
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"bufio"
     5  	"bytes"
     6  	"crypto/sha256"
     7  	"crypto/tls"
     8  	"crypto/x509"
     9  	"encoding/hex"
    10  	"flag"
    11  	"fmt"
    12  	"io"
    13  	"log"
    14  	"net/http"
    15  	"os"
    16  	"path/filepath"
    17  	"strings"
    18  	"testing"
    19  	"time"
    21  	""
    22  	chk ""
    23  )
    25  type DioSuite struct {
    26  	buf    bytes.Buffer
    27  	config string
    28  	dbFile string
    29  	dbName string
    30  	oldOut io.Writer
    31  }
    33  const (
    34  	CONFIG = `[certs]
    35  cachain = "%s"
    36  cert = "%s"
    38  [general]
    39  cloud = "%s"
    41  [user]
    42  name = "Some One"
    43  `
    44  )
    46  var (
    47  	_            = chk.Suite(&DioSuite{})
    48  	licFile      string
    49  	remoteServer = flag.String("remote", "https://localhost:5550", "URL of remote server to test against")
    50  	showFlag     = flag.Bool("show", false, "Don't redirect test command output to /dev/null")
    51  	tempDir      string
    52  )
    54  func Test(t *testing.T) {
    55  	chk.TestingT(t)
    56  }
    58  func (s *DioSuite) SetUpSuite(c *chk.C) {
    59  	// Create initial config file in a temp directory
    60  	tempDir = c.MkDir()
    61  	fmt.Printf("Temp dir: %s\n", tempDir)
    62  	s.config = filepath.Join(tempDir, "config.toml")
    63  	f, err := os.Create(s.config)
    64  	if err != nil {
    65  		log.Fatalln(err)
    66  	}
    67  	defer f.Close()
    68  	d, err := os.Getwd()
    69  	if err != nil {
    70  		log.Fatalln(err)
    71  	}
    72  	_, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, CONFIG,
    73  		filepath.Join(d, "..", "test_data", "ca-chain-docker.cert.pem"),
    74  		filepath.Join(tempDir, "default.cert.pem"),
    75  		*remoteServer)
    76  	if err != nil {
    77  		log.Fatalln(err)
    78  	}
    80  	// Generate new client certificate for testing purposes
    81  	err = genTestCert(*remoteServer, filepath.Join(tempDir, "default.cert.pem"))
    82  	if err != nil {
    83  		log.Fatal(err)
    84  	}
    86  	// Seed the database
    87  	err = seedTests(*remoteServer)
    88  	if err != nil {
    89  		log.Fatal(err)
    90  	}
    92  	// Drop any old config loaded automatically by viper, and use our temporary test config instead
    93  	viper.Reset()
    94  	viper.SetConfigFile(s.config)
    95  	if err = viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
    96  		log.Fatalf("Error loading test config file: %s", err)
    97  		return
    98  	}
    99  	cloud = viper.GetString("")
   101  	// Use our testing certificates
   102  	ourCAPool := x509.NewCertPool()
   103  	chainFile, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(d, "..", "test_data", "ca-chain-docker.cert.pem"))
   104  	if err != nil {
   105  		log.Fatalln(err)
   106  	}
   107  	ok := ourCAPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(chainFile)
   108  	if !ok {
   109  		log.Fatalln("Error when loading certificate chain file")
   110  	}
   111  	testCert := filepath.Join(d, "..", "test_data", "default.cert.pem")
   112  	cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(testCert, testCert)
   113  	if err != nil {
   114  		log.Fatalln(err)
   115  	}
   116  	TLSConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
   118  	// Load our self signed CA Cert chain, and set TLS1.2 as minimum
   119  	TLSConfig = tls.Config{
   120  		Certificates:             []tls.Certificate{cert},
   121  		ClientCAs:                ourCAPool,
   122  		InsecureSkipVerify:       true,
   123  		MinVersion:               tls.VersionTLS12,
   124  		PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
   125  		RootCAs:                  ourCAPool,
   126  	}
   128  	var email string
   129  	certUser, email, _, err = getUserAndServer()
   130  	if err != nil {
   131  		log.Fatalln(err)
   132  	}
   133  	viper.Set("", email)
   135  	// Add test database
   136  	s.dbName = "19kB.sqlite"
   137  	db, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(d, "..", "test_data", s.dbName))
   138  	if err != nil {
   139  		log.Fatalln(err)
   140  	}
   141  	s.dbFile = filepath.Join(tempDir, s.dbName)
   142  	err = os.WriteFile(s.dbFile, db, 0644)
   143  	if err != nil {
   144  		log.Fatalln(err)
   145  	}
   147  	// Set the last modified date of the database file to a known value
   148  	err = os.Chtimes(s.dbFile, time.Now(), time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 0, 0, time.UTC))
   149  	if err != nil {
   150  		log.Fatalln(err)
   151  	}
   153  	// Add a test licence
   154  	lic, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(d, "..", "LICENSE"))
   155  	if err != nil {
   156  		log.Fatalln(err)
   157  	}
   158  	licFile = filepath.Join(tempDir, "test.licence")
   159  	err = os.WriteFile(licFile, lic, 0644)
   160  	if err != nil {
   161  		log.Fatalln(err)
   162  	}
   164  	// If not told otherwise, redirect command output to /dev/null
   165  	if !*showFlag {
   166  		fOut, err = os.OpenFile(os.DevNull, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
   167  		if err != nil {
   168  			log.Fatalln(err)
   169  		}
   170  	}
   172  	// Change to the temp directory
   173  	err = os.Chdir(tempDir)
   174  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   175  }
   177  func (s *DioSuite) SetUpTest(c *chk.C) {
   178  	// TODO: Should we use io.TeeReader if showFlag has been set?
   179  	// Redirect display output to a temp buffer
   180  	s.oldOut = fOut
   181  	fOut = &s.buf
   182  }
   184  func (s *DioSuite) TearDownTest(c *chk.C) {
   185  	// Restore the display output redirection
   186  	fOut = s.oldOut
   188  	// Clear the buffered contents
   189  	s.buf.Reset()
   190  }
   192  // Test the "dio commit" command
   193  func (s *DioSuite) Test0010_Commit(c *chk.C) {
   194  	// Call the commit code
   195  	commitCmdBranch = "main"
   196  	commitCmdCommit = ""
   197  	commitCmdAuthEmail = ""
   198  	commitCmdLicence = "Not specified"
   199  	commitCmdMsg = "The first commit in our test run"
   200  	commitCmdAuthName = "Default test user"
   201  	commitCmdTimestamp = time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 1, 0, time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
   202  	// TODO: Adjust commit() to return the commit ID, so we don't need to hard code it below
   203  	err := commit([]string{s.dbName})
   204  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   206  	// * Verify the new commit data on disk matches our expectations *
   208  	// Check if the metadata file exists on disk
   209  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   210  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   211  	c.Check(meta.Commits, chk.HasLen, 1)
   213  	// Verify the values in the commit data match the values we provided
   214  	com, ok := meta.Commits["59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941"] // This commit ID is what the given values should generate a commit ID as
   215  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   216  	c.Check(com.AuthorName, chk.Equals, commitCmdAuthName)
   217  	c.Check(com.AuthorEmail, chk.Equals, commitCmdAuthEmail)
   218  	c.Check(com.Message, chk.Equals, commitCmdMsg)
   219  	c.Check(com.Timestamp, chk.Equals, time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 1, 0, time.UTC))
   220  	c.Check(com.Parent, chk.Equals, "")
   221  	c.Check(com.OtherParents, chk.IsNil)
   222  	c.Check(com.CommitterName, chk.Equals, "Some One")
   223  	c.Check(com.CommitterEmail, chk.Equals, "")
   224  	c.Check(com.ID, chk.Equals, "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941")
   225  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].EntryType, chk.Equals, dbTreeEntryType(DATABASE))
   226  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].LastModified.UTC(), chk.Equals, time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 0, 0, time.UTC))
   227  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].LicenceSHA, chk.Equals, "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855") // e3b... is the SHA256 for the "Not specified" licence option
   228  	c.Check(int(com.Tree.Entries[0].Size), chk.Equals, 19456)
   229  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].Name, chk.Equals, s.dbName)
   231  	// Check the database has been written to the cache area using its checksum as filename
   232  	cacheFile := filepath.Join(".dio", s.dbName, "db", com.Tree.Entries[0].Sha256)
   233  	_, err = os.Stat(cacheFile)
   234  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   236  	// Verify the contents of the cached database match the size and sha256 recorded in the commit
   237  	b, err := os.ReadFile(cacheFile)
   238  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   239  	c.Check(b, chk.HasLen, int(com.Tree.Entries[0].Size))
   240  	z := sha256.Sum256(b)
   241  	shaSum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   242  	c.Check(shaSum, chk.Equals, com.Tree.Entries[0].Sha256)
   244  	// Verify the branch info
   245  	br, ok := meta.Branches["main"]
   246  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   247  	c.Check(br.Commit, chk.Equals, "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941")
   248  	c.Check(br.CommitCount, chk.Equals, 1)
   249  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, "")
   250  }
   252  func (s *DioSuite) Test0020_Commit2(c *chk.C) {
   253  	// Change the last modified date on the database file
   254  	err := os.Chtimes(s.dbFile, time.Now(), time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 2, 0, time.UTC))
   255  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   257  	// Create another commit
   258  	commitCmdMsg = "The second commit in our test run"
   259  	commitCmdTimestamp = "2019-03-15T18:01:03Z"
   260  	err = commit([]string{s.dbName})
   261  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   263  	// * Verify the new commit data on disk matches our expectations *
   265  	// Check if the metadata file exists on disk
   266  	var meta metaData
   267  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   268  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   269  	c.Check(meta.Commits, chk.HasLen, 2)
   271  	// Verify the values in the commit data match the values we provided
   272  	com, ok := meta.Commits["70815d687cfc614b23dfb2f66f8fa0a8cb7bad199e05d4142db883690eefeba5"] // This commit ID is what the given values should generate a commit ID as
   273  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   274  	c.Check(com.AuthorName, chk.Equals, commitCmdAuthName)
   275  	c.Check(com.AuthorEmail, chk.Equals, commitCmdAuthEmail)
   276  	c.Check(com.Message, chk.Equals, commitCmdMsg)
   277  	c.Check(com.Timestamp, chk.Equals, time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 3, 0, time.UTC))
   278  	c.Check(com.Parent, chk.Equals, "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941")
   279  	c.Check(com.OtherParents, chk.IsNil)
   280  	c.Check(com.CommitterName, chk.Equals, "Some One")
   281  	c.Check(com.CommitterEmail, chk.Equals, "")
   282  	c.Check(com.ID, chk.Equals, "70815d687cfc614b23dfb2f66f8fa0a8cb7bad199e05d4142db883690eefeba5")
   283  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].EntryType, chk.Equals, dbTreeEntryType(DATABASE))
   284  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].LastModified.UTC(), chk.Equals, time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 2, 0, time.UTC))
   285  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].LicenceSHA, chk.Equals, "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855") // e3b... is the SHA256 for the "Not specified" licence option
   286  	c.Check(int(com.Tree.Entries[0].Size), chk.Equals, 19456)
   287  	c.Check(com.Tree.Entries[0].Name, chk.Equals, s.dbName)
   289  	// Check the database has been written to the cache area using its checksum as filename
   290  	cacheFile := filepath.Join(".dio", s.dbName, "db", com.Tree.Entries[0].Sha256)
   291  	_, err = os.Stat(cacheFile)
   292  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   294  	// Verify the contents of the cached database match the size and sha256 recorded in the commit
   295  	b, err := os.ReadFile(cacheFile)
   296  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   297  	c.Check(b, chk.HasLen, int(com.Tree.Entries[0].Size))
   298  	z := sha256.Sum256(b)
   299  	shaSum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   300  	c.Check(shaSum, chk.Equals, com.Tree.Entries[0].Sha256)
   302  	// Verify the branch info
   303  	br, ok := meta.Branches["main"]
   304  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   305  	c.Check(br.Commit, chk.Equals, "70815d687cfc614b23dfb2f66f8fa0a8cb7bad199e05d4142db883690eefeba5")
   306  	c.Check(br.CommitCount, chk.Equals, 2)
   307  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, "")
   309  	// TODO: Now that we can capture the display output for checking, we should probably verify the
   310  	//       info displayed in the output here too
   311  }
   313  // Test the "dio branch" commands
   314  func (s *DioSuite) Test0030_BranchActiveGet(c *chk.C) {
   315  	// Query the active branch
   316  	err := branchActiveGet([]string{s.dbName})
   317  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   319  	// Verify the active branch is set to "main"
   320  	p := strings.Split(s.buf.String(), ":")
   321  	c.Assert(p, chk.HasLen, 2)
   322  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]), chk.Equals, "main")
   323  }
   325  func (s *DioSuite) Test0040_BranchCreate(c *chk.C) {
   326  	// Create a new branch
   327  	branchCreateBranch = "branchtwo"
   328  	branchCreateCommit = "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941"
   329  	branchCreateMsg = "A new branch"
   330  	err := branchCreate([]string{s.dbName})
   331  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   333  	// Verify the new branch is in the metadata on disk
   334  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   335  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   336  	br, ok := meta.Branches["branchtwo"]
   337  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   338  	c.Check(br.Commit, chk.Equals, "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941")
   339  	c.Check(br.CommitCount, chk.Equals, 1)
   340  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, "A new branch")
   342  	// Verify the output given to the user
   343  	p := strings.Split(s.buf.String(), "'")
   344  	c.Assert(p, chk.HasLen, 3)
   345  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]), chk.Equals, branchCreateBranch)
   346  }
   348  func (s *DioSuite) Test0050_BranchSetBranchTwo(c *chk.C) {
   349  	// Switch to the new branch
   350  	branchActiveSetBranch = "branchtwo"
   351  	err := branchActiveSet([]string{s.dbName})
   352  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   354  	// Verify the active branch was changed in the on disk metadata
   355  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   356  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   357  	c.Check(meta.ActiveBranch, chk.Equals, branchActiveSetBranch)
   359  	// Verify the output given to the user
   360  	p := strings.Split(s.buf.String(), "'")
   361  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]), chk.Equals, branchActiveSetBranch)
   362  }
   364  func (s *DioSuite) Test0060_BranchList(c *chk.C) {
   365  	// Create a new branch
   366  	err := branchList([]string{s.dbName})
   367  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   369  	// Verify entries are present for both "main" and "branchtwo"
   370  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   371  	var branchTwoFound, mainFound bool
   372  	for lines.Scan() {
   373  		p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), "'")
   374  		if len(p) > 2 && p[1] == "main" {
   375  			c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 3)
   376  			mainFound = true
   377  		}
   378  		if len(p) > 2 && p[1] == "branchtwo" {
   379  			c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 3)
   380  			branchTwoFound = true
   381  		}
   382  	}
   383  	c.Check(mainFound, chk.Equals, true)
   384  	c.Check(branchTwoFound, chk.Equals, true)
   385  }
   387  func (s *DioSuite) Test0070_BranchRemoveFail(c *chk.C) {
   388  	// Attempt to remove the branch (should fail)
   389  	branchRemoveBranch = "branchtwo"
   390  	err := branchRemove([]string{s.dbName})
   391  	c.Assert(err, chk.Not(chk.IsNil))
   393  	// Make sure both the "main" and "branchtwo" branches are still present on disk
   394  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   395  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   396  	_, ok := meta.Branches["main"]
   397  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   398  	_, ok = meta.Branches["branchtwo"]
   399  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   401  	// TODO: When the display of error messages to the user is a bit better finalised,
   402  	//       add a check of the output here
   403  }
   405  func (s *DioSuite) Test0080_BranchSetMain(c *chk.C) {
   406  	// Switch to the main branch
   407  	branchActiveSetBranch = "main"
   408  	err := branchActiveSet([]string{s.dbName})
   409  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   411  	// Verify the active branch was changed in the on disk metadata
   412  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   413  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   414  	c.Check(meta.ActiveBranch, chk.Equals, branchActiveSetBranch)
   416  	// Verify the output given to the user
   417  	p := strings.Split(s.buf.String(), "'")
   418  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]), chk.Equals, branchActiveSetBranch)
   419  }
   421  func (s *DioSuite) Test0090_BranchRemoveSuccess(c *chk.C) {
   422  	// Attempt to remove the branch (should succeed)
   423  	branchRemoveBranch = "branchtwo"
   424  	err := branchRemove([]string{s.dbName})
   425  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   427  	// Make sure the "main" branch is still present on disk, but "branchtwo" isn't
   428  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   429  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   430  	_, ok := meta.Branches["main"]
   431  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   432  	_, ok = meta.Branches["branchtwo"]
   433  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, false)
   435  	// Verify the output given to the user
   436  	p := strings.Split(s.buf.String(), "'")
   437  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]), chk.Equals, branchRemoveBranch)
   438  }
   440  func (s *DioSuite) Test0100_BranchRevert(c *chk.C) {
   441  	// Verify that (prior to the revert) the main branch still points to the 2nd commit
   442  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   443  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   444  	br, ok := meta.Branches["main"]
   445  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   446  	c.Check(br.Commit, chk.Equals, "70815d687cfc614b23dfb2f66f8fa0a8cb7bad199e05d4142db883690eefeba5")
   447  	c.Check(br.CommitCount, chk.Equals, 2)
   448  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, "")
   450  	// Revert the main branch back to the original commit
   451  	branchRevertBranch = "main"
   452  	branchRevertCommit = "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941"
   453  	err = branchRevert([]string{s.dbName})
   454  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   456  	// Verify the main branch now points to the original commit
   457  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   458  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   459  	br, ok = meta.Branches["main"]
   460  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   461  	c.Check(br.Commit, chk.Equals, "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941")
   462  	c.Check(br.CommitCount, chk.Equals, 1)
   463  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, "")
   465  	// Verify the output given to the user
   466  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(s.buf.String()), chk.Equals, "Branch reverted")
   467  }
   469  func (s *DioSuite) Test0110_BranchUpdateChgDesc(c *chk.C) {
   470  	// Verify that (prior to the update) the main branch has an empty description
   471  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   472  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   473  	br, ok := meta.Branches["main"]
   474  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   475  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, "")
   477  	// Update description for the main branch
   478  	branchUpdateBranch = "main"
   479  	branchUpdateMsg = "This is a new description"
   480  	err = branchUpdate([]string{s.dbName})
   481  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   483  	// Verify the description was correctly updated
   484  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   485  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   486  	br, ok = meta.Branches["main"]
   487  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   488  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, branchUpdateMsg)
   489  }
   491  func (s *DioSuite) Test0120_BranchUpdateDelDesc(c *chk.C) {
   492  	// Verify that (prior to the update) the main branch has a non-empty description
   493  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   494  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   495  	br, ok := meta.Branches["main"]
   496  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   497  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Not(chk.Equals), "")
   499  	// Delete the description for the main branch
   500  	*descDel = true
   501  	err = branchUpdate([]string{s.dbName})
   502  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   504  	// Verify the description was deleted
   505  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   506  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   507  	br, ok = meta.Branches["main"]
   508  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   509  	c.Check(br.Description, chk.Equals, "")
   511  	// Verify the output given to the user
   512  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(s.buf.String()), chk.Equals, "Branch updated")
   513  }
   515  func (s *DioSuite) Test0130_TagCreate(c *chk.C) {
   516  	// Check the tag to be created doesn't yet exist
   517  	tagCreateTag = "testtag1"
   518  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   519  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   520  	z, ok := meta.Tags[tagCreateTag]
   521  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, false)
   523  	// Create the tag
   524  	tagCreateCommit = "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941"
   525  	tagCreateDate = "2019-03-15T18:01:05Z"
   526  	tagCreateEmail = ""
   527  	tagCreateMsg = "This is a test tag"
   528  	tagCreateName = "A test tagger"
   529  	err = tagCreate([]string{s.dbName})
   530  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   532  	// Check the tag was created
   533  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   534  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   535  	z, ok = meta.Tags[tagCreateTag]
   536  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   537  	c.Check(z.Commit, chk.Equals, tagCreateCommit)
   538  	c.Check(z.Date, chk.Equals, time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 5, 0, time.UTC))
   539  	c.Check(z.Description, chk.Equals, tagCreateMsg)
   540  	c.Check(z.TaggerName, chk.Equals, tagCreateName)
   541  	c.Check(z.TaggerEmail, chk.Equals, tagCreateEmail)
   543  	// Verify the output given to the user
   544  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(s.buf.String()), chk.Equals, "Tag creation succeeded")
   545  }
   547  func (s *DioSuite) Test0140_TagList(c *chk.C) {
   548  	// Retrieve the tag list
   549  	err := tagList([]string{s.dbName})
   550  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   552  	// The tag created by the previous test should be listed
   553  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   554  	var tagFound bool
   555  	for lines.Scan() {
   556  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   557  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   558  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), "'")
   559  			if len(p) > 2 && p[1] == tagCreateTag {
   560  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 3)
   561  				tagFound = true
   562  			}
   563  		}
   564  	}
   565  	c.Check(tagFound, chk.Equals, true)
   566  }
   568  func (s *DioSuite) Test0150_TagRemove(c *chk.C) {
   569  	// Verify that (prior to this removal) the tag exists
   570  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   571  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   572  	_, ok := meta.Tags[tagCreateTag]
   573  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   575  	// Remove the tag
   576  	tagRemoveTag = tagCreateTag
   577  	err = tagRemove([]string{s.dbName})
   578  	c.Check(err, chk.IsNil)
   580  	// Verify the tag has been removed
   581  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   582  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   583  	_, ok = meta.Tags[tagCreateTag]
   584  	c.Check(ok, chk.Equals, false)
   586  	// Verify the output given to the user
   587  	p := strings.Split(s.buf.String(), "'")
   588  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]), chk.Equals, tagCreateTag)
   589  }
   591  func (s *DioSuite) Test0160_ReleaseCreate(c *chk.C) {
   592  	// Check the release to be created doesn't yet exist
   593  	releaseCreateRelease = "testrelease1"
   594  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   595  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   596  	z, ok := meta.Releases[releaseCreateRelease]
   597  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, false)
   599  	// Create the release
   600  	releaseCreateCommit = "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941"
   601  	releaseCreateCreatorEmail = ""
   602  	releaseCreateCreatorName = "A test releaser"
   603  	releaseCreateMsg = "This is a test release"
   604  	releaseCreateReleaseDate = "2019-03-15T18:01:06Z"
   605  	err = releaseCreate([]string{s.dbName})
   606  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   608  	// Check the release was created
   609  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   610  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   611  	z, ok = meta.Releases[releaseCreateRelease]
   612  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   613  	c.Check(z.Commit, chk.Equals, releaseCreateCommit)
   614  	c.Check(z.Date, chk.Equals, time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 6, 0, time.UTC))
   615  	c.Check(z.Description, chk.Equals, releaseCreateMsg)
   616  	c.Check(z.ReleaserName, chk.Equals, releaseCreateCreatorName)
   617  	c.Check(z.ReleaserEmail, chk.Equals, releaseCreateCreatorEmail)
   619  	// Verify the output given to the user
   620  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(s.buf.String()), chk.Equals, "Release creation succeeded")
   621  }
   623  func (s *DioSuite) Test0170_ReleaseList(c *chk.C) {
   624  	// Retrieve the release list
   625  	err := releaseList([]string{s.dbName})
   626  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   628  	// The release created by the previous test should be listed
   629  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   630  	var relFound bool
   631  	for lines.Scan() {
   632  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   633  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   634  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), "'")
   635  			if len(p) > 2 && p[1] == releaseCreateRelease {
   636  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 3)
   637  				relFound = true
   638  			}
   639  		}
   640  	}
   641  	c.Check(relFound, chk.Equals, true)
   642  }
   644  func (s *DioSuite) Test0180_ReleaseRemove(c *chk.C) {
   645  	// Verify that (prior to this removal) the release exists
   646  	meta, err := localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   647  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   648  	_, ok := meta.Releases[releaseCreateRelease]
   649  	c.Assert(ok, chk.Equals, true)
   651  	// Remove the release
   652  	releaseRemoveRelease = releaseCreateRelease
   653  	err = releaseRemove([]string{s.dbName})
   654  	c.Check(err, chk.IsNil)
   656  	// Verify the release has been removed
   657  	meta, err = localFetchMetadata(s.dbName, false)
   658  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   659  	_, ok = meta.Releases[releaseCreateRelease]
   660  	c.Check(ok, chk.Equals, false)
   662  	// Verify the output given to the user
   663  	p := strings.Split(s.buf.String(), "'")
   664  	c.Check(strings.TrimSpace(p[1]), chk.Equals, releaseCreateRelease)
   665  }
   667  func (s *DioSuite) Test0190_Log(c *chk.C) {
   668  	// Retrieve the commit list
   669  	err := branchLog([]string{s.dbName})
   670  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   672  	// The original commit should be listed
   673  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   674  	var comFound bool
   675  	for lines.Scan() {
   676  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   677  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   678  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), ":")
   679  			if len(p) >= 2 && strings.TrimSpace(p[1]) == "59b72b78cb83bdba371438cb36950fe007265445a63068ae5586c9cc19203941" {
   680  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 2)
   681  				comFound = true
   682  			}
   683  		}
   684  	}
   685  	c.Check(comFound, chk.Equals, true)
   686  }
   688  func (s *DioSuite) Test0200_StatusUnchanged(c *chk.C) {
   689  	// Run the status check command
   690  	err := status([]string{s.dbName})
   691  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   693  	// Verify the output
   694  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   695  	numEntries := 0
   696  	unchangedFound := false
   697  	for lines.Scan() {
   698  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   699  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   700  			numEntries++
   701  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), "'")
   702  			if len(p) >= 2 && strings.TrimSpace(p[1]) == s.dbName {
   703  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 3)
   704  				if strings.HasSuffix(p[2], "unchanged") {
   705  					unchangedFound = true
   706  				}
   707  			}
   708  		}
   709  	}
   710  	c.Check(numEntries, chk.Equals, 1)
   711  	c.Check(unchangedFound, chk.Equals, true)
   712  }
   714  func (s *DioSuite) Test0210_StatusChanged(c *chk.C) {
   715  	// Get the current last modified date for the database file
   716  	f, err := os.Stat(s.dbFile)
   717  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   718  	lastMod := f.ModTime()
   720  	// Update last modified date on the database file
   721  	err = os.Chtimes(s.dbFile, time.Now(), time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 8, 0, time.UTC))
   722  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   724  	// Run the status check command
   725  	err = status([]string{s.dbName})
   726  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   728  	// Verify the output
   729  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   730  	numEntries := 0
   731  	changedFound := false
   732  	for lines.Scan() {
   733  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   734  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   735  			numEntries++
   736  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), "'")
   737  			if len(p) >= 2 && strings.TrimSpace(p[1]) == s.dbName {
   738  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 3)
   739  				if strings.HasSuffix(p[2], "changed") {
   740  					changedFound = true
   741  				}
   742  			}
   743  		}
   744  	}
   745  	c.Check(numEntries, chk.Equals, 1)
   746  	c.Check(changedFound, chk.Equals, true)
   748  	// Restore the last modified date on the database file
   749  	err = os.Chtimes(s.dbFile, time.Now(), lastMod)
   750  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   751  }
   753  func (s *DioSuite) Test0220_LicenceList(c *chk.C) {
   754  	// Retrieve the licence list
   755  	err := licenceList()
   756  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   758  	// Make sure an entry for "No licence specified" is given on the output
   759  	numEntries := 0
   760  	licFound := false
   761  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   762  	for lines.Scan() {
   763  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   764  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   765  			numEntries++
   766  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), ":")
   767  			if len(p) >= 2 && strings.TrimSpace(p[1]) == "No licence specified" {
   768  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 2)
   769  				licFound = true
   770  			}
   771  		}
   772  	}
   773  	c.Check(licFound, chk.Equals, true)
   774  }
   776  func (s *DioSuite) Test0230_LicenceAdd(c *chk.C) {
   777  	// Add a licence to the testing server
   778  	licenceAddDisplayOrder = 2000
   779  	licenceAddFileFormat = "text"
   780  	licenceAddFullName = "GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE"
   781  	licenceAddFile = licFile
   782  	licenceAddURL = ""
   783  	err := licenceAdd([]string{"AGPL3"})
   784  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   786  	// Calculate the SHA256 of the licence file
   787  	b, err := os.ReadFile(licFile)
   788  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   789  	z := sha256.Sum256(b)
   790  	shaSum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   792  	// Verify the info sent via licenceAdd
   793  	licList, err := getLicences()
   794  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   796  	licVerify := licList["AGPL3"]
   797  	c.Assert(licVerify.FileFormat, chk.Equals, licenceAddFileFormat)
   798  	c.Assert(licVerify.FullName, chk.Equals, licenceAddFullName)
   799  	c.Assert(licVerify.Order, chk.Equals, licenceAddDisplayOrder)
   800  	c.Assert(licVerify.Sha256, chk.Equals, shaSum)
   801  	c.Assert(licVerify.URL, chk.Equals, licenceAddURL)
   802  }
   804  func (s *DioSuite) Test0240_LicenceGet(c *chk.C) {
   805  	// Calculate the SHA256 of the original licence file
   806  	b, err := os.ReadFile(licFile)
   807  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   808  	z := sha256.Sum256(b)
   809  	origSHASum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   811  	// Make sure "AGPL3.txt" doesn't exist in the current directory before the call to licenceGet()
   812  	getFile := filepath.Join(tempDir, "AGPL3.txt")
   813  	_, err = os.Stat(getFile)
   814  	c.Assert(err, chk.Not(chk.IsNil))
   816  	// Retrieve the AGPL3 licence from the test server using licenceGet()
   817  	err = licenceGet([]string{"AGPL3"})
   818  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   820  	// Verify the AGPL3.txt licence now exists, and its contents match what's expected
   821  	_, err = os.Stat(getFile)
   822  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   823  	y, err := os.ReadFile(licFile)
   824  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   825  	z = sha256.Sum256(y)
   826  	newSHASum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   827  	c.Check(newSHASum, chk.Equals, origSHASum)
   828  }
   830  func (s *DioSuite) Test0250_LicenceRemove(c *chk.C) {
   831  	// Verify the AGPL3 licence exists on the test server prior to our licenceRemove() call
   832  	oldEntries := 0
   833  	licFound := false
   834  	err := licenceList()
   835  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   836  	lines := bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   837  	for lines.Scan() {
   838  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   839  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   840  			oldEntries++
   841  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), ":")
   842  			if len(p) >= 2 && strings.TrimSpace(p[1]) == "GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE" {
   843  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 2)
   844  				licFound = true
   845  			}
   846  		}
   847  	}
   848  	c.Check(licFound, chk.Equals, true)
   850  	// Run the licence removal call
   851  	err = licenceRemove([]string{"AGPL3"})
   852  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   854  	// Verify the licence has been removed
   855  	err = licenceList()
   856  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   857  	numEntries := 0
   858  	licFound = false
   859  	lines = bufio.NewScanner(&s.buf)
   860  	for lines.Scan() {
   861  		l := strings.TrimSpace(lines.Text())
   862  		if strings.HasPrefix(l, "*") {
   863  			numEntries++
   864  			p := strings.Split(lines.Text(), ":")
   865  			if len(p) >= 2 && strings.TrimSpace(p[1]) == "AGPL3" {
   866  				c.Check(p, chk.HasLen, 2)
   867  				licFound = true
   868  			}
   869  		}
   870  	}
   871  	c.Check(numEntries, chk.Equals, oldEntries-1)
   872  	c.Check(licFound, chk.Equals, false)
   873  }
   875  func (s *DioSuite) Test0260_PullLocal(c *chk.C) {
   876  	// Calculate the SHA256 of the test database
   877  	b, err := os.ReadFile(s.dbFile)
   878  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   879  	z := sha256.Sum256(b)
   880  	origSHASum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   882  	// Remove the local copy of our test database
   883  	err = os.Remove(s.dbFile)
   884  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   886  	// Grab the database from local cache
   887  	pullCmdBranch = "main"
   888  	pullCmdCommit = ""
   889  	*pullForce = true
   890  	err = pull([]string{s.dbName})
   891  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   893  	// Verify the SHA256 of the retrieved database matches
   894  	b, err = os.ReadFile(s.dbFile)
   895  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   896  	z = sha256.Sum256(b)
   897  	newSHASum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   898  	c.Check(newSHASum, chk.Equals, origSHASum)
   899  }
   901  // Tests pushing a database with no local commit data, and which doesn't yet exist on the remote server (should succeed)
   902  func (s *DioSuite) Test0270_PushCompletelyNewDB(c *chk.C) {
   903  	// Make sure the new database isn't yet shown on the remote server
   904  	newDB := "19kBv2.sqlite"
   905  	dbList, err := getDatabases(cloud, "default")
   906  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   907  	dbFound := false
   908  	for _, j := range dbList {
   909  		if j.Name == newDB {
   910  			dbFound = true
   911  		}
   912  	}
   913  	c.Assert(dbFound, chk.Equals, false)
   915  	// Rename our test database from 19kB.sqlite to 19kBv2.sqlite, to give us a "new" database with no local metadata
   916  	err = os.Rename(s.dbFile, newDB)
   917  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   918  	err = os.Chtimes(newDB, time.Now(), time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 2, 0, 0, time.UTC))
   919  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   921  	// Send the test database to the server
   922  	pushCmdName = "Default test user"
   923  	pushCmdBranch = "main"
   924  	pushCmdCommit = ""
   925  	pushCmdDB = newDB
   926  	pushCmdEmail = ""
   927  	pushCmdForce = false
   928  	pushCmdLicence = "Not specified"
   929  	pushCmdMsg = "Test message"
   930  	pushCmdPublic = false
   931  	pushCmdTimestamp = time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 30, 0, 0, time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
   932  	err = push([]string{newDB})
   933  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   935  	// Verify the new test database is on the server
   936  	dbList, err = getDatabases(cloud, "default")
   937  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   938  	dbFound = false
   939  	for _, j := range dbList {
   940  		if j.Name == newDB {
   941  			dbFound = true
   942  		}
   943  	}
   944  	c.Assert(dbFound, chk.Equals, true)
   945  }
   947  func (s *DioSuite) Test0280_PullRemote(c *chk.C) {
   948  	// Calculate the SHA256 of the test database
   949  	newDB := "19kBv2.sqlite"
   950  	b, err := os.ReadFile(newDB)
   951  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   952  	z := sha256.Sum256(b)
   953  	origSHASum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   955  	// Rename the local copy of our test database
   956  	err = os.Rename(newDB, newDB+"-renamed")
   957  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   959  	// Remove the local metadata and cache for our test database
   960  	metaDir := filepath.Join(".dio", newDB)
   961  	err = os.RemoveAll(metaDir)
   962  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   964  	// Grab the database from our test server
   965  	pullCmdBranch = ""
   966  	pullCmdCommit = "9a78d0c8c13c0442eb24367f3561d0cbb5676100bd69d147ec3bde4cdbaefa49"
   967  	*pullForce = true
   968  	err = pull([]string{newDB})
   969  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   971  	// Verify the SHA256 of the retrieved database matches
   972  	b, err = os.ReadFile(newDB)
   973  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   974  	z = sha256.Sum256(b)
   975  	newSHASum := hex.EncodeToString(z[:])
   976  	c.Check(newSHASum, chk.Equals, origSHASum)
   977  }
   979  // Tests pushing a database with no local commit data, but already exists on the remote server (should fail)
   980  func (s *DioSuite) Test0290_PushExistingDBConflict(c *chk.C) {
   981  	// Verify 19kBv2.sqlite exists on the test server
   982  	newDB := "19kBv2.sqlite"
   983  	dbList, err := getDatabases(cloud, "default")
   984  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   985  	dbFound := false
   986  	for _, j := range dbList {
   987  		if j.Name == newDB {
   988  			dbFound = true
   989  		}
   990  	}
   991  	c.Assert(dbFound, chk.Equals, true)
   993  	// Remove the local metadata for 19kBv2.sqlite
   994  	metaDir := filepath.Join(".dio", newDB)
   995  	err = os.RemoveAll(metaDir)
   996  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
   998  	// Push the database to the test server (should fail)
   999  	pushCmdName = "Default test user"
  1000  	pushCmdBranch = "main"
  1001  	pushCmdCommit = ""
  1002  	pushCmdDB = newDB
  1003  	pushCmdEmail = ""
  1004  	pushCmdForce = false
  1005  	pushCmdLicence = "Not specified"
  1006  	pushCmdMsg = "Test message"
  1007  	pushCmdPublic = false
  1008  	err = push([]string{newDB})
  1009  	c.Check(err, chk.Not(chk.IsNil))
  1010  }
  1012  // Tests pushing a database with local commit data, which doesn't yet exist on the remote server (should succeed)
  1013  func (s *DioSuite) Test0300_PushNewLocalDBAndMetadata(c *chk.C) {
  1014  	// Rename the test database to "19kBv3.sqlite"
  1015  	newDB := "19kBv3.sqlite"
  1016  	err := os.Rename("19kBv2.sqlite", newDB)
  1017  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
  1018  	err = os.Chtimes(newDB, time.Now(), time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 10, 0, time.UTC))
  1019  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
  1021  	// Create a commit using the new test database
  1022  	commitCmdBranch = "main"
  1023  	commitCmdCommit = ""
  1024  	commitCmdAuthEmail = ""
  1025  	commitCmdLicence = "Not specified"
  1026  	commitCmdMsg = "Test message"
  1027  	commitCmdAuthName = "Default test user"
  1028  	commitCmdTimestamp = time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 10, 0, time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
  1029  	err = commit([]string{newDB})
  1031  	// Verify the database doesn't exist remotely yet
  1032  	dbList, err := getDatabases(cloud, "default")
  1033  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
  1034  	dbFound := false
  1035  	for _, j := range dbList {
  1036  		if j.Name == newDB {
  1037  			dbFound = true
  1038  		}
  1039  	}
  1040  	c.Assert(dbFound, chk.Equals, false)
  1042  	// Push the database to the server
  1043  	pushCmdName = ""
  1044  	pushCmdBranch = ""
  1045  	pushCmdCommit = ""
  1046  	pushCmdDB = newDB
  1047  	pushCmdEmail = ""
  1048  	pushCmdForce = false
  1049  	pushCmdLicence = ""
  1050  	pushCmdMsg = ""
  1051  	pushCmdPublic = false
  1052  	err = push([]string{newDB})
  1053  	c.Check(err, chk.IsNil)
  1055  	// Verify the database has been created
  1056  	dbList, err = getDatabases(cloud, "default")
  1057  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
  1058  	dbFound = false
  1059  	for _, j := range dbList {
  1060  		if j.Name == newDB {
  1061  			dbFound = true
  1062  		}
  1063  	}
  1064  	c.Assert(dbFound, chk.Equals, true)
  1065  }
  1067  // Tests pushing a database with local commit data, which already exists remotely, and the local commits add to the remote (should succeed)
  1068  func (s *DioSuite) Test0310_PushLocalDBAndMetadata(c *chk.C) {
  1069  	// Create another local commit for 19kbv3.sqlite
  1070  	newDB := "19kBv3.sqlite"
  1071  	err := os.Chtimes(newDB, time.Now(), time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 11, 0, 0, time.UTC))
  1072  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
  1073  	commitCmdMsg = "Test message"
  1074  	commitCmdTimestamp = time.Date(2019, time.March, 15, 18, 1, 10, 0, time.UTC).Format(time.RFC3339)
  1075  	err = commit([]string{newDB})
  1076  	c.Check(err, chk.IsNil)
  1078  	// Push the new commit to the server
  1079  	pushCmdName = "Default test user"
  1080  	pushCmdBranch = "main"
  1081  	pushCmdCommit = ""
  1082  	pushCmdDB = s.dbName
  1083  	pushCmdEmail = ""
  1084  	pushCmdForce = false
  1085  	pushCmdLicence = "Not specified"
  1086  	pushCmdMsg = "Test message"
  1087  	pushCmdPublic = false
  1088  	err = push([]string{newDB})
  1089  	c.Check(err, chk.IsNil)
  1091  	// Verify the server now has two commits for the database
  1092  	meta, _, err := retrieveMetadata(newDB)
  1093  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
  1094  	c.Check(meta.Commits, chk.HasLen, 2)
  1095  }
  1097  // Tests pushing a database with local commit data, which already exists remotely, and the local commits are behind the remote (should fail)
  1098  func (s *DioSuite) Test0320_PushOldLocalMetadataDBConflict(c *chk.C) {
  1099  	// We use the same 19bKv3.sqlite database from the previous test, reverting it back to it's original commit, then pushing
  1101  	// Revert back to the original commit
  1102  	newDB := "19kBv3.sqlite"
  1103  	pullCmdCommit = "601e78fb16a715e37e86fc57ba3415e2684481cffea0455eb3463dc086e22177"
  1104  	*pullForce = true
  1105  	err := pull([]string{newDB})
  1106  	c.Assert(err, chk.IsNil)
  1108  	// Push the database to the server
  1109  	pushCmdName = ""
  1110  	pushCmdBranch = ""
  1111  	pushCmdCommit = ""
  1112  	pushCmdDB = newDB
  1113  	pushCmdEmail = ""
  1114  	pushCmdForce = false
  1115  	pushCmdLicence = ""
  1116  	pushCmdMsg = ""
  1117  	pushCmdPublic = false
  1118  	err = push([]string{newDB})
  1119  	c.Check(err, chk.Not(chk.IsNil))
  1120  }
  1122  // genTestCert retrieves a client certificate from the remote server
  1123  func genTestCert(server, outputPath string) (err error) {
  1124  	// Disable https cert validation for our tests
  1125  	insecureTLS := tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
  1126  	insecureTransport := http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &insecureTLS}
  1127  	client := http.Client{Transport: &insecureTransport}
  1129  	// Request the new client certificate
  1130  	resp, err := client.Get(strings.Replace(server, "5550", "9443", 1) + "/x/test/gencert")
  1131  	if err != nil {
  1132  		return
  1133  	}
  1134  	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
  1135  		err = fmt.Errorf("client certificate generation request failure. http code '%d' returned", resp.StatusCode)
  1136  		return
  1137  	}
  1139  	// Write the certificate to the filesystem
  1140  	rawCert, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
  1141  	if err != nil {
  1142  		return
  1143  	}
  1144  	err = os.WriteFile(outputPath, rawCert, 0640)
  1145  	if err != nil {
  1146  		return
  1147  	}
  1148  	return
  1149  }
  1151  // seedTests retrieves a client certificate from the remote server
  1152  func seedTests(server string) (err error) {
  1153  	// Disable https cert validation for our tests
  1154  	insecureTLS := tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
  1155  	insecureTransport := http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &insecureTLS}
  1156  	client := http.Client{Transport: &insecureTransport}
  1158  	// Seed the database
  1159  	resp, err := client.Get(strings.Replace(server, "5550", "9443", 1) + "/x/test/seed")
  1160  	if err != nil {
  1161  		return
  1162  	}
  1163  	if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
  1164  		err = fmt.Errorf("seeding database failed. http code '%d' returned", resp.StatusCode)
  1165  		return
  1166  	}
  1167  	return
  1168  }