
     1  // Copyright 2014 The rkt Authors
     2  //
     3  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     4  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     5  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     6  //
     7  //
     8  //
     9  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    10  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    11  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    12  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    13  // limitations under the License.
    15  //+build linux
    17  package main
    19  import (
    20  	"bytes"
    21  	"encoding/json"
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"io"
    24  	"io/ioutil"
    25  	"os"
    26  	"path"
    27  	"path/filepath"
    28  	"strconv"
    29  	"strings"
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	initcommon ""
    38  	""
    39  )
    41  // Pod encapsulates a PodManifest and ImageManifests
    42  type Pod struct {
    43  	Root               string // root directory where the pod will be located
    44  	UUID               types.UUID
    45  	Manifest           *schema.PodManifest
    46  	Images             map[string]*schema.ImageManifest
    47  	MetadataServiceURL string
    48  	Networks           []string
    49  }
    51  const (
    52  	// Name of the file storing the pod's flavor
    53  	flavorFile    = "flavor"
    54  	sharedVolPerm = os.FileMode(0755)
    55  )
    57  var (
    58  	defaultEnv = map[string]string{
    59  		"PATH":    "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
    60  		"SHELL":   "/bin/sh",
    61  		"USER":    "root",
    62  		"LOGNAME": "root",
    63  		"HOME":    "/root",
    64  	}
    65  )
    67  // LoadPod loads a Pod Manifest (as prepared by stage0) and
    68  // its associated Application Manifests, under $root/stage1/opt/stage1/$apphash
    69  func LoadPod(root string, uuid *types.UUID) (*Pod, error) {
    70  	p := &Pod{
    71  		Root:   root,
    72  		UUID:   *uuid,
    73  		Images: make(map[string]*schema.ImageManifest),
    74  	}
    76  	buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(common.PodManifestPath(p.Root))
    77  	if err != nil {
    78  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed reading pod manifest: %v", err)
    79  	}
    81  	pm := &schema.PodManifest{}
    82  	if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, pm); err != nil {
    83  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed unmarshalling pod manifest: %v", err)
    84  	}
    85  	p.Manifest = pm
    87  	for i, app := range p.Manifest.Apps {
    88  		ampath := common.ImageManifestPath(p.Root, app.Name)
    89  		buf, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ampath)
    90  		if err != nil {
    91  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed reading app manifest %q: %v", ampath, err)
    92  		}
    94  		am := &schema.ImageManifest{}
    95  		if err = json.Unmarshal(buf, am); err != nil {
    96  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed unmarshalling app manifest %q: %v", ampath, err)
    97  		}
    99  		if _, ok := p.Images[app.Name.String()]; ok {
   100  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("got multiple definitions for app: %v", app.Name)
   101  		}
   102  		if app.App == nil {
   103  			p.Manifest.Apps[i].App = am.App
   104  		}
   105  		p.Images[app.Name.String()] = am
   106  	}
   108  	return p, nil
   109  }
   111  func simpleEscape(str string) string {
   112  	esc := strings.Replace(str, `\`, `\\`, -1)
   113  	esc = strings.Replace(esc, `"`, `\"`, -1)
   114  	esc = strings.Replace(esc, `'`, `\'`, -1)
   116  	return esc
   117  }
   119  // quoteExec returns an array of quoted strings appropriate for systemd execStart usage
   120  func quoteExec(exec []string) string {
   121  	if len(exec) == 0 {
   122  		// existing callers prefix {"/appexec", "/app/root", "/work/dir", "/env/file"} so this shouldn't occur.
   123  		panic("empty exec")
   124  	}
   126  	var qexec []string
   127  	escExec := simpleEscape(exec[0])
   128  	qexec = append(qexec, `"`+escExec+`"`)
   130  	if len(exec) > 1 {
   131  		for _, arg := range exec[1:] {
   132  			escArg := simpleEscape(arg)
   133  			escArg = strings.Replace(escArg, `$`, `$$`, -1)
   134  			qexec = append(qexec, `"`+escArg+`"`)
   135  		}
   136  	}
   138  	return strings.Join(qexec, " ")
   139  }
   141  func (p *Pod) WriteDefaultTarget() error {
   142  	opts := []*unit.UnitOption{
   143  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Description", "rkt apps target"),
   144  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "DefaultDependencies", "false"),
   145  	}
   147  	for i := range p.Manifest.Apps {
   148  		ra := &p.Manifest.Apps[i]
   149  		serviceName := ServiceUnitName(ra.Name)
   150  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "After", serviceName))
   151  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Wants", serviceName))
   152  	}
   154  	unitsPath := filepath.Join(common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root), unitsDir)
   155  	file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(unitsPath, ""), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
   156  	if err != nil {
   157  		return err
   158  	}
   159  	defer file.Close()
   161  	if _, err = io.Copy(file, unit.Serialize(opts)); err != nil {
   162  		return err
   163  	}
   165  	return nil
   166  }
   168  func (p *Pod) WritePrepareAppTemplate() error {
   169  	opts := []*unit.UnitOption{
   170  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Description", "Prepare minimum environment for chrooted applications"),
   171  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "DefaultDependencies", "false"),
   172  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "OnFailureJobMode", "fail"),
   173  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Requires", "systemd-journald.service"),
   174  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "After", "systemd-journald.service"),
   175  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Type", "oneshot"),
   176  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Restart", "no"),
   177  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "ExecStart", "/prepare-app %I"),
   178  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "User", "0"),
   179  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Group", "0"),
   180  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "CapabilityBoundingSet", "CAP_SYS_ADMIN CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE"),
   181  	}
   183  	unitsPath := filepath.Join(common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root), unitsDir)
   184  	file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(unitsPath, "prepare-app@.service"), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
   185  	if err != nil {
   186  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create service unit file: %v", err)
   187  	}
   188  	defer file.Close()
   190  	if _, err = io.Copy(file, unit.Serialize(opts)); err != nil {
   191  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to write service unit file: %v", err)
   192  	}
   194  	return nil
   195  }
   197  func (p *Pod) writeAppReaper(appName string) error {
   198  	opts := []*unit.UnitOption{
   199  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Description", fmt.Sprintf("%s Reaper", appName)),
   200  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "DefaultDependencies", "false"),
   201  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "StopWhenUnneeded", "yes"),
   202  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Wants", "shutdown.service"),
   203  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "After", "shutdown.service"),
   204  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Conflicts", ""),
   205  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Conflicts", ""),
   206  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Conflicts", ""),
   207  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "RemainAfterExit", "yes"),
   208  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "ExecStop", fmt.Sprintf("/ %s", appName)),
   209  	}
   211  	unitsPath := filepath.Join(common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root), unitsDir)
   212  	file, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(unitsPath, fmt.Sprintf("reaper-%s.service", appName)), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
   213  	if err != nil {
   214  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create service unit file: %v", err)
   215  	}
   216  	defer file.Close()
   218  	if _, err = io.Copy(file, unit.Serialize(opts)); err != nil {
   219  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to write service unit file: %v", err)
   220  	}
   222  	return nil
   223  }
   225  func generateGidArg(gid int, supplGid []int) string {
   226  	arg := []string{strconv.Itoa(gid)}
   227  	for _, sg := range supplGid {
   228  		arg = append(arg, strconv.Itoa(sg))
   229  	}
   230  	return strings.Join(arg, ",")
   231  }
   233  // appToSystemd transforms the provided RuntimeApp+ImageManifest into systemd units
   234  func (p *Pod) appToSystemd(ra *schema.RuntimeApp, interactive bool, flavor string, privateUsers string) error {
   235  	app := ra.App
   236  	appName := ra.Name
   237  	image, ok := p.Images[appName.String()]
   238  	if !ok {
   239  		// This is impossible as we have updated the map in LoadPod().
   240  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("No images for app %q", ra.Name.String()))
   241  	}
   242  	imgName := image.Name
   244  	workDir := "/"
   245  	if app.WorkingDirectory != "" {
   246  		workDir = app.WorkingDirectory
   247  	}
   249  	env := app.Environment
   251  	env.Set("AC_APP_NAME", appName.String())
   252  	if p.MetadataServiceURL != "" {
   253  		env.Set("AC_METADATA_URL", p.MetadataServiceURL)
   254  	}
   256  	if err := p.writeEnvFile(env, appName, privateUsers); err != nil {
   257  		return fmt.Errorf("unable to write environment file: %v", err)
   258  	}
   260  	// This is a partial implementation for app.User and app.Group:
   261  	// For now, only numeric ids (and the string "root") are supported.
   262  	var uid, gid int
   263  	var err error
   264  	if app.User == "root" {
   265  		uid = 0
   266  	} else {
   267  		uid, err = strconv.Atoi(app.User)
   268  		if err != nil {
   269  			return fmt.Errorf("non-numerical user id not supported yet")
   270  		}
   271  	}
   272  	if app.Group == "root" {
   273  		gid = 0
   274  	} else {
   275  		gid, err = strconv.Atoi(app.Group)
   276  		if err != nil {
   277  			return fmt.Errorf("non-numerical group id not supported yet")
   278  		}
   279  	}
   281  	execWrap := []string{"/appexec", common.RelAppRootfsPath(appName), workDir, RelEnvFilePath(appName), strconv.Itoa(uid), generateGidArg(gid, app.SupplementaryGIDs)}
   282  	execStart := quoteExec(append(execWrap, app.Exec...))
   283  	opts := []*unit.UnitOption{
   284  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Description", fmt.Sprintf("Application=%v Image=%v", appName, imgName)),
   285  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "DefaultDependencies", "false"),
   286  		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Wants", fmt.Sprintf("reaper-%s.service", appName)),
   287  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Restart", "no"),
   288  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "ExecStart", execStart),
   289  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "User", "0"),
   290  		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Group", "0"),
   291  	}
   293  	if interactive {
   294  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "StandardInput", "tty"))
   295  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "StandardOutput", "tty"))
   296  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "StandardError", "tty"))
   297  	} else {
   298  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "StandardOutput", "journal+console"))
   299  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "StandardError", "journal+console"))
   300  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "SyslogIdentifier", filepath.Base(app.Exec[0])))
   301  	}
   303  	// When an app fails, we shut down the pod
   304  	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "OnFailure", ""))
   306  	for _, eh := range app.EventHandlers {
   307  		var typ string
   308  		switch eh.Name {
   309  		case "pre-start":
   310  			typ = "ExecStartPre"
   311  		case "post-stop":
   312  			typ = "ExecStopPost"
   313  		default:
   314  			return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized eventHandler: %v", eh.Name)
   315  		}
   316  		exec := quoteExec(append(execWrap, eh.Exec...))
   317  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", typ, exec))
   318  	}
   320  	// Some pre-start jobs take a long time, set the timeout to 0
   321  	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "TimeoutStartSec", "0"))
   323  	var saPorts []types.Port
   324  	for _, p := range app.Ports {
   325  		if p.SocketActivated {
   326  			saPorts = append(saPorts, p)
   327  		}
   328  	}
   330  	for _, i := range app.Isolators {
   331  		switch v := i.Value().(type) {
   332  		case *types.ResourceMemory:
   333  			opts, err = cgroup.MaybeAddIsolator(opts, "memory", v.Limit())
   334  			if err != nil {
   335  				return err
   336  			}
   337  		case *types.ResourceCPU:
   338  			opts, err = cgroup.MaybeAddIsolator(opts, "cpu", v.Limit())
   339  			if err != nil {
   340  				return err
   341  			}
   342  		}
   343  	}
   345  	if len(saPorts) > 0 {
   346  		sockopts := []*unit.UnitOption{
   347  			unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Description", fmt.Sprintf("Application=%v Image=%v %s", appName, imgName, "socket-activated ports")),
   348  			unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "DefaultDependencies", "false"),
   349  			unit.NewUnitOption("Socket", "BindIPv6Only", "both"),
   350  			unit.NewUnitOption("Socket", "Service", ServiceUnitName(appName)),
   351  		}
   353  		for _, sap := range saPorts {
   354  			var proto string
   355  			switch sap.Protocol {
   356  			case "tcp":
   357  				proto = "ListenStream"
   358  			case "udp":
   359  				proto = "ListenDatagram"
   360  			default:
   361  				return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized protocol: %v", sap.Protocol)
   362  			}
   363  			sockopts = append(sockopts, unit.NewUnitOption("Socket", proto, fmt.Sprintf("%v", sap.Port)))
   364  		}
   366  		file, err := os.OpenFile(SocketUnitPath(p.Root, appName), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
   367  		if err != nil {
   368  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to create socket file: %v", err)
   369  		}
   370  		defer file.Close()
   372  		if _, err = io.Copy(file, unit.Serialize(sockopts)); err != nil {
   373  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to write socket unit file: %v", err)
   374  		}
   376  		if err = os.Symlink(path.Join("..", SocketUnitName(appName)), SocketWantPath(p.Root, appName)); err != nil {
   377  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to link socket want: %v", err)
   378  		}
   380  		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Requires", SocketUnitName(appName)))
   381  	}
   383  	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Requires", InstantiatedPrepareAppUnitName(appName)))
   384  	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "After", InstantiatedPrepareAppUnitName(appName)))
   386  	file, err := os.OpenFile(ServiceUnitPath(p.Root, appName), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
   387  	if err != nil {
   388  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to create service unit file: %v", err)
   389  	}
   390  	defer file.Close()
   392  	if _, err = io.Copy(file, unit.Serialize(opts)); err != nil {
   393  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to write service unit file: %v", err)
   394  	}
   396  	if err = os.Symlink(path.Join("..", ServiceUnitName(appName)), ServiceWantPath(p.Root, appName)); err != nil {
   397  		return fmt.Errorf("failed to link service want: %v", err)
   398  	}
   400  	if flavor == "kvm" {
   401  		// bind mount all shared volumes from /mnt/volumeName (we don't use mechanism for bind-mounting given by nspawn)
   402  		err := kvm.AppToSystemdMountUnits(common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root), appName, p.Manifest.Volumes, ra, unitsDir)
   403  		if err != nil {
   404  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to prepare mount units: %v", err)
   405  		}
   407  	}
   409  	if err = p.writeAppReaper(appName.String()); err != nil {
   410  		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to write app %q reaper service: %v\n", appName, err)
   411  	}
   413  	return nil
   414  }
   416  // writeEnvFile creates an environment file for given app name, the minimum
   417  // required environment variables by the appc spec will be set to sensible
   418  // defaults here if they're not provided by env.
   419  func (p *Pod) writeEnvFile(env types.Environment, appName types.ACName, privateUsers string) error {
   420  	ef := bytes.Buffer{}
   422  	for dk, dv := range defaultEnv {
   423  		if _, exists := env.Get(dk); !exists {
   424  			fmt.Fprintf(&ef, "%s=%s\000", dk, dv)
   425  		}
   426  	}
   428  	for _, e := range env {
   429  		fmt.Fprintf(&ef, "%s=%s\000", e.Name, e.Value)
   430  	}
   432  	uidRange := uid.NewBlankUidRange()
   433  	if err := uidRange.Deserialize([]byte(privateUsers)); err != nil {
   434  		return err
   435  	}
   437  	envFilePath := EnvFilePath(p.Root, appName)
   438  	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(envFilePath, ef.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
   439  		return err
   440  	}
   442  	if uidRange.Shift != 0 && uidRange.Count != 0 {
   443  		if err := os.Chown(envFilePath, int(uidRange.Shift), int(uidRange.Shift)); err != nil {
   444  			return err
   445  		}
   446  	}
   448  	return nil
   449  }
   451  // PodToSystemd creates the appropriate systemd service unit files for
   452  // all the constituent apps of the Pod
   453  func (p *Pod) PodToSystemd(interactive bool, flavor string, privateUsers string) error {
   455  	if flavor == "kvm" {
   456  		// prepare all applications names to become dependency for mount units
   457  		// all host-shared folder has to become available before applications starts
   458  		var appNames []types.ACName
   459  		for _, runtimeApp := range p.Manifest.Apps {
   460  			appNames = append(appNames, runtimeApp.Name)
   461  		}
   463  		// mount host volumes through some remote file system e.g. 9p to /mnt/volumeName location
   464  		// order is important here: podToSystemHostMountUnits prepares folders that are checked by each appToSystemdMountUnits later
   465  		err := kvm.PodToSystemdHostMountUnits(common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root), p.Manifest.Volumes, appNames, unitsDir)
   466  		if err != nil {
   467  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to transform pod volumes into mount units: %v", err)
   468  		}
   469  	}
   471  	for i := range p.Manifest.Apps {
   472  		ra := &p.Manifest.Apps[i]
   473  		if err := p.appToSystemd(ra, interactive, flavor, privateUsers); err != nil {
   474  			return fmt.Errorf("failed to transform app %q into systemd service: %v", ra.Name, err)
   475  		}
   476  	}
   477  	return nil
   478  }
   480  // appToNspawnArgs transforms the given app manifest, with the given associated
   481  // app name, into a subset of applicable systemd-nspawn argument
   482  func (p *Pod) appToNspawnArgs(ra *schema.RuntimeApp) ([]string, error) {
   483  	var args []string
   484  	appName := ra.Name
   485  	app := ra.App
   487  	sharedVolPath := common.SharedVolumesPath(p.Root)
   488  	if err := os.MkdirAll(sharedVolPath, sharedVolPerm); err != nil {
   489  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create shared volumes directory: %v", err)
   490  	}
   491  	if err := os.Chmod(sharedVolPath, sharedVolPerm); err != nil {
   492  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not change permissions of %q: %v", sharedVolPath, err)
   493  	}
   495  	vols := make(map[types.ACName]types.Volume)
   496  	for _, v := range p.Manifest.Volumes {
   497  		vols[v.Name] = v
   499  		if v.Kind == "empty" {
   500  			if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(sharedVolPath, v.Name.String()), sharedVolPerm); err != nil {
   501  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create shared volume %q: %v", v.Name, err)
   502  			}
   503  		}
   504  	}
   506  	mounts, err := initcommon.GenerateMounts(ra, vols)
   507  	if err != nil {
   508  		return nil, err
   509  	}
   511  	for _, m := range mounts {
   512  		vol := vols[m.Volume]
   514  		opt := make([]string, 4)
   516  		if initcommon.IsMountReadOnly(vol, app.MountPoints) {
   517  			opt[0] = "--bind-ro="
   518  		} else {
   519  			opt[0] = "--bind="
   520  		}
   522  		switch vol.Kind {
   523  		case "host":
   524  			opt[1] = vol.Source
   525  		case "empty":
   526  			absRoot, err := filepath.Abs(p.Root)
   527  			if err != nil {
   528  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get pod's root absolute path: %v\n", err)
   529  			}
   530  			opt[1] = filepath.Join(common.SharedVolumesPath(absRoot), vol.Name.String())
   531  		default:
   532  			return nil, fmt.Errorf(`invalid volume kind %q. Must be one of "host" or "empty".`, vol.Kind)
   533  		}
   534  		opt[2] = ":"
   535  		opt[3] = filepath.Join(common.RelAppRootfsPath(appName), m.Path)
   537  		args = append(args, strings.Join(opt, ""))
   538  	}
   540  	for _, i := range app.Isolators {
   541  		switch v := i.Value().(type) {
   542  		case types.LinuxCapabilitiesSet:
   543  			var caps []string
   544  			// TODO: cleanup the API on LinuxCapabilitiesSet to give strings easily.
   545  			for _, c := range v.Set() {
   546  				caps = append(caps, string(c))
   547  			}
   548  			if i.Name == types.LinuxCapabilitiesRetainSetName {
   549  				capList := strings.Join(caps, ",")
   550  				args = append(args, "--capability="+capList)
   551  			}
   552  		}
   553  	}
   555  	return args, nil
   556  }
   558  // PodToNspawnArgs renders a prepared Pod as a systemd-nspawn
   559  // argument list ready to be executed
   560  func (p *Pod) PodToNspawnArgs() ([]string, error) {
   561  	args := []string{
   562  		"--uuid=" + p.UUID.String(),
   563  		"--machine=" + p.GetMachineID(),
   564  		"--directory=" + common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root),
   565  	}
   567  	for i := range p.Manifest.Apps {
   568  		aa, err := p.appToNspawnArgs(&p.Manifest.Apps[i])
   569  		if err != nil {
   570  			return nil, err
   571  		}
   572  		args = append(args, aa...)
   573  	}
   575  	return args, nil
   576  }
   578  func (p *Pod) getFlavor() (flavor string, systemdVersion string, err error) {
   579  	flavor, err = os.Readlink(filepath.Join(common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root), "flavor"))
   580  	if err != nil {
   581  		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unable to determine stage1 flavor: %v", err)
   582  	}
   584  	if flavor == "host" {
   585  		// This flavor does not contain systemd, so don't return systemdVersion
   586  		return flavor, "", nil
   587  	}
   589  	systemdVersionBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(common.Stage1RootfsPath(p.Root), "systemd-version"))
   590  	if err != nil {
   591  		return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unable to determine stage1's systemd version: %v", err)
   592  	}
   593  	systemdVersion = strings.Trim(string(systemdVersionBytes), " \n")
   594  	return flavor, systemdVersion, nil
   595  }
   597  // GetAppHashes returns a list of hashes of the apps in this pod
   598  func (p *Pod) GetAppHashes() []types.Hash {
   599  	var names []types.Hash
   600  	for _, a := range p.Manifest.Apps {
   601  		names = append(names, a.Image.ID)
   602  	}
   604  	return names
   605  }
   607  // GetMachineID returns the machine id string of the pod to be passed to
   608  // systemd-nspawn
   609  func (p *Pod) GetMachineID() string {
   610  	return "rkt-" + p.UUID.String()
   611  }