
     1  #cloud-config
     3  coreos:
     4    etcd2:
     5      # generate a new token for each unique cluster from
     6      discovery: #DISCOVERY_URL
     7      # multi-region and multi-cloud deployments need to use $public_ipv4
     8      advertise-client-urls: http://$private_ipv4:2379
     9      initial-advertise-peer-urls: http://$private_ipv4:2380
    10      # listen on both the official ports and the legacy ports
    11      # legacy ports can be omitted if your application doesn't depend on them
    12      listen-client-urls:,
    13      listen-peer-urls: http://$private_ipv4:2380,http://$private_ipv4:7001
    14      data-dir: /var/lib/etcd2
    15    fleet:
    16      public-ip: $public_ipv4
    17      metadata: controlPlane=true,dataPlane=true,routerMesh=true
    18    update:
    19      reboot-strategy: "off"
    20    units:
    21      - name: etcd2.service
    22        command: start
    23      - name: fleet.service
    24        command: start
    25      - name: docker-tcp.socket
    26        command: start
    27        enable: true
    28        content: |
    29          [Unit]
    30          Description=Docker Socket for the API
    32          [Socket]
    33          ListenStream=2375
    34          Service=docker.service
    35          BindIPv6Only=both
    37          [Install]
    39      - name: update-engine.service
    40        command: stop
    41        enable: false
    42      - name: docker.service
    43        drop-ins:
    44        - name: 50-insecure-registry.conf
    45          content: |
    46            [Service]
    47            Environment="DOCKER_OPTS=--insecure-registry --insecure-registry --insecure-registry --insecure-registry"
    48      - name: flanneld.service
    49        drop-ins:
    50        - name: 50-network-config.conf
    51          content: |
    52            [Service]
    53            ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/etcdctl mk / '{"Network": "", "SubnetLen": 24, "SubnetMin": "", "Backend": {"Type": "vxlan"}}'
    54      - name: graceful-deis-shutdown.service
    55        content: |
    56          [Unit]
    57          Description=Clean up
    58          DefaultDependencies=no
    59          After=fleet.service etcd2.service docker.service docker.socket deis-store-admin.service deis-store-daemon.service deis-store-volume.service deis-store-monitor.service
    60          Requires=fleet.service etcd2.service deis-store-admin.service deis-store-daemon.service deis-store-volume.service docker.service docker.socket deis-store-monitor.service
    62          [Install]
    65          [Service]
    66          ExecStop=/opt/bin/ --really
    67          Type=oneshot
    68          TimeoutSec=1200
    69          RemainAfterExit=yes
    70      - name: install-deisctl.service
    71        command: start
    72        content: |
    73          [Unit]
    74          Description=Install deisctl utility
    75          ConditionPathExists=!/opt/bin/deisctl
    77          [Service]
    78          Type=oneshot
    79          ExecStart=/usr/bin/sh -c 'curl -sSL --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 | sh -s 1.10.0'
    80      - name: debug-etcd.service
    81        content: |
    82          [Unit]
    83          Description=etcd debugging service
    85          [Service]
    86          ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/curl -sSL -o /opt/bin/jq
    87          ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/chmod +x /opt/bin/jq
    88          ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c "while true; do curl -sL | /opt/bin/jq . ; sleep 1 ; done"
    89      - name: increase-nf_conntrack-connections.service
    90        command: start
    91        content: |
    92          [Unit]
    93          Description=Increase the number of connections in nf_conntrack. default is 65536
    95          [Service]
    96          Type=oneshot
    97          ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/modprobe nf_conntrack
    98          ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max=262144"
    99  write_files:
   100    - path: /etc/deis-release
   101      content: |
   102        DEIS_RELEASE=v1.10.0
   103    - path: /etc/motd
   104      content: " \e[31m* *    \e[34m*   \e[32m*****    \e[39mddddd   eeeeeee iiiiiii   ssss\n\e[31m*   *  \e[34m* *  \e[32m*   *     \e[39md   d   e    e    i     s    s\n \e[31m* *  \e[34m***** \e[32m*****     \e[39md    d  e         i    s\n\e[32m*****  \e[31m* *    \e[34m*       \e[39md     d e         i     s\n\e[32m*   * \e[31m*   *  \e[34m* *      \e[39md     d eee       i      sss\n\e[32m*****  \e[31m* *  \e[34m*****     \e[39md     d e         i         s\n  \e[34m*   \e[32m*****  \e[31m* *      \e[39md    d  e         i          s\n \e[34m* *  \e[32m*   * \e[31m*   *     \e[39md   d   e    e    i    s    s\n\e[34m***** \e[32m*****  \e[31m* *     \e[39mddddd   eeeeeee iiiiiii  ssss\n\n\e[39mWelcome to Deis\t\t\tPowered by Core\e[38;5;45mO\e[38;5;206mS\e[39m\n"
   105    - path: /etc/profile.d/
   106      permissions: '0755'
   107      content: |
   108        function nse() {
   109          docker exec -it $1 bash
   110        }
   111    - path: /run/deis/bin/get_image
   112      permissions: '0755'
   113      content: |
   114        #!/usr/bin/env bash
   115        # usage: get_image <component_path>
   116        IMAGE=`etcdctl get $1/image 2>/dev/null`
   118        # if no image was set in etcd, we use the default plus the release string
   119        if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   120          RELEASE=`etcdctl get /deis/platform/version 2>/dev/null`
   122          # if no release was set in etcd, use the default provisioned with the server
   123          if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
   124            source /etc/deis-release
   125            RELEASE=$DEIS_RELEASE
   126          fi
   128          IMAGE=$1:$RELEASE
   129        fi
   131        # remove leading slash
   132        echo ${IMAGE#/}
   133    - path: /run/deis/bin/preseed
   134      permissions: '0755'
   135      content: |
   136        #!/usr/bin/env bash
   138        COMPONENTS=(builder cache controller database logger logspout publisher registry router store-daemon store-gateway store-metadata store-monitor)
   139        for c in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do
   140          image=`/run/deis/bin/get_image /deis/$c`
   141          docker history $image >/dev/null 2>&1 || docker pull $image
   142        done
   143    - path: /opt/bin/deis-debug-logs
   144      permissions: '0755'
   145      content: |
   146        #!/usr/bin/env bash
   148        echo '--- VERSIONS ---'
   149        source /etc/os-release
   150        echo $PRETTY_NAME
   151        source /etc/deis-release
   152        echo "Deis $DEIS_RELEASE"
   153        etcd2 -version | head -n1
   154        fleet -version
   155        printf "\n"
   157        echo '--- SYSTEM STATUS ---'
   158        journalctl -n 50 -u etcd --no-pager
   159        journalctl -n 50 -u fleet --no-pager
   160        printf "\n"
   162        echo '--- DEIS STATUS ---'
   163        deisctl list
   164        etcdctl ls --recursive /deis
   165        printf "\n"
   166    - path: /home/core/.toolboxrc
   167      owner: core
   168      content: |
   169        TOOLBOX_DOCKER_IMAGE=alpine
   170        TOOLBOX_DOCKER_TAG=3.1
   171        TOOLBOX_USER=root
   172    - path: /etc/environment_proxy
   173      owner: core
   174      content: |
   175        HTTP_PROXY=
   176        HTTPS_PROXY=
   177        ALL_PROXY=
   178        NO_PROXY=
   179        http_proxy=
   180        https_proxy=
   181        all_proxy=
   182        no_proxy=
   183    - path: /etc/systemd/coredump.conf
   184      content: |
   185        [Coredump]
   186        Storage=none
   187    - path: /opt/bin/
   188      permissions: '0755'
   189      content: |
   190        #!/usr/bin/bash
   191        if [ "$1" != '--really' ]; then
   192          echo "command must be run as: $0 --really"
   193          exit 1
   194        fi
   195        # procedure requires the store-admin
   196        ADMIN_RUNNING=$(docker inspect --format="{{ .State.Running }}" deis-store-admin)
   197        if [ $? -eq 1 ] || [ "$ADMIN_RUNNING" == "false" ]; then
   198          echo "deis-store-admin container is required for graceful shutdown"
   199          exit 2
   200        fi
   201        set -e -x -o pipefail
   202        # determine osd id
   203        CURRENT_STATUS=$(docker exec deis-store-admin ceph health | awk '{print $1}')
   204        OSD_HOSTS=($(etcdctl ls /deis/store/hosts/| awk -F'/' '{print $5}'))
   205        for HOST in "${OSD_HOSTS[@]}"
   206        do
   207          PUBLIC_IP=$(fleetctl list-machines -fields="machine,ip" -full -no-legend| grep `cat /etc/machine-id` | awk '{print $2}')
   208          if [ "$HOST" = "$PUBLIC_IP" ] ; then
   209            OSD_ID=$(etcdctl get /deis/store/osds/$PUBLIC_IP)
   210            break
   211          fi
   212        done
   213        # if we own an osd and its healthy, try to gracefully remove it
   214        if [ ! -z "$OSD_ID" ] && [[ "$CURRENT_STATUS" == *"HEALTH_OK"* ]] && [ ${#OSD_HOSTS[@]} -gt "3" ]; then
   215          docker exec deis-store-admin ceph osd out $OSD_ID
   216          sleep 30
   217          TIMEWAITED=0
   218          until [[ $(docker exec deis-store-admin ceph health) == *"HEALTH_OK"* ]]
   219          do
   220            if [ $TIMEWAITED -gt "1200" ]
   221            then
   222              echo "ceph graceful removal timeout exceeded"
   223              break
   224            fi
   225            echo "waiting" && sleep 5
   226            TIMEWAITED=$((TIMEWAITED+5))
   227          done
   228          docker stop deis-store-daemon
   229          docker exec deis-store-admin ceph osd crush remove osd.$OSD_ID
   230          docker exec deis-store-admin ceph auth del osd.$OSD_ID
   231          docker exec deis-store-admin ceph osd rm $OSD_ID
   232          etcdctl rm /deis/store/osds/$PUBLIC_IP
   233          etcdctl rm /deis/store/hosts/$PUBLIC_IP && sleep 10
   234          # remove ceph mon
   235          docker stop deis-store-monitor || true
   236          docker exec deis-store-admin ceph mon remove `hostname -f` # fixme
   237          docker stop deis-store-metadata || true
   238        fi
   240        # removing the node from etcd
   241        NODE=$(etcdctl member list | grep `cat /etc/machine-id` | cut -d ':' -f 1)
   242        etcdctl member remove $NODE
   243    - path: /opt/bin/wupiao
   244      permissions: '0755'
   245      content: |
   246        #!/usr/bin/env bash
   247        # [w]ait [u]ntil [p]ort [i]s [a]ctually [o]pen
   248        [ -n "$1" ] && \
   249          until curl -o /dev/null -sIf http://${1}; do \
   250            sleep 1 && echo .;
   251          done;
   252        exit $?
   253    - path: /opt/bin/download-k8s-binary
   254      permissions: '0755'
   255      content: |
   256        #!/usr/bin/env bash
   257        export K8S_VERSION="v1.0.1"
   258        mkdir -p /opt/bin
   259        FILE=$1
   260        if [ ! -f /opt/bin/$FILE ]; then
   261          curl -sSL -o /opt/bin/$FILE${K8S_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/$FILE
   262          chmod +x /opt/bin/$FILE
   263        else
   264          # we check the version of the binary
   265          INSTALLED_VERSION=$(/opt/bin/$FILE --version)
   266          MATCH=$(echo "${INSTALLED_VERSION}" | grep -c "${K8S_VERSION}")
   267          if [ $MATCH -eq 0 ]; then
   268            # the version is different
   269            curl -sSL -o /opt/bin/$FILE${K8S_VERSION}/bin/linux/amd64/$FILE
   270            chmod +x /opt/bin/$FILE
   271          fi
   272        fi
   273    - path: /opt/bin/scheduler-policy.json
   274      content: |
   275        {
   276            "kind": "Policy",
   277            "apiVersion": "v1",
   278            "predicates": [{"name": "PodFitsPorts"},{"name": "PodFitsResources"},{"name": "NoDiskConflict"},{"name": "MatchNodeSelector"},{"name": "HostName"}],
   279            "priorities": [{"name": "LeastRequestedPriority","weight": 1},{"name": "BalancedResourceAllocation","weight": 1},{"name": "ServiceSpreadingPriority","weight": 2},{"name": "EqualPriority","weight": 1}]
   280        }