(about) 1 /* 2 Copyright 2021 The Vitess Authors. 3 4 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 8 9 10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package sqlparser 18 19 import ( 20 "fmt" 21 "strings" 22 ) 23 24 type keyword struct { 25 name string 26 id int 27 } 28 29 func (k *keyword) match(input []byte) bool { 30 if len(input) != len( { 31 return false 32 } 33 for i, c := range input { 34 if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { 35 c += 'a' - 'A' 36 } 37 if[i] != c { 38 return false 39 } 40 } 41 return true 42 } 43 44 func (k *keyword) matchStr(input string) bool { 45 return keywordASCIIMatch(input, 46 } 47 48 func keywordASCIIMatch(input string, expected string) bool { 49 if len(input) != len(expected) { 50 return false 51 } 52 for i := 0; i < len(input); i++ { 53 c := input[i] 54 if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { 55 c += 'a' - 'A' 56 } 57 if expected[i] != c { 58 return false 59 } 60 } 61 return true 62 } 63 64 // keywords is a table of mysql keywords that fall into two categories: 65 // 1) keywords considered reserved by MySQL 66 // 2) keywords for us to handle specially in sql.y 67 // 68 // Those marked as UNUSED are likely reserved keywords. We add them here so that 69 // when rewriting queries we can properly backtick quote them so they don't cause issues 70 // 71 // NOTE: If you add new keywords, add them also to the reserved_keywords or 72 // non_reserved_keywords grammar in sql.y -- this will allow the keyword to be used 73 // in identifiers. See the docs for each grammar to determine which one to put it into. 74 var keywords = []keyword{ 75 {"_armscii8", UNDERSCORE_ARMSCII8}, 76 {"_ascii", UNDERSCORE_ASCII}, 77 {"_big5", UNDERSCORE_BIG5}, 78 {"_binary", UNDERSCORE_BINARY}, 79 {"_cp1250", UNDERSCORE_CP1250}, 80 {"_cp1251", UNDERSCORE_CP1251}, 81 {"_cp1256", UNDERSCORE_CP1256}, 82 {"_cp1257", UNDERSCORE_CP1257}, 83 {"_cp850", UNDERSCORE_CP850}, 84 {"_cp852", UNDERSCORE_CP852}, 85 {"_cp866", UNDERSCORE_CP866}, 86 {"_cp932", UNDERSCORE_CP932}, 87 {"_dec8", UNDERSCORE_DEC8}, 88 {"_eucjpms", UNDERSCORE_EUCJPMS}, 89 {"_euckr", UNDERSCORE_EUCKR}, 90 {"_gb18030", UNDERSCORE_GB18030}, 91 {"_gb2312", UNDERSCORE_GB2312}, 92 {"_gbk", UNDERSCORE_GBK}, 93 {"_geostd8", UNDERSCORE_GEOSTD8}, 94 {"_greek", UNDERSCORE_GREEK}, 95 {"_hebrew", UNDERSCORE_HEBREW}, 96 {"_hp8", UNDERSCORE_HP8}, 97 {"_keybcs2", UNDERSCORE_KEYBCS2}, 98 {"_koi8r", UNDERSCORE_KOI8R}, 99 {"_koi8u", UNDERSCORE_KOI8U}, 100 {"_latin1", UNDERSCORE_LATIN1}, 101 {"_latin2", UNDERSCORE_LATIN2}, 102 {"_latin5", UNDERSCORE_LATIN5}, 103 {"_latin7", UNDERSCORE_LATIN7}, 104 {"_macce", UNDERSCORE_MACCE}, 105 {"_macroman", UNDERSCORE_MACROMAN}, 106 {"_sjis", UNDERSCORE_SJIS}, 107 {"_swe7", UNDERSCORE_SWE7}, 108 {"_tis620", UNDERSCORE_TIS620}, 109 {"_ucs2", UNDERSCORE_UCS2}, 110 {"_ujis", UNDERSCORE_UJIS}, 111 {"_utf16", UNDERSCORE_UTF16}, 112 {"_utf16le", UNDERSCORE_UTF16LE}, 113 {"_utf32", UNDERSCORE_UTF32}, 114 {"_utf8", UNDERSCORE_UTF8}, 115 {"_utf8mb4", UNDERSCORE_UTF8MB4}, 116 {"accessible", UNUSED}, 117 {"action", ACTION}, 118 {"add", ADD}, 119 {"after", AFTER}, 120 {"against", AGAINST}, 121 {"algorithm", ALGORITHM}, 122 {"all", ALL}, 123 {"alter", ALTER}, 124 {"always", ALWAYS}, 125 {"analyze", ANALYZE}, 126 {"and", AND}, 127 {"as", AS}, 128 {"asc", ASC}, 129 {"asensitive", UNUSED}, 130 {"auto_increment", AUTO_INCREMENT}, 131 {"avg_row_length", AVG_ROW_LENGTH}, 132 {"before", UNUSED}, 133 {"begin", BEGIN}, 134 {"between", BETWEEN}, 135 {"bigint", BIGINT}, 136 {"binary", BINARY}, 137 {"bit", BIT}, 138 {"blob", BLOB}, 139 {"bool", BOOL}, 140 {"boolean", BOOLEAN}, 141 {"both", UNUSED}, 142 {"by", BY}, 143 {"call", CALL}, 144 {"cancel", CANCEL}, 145 {"cascade", CASCADE}, 146 {"cascaded", CASCADED}, 147 {"case", CASE}, 148 {"cast", CAST}, 149 {"channel", CHANNEL}, 150 {"change", CHANGE}, 151 {"char", CHAR}, 152 {"character", CHARACTER}, 153 {"charset", CHARSET}, 154 {"check", CHECK}, 155 {"checksum", CHECKSUM}, 156 {"cleanup", CLEANUP}, 157 {"coalesce", COALESCE}, 158 {"code", CODE}, 159 {"collate", COLLATE}, 160 {"collation", COLLATION}, 161 {"column", COLUMN}, 162 {"columns", COLUMNS}, 163 {"comment", COMMENT_KEYWORD}, 164 {"committed", COMMITTED}, 165 {"commit", COMMIT}, 166 {"compact", COMPACT}, 167 {"complete", COMPLETE}, 168 {"compressed", COMPRESSED}, 169 {"compression", COMPRESSION}, 170 {"condition", UNUSED}, 171 {"connection", CONNECTION}, 172 {"constraint", CONSTRAINT}, 173 {"continue", UNUSED}, 174 {"convert", CONVERT}, 175 {"copy", COPY}, 176 {"cume_dist", UNUSED}, 177 {"substr", SUBSTRING}, 178 {"subpartition", SUBPARTITION}, 179 {"subpartitions", SUBPARTITIONS}, 180 {"substring", SUBSTRING}, 181 {"create", CREATE}, 182 {"cross", CROSS}, 183 {"csv", CSV}, 184 {"current_date", CURRENT_DATE}, 185 {"current_time", CURRENT_TIME}, 186 {"current_timestamp", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP}, 187 {"current_user", CURRENT_USER}, 188 {"cursor", UNUSED}, 189 {"data", DATA}, 190 {"database", DATABASE}, 191 {"databases", DATABASES}, 192 {"day", DAY}, 193 {"day_hour", DAY_HOUR}, 194 {"day_microsecond", DAY_MICROSECOND}, 195 {"day_minute", DAY_MINUTE}, 196 {"day_second", DAY_SECOND}, 197 {"date", DATE}, 198 {"datetime", DATETIME}, 199 {"dec", UNUSED}, 200 {"decimal", DECIMAL_TYPE}, 201 {"declare", UNUSED}, 202 {"default", DEFAULT}, 203 {"definer", DEFINER}, 204 {"delay_key_write", DELAY_KEY_WRITE}, 205 {"delayed", UNUSED}, 206 {"delete", DELETE}, 207 {"dense_rank", UNUSED}, 208 {"desc", DESC}, 209 {"describe", DESCRIBE}, 210 {"deterministic", UNUSED}, 211 {"directory", DIRECTORY}, 212 {"disable", DISABLE}, 213 {"discard", DISCARD}, 214 {"disk", DISK}, 215 {"distinct", DISTINCT}, 216 {"distinctrow", DISTINCTROW}, 217 {"div", DIV}, 218 {"double", DOUBLE}, 219 {"do", DO}, 220 {"drop", DROP}, 221 {"dumpfile", DUMPFILE}, 222 {"duplicate", DUPLICATE}, 223 {"dynamic", DYNAMIC}, 224 {"each", UNUSED}, 225 {"else", ELSE}, 226 {"elseif", UNUSED}, 227 {"empty", UNUSED}, 228 {"enable", ENABLE}, 229 {"enclosed", ENCLOSED}, 230 {"encryption", ENCRYPTION}, 231 {"end", END}, 232 {"enforced", ENFORCED}, 233 {"engine", ENGINE}, 234 {"engines", ENGINES}, 235 {"enum", ENUM}, 236 {"error", ERROR}, 237 {"escape", ESCAPE}, 238 {"escaped", ESCAPED}, 239 {"event", EVENT}, 240 {"exchange", EXCHANGE}, 241 {"exclusive", EXCLUSIVE}, 242 {"exists", EXISTS}, 243 {"exit", UNUSED}, 244 {"explain", EXPLAIN}, 245 {"expansion", EXPANSION}, 246 {"export", EXPORT}, 247 {"extended", EXTENDED}, 248 {"extract", EXTRACT}, 249 {"false", FALSE}, 250 {"fetch", UNUSED}, 251 {"fields", FIELDS}, 252 {"first", FIRST}, 253 {"first_value", UNUSED}, 254 {"fixed", FIXED}, 255 {"float", FLOAT_TYPE}, 256 {"float4", UNUSED}, 257 {"float8", UNUSED}, 258 {"flush", FLUSH}, 259 {"for", FOR}, 260 {"force", FORCE}, 261 {"foreign", FOREIGN}, 262 {"format", FORMAT}, 263 {"from", FROM}, 264 {"full", FULL}, 265 {"fulltext", FULLTEXT}, 266 {"function", FUNCTION}, 267 {"general", GENERAL}, 268 {"generated", GENERATED}, 269 {"geometry", GEOMETRY}, 270 {"geometrycollection", GEOMETRYCOLLECTION}, 271 {"get", UNUSED}, 272 {"global", GLOBAL}, 273 {"gtid_executed", GTID_EXECUTED}, 274 {"grant", UNUSED}, 275 {"group", GROUP}, 276 {"grouping", UNUSED}, 277 {"groups", UNUSED}, 278 {"group_concat", GROUP_CONCAT}, 279 {"hash", HASH}, 280 {"having", HAVING}, 281 {"header", HEADER}, 282 {"high_priority", UNUSED}, 283 {"hosts", HOSTS}, 284 {"hour", HOUR}, 285 {"hour_microsecond", HOUR_MICROSECOND}, 286 {"hour_minute", HOUR_MINUTE}, 287 {"hour_second", HOUR_SECOND}, 288 {"if", IF}, 289 {"ignore", IGNORE}, 290 {"import", IMPORT}, 291 {"in", IN}, 292 {"index", INDEX}, 293 {"indexes", INDEXES}, 294 {"infile", UNUSED}, 295 {"inout", UNUSED}, 296 {"inner", INNER}, 297 {"inplace", INPLACE}, 298 {"insensitive", UNUSED}, 299 {"insert", INSERT}, 300 {"insert_method", INSERT_METHOD}, 301 {"int", INT}, 302 {"int1", UNUSED}, 303 {"int2", UNUSED}, 304 {"int3", UNUSED}, 305 {"int4", UNUSED}, 306 {"int8", UNUSED}, 307 {"integer", INTEGER}, 308 {"interval", INTERVAL}, 309 {"into", INTO}, 310 {"io_after_gtids", UNUSED}, 311 {"is", IS}, 312 {"isolation", ISOLATION}, 313 {"iterate", UNUSED}, 314 {"invoker", INVOKER}, 315 {"join", JOIN}, 316 {"json", JSON}, 317 {"json_table", UNUSED}, 318 {"key", KEY}, 319 {"keys", KEYS}, 320 {"keyspaces", KEYSPACES}, 321 {"key_block_size", KEY_BLOCK_SIZE}, 322 {"kill", UNUSED}, 323 {"lag", UNUSED}, 324 {"language", LANGUAGE}, 325 {"last", LAST}, 326 {"last_value", UNUSED}, 327 {"last_insert_id", LAST_INSERT_ID}, 328 {"lateral", UNUSED}, 329 {"lead", UNUSED}, 330 {"leading", UNUSED}, 331 {"leave", UNUSED}, 332 {"left", LEFT}, 333 {"less", LESS}, 334 {"level", LEVEL}, 335 {"like", LIKE}, 336 {"limit", LIMIT}, 337 {"linear", LINEAR}, 338 {"lines", LINES}, 339 {"linestring", LINESTRING}, 340 {"list", LIST}, 341 {"load", LOAD}, 342 {"local", LOCAL}, 343 {"localtime", LOCALTIME}, 344 {"localtimestamp", LOCALTIMESTAMP}, 345 {"lock", LOCK}, 346 {"logs", LOGS}, 347 {"long", UNUSED}, 348 {"longblob", LONGBLOB}, 349 {"longtext", LONGTEXT}, 350 {"loop", UNUSED}, 351 {"low_priority", LOW_PRIORITY}, 352 {"manifest", MANIFEST}, 353 {"master_bind", UNUSED}, 354 {"match", MATCH}, 355 {"max_rows", MAX_ROWS}, 356 {"maxvalue", MAXVALUE}, 357 {"mediumblob", MEDIUMBLOB}, 358 {"mediumint", MEDIUMINT}, 359 {"mediumtext", MEDIUMTEXT}, 360 {"memory", MEMORY}, 361 {"member", MEMBER}, 362 {"merge", MERGE}, 363 {"microsecond", MICROSECOND}, 364 {"middleint", UNUSED}, 365 {"min_rows", MIN_ROWS}, 366 {"minute", MINUTE}, 367 {"minute_microsecond", MINUTE_MICROSECOND}, 368 {"minute_second", MINUTE_SECOND}, 369 {"mod", MOD}, 370 {"mode", MODE}, 371 {"modify", MODIFY}, 372 {"modifies", UNUSED}, 373 {"multilinestring", MULTILINESTRING}, 374 {"multipoint", MULTIPOINT}, 375 {"multipolygon", MULTIPOLYGON}, 376 {"month", MONTH}, 377 {"name", NAME}, 378 {"names", NAMES}, 379 {"natural", NATURAL}, 380 {"nchar", NCHAR}, 381 {"next", NEXT}, 382 {"no", NO}, 383 {"none", NONE}, 384 {"not", NOT}, 385 {"now", NOW}, 386 {"no_write_to_binlog", NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG}, 387 {"nth_value", UNUSED}, 388 {"ntile", UNUSED}, 389 {"null", NULL}, 390 {"numeric", NUMERIC}, 391 {"of", UNUSED}, 392 {"off", OFF}, 393 {"offset", OFFSET}, 394 {"on", ON}, 395 {"only", ONLY}, 396 {"open", OPEN}, 397 {"optimize", OPTIMIZE}, 398 {"optimizer_costs", OPTIMIZER_COSTS}, 399 {"option", OPTION}, 400 {"optionally", OPTIONALLY}, 401 {"or", OR}, 402 {"order", ORDER}, 403 {"out", UNUSED}, 404 {"outer", OUTER}, 405 {"outfile", OUTFILE}, 406 {"over", UNUSED}, 407 {"overwrite", OVERWRITE}, 408 {"pack_keys", PACK_KEYS}, 409 {"parser", PARSER}, 410 {"partition", PARTITION}, 411 {"partitions", PARTITIONS}, 412 {"partitioning", PARTITIONING}, 413 {"password", PASSWORD}, 414 {"percent_rank", UNUSED}, 415 {"plugins", PLUGINS}, 416 {"point", POINT}, 417 {"polygon", POLYGON}, 418 {"precision", UNUSED}, 419 {"primary", PRIMARY}, 420 {"privileges", PRIVILEGES}, 421 {"processlist", PROCESSLIST}, 422 {"procedure", PROCEDURE}, 423 {"query", QUERY}, 424 {"range", RANGE}, 425 {"quarter", QUARTER}, 426 {"rank", UNUSED}, 427 {"read", READ}, 428 {"reads", UNUSED}, 429 {"read_write", UNUSED}, 430 {"real", REAL}, 431 {"rebuild", REBUILD}, 432 {"recursive", RECURSIVE}, 433 {"redundant", REDUNDANT}, 434 {"references", REFERENCES}, 435 {"regexp", REGEXP}, 436 {"relay", RELAY}, 437 {"release", RELEASE}, 438 {"remove", REMOVE}, 439 {"rename", RENAME}, 440 {"reorganize", REORGANIZE}, 441 {"repair", REPAIR}, 442 {"repeat", UNUSED}, 443 {"repeatable", REPEATABLE}, 444 {"replace", REPLACE}, 445 {"require", UNUSED}, 446 {"resignal", UNUSED}, 447 {"restrict", RESTRICT}, 448 {"return", UNUSED}, 449 {"retry", RETRY}, 450 {"revert", REVERT}, 451 {"revoke", UNUSED}, 452 {"right", RIGHT}, 453 {"rlike", REGEXP}, 454 {"rollback", ROLLBACK}, 455 {"row", UNUSED}, 456 {"row_format", ROW_FORMAT}, 457 {"row_number", UNUSED}, 458 {"rows", UNUSED}, 459 {"s3", S3}, 460 {"savepoint", SAVEPOINT}, 461 {"schema", SCHEMA}, 462 {"schemas", SCHEMAS}, 463 {"second", SECOND}, 464 {"second_microsecond", SECOND_MICROSECOND}, 465 {"security", SECURITY}, 466 {"select", SELECT}, 467 {"sensitive", UNUSED}, 468 {"separator", SEPARATOR}, 469 {"sequence", SEQUENCE}, 470 {"serializable", SERIALIZABLE}, 471 {"session", SESSION}, 472 {"set", SET}, 473 {"share", SHARE}, 474 {"shared", SHARED}, 475 {"show", SHOW}, 476 {"signal", UNUSED}, 477 {"signed", SIGNED}, 478 {"slow", SLOW}, 479 {"smallint", SMALLINT}, 480 {"spatial", SPATIAL}, 481 {"specific", UNUSED}, 482 {"sql", SQL}, 483 {"sqlexception", UNUSED}, 484 {"sqlstate", UNUSED}, 485 {"sqlwarning", UNUSED}, 486 {"sql_big_result", UNUSED}, 487 {"sql_cache", SQL_CACHE}, 488 {"sql_calc_found_rows", SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS}, 489 {"sql_no_cache", SQL_NO_CACHE}, 490 {"sql_small_result", UNUSED}, 491 {"ssl", UNUSED}, 492 {"start", START}, 493 {"starting", STARTING}, 494 {"stats_auto_recalc", STATS_AUTO_RECALC}, 495 {"stats_persistent", STATS_PERSISTENT}, 496 {"stats_sample_pages", STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES}, 497 {"status", STATUS}, 498 {"storage", STORAGE}, 499 {"stored", STORED}, 500 {"straight_join", STRAIGHT_JOIN}, 501 {"stream", STREAM}, 502 {"system", UNUSED}, 503 {"table", TABLE}, 504 {"tables", TABLES}, 505 {"tablespace", TABLESPACE}, 506 {"temporary", TEMPORARY}, 507 {"temptable", TEMPTABLE}, 508 {"terminated", TERMINATED}, 509 {"text", TEXT}, 510 {"than", THAN}, 511 {"then", THEN}, 512 {"time", TIME}, 513 {"timestamp", TIMESTAMP}, 514 {"timestampadd", TIMESTAMPADD}, 515 {"timestampdiff", TIMESTAMPDIFF}, 516 {"tinyblob", TINYBLOB}, 517 {"tinyint", TINYINT}, 518 {"tinytext", TINYTEXT}, 519 {"to", TO}, 520 {"trailing", UNUSED}, 521 {"transaction", TRANSACTION}, 522 {"tree", TREE}, 523 {"traditional", TRADITIONAL}, 524 {"trigger", TRIGGER}, 525 {"triggers", TRIGGERS}, 526 {"true", TRUE}, 527 {"truncate", TRUNCATE}, 528 {"uncommitted", UNCOMMITTED}, 529 {"undefined", UNDEFINED}, 530 {"undo", UNUSED}, 531 {"union", UNION}, 532 {"unique", UNIQUE}, 533 {"unlock", UNLOCK}, 534 {"unsigned", UNSIGNED}, 535 {"update", UPDATE}, 536 {"upgrade", UPGRADE}, 537 {"usage", UNUSED}, 538 {"use", USE}, 539 {"user", USER}, 540 {"user_resources", USER_RESOURCES}, 541 {"using", USING}, 542 {"utc_date", UTC_DATE}, 543 {"utc_time", UTC_TIME}, 544 {"utc_timestamp", UTC_TIMESTAMP}, 545 {"validation", VALIDATION}, 546 {"values", VALUES}, 547 {"variables", VARIABLES}, 548 {"varbinary", VARBINARY}, 549 {"varchar", VARCHAR}, 550 {"varcharacter", UNUSED}, 551 {"varying", UNUSED}, 552 {"vgtid_executed", VGTID_EXECUTED}, 553 {"virtual", VIRTUAL}, 554 {"vindex", VINDEX}, 555 {"vindexes", VINDEXES}, 556 {"view", VIEW}, 557 {"vitess", VITESS}, 558 {"vitess_keyspaces", VITESS_KEYSPACES}, 559 {"vitess_metadata", VITESS_METADATA}, 560 {"vitess_migration", VITESS_MIGRATION}, 561 {"vitess_migrations", VITESS_MIGRATIONS}, 562 {"vitess_replication_status", VITESS_REPLICATION_STATUS}, 563 {"vitess_shards", VITESS_SHARDS}, 564 {"vitess_tablets", VITESS_TABLETS}, 565 {"vschema", VSCHEMA}, 566 {"vstream", VSTREAM}, 567 {"warnings", WARNINGS}, 568 {"when", WHEN}, 569 {"where", WHERE}, 570 {"while", UNUSED}, 571 {"window", UNUSED}, 572 {"with", WITH}, 573 {"without", WITHOUT}, 574 {"work", WORK}, 575 {"write", WRITE}, 576 {"xor", XOR}, 577 {"year", YEAR}, 578 {"year_month", YEAR_MONTH}, 579 {"zerofill", ZEROFILL}, 580 } 581 582 // keywordStrings contains the reverse mapping of token to keyword strings 583 var keywordStrings = map[int]string{} 584 585 // keywordLookupTable is a perfect hash map that maps **case insensitive** keyword names to their ids 586 var keywordLookupTable *caseInsensitiveTable 587 588 type caseInsensitiveTable struct { 589 h map[uint64]keyword 590 } 591 592 func buildCaseInsensitiveTable(keywords []keyword) *caseInsensitiveTable { 593 table := &caseInsensitiveTable{ 594 h: make(map[uint64]keyword, len(keywords)), 595 } 596 597 for _, kw := range keywords { 598 hash := fnv1aIstr(offset64, 599 if _, exists := table.h[hash]; exists { 600 panic("collision in caseInsensitiveTable") 601 } 602 table.h[hash] = kw 603 } 604 return table 605 } 606 607 func (cit *caseInsensitiveTable) LookupString(name string) (int, bool) { 608 hash := fnv1aIstr(offset64, name) 609 if candidate, ok := cit.h[hash]; ok { 610 return, candidate.matchStr(name) 611 } 612 return 0, false 613 } 614 615 func (cit *caseInsensitiveTable) Lookup(name []byte) (int, bool) { 616 hash := fnv1aI(offset64, name) 617 if candidate, ok := cit.h[hash]; ok { 618 return, candidate.match(name) 619 } 620 return 0, false 621 } 622 623 func init() { 624 for _, kw := range keywords { 625 if == UNUSED { 626 continue 627 } 628 if != strings.ToLower( { 629 panic(fmt.Sprintf("keyword %q must be lowercase in table", 630 } 631 keywordStrings[] = 632 } 633 634 keywordLookupTable = buildCaseInsensitiveTable(keywords) 635 } 636 637 // KeywordString returns the string corresponding to the given keyword 638 func KeywordString(id int) string { 639 str, ok := keywordStrings[id] 640 if !ok { 641 return "" 642 } 643 return str 644 } 645 646 const offset64 = uint64(14695981039346656037) 647 const prime64 = uint64(1099511628211) 648 649 func fnv1aI(h uint64, s []byte) uint64 { 650 for _, c := range s { 651 if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { 652 c += 'a' - 'A' 653 } 654 h = (h ^ uint64(c)) * prime64 655 } 656 return h 657 } 658 659 func fnv1aIstr(h uint64, s string) uint64 { 660 for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { 661 c := s[i] 662 if 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' { 663 c += 'a' - 'A' 664 } 665 h = (h ^ uint64(c)) * prime64 666 } 667 return h 668 }