
     1  ---
     2  layout: "guides"
     3  page_title: "ACLs"
     4  sidebar_current: "guides-acl"
     5  description: |-
     6    Nomad provides an optional Access Control List (ACL) system which can be used to control
     7    access to data and APIs. The ACL is Capability-based, relying on tokens which are
     8    associated with policies to determine which fine grained rules can be applied.
     9  ---
    11  # ACL System
    13  Nomad provides an optional Access Control List (ACL) system which can be used to control access to data and APIs. The ACL is [Capability-based](, relying on tokens which are associated with policies to determine which fine grained rules can be applied. Nomad's capability based ACL system is very similar to the design of [AWS IAM](
    15  # ACL System Overview
    17  The ACL system is designed to be easy to use and fast to enforce while providing administrative insight. At the highest level, there are three major components to the ACL system:
    19  ![ACL Overview](/assets/images/acl.jpg)
    21   * **ACL Policies**. No permissions are granted by default, making Nomad a default-deny or whitelist system. Policies allow a set of capabilities or actions to be granted or whitelisted. For example, a "readonly" policy might only grant the ability to list and inspect running jobs, but not to submit new ones.
    23   * **ACL Tokens**. Requests to Nomad are authenticated by using bearer token. Each ACL token has a public Accessor ID which is used to name a token, and a Secret ID which is used to make requests to Nomad. The Secret ID is provided using a request header (`X-Nomad-Token`) and is used to authenticate the caller. Tokens are either `management` or `client` types. The `management` tokens are effectively "root" in the system, and can perform any operation. The `client` tokens are associated with one or more ACL policies which grant specific capabilities.
    25   * **Capabilities**. Capabilities are the set of actions that can be performed. This includes listing jobs, submitting jobs, querying nodes, etc. A `management` token is granted all capabilities, while `client` tokens are granted specific capabilities via ACL Policies. The full set of capabilities is discussed below in the rule specifications.
    27  ### ACL Policies
    29  An ACL policy is a named set of rules. Each policy must have a unique name, an optional description, and a rule set.
    30  A client ACL token can be associated with multiple policies, and a request is allowed if _any_ of the associated policies grant the capability.
    31  Management tokens cannot be associated with policies because they are granted all capabilities.
    33  The special `anonymous` policy can be defined to grant capabilities to requests which are made anonymously. An anonymous request is a request made to Nomad without the `X-Nomad-Token` header specified. This can be used to allow anonymous users to list jobs and view their status, while requiring authenticated requests to submit new jobs or modify existing jobs. By default, there is no `anonymous` policy set meaning all anonymous requests are denied.
    35  ### ACL Tokens
    37  ACL tokens are used to authenticate requests and determine if the caller is authorized to perform an action. Each ACL token has a public Accessor ID which is used to identify the token, a Secret ID which is used to make requests to Nomad, and an optional human readable name. All `client` type tokens are associated with one or more policies, and can perform an action if any associated policy allows it. Tokens can be associated with policies which do not exist, which are the equivalent of granting no capabilities. The `management` type tokens cannot be associated with policies, but can perform any action.
    39  When ACL tokens are created, they can be optionally marked as `Global`. This causes them to be created in the authoritative region and replicated to all other regions. Otherwise, tokens are created locally in the region the request was made and not replicated. Local tokens cannot be used for cross-region requests since they are not replicated between regions.
    41  ### Capabilities and Scope
    43  The following table summarizes the ACL Rules that are available for constructing policy rules:
    45  | Policy     | Scope                                        |
    46  | ---------- | -------------------------------------------- |
    47  | [namespace](#namespace-rules) | Job related operations by namespace          |
    48  | [agent](#agent-rules) | Utility operations in the Agent API          |
    49  | [node](#node-rules) | Node-level catalog operations                |
    50  | [operator](#operator-rules) | Cluster-level operations in the Operator API |
    51  | [quota](#quota-rules) | Quota specification related operations |
    53  Constructing rules from these policies is covered in detail in the Rule Specification section below.
    55  ### Multi-Region Configuration
    57  Nomad supports multi-datacenter and multi-region configurations. A single region is able to service multiple datacenters, and all servers in a region replicate their state between each other. In a multi-region configuration, there is a set of servers per region. Each region operates independently and is loosely coupled to allow jobs to be scheduled in any region and requests to flow transparently to the correct region.
    59  When ACLs are enabled, Nomad depends on an "authoritative region" to act as a single source of truth for ACL policies and global ACL tokens. The authoritative region is configured in the [`server` stanza](/docs/agent/configuration/server.html) of agents, and all regions must share a single authoritative source. Any ACL policies or global ACL tokens are created in the authoritative region first. All other regions replicate ACL policies and global ACL tokens to act as local mirrors. This allows policies to be administered centrally, and for enforcement to be local to each region for low latency.
    61  Global ACL tokens are used to allow cross region requests. Standard ACL tokens are created in a single target region and not replicated. This means if a request takes place between regions, global tokens must be used so that both regions will have the token registered.
    63  # Configuring ACLs
    65  ACLs are not enabled by default, and must be enabled. Clients and Servers need to set `enabled` in the [`acl` stanza](/docs/agent/configuration/acl.html). This enables the [ACL Policy](/api/acl-policies.html) and [ACL Token](/api/acl-tokens.html) APIs, as well as endpoint enforcement.
    67  For multi-region configurations, all servers must be configured to use a single [authoritative region](/docs/agent/configuration/server.html#authoritative_region). The authoritative region is responsible for managing ACL policies and global tokens. Servers in other regions will replicate policies and global tokens to act as a mirror, and must have their [`replication_token`](/docs/agent/configuration/acl.html#replication_token) configured.
    69  # Bootstrapping ACLs
    71  Bootstrapping ACLs on a new cluster requires a few steps, outlined below:
    73  ### Enable ACLs on Nomad Servers
    75  The APIs needed to manage policies and tokens are not enabled until ACLs are enabled. To begin, we need to enable the ACLs on the servers. If a multi-region setup is used, the authoritative region should be enabled first. For each server:
    77  1. Set `enabled = true` in the [`acl` stanza](/docs/agent/configuration/acl.html#enabled).
    78  1. Set `authoritative_region` in the [`server` stanza](/docs/agent/configuration/server.html#authoritative_region).
    79  1. For servers outside the authoritative region, set `replication_token` in the [`acl` stanza](/docs/agent/configuration/acl.html#replication_token). Replication tokens should be `management` type tokens which are either created in the authoritative region, or created as Global tokens.
    80  1. Restart the Nomad server to pick up the new configuration.
    82  Please take care to restart the servers one at a time, and ensure each server has joined and is operating correctly before restarting another.
    84  ### Generate the initial token
    86  Once the ACL system is enabled, we need to generate our initial token. This first token is used to bootstrap the system and care should be taken not to lose it. Once the ACL system is enabled, we use the [Bootstrap CLI](/docs/commands/acl/bootstrap.html):
    88  ```text
    89  $ nomad acl bootstrap
    90  Accessor ID  = 5b7fd453-d3f7-6814-81dc-fcfe6daedea5
    91  Secret ID    = 9184ec35-65d4-9258-61e3-0c066d0a45c5
    92  Name         = Bootstrap Token
    93  Type         = management
    94  Global       = true
    95  Policies     = n/a
    96  Create Time  = 2017-09-11 17:38:10.999089612 +0000 UTC
    97  Create Index = 7
    98  Modify Index = 7
    99  ```
   101  Once the initial bootstrap is performed, it cannot be performed again unless [reset](#reseting-acl-bootstrap). Make sure to save this AccessorID and SecretID.
   102  The bootstrap token is a `management` type token, meaning it can perform any operation. It should be used to setup the ACL policies and create additional ACL tokens. The bootstrap token can be deleted and is like any other token, so care should be taken to not revoke all management tokens.
   104  ### Enable ACLs on Nomad Clients
   106  To enforce client endpoints, we need to enable ACLs on clients as well. This is simpler than servers, and we just need to set `enabled = true` in the [`acl` stanza](/docs/agent/configuration/acl.html). Once configured, we need to restart the client for the change.
   109  ### Set an Anonymous Policy (Optional)
   111  The ACL system uses a whitelist or default-deny model. This means by default no permissions are granted.
   112  For clients making requests without ACL tokens, we may want to grant some basic level of access. This is done by setting rules
   113  on the special "anonymous" policy. This policy is applied to any requests made without a token.
   115  To permit anonymous users to read, we can setup the following policy:
   117  ```text
   118  # Store our token secret ID
   121  # Write out the payload
   122  $ cat > payload.json <<EOF
   123  {
   124      "Name": "anonymous",
   125      "Description": "Allow read-only access for anonymous requests",
   126      "Rules": "
   127          namespace \"default\" {
   128              policy = \"read\"
   129          }
   130          agent {
   131              policy = \"read\"
   132          }
   133          node {
   134              policy = \"read\"
   135          }
   136      "
   137  }
   138  EOF
   140  # Install the policy
   141  $ curl --request POST \
   142      --data @payload.json \
   143      -H "X-Nomad-Token: $NOMAD_TOKEN" \
   144      https://localhost:4646/v1/acl/policy/anonymous
   146  # Verify anonymous request works
   147  $ curl https://localhost:4646/v1/jobs
   148  ```
   150  # Rule Specification
   152  A core part of the ACL system is the rule language which is used to describe the policy that must be enforced.
   153  We make use of the [HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL)]( to specify rules.
   154  This language is human readable and interoperable with JSON making it easy to machine-generate. Policies can contain any number of rules.
   156  Policies typically have several dispositions:
   158  * `read`: allow the resource to be read but not modified
   159  * `write`: allow the resource to be read and modified
   160  * `deny`: do not allow the resource to be read or modified. Deny takes precedence when multiple policies are associated with a token.
   162  Specification in the HCL format looks like:
   164  ```text
   165  # Allow read only access to the default namespace
   166  namespace "default" {
   167      policy = "read"
   168  }
   170  # Allow writing to the `foo` namespace
   171  namespace "foo" {
   172      policy = "write"
   173  }
   175  agent {
   176      policy = "read"
   177  }
   179  node {
   180      policy = "read"
   181  }
   183  quota {
   184      policy = "read"
   185  }
   186  ```
   188  This is equivalent to the following JSON input:
   190  ```json
   191  {
   192      "namespace": {
   193          "default": {
   194              "policy": "read"
   195          },
   196          "foo": {
   197              "policy": "write"
   198          }
   199      },
   200      "agent": {
   201          "policy": "read"
   202      },
   203      "node": {
   204          "policy": "read"
   205      },
   206      "quota": {
   207          "policy": "read"
   208      }
   209  }
   210  ```
   212  The [ACL Policy](/api/acl-policies.html) API allows either HCL or JSON to be used to define the content of the rules section.
   214  ### Namespace Rules
   216  The `namespace` policy controls access to a namespace, including the [Jobs API](/api/jobs.html), [Deployments API](/api/deployments.html), [Allocations API](/api/allocations.html), and [Evaluations API](/api/evaluations.html).
   218  ```
   219  namespace "default" {
   220      policy = "write"
   221  }
   223  namespace "sensitive" {
   224      policy = "read"
   225  }
   226  ```
   228  Namespace rules are keyed by the namespace name they apply to. When no namespace is specified, the "default" namespace is the one used. For example, the above policy grants write access to the default namespace, and read access to the sensitive namespace. In addition to the coarse grained `policy` specification, the `namespace` stanza allows setting a more fine grained list of `capabilities`. This includes:
   230  * `deny` - When multiple policies are associated with a token, deny will take precedence and prevent any capabilities.
   231  * `list-jobs` - Allows listing the jobs and seeing coarse grain status.
   232  * `read-job` - Allows inspecting a job and seeing fine grain status.
   233  * `submit-job` - Allows jobs to be submitted or modified.
   234  * `dispatch-job` - Allows jobs to be dispatched
   235  * `read-logs` - Allows the logs associated with a job to be viewed.
   236  * `read-fs` - Allows the filesystem of allocations associated to be viewed.
   237  * `sentinel-override` - Allows soft mandatory policies to be overridden.
   239  The coarse grained policy dispositions are shorthand for the fine grained capabilities:
   241  * `deny` policy - ["deny"]
   242  * `read` policy - ["list-jobs", "read-job"]
   243  * `write` policy - ["list-jobs", "read-job", "submit-job", "read-logs", "read-fs", "dispatch-job"]
   245  When both the policy short hand and a capabilities list are provided, the capabilities are merged:
   247  ```
   248  # Allow reading jobs and submitting jobs, without allowing access
   249  # to view log output or inspect the filesystem
   250  namespace "default" {
   251      policy = "read"
   252      capabilities = ["submit-job"]
   253  }
   254  ```
   256  ### Node Rules
   258  The `node` policy controls access to the [Node API](/api/nodes.html) such as listing nodes or triggering a node drain.
   259  Node rules are specified for all nodes using the `node` key:
   261  ```
   262  node {
   263      policy = "read"
   264  }
   265  ```
   267  There's only one node policy allowed per rule set, and its value is set to one of the policy dispositions.
   269  ### Agent Rules
   271  The `agent` policy controls access to the utility operations in the [Agent API](/api/agent.html), such as join and leave.
   272  Agent rules are specified for all agents using the `agent` key:
   274  ```
   275  agent {
   276      policy = "write"
   277  }
   278  ```
   280  There's only one agent policy allowed per rule set, and its value is set to one of the policy dispositions.
   283  ### Operator Rules
   285  The `operator` policy controls access to the [Operator API](/api/operator.html). Operator rules look like:
   287  ```
   288  operator {
   289      policy = "read"
   290  }
   291  ```
   293  There's only one operator policy allowed per rule set, and its value is set to one of the policy dispositions. In the example above, the token could be used to query the operator endpoints for diagnostic purposes but not make any changes.
   295  ### Quota Rules
   297  The `quota` policy controls access to the quota specification operations in the [Quota API](/api/quotas.html), such as quota creation and deletion.
   298  Quota rules are specified for all quotas using the `quota` key:
   300  ```
   301  quota {
   302      policy = "write"
   303  }
   304  ```
   306  There's only one quota policy allowed per rule set, and its value is set to one of the policy dispositions.
   308  # Advanced Topics
   310  ### Outages and Multi-Region Replication
   312  The ACL system takes some steps to ensure operation during outages. Clients nodes maintain a limited
   313  cache of ACL tokens and ACL policies that have recently or frequently been used, associated with a time-to-live (TTL).
   315  When the region servers are unavailable, the clients will automatically ignore the cache TTL,
   316  and extend the cache until the outage has recovered. For any policies or tokens that are not cached,
   317  they will be treated as missing and denied access until the outage has been resolved.
   319  Nomad servers have all the policies and tokens locally and can continue serving requests even if
   320  quorum is lost. The tokens and policies may become stale during this period as data is not actively
   321  replicating, but will be automatically fixed when the outage has been resolved.
   323  In a multi-region setup, there is a single authoritative region which is the source of truth for
   324  ACL policies and global ACL tokens. All other regions asynchronously replicate from the authoritative
   325  region. When replication is interrupted, the existing data is used for request processing and may
   326  become stale. When the authoritative region is reachable, replication will resume and repair any
   327  inconsistency.
   329  ### Resetting ACL Bootstrap
   331  If all management tokens are lost, it is possible to reset the ACL bootstrap so that it can be performed again.
   332  First, we need to determine the reset index, this can be done by calling the reset endpoint:
   334  ```
   335  $ nomad acl bootstrap
   337  Error bootstrapping: Unexpected response code: 500 (ACL bootstrap already done (reset index: 7))
   338  ```
   340  Here we can see the `reset index`. To reset the ACL system, we create the
   341  `acl-bootstrap-reset` file in the data directory of the **leader** node:
   343  ```
   344  $ echo 7 >> /nomad-data-dir/server/acl-bootstrap-reset
   345  ```
   347  With the reset key setup, we can bootstrap like normal:
   349  ```
   350  $ nomad acl bootstrap
   351  Accessor ID  = 52d3353d-d7b9-d945-0591-1af608732b76
   352  Secret ID    = 4b0a41ca-6d32-1853-e64b-de0d347e4525
   353  Name         = Bootstrap Token
   354  Type         = management
   355  Global       = true
   356  Policies     = n/a
   357  Create Time  = 2017-09-11 18:38:11.929089612 +0000 UTC
   358  Create Index = 11
   359  Modify Index = 11
   360  ```
   362  If we attempt to bootstrap again, we will get a mismatch on the reset index:
   364  ```
   365  $ nomad acl bootstrap
   367  Error bootstrapping: Unexpected response code: 500 (Invalid bootstrap reset index (specified 7, reset index: 11))
   368  ```
   370  This is because the reset file is in place, but with the incorrect index.
   371  The reset file can be deleted, but Nomad will not reset the bootstrap until the index is corrected.
   373  ## Vault Integration
   374  HashiCorp Vault has a secret backend for generating short-lived Nomad tokens. As Vault has a number of
   375  authentication backends, it could provide a workflow where a user or orchestration system authenticates
   376  using an pre-existing identity service (LDAP, Okta, Amazon IAM, etc.) in order to obtain a short-lived
   377  Nomad token.
   379  ~> HashiCorp Vault is a standalone product with it's own set of deployment and
   380     configuration best practices. Please review [Vault's
   381     documentation]( before deploying it
   382     in production.
   384  For evaluation purposes, a Vault server in "dev" mode can be used.
   386  ```
   387  $ vault server -dev
   388  ==> Vault server configuration:
   390                       Cgo: disabled
   391           Cluster Address:
   392                Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", tls: "disabled")
   393                 Log Level: info
   394                     Mlock: supported: false, enabled: false
   395          Redirect Address:
   396                   Storage: inmem
   397                   Version: Vault v0.8.3
   398               Version Sha: a393b20cb6d96c73e52eb5af776c892b8107a45d
   400  ==> WARNING: Dev mode is enabled!
   402  In this mode, Vault is completely in-memory and unsealed.
   403  Vault is configured to only have a single unseal key. The root
   404  token has already been authenticated with the CLI, so you can
   405  immediately begin using the Vault CLI.
   407  The only step you need to take is to set the following
   408  environment variables:
   410      export VAULT_ADDR=''
   412  The unseal key and root token are reproduced below in case you
   413  want to seal/unseal the Vault or play with authentication.
   415  Unseal Key: YzFfPgnLl9R1f6bLU7tGqi/PIDhDaAV/tlNDMV5Rrq0=
   416  Root Token: f84b587e-5882-bba1-a3f0-d1a3d90ca105
   417  ```
   419  ### Pre-requisites
   420  - Nomad ACL system bootstrapped.
   421  - A management token (the bootstrap token can be used, but for production
   422    systems it's recommended to have a separate token)
   423  - A set of policies created in Nomad
   424  - An unsealed Vault server (Vault running in `dev` mode is unsealed
   425    automatically upon startup)
   426    - Vault must be version 0.9.3 or later to have the Nomad plugin
   428  ### Configuration
   429  Mount the [`nomad`][nomad_backend] secret backend in Vault:
   431  ```
   432  $ vault mount nomad
   433  Successfully mounted 'nomad' at 'nomad'!
   434  ```
   436  Configure access with Nomad's address and management token:
   438  ```
   439  $ vault write nomad/config/access \
   440      address= \
   441      token=adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e
   442  Success! Data written to: nomad/config/access
   443  ```
   445  Vault secret backends have the concept of roles, which are configuration units that group one or more 
   446  Vault policies to a potential identity attribute, (e.g. LDAP Group membership). The name of the role 
   447  is specified on the path, while the mapping to policies is done by naming them in a comma separated list, 
   448  for example:
   450  ```
   451  $ vault write nomad/role/role-name policies=policyone,policytwo
   452  Success! Data written to: nomad/role/role-name
   453  ```
   455  Similarly, to create management tokens, or global tokens:
   457  ```
   458  $ vault write nomad/role/role-name type=management global=true
   459  Success! Data written to: nomad/role/role-name
   460  ```
   462  Create a Vault policy to allow different identities to get tokens associated with a particular
   463  role:
   465  ```
   466  $ echo 'path "nomad/creds/role-name" {
   467    capabilities = ["read"]
   468  }' | vault policy write nomad-user-policy -
   469  Policy 'nomad-user-policy' written.
   470  ```
   472  If you have an existing authentication backend (like LDAP), follow the relevant instructions to create
   473  a role available on the [Authentication backends page](
   474  Otherwise, for testing purposes, a Vault token can be generated associated with the policy:
   476  ```
   477  $ vault token create -policy=nomad-user-policy
   478  Key             Value
   479  ---             -----
   480  token           deedfa83-99b5-34a1-278d-e8fb76809a5b
   481  token_accessor  fd185371-7d80-8011-4f45-1bb3af2c2733
   482  token_duration  768h0m0s
   483  token_renewable true
   484  token_policies  [default nomad-user-policy]
   485  ```
   487  Finally obtain a Nomad Token using the existing Vault Token:
   489  ```
   490  $ vault read nomad/creds/role-name
   491  Key             Value
   492  ---             -----
   493  lease_id        nomad/creds/role-name/6fb22e25-0cd1-b4c9-494e-aba330c317b9
   494  lease_duration  768h0m0s
   495  lease_renewable true
   496  accessor_id     10b8fb49-7024-2126-8683-ab355b581db2
   497  secret_id       8898d19c-e5b3-35e4-649e-4153d63fbea9
   498  ```
   500  Verify that the token is created correctly in Nomad, looking it up by its accessor:
   502  ```
   503  $ nomad acl token info 10b8fb49-7024-2126-8683-ab355b581db2
   504  Accessor ID  = 10b8fb49-7024-2126-8683-ab355b581db2
   505  Secret ID    = 8898d19c-e5b3-35e4-649e-4153d63fbea9
   506  Name         = Vault test root 1507307164169530060
   507  Type         = management
   508  Global       = true
   509  Policies     = n/a
   510  Create Time  = 2017-10-06 16:26:04.170633207 +0000 UTC
   511  Create Index = 228
   512  Modify Index = 228
   513  ```
   515  Any user or process with access to Vault can now obtain short lived Nomad Tokens in order to
   516  carry out operations, thus centralising the access to Nomad tokens.
   519  [nomad_backend]: