
     1  package cmd
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"os"
     6  	"os/signal"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  )
    21  var (
    22  	migrationCmd = &cobra.Command{
    23  		GroupID: groupLocalDev,
    24  		Use:     "migration",
    25  		Aliases: []string{"migrations"},
    26  		Short:   "Manage database migration scripts",
    27  		PersistentPreRunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    28  			ctx, _ := signal.NotifyContext(cmd.Context(), os.Interrupt)
    29  			cmd.SetContext(ctx)
    30  			return cmd.Root().PersistentPreRunE(cmd, args)
    31  		},
    32  	}
    34  	migrationListCmd = &cobra.Command{
    35  		Use:   "list",
    36  		Short: "List local and remote migrations",
    37  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    38  			return list.Run(cmd.Context(), flags.DbConfig, afero.NewOsFs())
    39  		},
    40  	}
    42  	migrationNewCmd = &cobra.Command{
    43  		Use:   "new <migration name>",
    44  		Short: "Create an empty migration script",
    45  		Args:  cobra.ExactArgs(1),
    46  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    47  			return new.Run(args[0], os.Stdin, afero.NewOsFs())
    48  		},
    49  	}
    51  	targetStatus = utils.EnumFlag{
    52  		Allowed: []string{
    53  			repair.Applied,
    54  			repair.Reverted,
    55  		},
    56  	}
    58  	migrationRepairCmd = &cobra.Command{
    59  		Use:   "repair [version] ...",
    60  		Short: "Repair the migration history table",
    61  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    62  			return repair.Run(cmd.Context(), flags.DbConfig, args, targetStatus.Value, afero.NewOsFs())
    63  		},
    64  		PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    65  			fmt.Println("Finished " + utils.Aqua("supabase migration repair") + ".")
    66  		},
    67  	}
    69  	migrationVersion string
    71  	migrationSquashCmd = &cobra.Command{
    72  		Use:   "squash",
    73  		Short: "Squash migrations to a single file",
    74  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    75  			return squash.Run(cmd.Context(), migrationVersion, flags.DbConfig, afero.NewOsFs())
    76  		},
    77  		PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    78  			fmt.Println("Finished " + utils.Aqua("supabase migration squash") + ".")
    79  		},
    80  	}
    82  	migrationUpCmd = &cobra.Command{
    83  		Use:   "up",
    84  		Short: "Apply pending migrations to local database",
    85  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    86  			return up.Run(cmd.Context(), includeAll, flags.DbConfig, afero.NewOsFs())
    87  		},
    88  		PostRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
    89  			fmt.Println("Local database is up to date.")
    90  		},
    91  	}
    93  	migrationFetchCmd = &cobra.Command{
    94  		Use:   "fetch",
    95  		Short: "Fetch migration files from history table",
    96  		RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
    97  			return fetch.Run(cmd.Context(), flags.DbConfig, afero.NewOsFs())
    98  		},
    99  	}
   100  )
   102  func init() {
   103  	// Build list command
   104  	listFlags := migrationListCmd.Flags()
   105  	listFlags.String("db-url", "", "Lists migrations of the database specified by the connection string (must be percent-encoded).")
   106  	listFlags.Bool("linked", true, "Lists migrations applied to the linked project.")
   107  	listFlags.Bool("local", false, "Lists migrations applied to the local database.")
   108  	migrationListCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "linked", "local")
   109  	listFlags.StringVarP(&dbPassword, "password", "p", "", "Password to your remote Postgres database.")
   110  	cobra.CheckErr(viper.BindPFlag("DB_PASSWORD", listFlags.Lookup("password")))
   111  	migrationListCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "password")
   112  	migrationCmd.AddCommand(migrationListCmd)
   113  	// Build repair command
   114  	repairFlags := migrationRepairCmd.Flags()
   115  	repairFlags.Var(&targetStatus, "status", "Version status to update.")
   116  	cobra.CheckErr(migrationRepairCmd.MarkFlagRequired("status"))
   117  	repairFlags.String("db-url", "", "Repairs migrations of the database specified by the connection string (must be percent-encoded).")
   118  	repairFlags.Bool("linked", true, "Repairs the migration history of the linked project.")
   119  	repairFlags.Bool("local", false, "Repairs the migration history of the local database.")
   120  	migrationRepairCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "linked", "local")
   121  	repairFlags.StringVarP(&dbPassword, "password", "p", "", "Password to your remote Postgres database.")
   122  	cobra.CheckErr(viper.BindPFlag("DB_PASSWORD", repairFlags.Lookup("password")))
   123  	migrationRepairCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "password")
   124  	migrationCmd.AddCommand(migrationRepairCmd)
   125  	// Build squash command
   126  	squashFlags := migrationSquashCmd.Flags()
   127  	squashFlags.StringVar(&migrationVersion, "version", "", "Squash up to the specified version.")
   128  	squashFlags.String("db-url", "", "Squashes migrations of the database specified by the connection string (must be percent-encoded).")
   129  	squashFlags.Bool("linked", false, "Squashes the migration history of the linked project.")
   130  	squashFlags.Bool("local", true, "Squashes the migration history of the local database.")
   131  	migrationSquashCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "linked", "local")
   132  	squashFlags.StringVarP(&dbPassword, "password", "p", "", "Password to your remote Postgres database.")
   133  	cobra.CheckErr(viper.BindPFlag("DB_PASSWORD", squashFlags.Lookup("password")))
   134  	migrationSquashCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "password")
   135  	migrationCmd.AddCommand(migrationSquashCmd)
   136  	// Build up command
   137  	upFlags := migrationUpCmd.Flags()
   138  	upFlags.BoolVar(&includeAll, "include-all", false, "Include all migrations not found on remote history table.")
   139  	upFlags.String("db-url", "", "Applies migrations to the database specified by the connection string (must be percent-encoded).")
   140  	upFlags.Bool("linked", false, "Applies pending migrations to the linked project.")
   141  	upFlags.Bool("local", true, "Applies pending migrations to the local database.")
   142  	migrationUpCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "linked", "local")
   143  	migrationCmd.AddCommand(migrationUpCmd)
   144  	// Build up command
   145  	fetchFlags := migrationFetchCmd.Flags()
   146  	fetchFlags.String("db-url", "", "Fetches migrations from the database specified by the connection string (must be percent-encoded).")
   147  	fetchFlags.Bool("linked", true, "Fetches migration history from the linked project.")
   148  	fetchFlags.Bool("local", false, "Fetches migration history from the local database.")
   149  	migrationFetchCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive("db-url", "linked", "local")
   150  	migrationCmd.AddCommand(migrationFetchCmd)
   151  	// Build new command
   152  	migrationCmd.AddCommand(migrationNewCmd)
   153  	rootCmd.AddCommand(migrationCmd)
   154  }