"
   166        operator  = "version"
   167        value     = ">= 0.5.5"
   168      }
   169  ```
   171  * Drain and shutdown old client nodes.
   173  ### Validation changes
   175  Due to internal job serialization and validation changes you may run into
   176  issues using 0.5.5 command line tools such as `nomad run` and `nomad validate`
   177  with 0.5.4 or earlier agents.
   179  It is recommended you upgrade agents before or alongside your command line
   180  tools.
   182  ## Nomad 0.4.0
   184  Nomad 0.4.0 has backward incompatible changes in the logic for Consul
   185  deregistration.  When a Task which was started by Nomad v0.3.x is uncleanly shut
   186  down, the Nomad 0.4 Client will no longer clean up any stale services.  If an
   187  in-place upgrade of the Nomad client to 0.4 prevents the Task from gracefully
   188  shutting down and deregistering its Consul-registered services, the Nomad Client
   189  will not clean up the remaining Consul services registered with the 0.3
   190  Executor.
   192  We recommend draining a node before upgrading to 0.4.0 and then re-enabling the
   193  node once the upgrade is complete.
   196  ## Nomad 0.3.1
   198  Nomad 0.3.1 removes artifact downloading from driver configurations and places them as
   199  a first class element of the task. As such, jobs will have to be rewritten in
   200  the proper format and resubmitted to Nomad. Nomad clients will properly
   201  re-attach to existing tasks but job definitions must be updated before they can
   202  be dispatched to clients running 0.3.1.
   204  ## Nomad 0.3.0
   206  Nomad 0.3.0 has made several substantial changes to job files included a new
   207  `log` block and variable interpretation syntax (`${var}`), a modified `restart`
   208  policy syntax, and minimum resources for tasks as well as validation. These
   209  changes require a slight change to the default upgrade flow.
   211  After upgrading the version of the servers, all previously submitted jobs must
   212  be resubmitted with the updated job syntax using a Nomad 0.3.0 binary.
   214  * All instances of `$var` must be converted to the new syntax of `${var}`
   216  * All tasks must provide their required resources for CPU, memory and disk as
   217    well as required network usage if ports are required by the task.
   219  * Restart policies must be updated to indicate whether it is desired for the
   220    task to restart on failure or to fail using `mode = "delay"` or `mode =
   221    "fail"` respectively.
   223  * Service names that include periods will fail validation. To fix, remove any
   224    periods from the service name before running the job.
   226  After updating the Servers and job files, Nomad Clients can be upgraded by first
   227  draining the node so no tasks are running on it. This can be verified by running
   228  `nomad node status <node-id>` and verify there are no tasks in the `running`
   229  state. Once that is done the client can be killed, the `data_dir` should be
   230  deleted and then Nomad 0.3.0 can be launched.
   232  [drain-api]: /api/nodes.html#drain-node
   233  [drain-cli]: /docs/commands/node/drain.html
   234  [migrate]: /docs/job-specification/migrate.html