
     1  package scheduler
     3  import (
     4  	""
     5  )
     7  const (
     8  	// implicitTarget is used to represent any remaining attribute values
     9  	// when target percentages don't add up to 100
    10  	implicitTarget = "*"
    11  )
    13  // SpreadIterator is used to spread allocations across a specified attribute
    14  // according to preset weights
    15  type SpreadIterator struct {
    16  	ctx    Context
    17  	source RankIterator
    18  	job    *structs.Job
    19  	tg     *structs.TaskGroup
    21  	// jobSpreads is a slice of spread stored at the job level which apply
    22  	// to all task groups
    23  	jobSpreads []*structs.Spread
    25  	// tgSpreadInfo is a map per task group with precomputed
    26  	// values for desired counts and weight
    27  	tgSpreadInfo map[string]spreadAttributeMap
    29  	// sumSpreadWeights tracks the total weight across all spread
    30  	// stanzas
    31  	sumSpreadWeights int32
    33  	// hasSpread is used to early return when the job/task group
    34  	// does not have spread configured
    35  	hasSpread bool
    37  	// groupProperySets is a memoized map from task group to property sets.
    38  	// existing allocs are computed once, and allocs from the plan are updated
    39  	// when Reset is called
    40  	groupPropertySets map[string][]*propertySet
    41  }
    43  type spreadAttributeMap map[string]*spreadInfo
    45  type spreadInfo struct {
    46  	weight        int8
    47  	desiredCounts map[string]float64
    48  }
    50  func NewSpreadIterator(ctx Context, source RankIterator) *SpreadIterator {
    51  	iter := &SpreadIterator{
    52  		ctx:               ctx,
    53  		source:            source,
    54  		groupPropertySets: make(map[string][]*propertySet),
    55  		tgSpreadInfo:      make(map[string]spreadAttributeMap),
    56  	}
    57  	return iter
    58  }
    60  func (iter *SpreadIterator) Reset() {
    61  	iter.source.Reset()
    62  	for _, sets := range iter.groupPropertySets {
    63  		for _, ps := range sets {
    64  			ps.PopulateProposed()
    65  		}
    66  	}
    67  }
    69  func (iter *SpreadIterator) SetJob(job *structs.Job) {
    70  	iter.job = job
    71  	if job.Spreads != nil {
    72  		iter.jobSpreads = job.Spreads
    73  	}
    74  }
    76  func (iter *SpreadIterator) SetTaskGroup(tg *structs.TaskGroup) {
    77 = tg
    79  	// Build the property set at the taskgroup level
    80  	if _, ok := iter.groupPropertySets[tg.Name]; !ok {
    81  		// First add property sets that are at the job level for this task group
    82  		for _, spread := range iter.jobSpreads {
    83  			pset := NewPropertySet(iter.ctx, iter.job)
    84  			pset.SetTargetAttribute(spread.Attribute, tg.Name)
    85  			iter.groupPropertySets[tg.Name] = append(iter.groupPropertySets[tg.Name], pset)
    86  		}
    88  		// Include property sets at the task group level
    89  		for _, spread := range tg.Spreads {
    90  			pset := NewPropertySet(iter.ctx, iter.job)
    91  			pset.SetTargetAttribute(spread.Attribute, tg.Name)
    92  			iter.groupPropertySets[tg.Name] = append(iter.groupPropertySets[tg.Name], pset)
    93  		}
    94  	}
    96  	// Check if there are any spreads configured
    97  	iter.hasSpread = len(iter.groupPropertySets[tg.Name]) != 0
    99  	// Build tgSpreadInfo at the task group level
   100  	if _, ok := iter.tgSpreadInfo[tg.Name]; !ok {
   101  		iter.computeSpreadInfo(tg)
   102  	}
   104  }
   106  func (iter *SpreadIterator) hasSpreads() bool {
   107  	return iter.hasSpread
   108  }
   110  func (iter *SpreadIterator) Next() *RankedNode {
   111  	for {
   112  		option := iter.source.Next()
   114  		// Hot path if there is nothing to check
   115  		if option == nil || !iter.hasSpreads() {
   116  			return option
   117  		}
   119  		tgName :=
   120  		propertySets := iter.groupPropertySets[tgName]
   121  		// Iterate over each spread attribute's property set and add a weighted score
   122  		totalSpreadScore := 0.0
   123  		for _, pset := range propertySets {
   124  			nValue, errorMsg, usedCount := pset.UsedCount(option.Node, tgName)
   126  			// Add one to include placement on this node in the scoring calculation
   127  			usedCount += 1
   128  			// Set score to -1 if there were errors in building this attribute
   129  			if errorMsg != "" {
   130  				iter.ctx.Logger().Named("spread").Warn("error building spread attributes for task group", "task_group", tgName, "error", errorMsg)
   131  				totalSpreadScore -= 1.0
   132  				continue
   133  			}
   134  			spreadAttributeMap := iter.tgSpreadInfo[tgName]
   135  			spreadDetails := spreadAttributeMap[pset.targetAttribute]
   137  			if len(spreadDetails.desiredCounts) == 0 {
   138  				// When desired counts map is empty the user didn't specify any targets
   139  				// Use even spreading scoring algorithm for this scenario
   140  				scoreBoost := evenSpreadScoreBoost(pset, option.Node)
   141  				totalSpreadScore += scoreBoost
   142  			} else {
   143  				// Get the desired count
   144  				desiredCount, ok := spreadDetails.desiredCounts[nValue]
   145  				if !ok {
   146  					// See if there is an implicit target
   147  					desiredCount, ok = spreadDetails.desiredCounts[implicitTarget]
   148  					if !ok {
   149  						// The desired count for this attribute is zero if it gets here
   150  						// so use the maximum possible penalty for this node
   151  						totalSpreadScore -= 1.0
   152  						continue
   153  					}
   154  				}
   156  				// Calculate the relative weight of this specific spread attribute
   157  				spreadWeight := float64(spreadDetails.weight) / float64(iter.sumSpreadWeights)
   159  				// Score Boost is proportional the difference between current and desired count
   160  				// It is negative when the used count is greater than the desired count
   161  				// It is multiplied with the spread weight to account for cases where the job has
   162  				// more than one spread attribute
   163  				scoreBoost := ((desiredCount - float64(usedCount)) / desiredCount) * spreadWeight
   164  				totalSpreadScore += scoreBoost
   165  			}
   166  		}
   168  		if totalSpreadScore != 0.0 {
   169  			option.Scores = append(option.Scores, totalSpreadScore)
   170  			iter.ctx.Metrics().ScoreNode(option.Node, "allocation-spread", totalSpreadScore)
   171  		}
   172  		return option
   173  	}
   174  }
   176  // evenSpreadScoreBoost is a scoring helper that calculates the score
   177  // for the option when even spread is desired (all attribute values get equal preference)
   178  func evenSpreadScoreBoost(pset *propertySet, option *structs.Node) float64 {
   179  	combinedUseMap := pset.GetCombinedUseMap()
   180  	if len(combinedUseMap) == 0 {
   181  		// Nothing placed yet, so return 0 as the score
   182  		return 0.0
   183  	}
   184  	// Get the nodes property value
   185  	nValue, ok := getProperty(option, pset.targetAttribute)
   187  	// Maximum possible penalty when the attribute isn't set on the node
   188  	if !ok {
   189  		return -1.0
   190  	}
   191  	currentAttributeCount := combinedUseMap[nValue]
   192  	minCount := uint64(0)
   193  	maxCount := uint64(0)
   194  	for _, value := range combinedUseMap {
   195  		if minCount == 0 || value < minCount {
   196  			minCount = value
   197  		}
   198  		if maxCount == 0 || value > maxCount {
   199  			maxCount = value
   200  		}
   201  	}
   203  	// calculate boost based on delta between the current and the minimum
   204  	var deltaBoost float64
   205  	if minCount == 0 {
   206  		deltaBoost = -1.0
   207  	} else {
   208  		delta := int(minCount - currentAttributeCount)
   209  		deltaBoost = float64(delta) / float64(minCount)
   210  	}
   211  	if currentAttributeCount != minCount {
   212  		// Boost based on delta between current and min
   213  		return deltaBoost
   214  	} else if minCount == maxCount {
   215  		// Maximum possible penalty when the distribution is even
   216  		return -1.0
   217  	}
   218  	// Penalty based on delta from max value
   219  	delta := int(maxCount - minCount)
   220  	deltaBoost = float64(delta) / float64(minCount)
   221  	return deltaBoost
   223  }
   225  // computeSpreadInfo computes and stores percentages and total values
   226  // from all spreads that apply to a specific task group
   227  func (iter *SpreadIterator) computeSpreadInfo(tg *structs.TaskGroup) {
   228  	spreadInfos := make(spreadAttributeMap, len(tg.Spreads))
   229  	totalCount := tg.Count
   231  	// Always combine any spread stanzas defined at the job level here
   232  	combinedSpreads := make([]*structs.Spread, 0, len(tg.Spreads)+len(iter.jobSpreads))
   233  	combinedSpreads = append(combinedSpreads, tg.Spreads...)
   234  	combinedSpreads = append(combinedSpreads, iter.jobSpreads...)
   235  	for _, spread := range combinedSpreads {
   236  		si := &spreadInfo{weight: spread.Weight, desiredCounts: make(map[string]float64)}
   237  		sumDesiredCounts := 0.0
   238  		for _, st := range spread.SpreadTarget {
   239  			desiredCount := (float64(st.Percent) / float64(100)) * float64(totalCount)
   240  			si.desiredCounts[st.Value] = desiredCount
   241  			sumDesiredCounts += desiredCount
   242  		}
   243  		// Account for remaining count only if there is any spread targets
   244  		if sumDesiredCounts > 0 && sumDesiredCounts < float64(totalCount) {
   245  			remainingCount := float64(totalCount) - sumDesiredCounts
   246  			si.desiredCounts[implicitTarget] = remainingCount
   247  		}
   248  		spreadInfos[spread.Attribute] = si
   249  		iter.sumSpreadWeights += int32(spread.Weight)
   250  	}
   251  	iter.tgSpreadInfo[tg.Name] = spreadInfos
   252  }