
     1  apiVersion: v1
     2  kind: Service
     3  metadata:
     4    name: nginx
     5    labels:
     6      app: nginx
     7      component: proxy
     8  spec:
     9    type: LoadBalancer
    10    loadBalancerIP:
    11    ports:
    12    - port: 80 # the port that this service should serve on
    13      # the container on each pod to connect to, can be a name
    14      # (e.g. 'www') or a number (e.g. 80)
    15      targetPort: 80
    16      protocol: TCP
    17      name: http
    18    - port: 443
    19      protocol: TCP
    20      name: https
    21    # just like the selector in the replication controller,
    22    # but this time it identifies the set of pods to load balance
    23    # traffic to.
    24    selector:
    25      app: nginx