
     1  # program name, name for the executable
     2  ProgramName: easygen
     4  # package name
     5  # - For standalone program that does not belong to any package, e.g., 
     6  #
     7  #   just ignore the first line, the `package` output, and copy the rest
     8  # - If you don't mind using a separated file to handle commandline paramters,
     9  #   then name the package as "main". see the spin-out "TF-minus1.go" file under
    10  #
    11  # - If you are using it in a pacakge, look no further than
    12  #
    13  #   which was a direct dump: easygen test/commandlineFlag | gofmt > easygenapi/config.go
    14  #
    15  PackageName: easygen
    17  # Name of the structure to hold the values for/from commandline
    18  StructName: Options
    19  # The actual variable that hold the commandline paramter values
    20  StructVar: Opts
    22  Options:
    24    - Name: TemplateStr
    25      Type: string
    26      Flag: ts
    27      Value: '""'
    28      Usage: "template string (in text)"
    30    - Name: ExtYaml
    31      Type: string
    32      Flag: ey
    33      Value: '".yaml"'
    34      Usage: "`extension` of yaml file"
    36    - Name: ExtJson
    37      Type: string
    38      Flag: ej
    39      Value: '".json"'
    40      Usage: "`extension` of json file"
    42    - Name: ExtTmpl
    43      Type: string
    44      Flag: et
    45      Value: '".tmpl"'
    46      Usage: "`extension` of template file"
    48    - Name: Debug
    49      Type: int
    50      Flag: debug
    51      Value: 0
    52      Usage: "debugging `level`"
    54  # Whether to use the USAGE_SUMMARY in Usage help
    55  UsageSummary: ""
    57  UsageLead: "\\nUsage:\\n %s [flags] template_name [data_filename [data_filename...]]\\n\\nFlags:\\n\\n"
    59  UsageEnd: |
    61    template_name: The name for the template file.
    62     - Can have the extension (specified by -et) or without it.
    63     - Can include the path as well.
    64     - Can be a comma-separated list giving many template files, in which case
    65       at least one data_filename must be given.
    67    data_filename(s): The name for the .yaml or .json data.
    68     - If omitted derive from the template_name.
    69     - Can have the extension or without it. If withot extension,
    70       will try the .yaml file first then .json
    71     - Can include the path as well.
    72     - Can have more than one data files given on cli, separated by spaces,
    73       in which case multiple outputs will be produced based on the inputs.
    74     - Can be a comma-separated list giving many data files, in which case
    75       data will be merged together as if provided from a single file.
    76     - If there is a single data_filename, and it is "-",
    77       then read the data (.yaml or .json format) from stdin.
    79    Flag defaults can be overridden by corresponding environment variable, e.g.:
    80      EASYGEN_EY=.yml EASYGEN_ET=.tpl easygen ...