(about) 1 # Docker project generated files to ignore 2 # if you want to ignore files created by your editor/tools, 3 # please consider a global .gitignore 4 *.exe 5 *.exe~ 6 *.orig 7 test.main 8 .*.swp 9 .DS_Store 10 # a .bashrc may be added to customize the build environment 11 .bashrc 12 .editorconfig 13 .gopath/ 14 .go-pkg-cache/ 15 autogen/ 16 bundles/ 17 cmd/dockerd/dockerd 18 contrib/builder/rpm/*/changelog 19 dockerversion/version_autogen.go 20 dockerversion/version_autogen_unix.go 21 vendor/pkg/ 22 hack/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm