
     1  package dependency
     3  import (
     4  	"container/list"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"runtime"
     7  	"sort"
     8  	//"go/build"
     9  	"os"
    10  	"path/filepath"
    11  	"strings"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	gpath ""
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // MissingPackageHandler handles the case where a package is missing during scanning.
    20  //
    21  // It returns true if the package can be passed to the resolver, false otherwise.
    22  // False may be returned even if error is nil.
    23  type MissingPackageHandler interface {
    24  	// NotFound is called when the Resolver fails to find a package with the given name.
    25  	//
    26  	// NotFound returns true when the resolver should attempt to re-resole the
    27  	// dependency (e.g. when NotFound has gone and fetched the missing package).
    28  	//
    29  	// When NotFound returns false, the Resolver does not try to do any additional
    30  	// work on the missing package.
    31  	//
    32  	// NotFound only returns errors when it fails to perform its internal goals.
    33  	// When it returns false with no error, this indicates that the handler did
    34  	// its job, but the resolver should not do any additional work on the
    35  	// package.
    36  	NotFound(pkg string, addTest bool) (bool, error)
    38  	// OnGopath is called when the Resolver finds a dependency, but it's only on GOPATH.
    39  	//
    40  	// OnGopath provides an opportunity to copy, move, warn, or ignore cases like this.
    41  	//
    42  	// OnGopath returns true when the resolver should attempt to re-resolve the
    43  	// dependency (e.g. when the dependency is copied to a new location).
    44  	//
    45  	// When OnGopath returns false, the Resolver does not try to do any additional
    46  	// work on the package.
    47  	//
    48  	// An error indicates that OnGopath cannot complete its intended operation.
    49  	// Not all false results are errors.
    50  	OnGopath(pkg string, addTest bool) (bool, error)
    52  	// InVendor is called when the Resolver finds a dependency in the vendor/ directory.
    53  	//
    54  	// This can be used update a project found in the vendor/ folder.
    55  	InVendor(pkg string, addTest bool) error
    57  	// PkgPath is called to find the location locally to scan. This gives the
    58  	// handler to do things such as use a cached location.
    59  	PkgPath(pkg string) string
    60  }
    62  // DefaultMissingPackageHandler is the default handler for missing packages.
    63  //
    64  // When asked to handle a missing package, it will report the miss as a warning,
    65  // and then store the package in the Missing slice for later access.
    66  type DefaultMissingPackageHandler struct {
    67  	Missing []string
    68  	Gopath  []string
    69  	Prefix  string
    70  }
    72  // NotFound prints a warning and then stores the package name in Missing.
    73  //
    74  // It never returns an error, and it always returns false.
    75  func (d *DefaultMissingPackageHandler) NotFound(pkg string, addTest bool) (bool, error) {
    76  	msg.Warn("Package %s is not installed", pkg)
    77  	d.Missing = append(d.Missing, pkg)
    78  	return false, nil
    79  }
    81  // OnGopath is run when a package is missing from vendor/ but found in the GOPATH
    82  func (d *DefaultMissingPackageHandler) OnGopath(pkg string, addTest bool) (bool, error) {
    83  	msg.Warn("Package %s is only on GOPATH.", pkg)
    84  	d.Gopath = append(d.Gopath, pkg)
    85  	return false, nil
    86  }
    88  // InVendor is run when a package is found in the vendor/ folder
    89  func (d *DefaultMissingPackageHandler) InVendor(pkg string, addTest bool) error {
    90  	msg.Info("Package %s found in vendor/ folder", pkg)
    91  	return nil
    92  }
    94  // PkgPath returns the path to the package
    95  func (d *DefaultMissingPackageHandler) PkgPath(pkg string) string {
    96  	if d.Prefix != "" {
    97  		return filepath.Join(d.Prefix, pkg)
    98  	}
    99  	return pkg
   100  }
   102  // VersionHandler sets the version for a package when found while scanning.
   103  //
   104  // When a package if found it needs to be on the correct version before
   105  // scanning its contents to be sure to pick up the right elements for that
   106  // version.
   107  type VersionHandler interface {
   109  	// Process provides an opportunity to process the codebase for version setting.
   110  	Process(pkg string) error
   112  	// SetVersion sets the version for a package. An error is returned if there
   113  	// was a problem setting the version.
   114  	SetVersion(pkg string, testDep bool) error
   115  }
   117  // DefaultVersionHandler is the default handler for setting the version.
   118  //
   119  // The default handler leaves the current version and skips setting a version.
   120  // For a handler that alters the version see the handler included in the repo
   121  // package as part of the installer.
   122  type DefaultVersionHandler struct{}
   124  // Process a package to aide in version setting.
   125  func (d *DefaultVersionHandler) Process(pkg string) error {
   126  	return nil
   127  }
   129  // SetVersion here sends a message when a package is found noting that it
   130  // did not set the version.
   131  func (d *DefaultVersionHandler) SetVersion(pkg string, testDep bool) error {
   132  	msg.Warn("Version not set for package %s", pkg)
   133  	return nil
   134  }
   136  // Resolver resolves a dependency tree.
   137  //
   138  // It operates in two modes:
   139  // - local resolution (ResolveLocal) determines the dependencies of the local project.
   140  // - vendor resolving (Resolve, ResolveAll) determines the dependencies of vendored
   141  //   projects.
   142  //
   143  // Local resolution is for guessing initial dependencies. Vendor resolution is
   144  // for determining vendored dependencies.
   145  type Resolver struct {
   146  	Handler        MissingPackageHandler
   147  	VersionHandler VersionHandler
   148  	VendorDir      string
   149  	BuildContext   *util.BuildCtxt
   150  	Config         *cfg.Config
   152  	// ResolveAllFiles toggles deep scanning.
   153  	// If this is true, resolve by scanning all files, not by walking the
   154  	// import tree.
   155  	ResolveAllFiles bool
   157  	// ResolveTest sets if test dependencies should be resolved.
   158  	ResolveTest bool
   160  	// Items already in the queue.
   161  	alreadyQ map[string]bool
   163  	// Attempts to scan that had unrecoverable error.
   164  	hadError map[string]bool
   166  	basedir string
   167  	seen    map[string]bool
   169  	// findCache caches hits from Find. This reduces the number of filesystem
   170  	// touches that have to be done for dependency resolution.
   171  	findCache map[string]*PkgInfo
   172  }
   174  // NewResolver returns a new Resolver initialized with the DefaultMissingPackageHandler.
   175  //
   176  // This will return an error if the given path does not meet the basic criteria
   177  // for a Go source project. For example, basedir must have a vendor subdirectory.
   178  //
   179  // The BuildContext uses the "go/build".Default to resolve dependencies.
   180  func NewResolver(basedir string) (*Resolver, error) {
   182  	var err error
   183  	basedir, err = filepath.Abs(basedir)
   184  	if err != nil {
   185  		return nil, err
   186  	}
   188  	basedir, err = checkForBasedirSymlink(basedir)
   190  	if err != nil {
   191  		return nil, err
   192  	}
   194  	vdir := filepath.Join(basedir, "vendor")
   196  	buildContext, err := util.GetBuildContext()
   197  	if err != nil {
   198  		return nil, err
   199  	}
   201  	r := &Resolver{
   202  		Handler:        &DefaultMissingPackageHandler{Missing: []string{}, Gopath: []string{}},
   203  		VersionHandler: &DefaultVersionHandler{},
   204  		basedir:        basedir,
   205  		VendorDir:      vdir,
   206  		BuildContext:   buildContext,
   207  		seen:           map[string]bool{},
   208  		alreadyQ:       map[string]bool{},
   209  		hadError:       map[string]bool{},
   210  		findCache:      map[string]*PkgInfo{},
   212  		// The config instance here should really be replaced with a real one.
   213  		Config: &cfg.Config{},
   214  	}
   216  	// TODO: Make sure the build context is correctly set up. Especially in
   217  	// regards to GOROOT, which is not always set.
   219  	return r, nil
   220  }
   222  // Resolve takes a package name and returns all of the imported package names.
   223  //
   224  // If a package is not found, this calls the Fetcher. If the Fetcher returns
   225  // true, it will re-try traversing that package for dependencies. Otherwise it
   226  // will add that package to the deps array and continue on without trying it.
   227  // And if the Fetcher returns an error, this will stop resolution and return
   228  // the error.
   229  //
   230  // If basepath is set to $GOPATH, this will start from that package's root there.
   231  // If basepath is set to a project's vendor path, the scanning will begin from
   232  // there.
   233  func (r *Resolver) Resolve(pkg, basepath string) ([]string, error) {
   234  	target := filepath.Join(basepath, filepath.FromSlash(pkg))
   235  	//msg.Debug("Scanning %s", target)
   236  	l := list.New()
   237  	l.PushBack(target)
   239  	// In this mode, walk the entire tree.
   240  	if r.ResolveAllFiles {
   241  		return r.resolveList(l, false, false)
   242  	}
   243  	return r.resolveImports(l, false, false)
   244  }
   246  // dirHasPrefix tests whether the directory dir begins with prefix.
   247  func dirHasPrefix(dir, prefix string) bool {
   248  	if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
   249  		return strings.HasPrefix(dir, prefix)
   250  	}
   251  	return len(dir) >= len(prefix) && strings.EqualFold(dir[:len(prefix)], prefix)
   252  }
   254  // ResolveLocal resolves dependencies for the current project.
   255  //
   256  // This begins with the project, builds up a list of external dependencies.
   257  //
   258  // If the deep flag is set to true, this will then resolve all of the dependencies
   259  // of the dependencies it has found. If not, it will return just the packages that
   260  // the base project relies upon.
   261  func (r *Resolver) ResolveLocal(deep bool) ([]string, []string, error) {
   262  	// We build a list of local source to walk, then send this list
   263  	// to resolveList.
   264  	msg.Debug("Resolving local dependencies")
   265  	l := list.New()
   266  	tl := list.New()
   267  	alreadySeen := map[string]bool{}
   268  	talreadySeen := map[string]bool{}
   269  	err := filepath.Walk(r.basedir, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
   270  		if err != nil && err != filepath.SkipDir {
   271  			return err
   272  		}
   273  		pt := strings.TrimPrefix(path, r.basedir+string(os.PathSeparator))
   274  		pt = strings.TrimSuffix(pt, string(os.PathSeparator))
   275  		if r.Config.HasExclude(pt) {
   276  			msg.Debug("Excluding %s", pt)
   277  			return filepath.SkipDir
   278  		}
   279  		if !fi.IsDir() {
   280  			return nil
   281  		}
   282  		if !srcDir(fi) {
   283  			return filepath.SkipDir
   284  		}
   286  		// Scan for dependencies, and anything that's not part of the local
   287  		// package gets added to the scan list.
   288  		var imps []string
   289  		var testImps []string
   290  		p, err := r.BuildContext.ImportDir(path, 0)
   291  		if err != nil {
   292  			if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "no buildable Go source") {
   293  				return nil
   294  			} else if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "found packages ") {
   295  				// If we got here it's because a package and multiple packages
   296  				// declared. This is often because of an example with a package
   297  				// or main but +build ignore as a build tag. In that case we
   298  				// try to brute force the packages with a slower scan.
   299  				imps, testImps, err = IterativeScan(path)
   300  				if err != nil {
   301  					return err
   302  				}
   303  			} else {
   304  				return err
   305  			}
   306  		} else {
   307  			imps = p.Imports
   308  			testImps = dedupeStrings(p.TestImports, p.XTestImports)
   309  		}
   311  		// We are only looking for dependencies in vendor. No root, cgo, etc.
   312  		for _, imp := range imps {
   313  			if r.Config.HasIgnore(imp) {
   314  				continue
   315  			}
   316  			if alreadySeen[imp] {
   317  				continue
   318  			}
   319  			alreadySeen[imp] = true
   320  			info := r.FindPkg(imp)
   321  			switch info.Loc {
   322  			case LocUnknown, LocVendor:
   323  				l.PushBack(filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp))) // Do we need a path on this?
   324  			case LocGopath:
   325  				if !dirHasPrefix(info.Path, r.basedir) {
   326  					// FIXME: This is a package outside of the project we're
   327  					// scanning. It should really be on vendor. But we don't
   328  					// want it to reference GOPATH. We want it to be detected
   329  					// and moved.
   330  					l.PushBack(filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp)))
   331  				}
   332  			case LocRelative:
   333  				if strings.HasPrefix(imp, "./"+gpath.VendorDir) {
   334  					msg.Warn("Go package resolving will resolve %s without the ./%s/ prefix", imp, gpath.VendorDir)
   335  				}
   336  			}
   337  		}
   339  		if r.ResolveTest {
   340  			for _, imp := range testImps {
   341  				if talreadySeen[imp] {
   342  					continue
   343  				}
   344  				talreadySeen[imp] = true
   345  				info := r.FindPkg(imp)
   346  				switch info.Loc {
   347  				case LocUnknown, LocVendor:
   348  					tl.PushBack(filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp))) // Do we need a path on this?
   349  				case LocGopath:
   350  					if !dirHasPrefix(info.Path, r.basedir) {
   351  						// FIXME: This is a package outside of the project we're
   352  						// scanning. It should really be on vendor. But we don't
   353  						// want it to reference GOPATH. We want it to be detected
   354  						// and moved.
   355  						tl.PushBack(filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp)))
   356  					}
   357  				case LocRelative:
   358  					if strings.HasPrefix(imp, "./"+gpath.VendorDir) {
   359  						msg.Warn("Go package resolving will resolve %s without the ./%s/ prefix", imp, gpath.VendorDir)
   360  					}
   361  				}
   362  			}
   363  		}
   365  		return nil
   366  	})
   368  	if err != nil {
   369  		msg.Err("Failed to build an initial list of packages to scan: %s", err)
   370  		return []string{}, []string{}, err
   371  	}
   373  	if deep {
   374  		if r.ResolveAllFiles {
   375  			re, err := r.resolveList(l, false, false)
   376  			if err != nil {
   377  				return []string{}, []string{}, err
   378  			}
   379  			tre, err := r.resolveList(l, false, true)
   380  			return re, tre, err
   381  		}
   382  		re, err := r.resolveImports(l, false, false)
   383  		if err != nil {
   384  			return []string{}, []string{}, err
   385  		}
   386  		tre, err := r.resolveImports(tl, true, true)
   387  		return re, tre, err
   388  	}
   390  	// If we're not doing a deep scan, we just convert the list into an
   391  	// array and return.
   392  	res := make([]string, 0, l.Len())
   393  	for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
   394  		res = append(res, e.Value.(string))
   395  	}
   396  	tres := make([]string, 0, l.Len())
   397  	if r.ResolveTest {
   398  		for e := tl.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
   399  			tres = append(tres, e.Value.(string))
   400  		}
   401  	}
   403  	return res, tres, nil
   404  }
   406  // ResolveAll takes a list of packages and returns an inclusive list of all
   407  // vendored dependencies.
   408  //
   409  // While this will scan all of the source code it can find, it will only return
   410  // packages that were either explicitly passed in as deps, or were explicitly
   411  // imported by the code.
   412  //
   413  // Packages that are either CGO or on GOROOT are ignored. Packages that are
   414  // on GOPATH, but not vendored currently generate a warning.
   415  //
   416  // If one of the passed in packages does not exist in the vendor directory,
   417  // an error is returned.
   418  func (r *Resolver) ResolveAll(deps []*cfg.Dependency, addTest bool) ([]string, error) {
   420  	queue := sliceToQueue(deps, r.VendorDir)
   422  	if r.ResolveAllFiles {
   423  		return r.resolveList(queue, false, addTest)
   424  	}
   425  	return r.resolveImports(queue, false, addTest)
   426  }
   428  // Stripv strips the vendor/ prefix from vendored packages.
   429  func (r *Resolver) Stripv(str string) string {
   430  	return strings.TrimPrefix(str, r.VendorDir+string(os.PathSeparator))
   431  }
   433  // vpath adds an absolute vendor path.
   434  func (r *Resolver) vpath(str string) string {
   435  	return filepath.Join(r.basedir, "vendor", str)
   436  }
   438  // resolveImports takes a list of existing packages and resolves their imports.
   439  //
   440  // It returns a list of all of the packages that it can determine are required
   441  // for the given code to function.
   442  //
   443  // The expectation is that each item in the queue is an absolute path to a
   444  // vendored package. This attempts to read that package, and then find
   445  // its referenced packages. Those packages are then added to the list
   446  // to be scanned next.
   447  //
   448  // The resolver's handler is used in the cases where a package cannot be
   449  // located.
   450  //
   451  // testDeps specifies if the test dependencies should be resolved and addTest
   452  // specifies if the dependencies should be added to the Config.DevImports. This
   453  // is important because we may resolve normal dependencies of test deps and add
   454  // them to the DevImports list.
   455  func (r *Resolver) resolveImports(queue *list.List, testDeps, addTest bool) ([]string, error) {
   456  	msg.Debug("Resolving import path")
   458  	// When test deps passed in but not resolving return empty.
   459  	if (testDeps || addTest) && !r.ResolveTest {
   460  		return []string{}, nil
   461  	}
   463  	for e := queue.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
   464  		vdep := e.Value.(string)
   465  		dep := r.Stripv(vdep)
   466  		// Check if marked in the Q and then explicitly mark it. We want to know
   467  		// if it had previously been marked and ensure it for the future.
   469  		_, foundQ := r.alreadyQ[dep]
   470  		r.alreadyQ[dep] = true
   472  		// If we've already encountered an error processing this dependency
   473  		// skip it.
   474  		_, foundErr := r.hadError[dep]
   475  		if foundErr {
   476  			continue
   477  		}
   479  		// Skip ignored packages
   480  		if r.Config.HasIgnore(dep) {
   481  			msg.Debug("Ignoring: %s", dep)
   482  			continue
   483  		}
   484  		r.VersionHandler.Process(dep)
   485  		// Here, we want to import the package and see what imports it has.
   486  		msg.Debug("Trying to open %s (%s)", dep, r.Handler.PkgPath(dep))
   487  		var imps []string
   488  		pkg, err := r.BuildContext.ImportDir(r.Handler.PkgPath(dep), 0)
   489  		if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "found packages ") {
   490  			// If we got here it's because a package and multiple packages
   491  			// declared. This is often because of an example with a package
   492  			// or main but +build ignore as a build tag. In that case we
   493  			// try to brute force the packages with a slower scan.
   494  			msg.Debug("Using Iterative Scanning for %s", dep)
   495  			if testDeps {
   496  				_, imps, err = IterativeScan(r.Handler.PkgPath(dep))
   497  			} else {
   498  				imps, _, err = IterativeScan(r.Handler.PkgPath(dep))
   499  			}
   501  			if err != nil {
   502  				msg.Err("Iterative scanning error %s: %s", dep, err)
   503  				continue
   504  			}
   505  		} else if err != nil {
   506  			errStr := err.Error()
   507  			msg.Debug("ImportDir error on %s: %s", r.Handler.PkgPath(dep), err)
   508  			if strings.HasPrefix(errStr, "no buildable Go source") {
   509  				msg.Debug("No subpackages declared. Skipping %s.", dep)
   510  				continue
   511  			} else if os.IsNotExist(err) && !foundErr && !foundQ {
   512  				// If the location doesn't exist, there hasn't already been an
   513  				// error, it's not already been in the Q then try to fetch it.
   514  				// When there's an error or it's already in the Q (it should be
   515  				// fetched if it's marked in r.alreadyQ) we skip to make sure
   516  				// not to get stuck in a recursion.
   518  				// If the location doesn't exist try to fetch it.
   519  				if ok, err2 := r.Handler.NotFound(dep, addTest); ok {
   520  					r.alreadyQ[dep] = true
   522  					// By adding to the queue it will get reprocessed now that
   523  					// it exists.
   524  					queue.PushBack(r.vpath(dep))
   525  					r.VersionHandler.SetVersion(dep, addTest)
   526  				} else if err2 != nil {
   527  					r.hadError[dep] = true
   528  					msg.Err("Error looking for %s: %s", dep, err2)
   529  				} else {
   530  					r.hadError[dep] = true
   531  					// TODO (mpb): Should we toss this into a Handler to
   532  					// see if this is on GOPATH and copy it?
   533  					msg.Info("Not found in vendor/: %s (1)", dep)
   534  				}
   535  			} else if strings.Contains(errStr, "no such file or directory") {
   536  				r.hadError[dep] = true
   537  				msg.Err("Error scanning %s: %s", dep, err)
   538  				msg.Err("This error means the referenced package was not found.")
   539  				msg.Err("Missing file or directory errors usually occur when multiple packages")
   540  				msg.Err("share a common dependency and the first reference encountered by the scanner")
   541  				msg.Err("sets the version to one that does not contain a subpackage needed required")
   542  				msg.Err("by another package that uses the shared dependency. Try setting a")
   543  				msg.Err("version in your glide.yaml that works for all packages that share this")
   544  				msg.Err("dependency.")
   545  			} else {
   546  				r.hadError[dep] = true
   547  				msg.Err("Error scanning %s: %s", dep, err)
   548  			}
   549  			continue
   550  		} else {
   551  			if testDeps {
   552  				imps = dedupeStrings(pkg.TestImports, pkg.XTestImports)
   553  			} else {
   554  				imps = pkg.Imports
   555  			}
   557  		}
   559  		// Range over all of the identified imports and see which ones we
   560  		// can locate.
   561  		for _, imp := range imps {
   562  			if r.Config.HasIgnore(imp) {
   563  				msg.Debug("Ignoring: %s", imp)
   564  				continue
   565  			}
   566  			pi := r.FindPkg(imp)
   567  			if pi.Loc != LocCgo && pi.Loc != LocGoroot && pi.Loc != LocAppengine {
   568  				msg.Debug("Package %s imports %s", dep, imp)
   569  			}
   570  			switch pi.Loc {
   571  			case LocVendor:
   572  				msg.Debug("In vendor: %s", imp)
   573  				if _, ok := r.alreadyQ[imp]; !ok {
   574  					msg.Debug("Marking %s to be scanned.", imp)
   575  					r.alreadyQ[dep] = true
   576  					queue.PushBack(r.vpath(imp))
   577  					if err := r.Handler.InVendor(imp, addTest); err == nil {
   578  						r.VersionHandler.SetVersion(imp, addTest)
   579  					} else {
   580  						msg.Warn("Error updating %s: %s", imp, err)
   581  					}
   582  				}
   583  			case LocUnknown:
   584  				msg.Debug("Missing %s. Trying to resolve.", imp)
   585  				if ok, err := r.Handler.NotFound(imp, addTest); ok {
   586  					r.alreadyQ[dep] = true
   587  					queue.PushBack(r.vpath(imp))
   588  					r.VersionHandler.SetVersion(imp, addTest)
   589  				} else if err != nil {
   590  					r.hadError[dep] = true
   591  					msg.Err("Error looking for %s: %s", imp, err)
   592  				} else {
   593  					r.hadError[dep] = true
   594  					msg.Err("Not found: %s (2)", imp)
   595  				}
   596  			case LocGopath:
   597  				msg.Debug("Found on GOPATH, not vendor: %s", imp)
   598  				if _, ok := r.alreadyQ[imp]; !ok {
   599  					// Only scan it if it gets moved into vendor/
   600  					if ok, _ := r.Handler.OnGopath(imp, addTest); ok {
   601  						r.alreadyQ[dep] = true
   602  						queue.PushBack(r.vpath(imp))
   603  						r.VersionHandler.SetVersion(imp, addTest)
   604  					}
   605  				}
   606  			}
   607  		}
   609  	}
   611  	if len(r.hadError) > 0 {
   612  		// Errors occurred so we return.
   613  		return []string{}, errors.New("Error resolving imports")
   614  	}
   616  	// FIXME: From here to the end is a straight copy of the resolveList() func.
   617  	res := make([]string, 0, queue.Len())
   619  	// In addition to generating a list
   620  	for e := queue.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
   621  		t := r.Stripv(e.Value.(string))
   622  		root, sp := util.NormalizeName(t)
   624  		if root == r.Config.Name {
   625  			continue
   626  		}
   628  		// Skip ignored packages
   629  		if r.Config.HasIgnore(e.Value.(string)) {
   630  			msg.Debug("Ignoring: %s", e.Value.(string))
   631  			continue
   632  		}
   634  		// TODO(mattfarina): Need to eventually support devImport
   635  		existing := r.Config.Imports.Get(root)
   636  		if existing == nil && addTest {
   637  			existing = r.Config.DevImports.Get(root)
   638  		}
   639  		if existing != nil {
   640  			if sp != "" && !existing.HasSubpackage(sp) {
   641  				existing.Subpackages = append(existing.Subpackages, sp)
   642  			}
   643  		} else {
   644  			newDep := &cfg.Dependency{
   645  				Name: root,
   646  			}
   647  			if sp != "" {
   648  				newDep.Subpackages = []string{sp}
   649  			}
   651  			if addTest {
   652  				r.Config.DevImports = append(r.Config.DevImports, newDep)
   653  			} else {
   654  				r.Config.Imports = append(r.Config.Imports, newDep)
   655  			}
   656  		}
   657  		res = append(res, t)
   658  	}
   660  	return res, nil
   661  }
   663  // resolveList takes a list and resolves it.
   664  //
   665  // This walks the entire file tree for the given dependencies, not just the
   666  // parts that are imported directly. Using this will discover dependencies
   667  // regardless of OS, and arch.
   668  func (r *Resolver) resolveList(queue *list.List, testDeps, addTest bool) ([]string, error) {
   669  	// When test deps passed in but not resolving return empty.
   670  	if testDeps && !r.ResolveTest {
   671  		return []string{}, nil
   672  	}
   674  	var failedDep string
   675  	var failedDepPath string
   676  	var pkgPath string
   677  	for e := queue.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
   678  		dep := e.Value.(string)
   679  		t := strings.TrimPrefix(dep, r.VendorDir+string(os.PathSeparator))
   680  		if r.Config.HasIgnore(t) {
   681  			msg.Debug("Ignoring: %s", t)
   682  			continue
   683  		}
   684  		r.VersionHandler.Process(t)
   685  		//msg.Warn("#### %s ####", dep)
   686  		//msg.Info("Seen Count: %d", len(r.seen))
   687  		// Catch the outtermost dependency.
   688  		pkgPath = r.Handler.PkgPath(t)
   689  		failedDep = t
   690  		failedDepPath = pkgPath
   691  		err := filepath.Walk(pkgPath, func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
   692  			if err != nil && err != filepath.SkipDir {
   693  				return err
   694  			}
   696  			// Skip files.
   697  			if !fi.IsDir() {
   698  				return nil
   699  			}
   700  			// Skip dirs that are not source.
   701  			if !srcDir(fi) {
   702  				//msg.Debug("Skip resource %s", fi.Name())
   703  				return filepath.SkipDir
   704  			}
   706  			// Anything that comes through here has already been through
   707  			// the queue.
   708  			r.alreadyQ[path] = true
   709  			e := r.queueUnseen(path, queue, testDeps, addTest)
   710  			if e != nil {
   711  				failedDepPath = path
   712  				//msg.Err("Failed to fetch dependency %s: %s", path, err)
   713  			}
   714  			return e
   715  		})
   716  		if err != nil && err != filepath.SkipDir {
   717  			msg.Err("Dependency %s (%s) failed to resolve: %s.", failedDep, failedDepPath, err)
   718  			return []string{}, err
   719  		}
   720  	}
   722  	res := make([]string, 0, queue.Len())
   724  	// In addition to generating a list
   725  	for e := queue.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
   726  		t := strings.TrimPrefix(e.Value.(string), r.VendorDir+string(os.PathSeparator))
   727  		root, sp := util.NormalizeName(t)
   729  		if root == r.Config.Name {
   730  			continue
   731  		}
   733  		existing := r.Config.Imports.Get(root)
   734  		if existing == nil && addTest {
   735  			existing = r.Config.DevImports.Get(root)
   736  		}
   738  		if existing != nil {
   739  			if sp != "" && !existing.HasSubpackage(sp) {
   740  				existing.Subpackages = append(existing.Subpackages, sp)
   741  			}
   742  		} else {
   743  			newDep := &cfg.Dependency{
   744  				Name: root,
   745  			}
   746  			if sp != "" {
   747  				newDep.Subpackages = []string{sp}
   748  			}
   750  			if addTest {
   751  				r.Config.DevImports = append(r.Config.DevImports, newDep)
   752  			} else {
   753  				r.Config.Imports = append(r.Config.Imports, newDep)
   754  			}
   755  		}
   756  		res = append(res, e.Value.(string))
   757  	}
   759  	return res, nil
   760  }
   762  // queueUnseenImports scans a package's imports and adds any new ones to the
   763  // processing queue.
   764  func (r *Resolver) queueUnseen(pkg string, queue *list.List, testDeps, addTest bool) error {
   765  	// A pkg is marked "seen" as soon as we have inspected it the first time.
   766  	// Seen means that we have added all of its imports to the list.
   768  	// Already queued indicates that we've either already put it into the queue
   769  	// or intentionally not put it in the queue for fatal reasons (e.g. no
   770  	// buildable source).
   772  	deps, err := r.imports(pkg, testDeps, addTest)
   773  	if err != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "no buildable Go source") {
   774  		msg.Err("Could not find %s: %s", pkg, err)
   775  		return err
   776  		// NOTE: If we uncomment this, we get lots of "no buildable Go source" errors,
   777  		// which don't ever seem to be helpful. They don't actually indicate an error
   778  		// condition, and it's perfectly okay to run into that condition.
   779  		//} else if err != nil {
   780  		//	msg.Warn(err.Error())
   781  	}
   783  	for _, d := range deps {
   784  		if _, ok := r.alreadyQ[d]; !ok {
   785  			r.alreadyQ[d] = true
   786  			queue.PushBack(d)
   787  		}
   788  	}
   789  	return nil
   790  }
   792  // imports gets all of the imports for a given package.
   793  //
   794  // If the package is in GOROOT, this will return an empty list (but not
   795  // an error).
   796  // If it cannot resolve the pkg, it will return an error.
   797  func (r *Resolver) imports(pkg string, testDeps, addTest bool) ([]string, error) {
   799  	if r.Config.HasIgnore(pkg) {
   800  		msg.Debug("Ignoring %s", pkg)
   801  		return []string{}, nil
   802  	}
   804  	// If this pkg is marked seen, we don't scan it again.
   805  	if _, ok := r.seen[pkg]; ok {
   806  		msg.Debug("Already saw %s", pkg)
   807  		return []string{}, nil
   808  	}
   810  	// FIXME: On error this should try to NotFound to the dependency, and then import
   811  	// it again.
   812  	var imps []string
   813  	p, err := r.BuildContext.ImportDir(pkg, 0)
   814  	if err != nil && strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "found packages ") {
   815  		// If we got here it's because a package and multiple packages
   816  		// declared. This is often because of an example with a package
   817  		// or main but +build ignore as a build tag. In that case we
   818  		// try to brute force the packages with a slower scan.
   819  		if testDeps {
   820  			_, imps, err = IterativeScan(r.Handler.PkgPath(pkg))
   821  		} else {
   822  			imps, _, err = IterativeScan(r.Handler.PkgPath(pkg))
   823  		}
   825  		if err != nil {
   826  			return []string{}, err
   827  		}
   828  	} else if err != nil {
   829  		return []string{}, err
   830  	} else {
   831  		if testDeps {
   832  			imps = dedupeStrings(p.TestImports, p.XTestImports)
   833  		} else {
   834  			imps = p.Imports
   835  		}
   836  	}
   838  	// It is okay to scan a package more than once. In some cases, this is
   839  	// desirable because the package can change between scans (e.g. as a result
   840  	// of a failed scan resolving the situation).
   841  	msg.Debug("=> Scanning %s (%s)", p.ImportPath, pkg)
   842  	r.seen[pkg] = true
   844  	// Optimization: If it's in GOROOT, it has no imports worth scanning.
   845  	if p.Goroot {
   846  		return []string{}, nil
   847  	}
   849  	// We are only looking for dependencies in vendor. No root, cgo, etc.
   850  	buf := []string{}
   851  	for _, imp := range imps {
   852  		if r.Config.HasIgnore(imp) {
   853  			msg.Debug("Ignoring %s", imp)
   854  			continue
   855  		}
   856  		info := r.FindPkg(imp)
   857  		switch info.Loc {
   858  		case LocUnknown:
   859  			// Do we resolve here?
   860  			found, err := r.Handler.NotFound(imp, addTest)
   861  			if err != nil {
   862  				msg.Err("Failed to fetch %s: %s", imp, err)
   863  			}
   864  			if found {
   865  				buf = append(buf, filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp)))
   866  				r.VersionHandler.SetVersion(imp, addTest)
   867  				continue
   868  			}
   869  			r.seen[info.Path] = true
   870  		case LocVendor:
   871  			//msg.Debug("Vendored: %s", imp)
   872  			buf = append(buf, info.Path)
   873  			if err := r.Handler.InVendor(imp, addTest); err == nil {
   874  				r.VersionHandler.SetVersion(imp, addTest)
   875  			} else {
   876  				msg.Warn("Error updating %s: %s", imp, err)
   877  			}
   878  		case LocGopath:
   879  			found, err := r.Handler.OnGopath(imp, addTest)
   880  			if err != nil {
   881  				msg.Err("Failed to fetch %s: %s", imp, err)
   882  			}
   883  			// If the Handler marks this as found, we drop it into the buffer
   884  			// for subsequent processing. Otherwise, we assume that we're
   885  			// in a less-than-perfect, but functional, situation.
   886  			if found {
   887  				buf = append(buf, filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(imp)))
   888  				r.VersionHandler.SetVersion(imp, addTest)
   889  				continue
   890  			}
   891  			msg.Warn("Package %s is on GOPATH, but not vendored. Ignoring.", imp)
   892  			r.seen[info.Path] = true
   893  		default:
   894  			// Local packages are an odd case. CGO cannot be scanned.
   895  			msg.Debug("===> Skipping %s", imp)
   896  		}
   897  	}
   899  	return buf, nil
   900  }
   902  // sliceToQueue is a special-purpose function for unwrapping a slice of
   903  // dependencies into a queue of fully qualified paths.
   904  func sliceToQueue(deps []*cfg.Dependency, basepath string) *list.List {
   905  	l := list.New()
   906  	for _, e := range deps {
   907  		if len(e.Subpackages) > 0 {
   908  			for _, v := range e.Subpackages {
   909  				ip := e.Name
   910  				if v != "." && v != "" {
   911  					ip = ip + "/" + v
   912  				}
   913  				msg.Debug("Adding local Import %s to queue", ip)
   914  				l.PushBack(filepath.Join(basepath, filepath.FromSlash(ip)))
   915  			}
   916  		} else {
   917  			msg.Debug("Adding local Import %s to queue", e.Name)
   918  			l.PushBack(filepath.Join(basepath, filepath.FromSlash(e.Name)))
   919  		}
   921  	}
   922  	return l
   923  }
   925  // PkgLoc describes the location of the package.
   926  type PkgLoc uint8
   928  const (
   929  	// LocUnknown indicates the package location is unknown (probably not present)
   930  	LocUnknown PkgLoc = iota
   931  	// LocLocal inidcates that the package is in a local dir, not GOPATH or GOROOT.
   932  	LocLocal
   933  	// LocVendor indicates that the package is in a vendor/ dir
   934  	LocVendor
   935  	// LocGopath inidcates that the package is in GOPATH
   936  	LocGopath
   937  	// LocGoroot indicates that the package is in GOROOT
   938  	LocGoroot
   939  	// LocCgo indicates that the package is a a CGO package
   940  	LocCgo
   941  	// LocAppengine indicates the package is part of the appengine SDK. It's a
   942  	// special build mode.
   943  	// Why does a Google product get a special case build mode with a local
   944  	// package?
   945  	LocAppengine
   946  	// LocRelative indicates the package is a relative directory
   947  	LocRelative
   948  )
   950  // PkgInfo represents metadata about a package found by the resolver.
   951  type PkgInfo struct {
   952  	Name, Path string
   953  	Vendored   bool
   954  	Loc        PkgLoc
   955  }
   957  // FindPkg takes a package name and attempts to find it on the filesystem
   958  //
   959  // The resulting PkgInfo will indicate where it was found.
   960  func (r *Resolver) FindPkg(name string) *PkgInfo {
   961  	// We cachae results for FindPkg to reduce the number of filesystem ops
   962  	// that we have to do. This is a little risky because certain directories,
   963  	// like GOPATH, can be modified while we're running an operation, and
   964  	// render the cache inaccurate.
   965  	//
   966  	// Unfound items (LocUnknown) are never cached because we assume that as
   967  	// part of the response, the Resolver may fetch that dependency.
   968  	if i, ok := r.findCache[name]; ok {
   969  		//msg.Info("Cache hit on %s", name)
   970  		return i
   971  	}
   973  	// 502 individual packages scanned.
   974  	// No cache:
   975  	// glide -y etcd.yaml list  0.27s user 0.19s system 85% cpu 0.534 total
   976  	// With cache:
   977  	// glide -y etcd.yaml list  0.22s user 0.15s system 85% cpu 0.438 total
   979  	var p string
   980  	info := &PkgInfo{
   981  		Name: name,
   982  	}
   984  	if strings.HasPrefix(name, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "../") {
   985  		info.Loc = LocRelative
   986  		r.findCache[name] = info
   987  		return info
   988  	}
   990  	// Check _only_ if this dep is in the current vendor directory.
   991  	p = filepath.Join(r.VendorDir, filepath.FromSlash(name))
   992  	if pkgExists(p) {
   993  		info.Path = p
   994  		info.Loc = LocVendor
   995  		info.Vendored = true
   996  		r.findCache[name] = info
   997  		return info
   998  	}
  1000  	// TODO: Do we need this if we always flatten?
  1001  	// Recurse backward to scan other vendor/ directories
  1002  	//for wd := cwd; wd != "/"; wd = filepath.Dir(wd) {
  1003  	//p = filepath.Join(wd, "vendor", filepath.FromSlash(name))
  1004  	//if fi, err = os.Stat(p); err == nil && (fi.IsDir() || isLink(fi)) {
  1005  	//info.Path = p
  1006  	//info.PType = ptypeVendor
  1007  	//info.Vendored = true
  1008  	//return info
  1009  	//}
  1010  	//}
  1012  	// Check $GOPATH
  1013  	for _, rr := range filepath.SplitList(r.BuildContext.GOPATH) {
  1014  		p = filepath.Join(rr, "src", filepath.FromSlash(name))
  1015  		if pkgExists(p) {
  1016  			info.Path = p
  1017  			info.Loc = LocGopath
  1018  			r.findCache[name] = info
  1019  			return info
  1020  		}
  1021  	}
  1023  	// Check $GOROOT
  1024  	for _, rr := range filepath.SplitList(r.BuildContext.GOROOT) {
  1025  		p = filepath.Join(rr, "src", filepath.FromSlash(name))
  1026  		if pkgExists(p) {
  1027  			info.Path = p
  1028  			info.Loc = LocGoroot
  1029  			r.findCache[name] = info
  1030  			return info
  1031  		}
  1032  	}
  1034  	// If this is "C", we're dealing with cgo
  1035  	if name == "C" {
  1036  		info.Loc = LocCgo
  1037  		r.findCache[name] = info
  1038  	} else if name == "appengine" || name == "appengine_internal" ||
  1039  		strings.HasPrefix(name, "appengine/") ||
  1040  		strings.HasPrefix(name, "appengine_internal/") {
  1041  		// Appengine is a special case when it comes to Go builds. It is a local
  1042  		// looking package only available within appengine. It's a special case
  1043  		// where Google products are playing with each other.
  1044  		//
  1045  		info.Loc = LocAppengine
  1046  		r.findCache[name] = info
  1047  	} else if name == "context" || name == "net/http/httptrace" {
  1048  		// context and net/http/httptrace are packages being added to
  1049  		// the Go 1.7 standard library. Some packages, such as
  1050  		// are importing it with build flags in files for go1.7. Need to detect
  1051  		// this and handle it.
  1052  		info.Loc = LocGoroot
  1053  		r.findCache[name] = info
  1054  	}
  1056  	return info
  1057  }
  1059  func pkgExists(path string) bool {
  1060  	fi, err := os.Stat(path)
  1061  	return err == nil && (fi.IsDir() || isLink(fi))
  1062  }
  1064  // isLink returns true if the given FileInfo is a symbolic link.
  1065  func isLink(fi os.FileInfo) bool {
  1066  	return fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink
  1067  }
  1069  // IsSrcDir returns true if this is a directory that could have source code,
  1070  // false otherwise.
  1071  //
  1072  // Directories with _ or . prefixes are skipped, as are testdata and vendor.
  1073  func IsSrcDir(fi os.FileInfo) bool {
  1074  	return srcDir(fi)
  1075  }
  1077  func srcDir(fi os.FileInfo) bool {
  1078  	if !fi.IsDir() {
  1079  		return false
  1080  	}
  1082  	// Ignore _foo and .foo
  1083  	if strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), "_") || strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), ".") {
  1084  		return false
  1085  	}
  1087  	// Ignore testdata. For now, ignore vendor.
  1088  	if fi.Name() == "testdata" || fi.Name() == "vendor" {
  1089  		return false
  1090  	}
  1092  	return true
  1093  }
  1095  // checkForBasedirSymlink checks to see if the given basedir is actually a
  1096  // symlink. In the case that it is a symlink, the symlink is read and returned.
  1097  // If the basedir is not a symlink, the provided basedir argument is simply
  1098  // returned back to the caller.
  1099  func checkForBasedirSymlink(basedir string) (string, error) {
  1100  	fi, err := os.Lstat(basedir)
  1101  	if err != nil {
  1102  		return "", err
  1103  	}
  1105  	if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
  1106  		return os.Readlink(basedir)
  1107  	}
  1109  	return basedir, nil
  1110  }
  1112  // helper func to merge, dedupe, and sort strings
  1113  func dedupeStrings(s1, s2 []string) (r []string) {
  1114  	dedupe := make(map[string]bool)
  1116  	if len(s1) > 0 && len(s2) > 0 {
  1117  		for _, i := range s1 {
  1118  			dedupe[i] = true
  1119  		}
  1120  		for _, i := range s2 {
  1121  			dedupe[i] = true
  1122  		}
  1124  		for i := range dedupe {
  1125  			r = append(r, i)
  1126  		}
  1127  		// And then re-sort them
  1128  		sort.Strings(r)
  1129  	} else if len(s1) > 0 {
  1130  		r = s1
  1131  	} else if len(s2) > 0 {
  1132  		r = s2
  1133  	}
  1135  	return
  1136  }