
     1  ---
     2  layout: "intro"
     3  page_title: "Nomad vs. AWS ECS"
     4  sidebar_current: "vs-other-ecs"
     5  description: |-
     6    Comparison between Nomad and AWS ECS
     7  ---
     9  # Nomad vs. AWS ECS
    11  Amazon Web Services provides the EC2 Container Service (ECS), which is
    12  a cluster manager. The ECS service is only available within AWS and
    13  can only be used for Docker workloads. Amazon provides customers with
    14  the agent that is installed on EC2 instances, but does not provide
    15  the servers which are a hosted service of AWS.
    17  There are a number of fundamental differences between Nomad and ECS.
    18  Nomad is completely open source, including both the client and server
    19  components. By contrast, only the agent code for ECS is open and
    20  the servers are closed sourced and managed by Amazon.
    22  As a side effect of the ECS servers being managed by AWS, it is not possible
    23  to use ECS outside of AWS. Nomad is agnostic to the environment in which it is run,
    24  supporting public and private clouds, as well as bare metal datacenters.
    25  Clusters in Nomad can span multiple datacenters and regions, meaning
    26  a single cluster could be managing machines on AWS, Azure, and GCE simultaneously.
    28  The ECS service is specifically focused on containers and the Docker
    29  engine, while Nomad is more general purpose. Nomad supports virtualized,
    30  containerized, and standalone applications, including Docker. Nomad is
    31  designed with extensible drivers and support will be extended to all
    32  common drivers.