
     1  // Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.
     3  // Package cli provides tasks dealing with a console.
     4  //
     5  // These are the supported tasks:
     6  //
     7  //     // Print sends text to the stdout of the current process.
     8  //     Print: {
     9  //     	$id: *"tool/cli.Print" | "print" // for backwards compatibility
    10  //
    11  //     	// text is the text to be printed.
    12  //     	text: string
    13  //     }
    14  //
    15  //     // Ask prompts the current console with a message and waits for input.
    16  //     //
    17  //     // Example:
    18  //     //     task: ask: cli.Ask({
    19  //     //         prompt:   "Are you okay?"
    20  //     //         repsonse: bool
    21  //     //     })
    22  //     Ask: {
    23  //     	kind: "tool/cli.Ask"
    24  //
    25  //     	// prompt sends this message to the output.
    26  //     	prompt: string
    27  //
    28  //     	// response holds the user's response. If it is a boolean expression it
    29  //     	// will interpret the answer using textual yes/ no.
    30  //     	response: string | bool
    31  //     }
    32  //
    33  package cli