
     1  /*
     2  Copyright 2019 The Vitess Authors.
     4  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  You may obtain a copy of the License at
    10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17  package sqlparser
    19  // String constants to be used in ast.
    20  const (
    21  	// Select.Distinct
    22  	AllStr              = "all "
    23  	DistinctStr         = "distinct "
    24  	StraightJoinHint    = "straight_join "
    25  	SQLCalcFoundRowsStr = "sql_calc_found_rows "
    27  	// Select.Lock
    28  	NoLockStr    = ""
    29  	ForUpdateStr = " for update"
    30  	ShareModeStr = " lock in share mode"
    32  	// Select.Cache
    33  	SQLCacheStr   = "sql_cache "
    34  	SQLNoCacheStr = "sql_no_cache "
    36  	// Union.Type
    37  	UnionStr         = "union"
    38  	UnionAllStr      = "union all"
    39  	UnionDistinctStr = "union distinct"
    41  	// DDL strings.
    42  	InsertStr  = "insert"
    43  	ReplaceStr = "replace"
    45  	// Set.Scope or Show.Scope
    46  	SessionStr        = "session"
    47  	GlobalStr         = "global"
    48  	VitessMetadataStr = "vitess_metadata"
    49  	VariableStr       = "variable"
    50  	LocalStr          = "local"
    51  	ImplicitStr       = ""
    53  	// DDL strings.
    54  	CreateStr           = "create"
    55  	AlterStr            = "alter"
    56  	DropStr             = "drop"
    57  	RenameStr           = "rename"
    58  	TruncateStr         = "truncate"
    59  	FlushStr            = "flush"
    60  	CreateVindexStr     = "create vindex"
    61  	DropVindexStr       = "drop vindex"
    62  	AddVschemaTableStr  = "add vschema table"
    63  	DropVschemaTableStr = "drop vschema table"
    64  	AddColVindexStr     = "on table add vindex"
    65  	DropColVindexStr    = "on table drop vindex"
    66  	AddSequenceStr      = "add sequence"
    67  	AddAutoIncStr       = "add auto_increment"
    69  	// Online DDL hint
    70  	OnlineStr = "online"
    72  	// Vindex DDL param to specify the owner of a vindex
    73  	VindexOwnerStr = "owner"
    75  	// Partition strings
    76  	ReorganizeStr        = "reorganize partition"
    77  	AddStr               = "add partition"
    78  	DiscardStr           = "discard partition"
    79  	DropPartitionStr     = "drop partition"
    80  	ImportStr            = "import partition"
    81  	TruncatePartitionStr = "truncate partition"
    82  	CoalesceStr          = "coalesce partition"
    83  	ExchangeStr          = "exchange partition"
    84  	AnalyzePartitionStr  = "analyze partition"
    85  	CheckStr             = "check partition"
    86  	OptimizeStr          = "optimize partition"
    87  	RebuildStr           = "rebuild partition"
    88  	RepairStr            = "repair partition"
    89  	RemoveStr            = "remove partitioning"
    90  	UpgradeStr           = "upgrade partitioning"
    92  	// JoinTableExpr.Join
    93  	JoinStr             = "join"
    94  	StraightJoinStr     = "straight_join"
    95  	LeftJoinStr         = "left join"
    96  	RightJoinStr        = "right join"
    97  	NaturalJoinStr      = "natural join"
    98  	NaturalLeftJoinStr  = "natural left join"
    99  	NaturalRightJoinStr = "natural right join"
   101  	// Index hints.
   102  	UseStr    = "use "
   103  	IgnoreStr = "ignore "
   104  	ForceStr  = "force "
   106  	// Where.Type
   107  	WhereStr  = "where"
   108  	HavingStr = "having"
   110  	// ComparisonExpr.Operator
   111  	EqualStr         = "="
   112  	LessThanStr      = "<"
   113  	GreaterThanStr   = ">"
   114  	LessEqualStr     = "<="
   115  	GreaterEqualStr  = ">="
   116  	NotEqualStr      = "!="
   117  	NullSafeEqualStr = "<=>"
   118  	InStr            = "in"
   119  	NotInStr         = "not in"
   120  	LikeStr          = "like"
   121  	NotLikeStr       = "not like"
   122  	RegexpStr        = "regexp"
   123  	NotRegexpStr     = "not regexp"
   125  	// IsExpr.Operator
   126  	IsNullStr     = "is null"
   127  	IsNotNullStr  = "is not null"
   128  	IsTrueStr     = "is true"
   129  	IsNotTrueStr  = "is not true"
   130  	IsFalseStr    = "is false"
   131  	IsNotFalseStr = "is not false"
   133  	// BinaryExpr.Operator
   134  	BitAndStr               = "&"
   135  	BitOrStr                = "|"
   136  	BitXorStr               = "^"
   137  	PlusStr                 = "+"
   138  	MinusStr                = "-"
   139  	MultStr                 = "*"
   140  	DivStr                  = "/"
   141  	IntDivStr               = "div"
   142  	ModStr                  = "%"
   143  	ShiftLeftStr            = "<<"
   144  	ShiftRightStr           = ">>"
   145  	JSONExtractOpStr        = "->"
   146  	JSONUnquoteExtractOpStr = "->>"
   148  	// UnaryExpr.Operator
   149  	UPlusStr    = "+"
   150  	UMinusStr   = "-"
   151  	TildaStr    = "~"
   152  	BangStr     = "!"
   153  	BinaryStr   = "binary "
   154  	Armscii8Str = "_armscii8"
   155  	ASCIIStr    = "_ascii"
   156  	Big5Str     = "_big5"
   157  	UBinaryStr  = "_binary"
   158  	Cp1250Str   = "_cp1250"
   159  	Cp1251Str   = "_cp1251"
   160  	Cp1256Str   = "_cp1256"
   161  	Cp1257Str   = "_cp1257"
   162  	Cp850Str    = "_cp850"
   163  	Cp852Str    = "_cp852"
   164  	Cp866Str    = "_cp866"
   165  	Cp932Str    = "_cp932"
   166  	Dec8Str     = "_dec8"
   167  	EucjpmsStr  = "_eucjpms"
   168  	EuckrStr    = "_euckr"
   169  	Gb18030Str  = "_gb18030"
   170  	Gb2312Str   = "_gb2312"
   171  	GbkStr      = "_gbk"
   172  	Geostd8Str  = "_geostd8"
   173  	GreekStr    = "_greek"
   174  	HebrewStr   = "_hebrew"
   175  	Hp8Str      = "_hp8"
   176  	Keybcs2Str  = "_keybcs2"
   177  	Koi8rStr    = "_koi8r"
   178  	Koi8uStr    = "_koi8u"
   179  	Latin1Str   = "_latin1"
   180  	Latin2Str   = "_latin2"
   181  	Latin5Str   = "_latin5"
   182  	Latin7Str   = "_latin7"
   183  	MacceStr    = "_macce"
   184  	MacromanStr = "_macroman"
   185  	SjisStr     = "_sjis"
   186  	Swe7Str     = "_swe7"
   187  	Tis620Str   = "_tis620"
   188  	Ucs2Str     = "_ucs2"
   189  	UjisStr     = "_ujis"
   190  	Utf16Str    = "_utf16"
   191  	Utf16leStr  = "_utf16le"
   192  	Utf32Str    = "_utf32"
   193  	Utf8Str     = "_utf8"
   194  	Utf8mb4Str  = "_utf8mb4"
   195  	NStringStr  = "N"
   197  	// ConvertType.Operator
   198  	CharacterSetStr = " character set"
   199  	NoOperatorStr   = ""
   201  	// CollateAndCharset.Type
   202  	CollateStr = " collate"
   204  	// MatchExpr.Option
   205  	NoOptionStr                              = ""
   206  	BooleanModeStr                           = " in boolean mode"
   207  	NaturalLanguageModeStr                   = " in natural language mode"
   208  	NaturalLanguageModeWithQueryExpansionStr = " in natural language mode with query expansion"
   209  	QueryExpansionStr                        = " with query expansion"
   211  	// INTO OUTFILE
   212  	IntoOutfileStr   = " into outfile "
   213  	IntoOutfileS3Str = " into outfile s3 "
   214  	IntoDumpfileStr  = " into dumpfile "
   216  	// Order.Direction
   217  	AscScr  = "asc"
   218  	DescScr = "desc"
   220  	// SetExpr.Expr, for SET TRANSACTION ... or START TRANSACTION
   221  	// TransactionStr is the Name for a SET TRANSACTION statement
   222  	TransactionStr = "transaction"
   224  	// Transaction isolation levels
   225  	ReadUncommittedStr = "read uncommitted"
   226  	ReadCommittedStr   = "read committed"
   227  	RepeatableReadStr  = "repeatable read"
   228  	SerializableStr    = "serializable"
   230  	TxReadOnly  = "read only"
   231  	TxReadWrite = "read write"
   233  	// Explain formats
   234  	EmptyStr       = ""
   235  	TreeStr        = "tree"
   236  	JSONStr        = "json"
   237  	VitessStr      = "vitess"
   238  	TraditionalStr = "traditional"
   239  	AnalyzeStr     = "analyze"
   241  	// Lock Types
   242  	ReadStr             = "read"
   243  	ReadLocalStr        = "read local"
   244  	WriteStr            = "write"
   245  	LowPriorityWriteStr = "low_priority write"
   247  	// ShowCommand Types
   248  	CharsetStr          = " charset"
   249  	CollationStr        = " collation"
   250  	ColumnStr           = " columns"
   251  	CreateDbStr         = " create database"
   252  	CreateEStr          = " create event"
   253  	CreateFStr          = " create function"
   254  	CreateProcStr       = " create procedure"
   255  	CreateTblStr        = " create table"
   256  	CreateTrStr         = " create trigger"
   257  	CreateVStr          = " create view"
   258  	DatabaseStr         = " databases"
   259  	FunctionCStr        = " function code"
   260  	FunctionStr         = " function status"
   261  	GtidExecGlobalStr   = " global gtid_executed"
   262  	IndexStr            = " indexes"
   263  	OpenTableStr        = " open tables"
   264  	PrivilegeStr        = " privileges"
   265  	ProcedureCStr       = " procedure code"
   266  	ProcedureStr        = " procedure status"
   267  	StatusGlobalStr     = " global status"
   268  	StatusSessionStr    = " status"
   269  	TableStr            = " tables"
   270  	TableStatusStr      = " table status"
   271  	TriggerStr          = " triggers"
   272  	VariableGlobalStr   = " global variables"
   273  	VariableSessionStr  = " variables"
   274  	VGtidExecGlobalStr  = " global vgtid_executed"
   275  	KeyspaceStr         = " keyspaces"
   276  	VitessMigrationsStr = " vitess_migrations"
   277  	WarningsStr         = " warnings"
   279  	// DropKeyType strings
   280  	PrimaryKeyTypeStr = "primary key"
   281  	ForeignKeyTypeStr = "foreign key"
   282  	NormalKeyTypeStr  = "key"
   284  	// LockOptionType strings
   285  	NoneTypeStr      = "none"
   286  	SharedTypeStr    = "shared"
   287  	DefaultTypeStr   = "default"
   288  	ExclusiveTypeStr = "exclusive"
   290  	// IntervalTypes strings
   291  	DayStr               = "day"
   292  	WeekStr              = "week"
   293  	MonthStr             = "month"
   294  	YearStr              = "year"
   295  	DayHourStr           = "day_hour"
   296  	DayMicrosecondStr    = "day_microsecond"
   297  	DayMinuteStr         = "day_minute"
   298  	DaySecondStr         = "day_second"
   299  	HourStr              = "hour"
   300  	HourMicrosecondStr   = "hour_microsecond"
   301  	HourMinuteStr        = "hour_minute"
   302  	HourSecondStr        = "hour_second"
   303  	MicrosecondStr       = "microsecond"
   304  	MinuteStr            = "minute"
   305  	MinuteMicrosecondStr = "minute_microsecond"
   306  	MinuteSecondStr      = "minute_second"
   307  	QuarterStr           = "quarter"
   308  	SecondStr            = "second"
   309  	SecondMicrosecondStr = "second_microsecond"
   310  	YearMonthStr         = "year_month"
   311  )
   313  // Constants for Enum type - AccessMode
   314  const (
   315  	ReadOnly AccessMode = iota
   316  	ReadWrite
   317  )
   319  //Constants for Enum type - IsolationLevel
   320  const (
   321  	ReadUncommitted IsolationLevel = iota
   322  	ReadCommitted
   323  	RepeatableRead
   324  	Serializable
   325  )
   327  // Constants for Enum Type - Insert.Action
   328  const (
   329  	InsertAct InsertAction = iota
   330  	ReplaceAct
   331  )
   333  // Constants for Enum Type - DDL.Action
   334  const (
   335  	CreateDDLAction DDLAction = iota
   336  	AlterDDLAction
   337  	DropDDLAction
   338  	RenameDDLAction
   339  	TruncateDDLAction
   340  	CreateVindexDDLAction
   341  	DropVindexDDLAction
   342  	AddVschemaTableDDLAction
   343  	DropVschemaTableDDLAction
   344  	AddColVindexDDLAction
   345  	DropColVindexDDLAction
   346  	AddSequenceDDLAction
   347  	AddAutoIncDDLAction
   348  	RevertDDLAction
   349  )
   351  // Constants for Enum Type - Scope
   352  const (
   353  	ImplicitScope Scope = iota
   354  	SessionScope
   355  	GlobalScope
   356  	VitessMetadataScope
   357  	VariableScope
   358  	LocalScope
   359  )
   361  // Constants for Enum Type - Lock
   362  const (
   363  	NoLock Lock = iota
   364  	ForUpdateLock
   365  	ShareModeLock
   366  )
   368  // Constants for Enum Type - WhereType
   369  const (
   370  	WhereClause WhereType = iota
   371  	HavingClause
   372  )
   374  // Constants for Enum Type - JoinType
   375  const (
   376  	NormalJoinType JoinType = iota
   377  	StraightJoinType
   378  	LeftJoinType
   379  	RightJoinType
   380  	NaturalJoinType
   381  	NaturalLeftJoinType
   382  	NaturalRightJoinType
   383  )
   385  // Constants for Enum Type - ComparisonExprOperator
   386  const (
   387  	EqualOp ComparisonExprOperator = iota
   388  	LessThanOp
   389  	GreaterThanOp
   390  	LessEqualOp
   391  	GreaterEqualOp
   392  	NotEqualOp
   393  	NullSafeEqualOp
   394  	InOp
   395  	NotInOp
   396  	LikeOp
   397  	NotLikeOp
   398  	RegexpOp
   399  	NotRegexpOp
   400  )
   402  // Constant for Enum Type - IsExprOperator
   403  const (
   404  	IsNullOp IsExprOperator = iota
   405  	IsNotNullOp
   406  	IsTrueOp
   407  	IsNotTrueOp
   408  	IsFalseOp
   409  	IsNotFalseOp
   410  )
   412  // Constant for Enum Type - BinaryExprOperator
   413  const (
   414  	BitAndOp BinaryExprOperator = iota
   415  	BitOrOp
   416  	BitXorOp
   417  	PlusOp
   418  	MinusOp
   419  	MultOp
   420  	DivOp
   421  	IntDivOp
   422  	ModOp
   423  	ShiftLeftOp
   424  	ShiftRightOp
   425  	JSONExtractOp
   426  	JSONUnquoteExtractOp
   427  )
   429  // Constant for Enum Type - UnaryExprOperator
   430  const (
   431  	UPlusOp UnaryExprOperator = iota
   432  	UMinusOp
   433  	TildaOp
   434  	BangOp
   435  	BinaryOp
   436  	NStringOp
   437  )
   439  // Constant for Enum Type - MatchExprOption
   440  const (
   441  	NoOption MatchExprOption = iota
   442  	BooleanModeOpt
   443  	NaturalLanguageModeOpt
   444  	NaturalLanguageModeWithQueryExpansionOpt
   445  	QueryExpansionOpt
   446  )
   448  // Constant for Enum Type - OrderDirection
   449  const (
   450  	AscOrder OrderDirection = iota
   451  	DescOrder
   452  )
   454  // Constant for Enum Type - ConvertTypeOperator
   455  const (
   456  	NoOperator ConvertTypeOperator = iota
   457  	CharacterSetOp
   458  )
   460  // Constant for Enum Type - IndexHintsType
   461  const (
   462  	UseOp IndexHintsType = iota
   463  	IgnoreOp
   464  	ForceOp
   465  )
   467  // Constant for Enum Type - PartitionSpecAction
   468  const (
   469  	ReorganizeAction PartitionSpecAction = iota
   470  	AddAction
   471  	DiscardAction
   472  	DropAction
   473  	ImportAction
   474  	TruncateAction
   475  	CoalesceAction
   476  	ExchangeAction
   477  	AnalyzeAction
   478  	CheckAction
   479  	OptimizeAction
   480  	RebuildAction
   481  	RepairAction
   482  	RemoveAction
   483  	UpgradeAction
   484  )
   486  // Constant for Enum Type - ExplainType
   487  const (
   488  	EmptyType ExplainType = iota
   489  	TreeType
   490  	JSONType
   491  	VitessType
   492  	TraditionalType
   493  	AnalyzeType
   494  )
   496  // Constant for Enum Type - SelectIntoType
   497  const (
   498  	IntoOutfile SelectIntoType = iota
   499  	IntoOutfileS3
   500  	IntoDumpfile
   501  )
   503  // Constant for Enum Type - CollateAndCharsetType
   504  const (
   505  	CollateType CollateAndCharsetType = iota
   506  	CharacterSetType
   507  )
   509  // LockType constants
   510  const (
   511  	UnknownLockType LockType = iota
   512  	Read
   513  	ReadLocal
   514  	Write
   515  	LowPriorityWrite
   516  )
   518  // ShowCommandType constants
   519  const (
   520  	UnknownCommandType ShowCommandType = iota
   521  	Charset
   522  	Collation
   523  	Column
   524  	CreateDb
   525  	CreateE
   526  	CreateF
   527  	CreateProc
   528  	CreateTbl
   529  	CreateTr
   530  	CreateV
   531  	Database
   532  	FunctionC
   533  	Function
   534  	GtidExecGlobal
   535  	Index
   536  	OpenTable
   537  	Privilege
   538  	ProcedureC
   539  	Procedure
   540  	StatusGlobal
   541  	StatusSession
   542  	Table
   543  	TableStatus
   544  	Trigger
   545  	VariableGlobal
   546  	VariableSession
   547  	VGtidExecGlobal
   548  	VitessMigrations
   549  	Warnings
   550  	Keyspace
   551  )
   553  // DropKeyType constants
   554  const (
   555  	PrimaryKeyType DropKeyType = iota
   556  	ForeignKeyType
   557  	NormalKeyType
   558  )
   560  // LockOptionType constants
   561  const (
   562  	DefaultType LockOptionType = iota
   563  	NoneType
   564  	SharedType
   565  	ExclusiveType
   566  )
   568  // AlterMigrationType constants
   569  const (
   570  	RetryMigrationType AlterMigrationType = iota
   571  	CompleteMigrationType
   572  	CancelMigrationType
   573  	CancelAllMigrationType
   574  	CleanupMigrationType
   575  )
   577  // ColumnStorage constants
   578  const (
   579  	VirtualStorage ColumnStorage = iota
   580  	StoredStorage
   581  )
   583  // IntervalTypes constants
   584  const (
   585  	IntervalYear IntervalTypes = iota
   586  	IntervalQuarter
   587  	IntervalMonth
   588  	IntervalWeek
   589  	IntervalDay
   590  	IntervalHour
   591  	IntervalMinute
   592  	IntervalSecond
   593  	IntervalMicrosecond
   594  	IntervalYearMonth
   595  	IntervalDayHour
   596  	IntervalDayMinute
   597  	IntervalDaySecond
   598  	IntervalHourMinute
   599  	IntervalHourSecond
   600  	IntervalMinuteSecond
   601  	IntervalDayMicrosecond
   602  	IntervalHourMicrosecond
   603  	IntervalMinuteMicrosecond
   604  	IntervalSecondMicrosecond
   605  )