
     1  SHELL=/usr/bin/env bash
     2  PROJECTNAME=$(shell basename "$(PWD)")
     3  DIR_FULLPATH=$(shell pwd)
     4  versioningPath := ""
     5  LDFLAGS=-ldflags="-X '$(versioningPath).buildTime=$(shell date)' -X '$(versioningPath).lastCommit=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)' -X '$(versioningPath).semanticVersion=$(shell git describe --tags --dirty=-dev 2>/dev/null || git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)'"
     6  TAGS=integration
     7  SHORT=
     8  ifeq (${PREFIX},)
     9  	PREFIX := /usr/local
    10  endif
    11  ifeq ($(ENABLE_VERBOSE),true)
    12  	LOG_AND_FILTER = | tee debug.log
    13  	VERBOSE = -v
    14  else
    15  	VERBOSE =
    16  	LOG_AND_FILTER =
    17  endif
    18  ifeq ($(SHORT),true)
    19  	INTEGRATION_RUN_LENGTH = -short
    20  else
    22  endif
    23  ## help: Get more info on make commands.
    24  help: Makefile
    25  	@echo " Choose a command run in "$(PROJECTNAME)":"
    26  	@sed -n 's/^##//p' $< | column -t -s ':' |  sed -e 's/^/ /'
    27  .PHONY: help
    29  ## install-hooks: Install git-hooks from .githooks directory.
    30  install-hooks:
    31  	@echo "--> Installing git hooks"
    32  	@git config core.hooksPath .githooks
    33  .PHONY: install-hooks
    35  ## build: Build sunrise-da binary.
    36  build:
    37  	@echo "--> Building Sunrise-DA"
    38  	@go build -o build/ ${LDFLAGS} ./cmd/sunrise-da
    39  .PHONY: build
    41  ## build-jemalloc: Build sunrise-da binary with jemalloc allocator for BadgerDB instead of Go's native one
    42  build-jemalloc: jemalloc
    43  	@echo "--> Building Sunrise-DA with jemalloc"
    44  	@go build -o build/ ${LDFLAGS} -tags jemalloc ./cmd/sunrise-da
    45  .PHONY: build-jemalloc
    47  ## clean: Clean up sunrise-da binary.
    48  clean:
    49  	@echo "--> Cleaning up ./build"
    50  	@rm -rf build/*
    51  .PHONY: clean
    53  ## cover: generate to code coverage report.
    54  cover:
    55  	@echo "--> Generating Code Coverage"
    56  	@go install
    57  	@go-acc -o coverage.txt `go list ./... | grep -v nodebuilder/tests` -- -v
    58  .PHONY: cover
    60  ## deps: install dependencies.
    61  deps:
    62  	@echo "--> Installing Dependencies"
    63  	@go mod download
    64  .PHONY: deps
    66  ## install: Install all build binaries into the $PREFIX (/usr/local/ by default) directory.
    67  install:
    68  	@echo "--> Installing Sunrise-DA"
    69  	@install -v ./build/* -t ${PREFIX}/bin/
    70  .PHONY: install
    72  ## go-install: Build and install the sunrise-da binary into the GOBIN directory.
    73  go-install:
    74  	@echo "--> Installing Sunrise-DA"
    75  	@go install ${LDFLAGS} ./cmd/sunrise-da
    76  .PHONY: go-install
    78  ## cel-shed: Build cel-shed binary.
    79  cel-shed:
    80  	@echo "--> Building cel-shed"
    81  	@go build ./cmd/cel-shed
    82  .PHONY: cel-shed
    84  ## install-shed: Build and install the cel-shed binary into the GOBIN directory.
    85  install-shed:
    86  	@echo "--> Installing cel-shed"
    87  	@go install ./cmd/cel-shed
    88  .PHONY: install-shed
    90  ## cel-key: Build cel-key binary.
    91  cel-key:
    92  	@echo "--> Building cel-key"
    93  	@go build ./cmd/cel-key
    94  .PHONY: cel-key
    96  ## install-key: Build and install the cel-key binary into the GOBIN directory.
    97  install-key:
    98  	@echo "--> Installing cel-key"
    99  	@go install ./cmd/cel-key
   100  .PHONY: install-key
   102  ## fmt: Formats only *.go (excluding *.pb.go *pb_test.go). Runs `gofmt & goimports` internally.
   103  fmt: sort-imports
   104  	@find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "*.git*" -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*pb_test.go' | xargs gofmt -w -s
   105  	@find . -name '*.go' -type f -not -path "*.git*"  -not -name '*.pb.go' -not -name '*pb_test.go' | xargs goimports -w -local
   106  	@go mod tidy -compat=1.20
   107  	@cfmt -w -m=100 ./...
   108  	@markdownlint --fix --quiet --config .markdownlint.yaml .
   109  .PHONY: fmt
   111  ## lint: Linting *.go files using golangci-lint. Look for .golangci.yml for the list of linters. Also lint *.md files using markdownlint.
   112  lint: lint-imports
   113  	@echo "--> Running linter"
   114  	@golangci-lint run
   115  	@markdownlint --config .markdownlint.yaml '**/*.md'
   116  	@cfmt -m=100 ./...
   117  .PHONY: lint
   119  ## test-unit: Running unit tests
   120  test-unit:
   121  	@echo "--> Running unit tests"
   122  	@go test $(VERBOSE) -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt `go list ./... | grep -v nodebuilder/tests` $(LOG_AND_FILTER)
   123  .PHONY: test-unit
   125  ## test-unit-race: Running unit tests with data race detector
   126  test-unit-race:
   127  	@echo "--> Running unit tests with data race detector"
   128  	@go test $(VERBOSE) -race -covermode=atomic -coverprofile=coverage.txt `go list ./... | grep -v nodebuilder/tests` $(LOG_AND_FILTER)
   129  .PHONY: test-unit-race
   131  ## test-integration: Running /integration tests located in nodebuilder/tests
   132  test-integration:
   133  	@echo "--> Running integrations tests $(VERBOSE) -tags=$(TAGS) $(INTEGRATION_RUN_LENGTH)"
   134  	@go test $(VERBOSE) -tags=$(TAGS) $(INTEGRATION_RUN_LENGTH) ./nodebuilder/tests
   135  .PHONY: test-integration
   137  ## test-integration-race: Running integration tests with data race detector located in node/tests
   138  test-integration-race:
   139  	@echo "--> Running integration tests with data race detector -tags=$(TAGS)"
   140  	@go test -race -tags=$(TAGS) ./nodebuilder/tests
   141  .PHONY: test-integration-race
   143  ## benchmark: Running all benchmarks
   144  benchmark:
   145  	@echo "--> Running benchmarks"
   146  	@go test -run="none" -bench=. -benchtime=100x -benchmem ./...
   147  .PHONY: benchmark
   149  PB_PKGS=$(shell find . -name 'pb' -type d)
   150  PB_CORE=$(shell go list -f {{.Dir}} -m
   151  PB_GOGO=$(shell go list -f {{.Dir}} -m
   152  PB_CELESTIA_APP=$(shell go list -f {{.Dir}} -m
   153  PB_NMT=$(shell go list -f {{.Dir}} -m
   155  ## pb-gen: Generate protobuf code for all /pb/*.proto files in the project.
   156  pb-gen:
   157  	@echo '--> Generating protobuf'
   158  	@for dir in $(PB_PKGS); \
   159  		do for file in `find $$dir -type f -name "*.proto"`; \
   160  			do protoc -I=. -I=${PB_CORE}/proto/ -I=${PB_GOGO} -I=${PB_CELESTIA_APP}/proto -I=${PB_NMT} --gogofaster_out=paths=source_relative:. $$file; \
   161  			echo '-->' $$file; \
   162  		done; \
   163  	done;
   164  .PHONY: pb-gen
   166  ## openrpc-gen: Generate OpenRPC spec for Sunrise-DA's RPC api
   167  openrpc-gen:
   168  	@echo "--> Generating OpenRPC spec"
   169  	@go run ./cmd/docgen fraud header state share das p2p node blob da
   170  .PHONY: openrpc-gen
   172  ## lint-imports: Lint only Go imports.
   173  ## flag -set-exit-status doesn't exit with code 1 as it should, so we use find until it is fixed by goimports-reviser
   174  lint-imports:
   175  	@echo "--> Running imports linter"
   176  	@for file in `find . -type f -name '*.go'`; \
   177  		do goimports-reviser -list-diff -set-exit-status -company-prefixes "" -project-name "" -output stdout $$file \
   178  		 || exit 1;  \
   179      done;
   180  .PHONY: lint-imports
   182  ## sort-imports: Sort Go imports.
   183  sort-imports:
   184  	@goimports-reviser -company-prefixes "" -project-name "" -output stdout ./...
   185  .PHONY: sort-imports
   187  ## adr-gen: Generate ADR from template. Must set NUM and TITLE parameters.
   188  adr-gen:
   189  	@echo "--> Generating ADR"
   190  	@curl -sSL > docs/architecture/adr-$(NUM)-$(TITLE).md
   191  .PHONY: adr-gen
   193  ## telemetry-infra-up: launches local telemetry infrastructure. This includes grafana, jaeger, loki, pyroscope, and an otel-collector.
   194  ## you can access the grafana instance at localhost:3000 and login with admin:admin.
   195  telemetry-infra-up:
   196  	PWD="${DIR_FULLPATH}/docker/telemetry" docker-compose -f ./docker/telemetry/docker-compose.yml up
   197  .PHONY: telemetry-infra-up
   199  ## telemetry-infra-down: tears the telemetry infrastructure down. The stores for grafana, prometheus, and loki will persist.
   200  telemetry-infra-down:
   201  	PWD="${DIR_FULLPATH}/docker/telemetry" docker-compose -f ./docker/telemetry/docker-compose.yml down
   202  .PHONY: telemetry-infra-down
   204  ## goreleaser: List Goreleaser commands and checks if GoReleaser is installed.
   205  goreleaser: Makefile
   206  	@echo " Choose a goreleaser command to run:"
   207  	@sed -n 's/^## goreleaser/goreleaser/p' $< | column -t -s ':' |  sed -e 's/^/ /'
   208  	@goreleaser --version
   209  .PHONY: goreleaser
   211  ## goreleaser-build: Builds the sunrise binary using GoReleaser for your local OS.
   212  goreleaser-build:
   213  	goreleaser build --snapshot --clean --single-target
   214  .PHONY: goreleaser-build
   216  ## goreleaser-release: Builds the release sunrise binaries as defined in .goreleaser.yaml. This requires there be a git tag for the release in the local git history.
   217  goreleaser-release:
   218  	goreleaser release --clean --fail-fast --skip-publish
   219  .PHONY: goreleaser-release
   221  # Copied from
   222  USER_ID      = $(shell id -u)
   223  HAS_JEMALLOC = $(shell test -f /usr/local/lib/libjemalloc.a && echo "jemalloc")
   224  JEMALLOC_URL = ""
   226  ## jemalloc installs jemalloc allocator
   227  jemalloc:
   228  	@if [ -z "$(HAS_JEMALLOC)" ] ; then \
   229  		mkdir -p /tmp/jemalloc-temp && cd /tmp/jemalloc-temp ; \
   230  		echo "Downloading jemalloc..." ; \
   231  		curl -s -L ${JEMALLOC_URL} -o jemalloc.tar.bz2 ; \
   232  		tar xjf ./jemalloc.tar.bz2 ; \
   233  		cd jemalloc-5.2.1 ; \
   234  		./configure --with-jemalloc-prefix='je_' --with-malloc-conf='background_thread:true,metadata_thp:auto'; \
   235  		make ; \
   236  		if [ "$(USER_ID)" -eq "0" ]; then \
   237  			make install ; \
   238  		else \
   239  			echo "==== Need sudo access to install jemalloc" ; \
   240  			sudo make install ; \
   241  		fi ; \
   242  		cd /tmp ; \
   243  		rm -rf /tmp/jemalloc-temp ; \
   244  	fi
   245  .PHONY: jemalloc