(about) 1 # rkt release guide 2 3 How to perform a release of rkt. 4 This guide is probably unnecessarily verbose, so improvements welcomed. 5 Only parts of the procedure are automated; this is somewhat intentional (manual steps for sanity checking) but it can probably be further scripted, please help. 6 7 The following example assumes we're going from version 0.6.1 (`v0.6.1`) to 0.7.0 (`v0.7.0`). 8 9 Let's get started: 10 11 - Start at the relevant milestone on GitHub (e.g. ensure all referenced issues are closed (or moved elsewhere, if they're not done). Close the milestone. 12 - Update the [roadmap]( to remove the release you're performing, if necessary 13 - Branch from the latest master, make sure your git status is clean 14 - Ensure the build is clean! 15 - `git clean -ffdx && ./ && ./configure --enable-functional-tests && make && make check` should work 16 - Integration tests on CI should be green 17 - Update the [release notes]( Try to capture most of the salient changes since the last release, but don't go into unnecessary detail (better to link/reference the documentation wherever possible). 18 19 The rkt version is [hardcoded in the repository](, so the first thing to do is bump it: 20 - Run `scripts/bump-release v0.7.0`. This should generate two commits: a bump to the actual release (e.g. v0.7.0), and then a bump to the release+git (e.g. v0.7.0+git). The actual release version should only exist in a single commit! 21 - Sanity check what the script did with `git diff HEAD^^` or similar. As well as changing the actual version, it also attempts to fix a bunch of references in the documentation etc. 22 - Fix the commit `HEAD^^` so that the version in `stage1/aci/` is correct. 23 - If the script didn't work, yell at the author and/or fix it. It can almost certainly be improved. 24 - File a PR and get a review from another [MAINTAINER]( This is useful to a) sanity check the diff, and b) be very explicit/public that a release is happening 25 - Ensure the CI on the release PR is green! 26 27 After merging and going back to master branch, we check out the release version and tag it: 28 - `git checkout HEAD^` should work; sanity check (2nd line) after doing this 29 - Build rkt, we'll use this in a minute: 30 - `git clean -ffdx && ./ && ./configure && make BUILDDIR=release-build` 31 - This will build both `coreos` and `kvm` flavors and make `coreos` the default 32 - Use make's `-j` parameter as you see fit 33 - Sanity check `release-build/bin/rkt version` 34 - Add a signed tag: `git tag -s v0.7.0`. (We previously used tags for release notes, but now we store them in, so a short tag with the release name is fine). 35 - Push the tag to GitHub: `git push --tags` 36 37 Now we switch to the GitHub web UI to conduct the release: 38 - 39 - Tag "v0.7.0", release title "v0.7.0" 40 - For now, check "This is a pre-release" 41 - Copy-paste the release notes you added earlier in []( 42 - You can also add a little more detail and polish to the release notes here if you wish, as it is more targeted towards users (vs the changelog being more for developers); use your best judgement and see previous releases on GH for examples. 43 - Attach the release. This is a simple tarball: 44 45 ``` 46 export NAME="rkt-v0.7.0" 47 mkdir $NAME 48 cp release-build/bin/rkt release-build/bin/stage1-{coreos,kvm}.aci $NAME/ 49 tar czvf $NAME.tar.gz $NAME/ 50 ``` 51 52 - Attach the release signature; your personal GPG is okay for now: 53 54 ``` 55 gpg --detach-sign $NAME.tar.gz 56 ``` 57 58 - Publish the release! 59 60 Now it's announcement time: send an email to describing the release. 61 Generally this is higher level overview outlining some of the major features, not a copy-paste of the release notes. 62 Use your discretion and see [previous release emails](!forum/rkt-dev) for examples. 63 Make sure to include a list of authors that contributed since the previous release - something like the following might be handy: 64 65 ``` 66 git log ...v0.6.1 --pretty=format:"%an" | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's#,#, #g' -e 's#, $##' 67 ```