
     1  project_name: supabase
     2  builds:
     3    - id: supabase
     4      binary: supabase
     5      flags:
     6        - -trimpath
     7      ldflags:
     8        - -s -w -X{{.Version}} -X{{ .Env.SENTRY_DSN }}
     9      env:
    10        - CGO_ENABLED=0
    11      targets:
    12        - darwin_amd64
    13        - darwin_arm64
    14        - linux_amd64
    15        - linux_arm64
    16        - windows_amd64
    17        - windows_arm64
    18  archives:
    19    - name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }}'
    20  release:
    21    draft: true
    22    replace_existing_draft: true
    23    prerelease: auto
    24  changelog:
    25    use: github
    26    groups:
    27      - title: Features
    28        regexp: '^.*?feat(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
    29        order: 0
    30      - title: "Bug fixes"
    31        regexp: '^.*?fix(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
    32        order: 1
    33      - title: Others
    34        order: 999
    35  nfpms:
    36    - vendor: Supabase
    37      description: Supabase CLI
    38      maintainer: Supabase CLI
    39      homepage:
    40      license: MIT
    41      formats:
    42        - apk
    43        - deb
    44        - rpm
    45        - archlinux