
     1  ---
     2  layout: "guides"
     3  page_title: "Resource Quotas"
     4  sidebar_current: "guides-quotas"
     5  description: |-
     6    Nomad Enterprise provides support for resource quotas, which allow operators
     7    to restrict the aggregate resource usage of namespaces.
     8  ---
    10  # Resource Quotas
    12  [Nomad Enterprise]( provides support 
    13  for resource quotas, which allow operators to restrict the aggregate resource 
    14  usage of namespaces.
    16  ~> **Enterprise Only!** This functionality only exists in Nomad Enterprise.
    17  This is not present in the open source version of Nomad.
    19  ## Use Case
    21  When many teams or users are sharing Nomad clusters, there is the concern that a
    22  single user could use more than their fair share of resources. Resource quotas
    23  provide a mechanism for cluster administrators to restrict the resources that a
    24  [namespace](/guides/namespaces.html) has access to.
    26  ## Quotas Objects
    28  Quota specifications are first class objects in Nomad. A quota specification
    29  has a unique name, an optional human readable description and a set of quota
    30  limits. The quota limits defines the allowed resource usage within a region.
    32  Quota objects are shareable among namespaces. This allows an operator to define
    33  higher level quota specifications, such as a `prod-api` quota, and multiple
    34  namespaces can apply the `prod-api` quota specification.
    36  When a quota specification is attached to a namespace, all resource usage by
    37  jobs in the namespaces are accounted toward the quota limits. If the resource is
    38  exhausted, allocations with the namespaces will be queued until resources become
    39  available by either other jobs finishing or the quota being expanded.
    41  ## Working with Quotas
    43  For specific details about working with quotas, see the [quotas
    44  commands](/docs/commands/quota.html) and [HTTP API](/api/quotas.html)
    45  documentation.
    47  ### Creating quotas:
    49  Resource quotas can be interacted with using the `nomad quota` subcommand. To
    50  get started with creating a quota specification, run `nomad quota init` which
    51  produces an example quota specification:
    53  ```
    54  $ nomad quota init
    55  Example quota specification written to spec.hcl
    57  $ cat spec.hcl
    58  name = "default-quota"
    59  description = "Limit the shared default namespace"
    61  # Create a limit for the global region. Additional limits may
    62  # be specified in-order to limit other regions.
    63  limit {
    64      region = "global"
    65      region_limit {
    66          cpu = 2500
    67          memory = 1000
    68      }
    69  }
    70  ```
    72  A quota specification is composed of one or more resource limits. Each limit
    73  applies to a particular Nomad region. Within the limit object, operators can
    74  specify the allowed CPU and memory usage.
    76  To create the particular quota, it is as simple as running:
    78  ```
    79  $ nomad quota apply spec.hcl
    80  Successfully applied quota specification "default-quota"!
    82  $ nomad quota list
    83  Name           Description
    84  default-quota  Limit the shared default namespace
    85  api-prod       Production instances of backend API servers
    86  api-qa         QA instances of backend API servers
    87  web-prod       Production instances of webservers
    88  web-qa         QA instances of webservers
    89  ```
    91  ### Attaching Quotas to Namespaces
    93  In order for a quota to be enforced, we have to attach the quota specification
    94  to a namespace. This can be done using the `nomad namespace apply` command.
    95  We could add the quota specification we just created to the `default` namespace
    96  as follows:
    98  ```
    99  $ nomad namespace apply -quota default-quota default
   100  Successfully applied namespace "default"!
   101  ```
   103  ### Viewing Quotas
   105  Lets now run a job in the default namespace now that we have attached a quota:
   107  ```
   108  $ nomad job init
   109  Example job file written to example.nomad
   111  $ nomad job run -detach example.nomad
   112  Job registration successful
   113  Evaluation ID: 985a1df8-0221-b891-5dc1-4d31ad4e2dc3
   115  $ nomad quota status default-quota
   116  Name        = default-quota
   117  Description = Limit the shared default namespace
   118  Limits      = 1
   120  Quota Limits
   121  Region  CPU Usage   Memory Usage
   122  global  500 / 2500  256 / 1000
   123  ```
   125  We can see the newly created job is accounted against the quota specification
   126  since it is being run in a namespace that has attached the quota. Now let us
   127  scale up the job from `count = 1` to `count = 4`:
   129  ```
   130  # Change count
   131  $ nomad job run -detach example.nomad
   132  Job registration successful
   133  Evaluation ID: ce8e1941-0189-b866-3dc4-7cd92dc38a69
   135  $ nomad status example
   136  ID            = example
   137  Name          = example
   138  Submit Date   = 10/16/17 10:51:32 PDT
   139  Type          = service
   140  Priority      = 50
   141  Datacenters   = dc1
   142  Status        = running
   143  Periodic      = false
   144  Parameterized = false
   146  Summary
   147  Task Group  Queued  Starting  Running  Failed  Complete  Lost
   148  cache       1       0         3        0       0         0
   150  Placement Failure
   151  Task Group "cache":
   152    * Quota limit hit "memory exhausted (1024 needed > 1000 limit)"
   154  Latest Deployment
   155  ID          = 7cd98a69
   156  Status      = running
   157  Description = Deployment is running
   159  Deployed
   160  Task Group  Desired  Placed  Healthy  Unhealthy
   161  cache       4        3       0        0
   163  Allocations
   164  ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status   Created At
   165  6d735236  81f72d90  cache       1        run      running  10/16/17 10:51:32 PDT
   166  ce8e1941  81f72d90  cache       1        run      running  10/16/17 10:51:32 PDT
   167  9b8e185e  81f72d90  cache       1        run      running  10/16/17 10:51:24 PDT
   168  ```
   170  Here we can see Nomad created two more allocations but did not place the fourth
   171  allocation since that would cause the quota to be oversubscribed on memory.
   173  ### ACLs
   175  Access to quotas can be restricted using [ACLs](/guides/acl.html). As an
   176  example we could create an ACL policy that allows read-only access to quotas.
   178  ```
   179  # Allow read only access to quotas.
   180  quota {
   181      policy = "read"
   182  }
   183  ```
   185  Creating or modifying quotas should typically be guarded by ACLs such that users
   186  can not bypass enforcement by simply increasing or removing the quota
   187  specification.
   189  ## Resource Limits
   191  When specifying resource limits the following enforcement behaviors are defined:
   193  * `limit < 0`: A limit less than zero disallows any access to the resource.
   195  * `limit == 0`: A limit of zero allows unlimited access to the resource.
   197  * `limit > 0`: A limit greater than zero enforces that the consumption is less
   198    than or equal to the given limit.
   200  ## Federation
   202  Nomad makes working with quotas in a federated cluster simple by replicating
   203  quota specifications from the [authoritative Nomad
   204  region](/docs/agent/configuration/server.html#authoritative_region). This allows
   205  operators to interact with a single cluster but create quota specifications that
   206  apply to all Nomad clusters.
   208  As an example, we can create a quota specification that applies to two regions:
   210  ```
   211  name = "federated-example"
   212  description = "A single quota spec effecting multiple regions"
   214  # Create a limits for two regions
   215  limit {
   216      region = "europe"
   217      region_limit {
   218          cpu = 20000
   219          memory = 10000
   220      }
   221  }
   223  limit {
   224      region = "asia"
   225      region_limit {
   226          cpu = 10000
   227          memory = 5000
   228      }
   229  }
   230  ```
   232  If we apply this, and attach it to a namespace with jobs in each region, we can
   233  see how the enforcement applies across federated clusters.
   235  ```
   236  $ nomad quota apply spec.hcl
   237  Successfully applied quota specification "federated-example"!
   239  $ nomad quota status federated-example
   240  Name        = federated-example
   241  Description = A single quota spec effecting multiple regions
   242  Limits      = 2
   244  Quota Limits
   245  Region  CPU Usage     Memory Usage
   246  asia    2500 / 10000  1000 / 5000
   247  europe  8800 / 20000  6000 / 10000
   248  ```