
     1  <!--{
     2  	"Title": "Go Community Code of Conduct",
     3  	"Path":  "/conduct",
     4  	"Template": true
     5  }-->
     7  <style>
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    16  <h2 id="about">About the Code of Conduct</h2>
    18  <h3 id="why">Why have a Code of Conduct?</h3>
    20  <p>
    21  Online communities include people from many different backgrounds.
    22  The Go contributors are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming
    23  environment for all, regardless of age, disability, gender, nationality,
    24  ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or similar personal characteristic.
    25  </p>
    27  <p>
    28  The first goal of the Code of Conduct is to specify a baseline standard
    29  of behavior so that people with different social values and communication
    30  styles can talk about Go effectively, productively, and respectfully.
    31  </p>
    33  <p>
    34  The second goal is to provide a mechanism for resolving conflicts in the
    35  community when they arise.
    36  </p>
    38  <p>
    39  The third goal of the Code of Conduct is to make our community welcoming to
    40  people from different backgrounds.
    41  Diversity is critical to the project; for Go to be successful, it needs
    42  contributors and users from all backgrounds.
    43  (See <a href="">Go, Open Source, Community</a>.)
    44  </p>
    46  <p>
    47  With that said, a healthy community must allow for disagreement and debate.
    48  The Code of Conduct is not a mechanism for people to silence others with whom
    49  they disagree.
    50  </p>
    52  <h3 id="spaces">Where does the Code of Conduct apply?</h3>
    54  <p>
    55  If you participate in or contribute to the Go ecosystem in any way,
    56  you are encouraged to follow the Code of Conduct while doing so.
    57  </p>
    59  <p>
    60  Explicit enforcement of the Code of Conduct applies to the
    61  official forums operated by the Go project (“Go spaces”):
    62  </p>
    64  <ul>
    65      <li>The official <a href="">GitHub projects</a>
    66          and <a href="">code reviews</a>.
    67      <li>The <a href="">golang-nuts</a> and
    68          <a href="">golang-dev</a> mailing lists.
    69  <li>The #go-nuts IRC channel on Freenode.
    70  </ul>
    72  <p>
    73  Other Go groups (such as conferences, meetups, and other unofficial forums) are
    74  encouraged to adopt this Code of Conduct. Those groups must provide their own
    75  moderators and/or working group (see below).
    76  </p>
    78  <h2 id="values">Gopher values</h2>
    80  <p>
    81  These are the values to which people in the Go community (“Gophers”) should aspire.
    82  </p>
    84  <ul>
    85  <li>Be friendly and welcoming
    86  <li>Be patient
    87      <ul>
    88      <li>Remember that people have varying communication styles and that not
    89          everyone is using their native language.
    90          (Meaning and tone can be lost in translation.)
    91      </ul>
    92  <li>Be thoughtful
    93      <ul>
    94      <li>Productive communication requires effort.
    95          Think about how your words will be interpreted.
    96      <li>Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain entirely from commenting.
    97      </ul>
    98  <li>Be respectful
    99      <ul>
   100      <li>In particular, respect differences of opinion.
   101      </ul>
   102  <li>Be charitable
   103      <ul>
   104      <li>Interpret the arguments of others in good faith, do not seek to disagree.
   105      <li>When we do disagree, try to understand why.
   106      </ul>
   107  <li>Avoid destructive behavior:
   108      <ul>
   109      <li>Derailing: stay on topic; if you want to talk about something else,
   110          start a new conversation.
   111      <li>Unconstructive criticism: don't merely decry the current state of affairs;
   112          offer—or at least solicit—suggestions as to how things may be improved.
   113      <li>Snarking (pithy, unproductive, sniping comments)
   114      <li>Discussing potentially offensive or sensitive issues;
   115          this all too often leads to unnecessary conflict.
   116      <li>Microaggressions: brief and commonplace verbal, behavioral and
   117          environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative
   118          slights and insults to a person or group.
   119      </ul>
   120  </ul>
   122  <p>
   123  People are complicated.
   124  You should expect to be misunderstood and to misunderstand others;
   125  when this inevitably occurs, resist the urge to be defensive or assign blame.
   126  Try not to take offense where no offense was intended.
   127  Give people the benefit of the doubt.
   128  Even if the intent was to provoke, do not rise to it.
   129  It is the responsibility of <i>all parties</i> to de-escalate conflict when it arises.
   130  </p>
   132  <h2 id="unwelcome_behavior">Unwelcome behavior</h2>
   134  <p>
   135  These actions are explicitly forbidden in Go spaces:
   136  </p>
   138  <ul>
   139  <li>Insulting, demeaning, hateful, or threatening remarks.
   140  <li>Discrimination based on age, disability, gender, nationality, race,
   141      religion, sexuality, or similar personal characteristic.
   142  <li>Bullying or systematic harassment.
   143  <li>Unwelcome sexual advances.
   144  <li>Incitement to any of these.
   145  </ul>
   147  <h2 id="moderation">Moderation</h2>
   149  <p>
   150  The Go spaces are not free speech venues; they are for discussion about Go.
   151  Each of these spaces have their own moderators.
   152  </p>
   154  <p>
   155  When using the official Go spaces you should act in the spirit of the “Gopher
   156  values”.
   157  If a reported conflict cannot be resolved amicably, the CoC Working Group
   158  may make a recommendation to the relevant forum moderators.
   159  </p>
   161  <p>
   162  CoC Working Group members and forum moderators are held to a higher standard than other community members.
   163  If a working group member or moderator creates an inappropriate situation, they
   164  should expect less leeway than others, and should expect to be removed from
   165  their position if they cannot adhere to the CoC.
   166  </p>
   168  <p>
   169  Complaints about working group member or moderator actions must be handled 
   170  using the reporting process below.
   171  </p>
   173  <h2 id="reporting">Reporting issues</h2>
   175  <p>
   176  The Code of Conduct Working Group is a group of people that represent the Go
   177  community. They are responsible for handling conduct-related issues.
   178  Their purpose is to de-escalate conflicts and try to resolve issues to the
   179  satisfaction of all parties. They are:
   180  </p>
   182  <ul>
   183  	<li>Aditya Mukerjee &lt;;
   184  	<li>Andrew Gerrand &lt;;
   185  	<li>Peggy Li &lt;;
   186  	<li>Sarah Adams &lt;;
   187  	<li>Steve Francia &lt;;
   188  	<li>Verónica López &lt;;
   189  </ul>
   191  <p>
   192  If you encounter a conduct-related issue, you should report it to the
   193  Working Group using the process described below.
   194  <b>Do not</b> post about the issue publicly or try to rally sentiment against a
   195  particular individual or group.
   196  </p>
   198  <ul>
   199  <li>Mail <a href=""></a>.
   200      <ul>
   201      <li>Your message will reach the Working Group.
   202      <li>Reports are confidential within the Working Group.
   203      <li>You may contact a member of the group directly if you do not feel
   204          comfortable contacting the group as a whole. That member will then raise
   205          the issue with the Working Group as a whole, preserving the privacy of the
   206          reporter (if desired).
   207      <li>If your report concerns a member of the Working Group they will be recused
   208          from Working Group discussions of the report.
   209      <li>The Working Group will strive to handle reports with discretion and
   210          sensitivity, to protect the privacy of the involved parties,
   211          and to avoid conflicts of interest.
   212      </ul>
   213  <li>You should receive a response within 48 hours (likely sooner).
   214      (Should you choose to contact a single Working Group member,
   215      it may take longer to receive a response.)
   216  <li>The Working Group will meet to review the incident and determine what happened.
   217      <ul>
   218      <li>With the permission of person reporting the incident, the Working Group
   219          may reach out to other community members for more context.
   220      </ul>
   221  <li>The Working Group will reach a decision as to how to act. These may include:
   222      <ul>
   223      <li>Nothing.
   224      <li>Passing the report along to the offender.
   225      <li>A recommendation of action to the relevant forum moderators.
   226      </ul>
   227  <li>The Working Group will reach out to the original reporter to let them know
   228      the decision.
   229  <li>Appeals to the decision may be made to the Working Group,
   230      or to any of its members directly.
   231  </ul>
   233  <p>
   234  <b>Note that the goal of the Code of Conduct and the Working Group is to resolve
   235  conflicts in the most harmonious way possible.</b>
   236  We hope that in most cases issues may be resolved through polite discussion and
   237  mutual agreement.
   238  </p>
   240  <p>
   241  Changes to the Code of Conduct (including to the members of the Working Group)
   242  should be proposed using the
   243  <a href="">change proposal process</a>.
   244  </p>
   246  <h2 id="summary">Summary</h2>
   248  <ul>
   249  <li>Treat everyone with respect and kindness.
   250  <li>Be thoughtful in how you communicate.
   251  <li>Don’t be destructive or inflammatory.
   252  <li>If you encounter an issue, please mail <a href=""></a>.
   253  </ul>
   255  <h3 id="acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</h3>
   257  <p>
   258  Parts of this document were derived from the Code of Conduct documents of the
   259  Django, FreeBSD, and Rust projects.
   260  </p>