(about) 1 *.py[cod] 2 3 # Packages 4 *.egg 5 *.egg-info 6 dist 7 build 8 eggs 9 parts 10 var 11 sdist 12 develop-eggs 13 .installed.cfg 14 lib 15 lib64 16 17 # Deis' config file 18 controller/deis/ 19 controller/.secret_key 20 21 # application logs 22 logs/ 23 24 # local binaries, installers, and artifacts 25 builder/rootfs/usr/bin 26 cache/image/bin/ 27 client/deis 28 client/deis.exe 29 client/*.run 30 client/makeself/ 31 contrib/azure/azure-user-data 32 contrib/bumpver/bumpver 33 deisctl/deisctl 34 deisctl/dist/ 35 deisctl/package/ 36 deisctl/makeself/ 37 docs/_build/ 38 docs/ 39 docs/dummy.sqlite3 40 logger/image/bin/logger 41 logspout/build/ 42 logspout/image/logspout 43 logspout/Godeps/ 44 publisher/Godeps/ 45 publisher/image/bin/publisher 46 swarm/image/bin/ 47 mesos/**/bin/ 48 mesos/**/bindata/ 49 mesos/Dockerfile 50 mesos/marathon-assembly.jar 51 52 # coverage reports 53 .coverage 54 coverage.out 55 htmlcov/ 56 57 # integration test droppings 58 tests/example-* 59 tests/*.cert 60 tests/*.key 61 62 # extra .py droppings from building docs 63 / 64 65 # python virtual environments for testing 66 venv 67 68 # Local user-data generated from user-data.example 69 contrib/coreos/user-data 70 71 # Local controller settings file 72 controller/deis/ 73 74 # AWS CloudFormation Setup 75 contrib/aws/cloudformation.json 76 77 # GCE generated user-data 78 contrib/gce/gce-user-data 79 80 # vagrant local config and droppings 81 /config.rb 82 .vagrant 83 84 # bash infra 85 /tests/bin/tmp 86 !/tests/bin/accept/lib 87 !/tests/bin/accept/commands