
     1  # DO NOT EDIT; generated by go run testdata/gen.go
     2  #
     3  #name: basic type
     4  #evalPartial
     5  -- in.cue --
     6  a: 1 & int
     7  b: number & 1
     8  c: 1.0
     9  c: float
    10  d: int & float // _|_
    11  e: "4" & string
    12  f: true
    13  f: bool
    14  -- out/def --
    15  a: 1
    16  b: 1
    17  c: 1.0
    18  d: _|_ // conflicting values int and float (mismatched types int and float)
    19  e: "4"
    20  f: true
    21  -- out/legacy-debug --
    22  <0>{a: 1, b: 1, c: 1.0, d: _|_((int & float):conflicting values int and float (mismatched types int and float)), e: "4", f: true}
    23  -- out/compile --
    24  --- in.cue
    25  {
    26    a: (1 & int)
    27    b: (number & 1)
    28    c: 1.0
    29    c: float
    30    d: (int & float)
    31    e: ("4" & string)
    32    f: true
    33    f: bool
    34  }
    35  -- out/eval --
    36  Errors:
    37  d: conflicting values int and float (mismatched types int and float):
    38      ./in.cue:5:4
    39      ./in.cue:5:10
    41  Result:
    42  (_|_){
    43    // [eval]
    44    a: (int){ 1 }
    45    b: (int){ 1 }
    46    c: (float){ 1.0 }
    47    d: (_|_){
    48      // [eval] d: conflicting values int and float (mismatched types int and float):
    49      //     ./in.cue:5:4
    50      //     ./in.cue:5:10
    51    }
    52    e: (string){ "4" }
    53    f: (bool){ true }
    54  }