(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 """ 3 Provision a Deis cluster on Linode 4 5 Usage: 6 """ 7 import argparse 8 import random 9 import string 10 import threading 11 from threading import Thread 12 import sys 13 14 import paramiko 15 import requests 16 import colorama 17 from colorama import Fore, Style 18 19 20 class LinodeApiCommand: 21 def __init__(self, arguments): 22 self._arguments = vars(arguments) 23 self._linode_api_key = arguments.linode_api_key 24 25 def __getattr__(self, name): 26 return self._arguments.get(name) 27 28 def request(self, action, **kwargs): 29 kwargs['params'] = dict({'api_key': self._linode_api_key, 'api_action': action}.items() + kwargs.get('params', {}).items()) 30 response = requests.request('get', '', **kwargs) 31 32 json = response.json() 33 errors = json.get('ERRORARRAY', []) 34 data = json.get('DATA') 35 36 if len(errors) > 0: 37 raise IOError(str(errors)) 38 39 return data 40 41 def run(self): 42 raise NotImplementedError 43 44 def info(self, message): 45 print(Fore.MAGENTA + threading.current_thread().name + ': ' + Fore.CYAN + message + Fore.RESET) 46 47 def success(self, message): 48 print(Fore.MAGENTA + threading.current_thread().name + ': ' + Fore.GREEN + message + Fore.RESET) 49 50 51 class ProvisionCommand(LinodeApiCommand): 52 _created_linodes = [] 53 54 def run(self): 55 # validate arguments 56 self._check_num_nodes() 57 self._check_plan_size() 58 59 # create the linodes 60 self._create_linodes() 61 62 # print the results 63 self._report_created() 64 65 def _report_created(self): 66 # set up the report data 67 rows = [] 68 ips = [] 69 data_center = self._get_data_center().get('ABBR') 70 plan = self._get_plan().get('RAM') 71 72 for linode in self._created_linodes: 73 rows.append(( 74 linode['hostname'], 75 linode['public'], 76 linode['private'], 77 linode['gateway'], 78 data_center, 79 plan 80 )) 81 ips.append(linode['public']) 82 83 firewall_command = './ --private-key /path/to/key/deis --hosts ' + string.join(ips, ' ') 84 85 # set up the report constants 86 divider = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + ('=' * 109) + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL 87 column_format = " {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<12} {:>8}" 88 formatted_header = column_format.format(*('HOSTNAME', 'PUBLIC IP', 'PRIVATE IP', 'GATEWAY', 'DC', 'PLAN')) 89 90 # display the report 91 print('') 92 print(divider) 93 print(divider) 94 print('') 95 print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + ' Successfully provisioned ' + str(self.num_nodes) + ' nodes!' + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 96 print('') 97 print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.CYAN + formatted_header + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 98 for row in rows: 99 print(Fore.CYAN + column_format.format(*row) + Fore.RESET) 100 print('') 101 print('') 102 print(Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + ' Finish up your installation by securing your cluster with the following command:' + Fore.RESET) 103 print('') 104 print(' ' + firewall_command) 105 print('') 106 print(divider) 107 print(divider) 108 print('') 109 110 def _get_plan(self): 111 if self._plan is None: 112 plans = self.request('avail.linodeplans', params={'PlanID': self.node_plan}) 113 if len(plans) != 1: 114 raise ValueError('The --plan specified is invalid. Use the `list-plans` subcommand to see valid ids.') 115 self._plan = plans[0] 116 return self._plan 117 118 def _get_plan_id(self): 119 return self._get_plan().get('PLANID') 120 121 def _get_data_center(self): 122 if self._data_center is None: 123 data_centers = self.request('avail.datacenters') 124 for data_center in data_centers: 125 if data_center.get('DATACENTERID') == self.node_data_center: 126 self._data_center = data_center 127 if self._data_center is None: 128 raise ValueError('The --datacenter specified is invalid. Use the `list-data-centers` subcommand to see valid ids.') 129 return self._data_center 130 131 def _get_data_center_id(self): 132 return self._get_data_center().get('DATACENTERID') 133 134 def _check_plan_size(self): 135 ram = self._get_plan().get('RAM') 136 if ram < 4096: 137 raise ValueError('Deis cluster members must have at least 4GB of memory. Please choose a plan with more memory.') 138 139 def _check_num_nodes(self): 140 if self.num_nodes < 1: 141 raise ValueError('Must provision at least one node.') 142 elif self.num_nodes < 3: 143 print(Fore.YELLOW + 'A Deis cluster must have 3 or more nodes, only continue if you adding to a current cluster.' + Fore.RESET) 144 print(Fore.YELLOW + 'Continue? (y/n)' + Fore.RESET) 145 accept = None 146 while True: 147 if accept == 'y': 148 return 149 elif accept == 'n': 150 raise StandardError('User canceled provisioning') 151 else: 152 accept = self._get_user_input('--> ').strip().lower() 153 154 def _get_user_input(self, prompt): 155 if sys.version_info[0] < 3: 156 return raw_input(prompt) 157 else: 158 return input(prompt) 159 160 def _create_linodes(self): 161 threads = [] 162 for i in range(0, self.num_nodes): 163 t = Thread(target=self._create_linode, 164 args=(self._get_plan_id(), self._get_data_center_id(), self.node_name_prefix, self.node_display_group)) 165 t.setDaemon(False) 166 t.start() 167 168 threads.append(t) 169 170 for thread in threads: 171 thread.join() 172 173 def _create_linode(self, plan_id, data_center_id, name_prefix, display_group): 174'Creating the Linode...') 175 176 # create the linode 177 node_id = self.request('linode.create', params={ 178 'DatacenterID': data_center_id, 179 'PlanID': plan_id 180 }).get('LinodeID') 181 182 # update the configuration 183 self.request('linode.update', params={ 184 'LinodeID': node_id, 185 'Label': name_prefix + str(node_id), 186 'lpm_displayGroup': display_group, 187 'Alert_cpu_enabled': False, 188 'Alert_diskio_enabled': False, 189 'Alert_bwin_enabled': False, 190 'Alert_bwout_enabled': False, 191 'Alert_bwquota_enabled': False 192 }) 193 194 self.success('Linode ' + str(node_id) + ' created!') 195 hostname = name_prefix + str(node_id) 196 threading.current_thread().name = hostname 197 198 # configure the networking 199 network = self._configure_networking(node_id) 200 network['hostname'] = hostname 201 202 # generate a password for the provisioning disk 203 password = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(24)) 204 205 # configure the disks 206 total_hd = self.request('linode.list', params={'LinodeID': node_id})[0]['TOTALHD'] 207 provision_disk_mb = 600 208 coreos_disk_mb = total_hd - provision_disk_mb 209 provision_disk_id = self._create_provisioning_disk(node_id, provision_disk_mb, password) 210 coreos_disk_id = self._create_coreos_disk(node_id, coreos_disk_mb) 211 212 # create the provision config 213 provision_config_id = self._create_provision_profile(node_id, provision_disk_id, coreos_disk_id) 214 215 # create the CoreOS config 216 coreos_config_id = self._create_coreos_profile(node_id, coreos_disk_id) 217 218 # install CoreOS 219 self._install_coreos(node_id, provision_config_id, network, password) 220 221 # boot in to coreos 222'Booting into CoreOS configuration profile...') 223 self.request('linode.reboot', params={'LinodeID': node_id, 'ConfigID': coreos_config_id}) 224 225 # append the linode to the created list 226 self._created_linodes.append(network) 227 228 def _configure_networking(self, node_id): 229'Configuring network...') 230 231 # add the private network 232 self.request('linode.ip.addprivate', params={'LinodeID': node_id}) 233 234 # pull the network config 235 ip_data = self.request('linode.ip.list', params={'LinodeID': node_id}) 236 237 network = {'public': None, 'private': None, 'gateway': None} 238 239 for ip in ip_data: 240 if ip.get('ISPUBLIC') == 1: 241 network['public'] = ip.get('IPADDRESS') 242 # the gateway is the public ip with the last octet set to 1 243 split_ip = str(network['public']).split('.') 244 split_ip[3] = '1' 245 network['gateway'] = string.join(split_ip, '.') 246 else: 247 network['private'] = ip.get('IPADDRESS') 248 249 if network.get('public') is None: 250 raise RuntimeError('Public IP address could not be found.') 251 252 if network.get('private') is None: 253 raise RuntimeError('Private IP address could not be found.') 254 255 self.success('Network configured!') 256 self.success(' Public IP: ' + str(network['public'])) 257 self.success(' Private IP: ' + str(network['private'])) 258 self.success(' Gateway: ' + str(network['gateway'])) 259 260 return network 261 262 def _create_provisioning_disk(self, node_id, size, root_password): 263'Creating provisioning disk...') 264 265 disk_id = self.request('linode.disk.createfromdistribution', params={ 266 'LinodeID': node_id, 267 'Label': 'Provision', 268 'DistributionID': 130, 269 'Type': 'ext4', 270 'Size': size, 271 'rootPass': root_password 272 }).get('DiskID') 273 274 self.success('Created provisioning disk!') 275 276 return disk_id 277 278 def _create_coreos_disk(self, node_id, size): 279'Creating CoreOS disk...') 280 281 disk_id = self.request('linode.disk.create', params={ 282 'LinodeID': node_id, 283 'Label': 'CoreOS', 284 'Type': 'ext4', 285 'Size': size 286 }).get('DiskID') 287 288 self.success('Created CoreOS disk!') 289 290 return disk_id 291 292 def _create_provision_profile(self, node_id, provision_disk_id, coreos_disk_id): 293'Creating Provision configuration profile...') 294 295 # create a disk the total hd size 296 config_id = self.request('linode.config.create', params={ 297 'LinodeID': node_id, 298 'KernelID': 138, 299 'Label': 'Provision', 300 'DiskList': str(provision_disk_id) + ',' + str(coreos_disk_id) 301 }).get('ConfigID') 302 303 self.success('Provision profile created!') 304 305 return config_id 306 307 def _create_coreos_profile(self, node_id, coreos_disk_id): 308'Creating CoreOS configuration profile...') 309 310 # create a disk the total hd size 311 config_id = self.request('linode.config.create', params={ 312 'LinodeID': node_id, 313 'KernelID': 213, 314 'Label': 'CoreOS', 315 'DiskList': str(coreos_disk_id) 316 }).get('ConfigID') 317 318 self.success('CoreOS profile created!') 319 320 return config_id 321 322 def _get_cloud_config(self): 323 if self.cloud_config_text is None: 324 self.cloud_config_text = 325 return self.cloud_config_text 326 327 def _install_coreos(self, node_id, provision_config_id, network, password): 328'Installing CoreOS...') 329 330 # boot in to the provision configuration 331'Booting into Provision configuration profile...') 332 self.request('linode.boot', params={'LinodeID': node_id, 'ConfigID': provision_config_id}) 333 334 # connect to the server via ssh 335 ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() 336 ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) 337 338 while True: 339 try: 340 ssh.connect(str(network['public']), username='root', password=password, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) 341 break 342 except: 343 continue 344 345 # copy the cloud config 346'Pushing cloud config...') 347 cloud_config_template = string.Template(self._get_cloud_config()) 348 cloud_config = cloud_config_template.safe_substitute(public_ipv4=network['public'], private_ipv4=network['private'], gateway=network['gateway'], 349 hostname=network['hostname']) 350 351 sftp = ssh.open_sftp() 352'cloud-config.yaml', 'w').write(cloud_config) 353 354'Installing...') 355 356 commands = [ 357 'wget -O $HOME/coreos-install', 358 'chmod +x $HOME/coreos-install', 359 '$HOME/coreos-install -d /dev/sdb -C ' + self.coreos_channel + ' -V ' + self.coreos_version + ' -c $HOME/cloud-config.yaml -t /dev/shm' 360 ] 361 362 for command in commands: 363 stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) 364 365 print 366 367 ssh.close() 368 369 370 class ListDataCentersCommand(LinodeApiCommand): 371 def run(self): 372 data = self.request('avail.datacenters') 373 column_format = "{:<4} {:}" 374 print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + column_format.format(*('ID', 'LOCATION')) + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 375 for data_center in data: 376 row = ( 377 data_center.get('DATACENTERID'), 378 data_center.get('LOCATION') 379 ) 380 print(Fore.GREEN + column_format.format(*row) + Fore.RESET) 381 382 383 class ListPlansCommand(LinodeApiCommand): 384 def run(self): 385 data = self.request('avail.linodeplans') 386 column_format = "{:<4} {:<16} {:<8} {:<12} {:}" 387 print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + column_format.format( 388 *('ID', 'LABEL', 'CORES', 'RAM', 'PRICE')) + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 389 for plan in data: 390 row = ( 391 plan.get('PLANID'), 392 plan.get('LABEL'), 393 plan.get('CORES'), 394 str(plan.get('RAM')) + 'MB', 395 '$' + str(plan.get('PRICE')) 396 ) 397 print(Fore.GREEN + column_format.format(*row) + Fore.RESET) 398 399 400 if __name__ == '__main__': 401 colorama.init() 402 403 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Provision Linode Deis Cluster') 404 parser.add_argument('--api-key', required=True, dest='linode_api_key', help='Linode API Key') 405 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() 406 407 provision_parser = subparsers.add_parser('provision', help="Provision the Deis cluster") 408 provision_parser.add_argument('--num', required=False, default=3, type=int, dest='num_nodes', help='Number of nodes to provision') 409 provision_parser.add_argument('--name-prefix', required=False, default='deis', dest='node_name_prefix', help='Node name prefix') 410 provision_parser.add_argument('--display-group', required=False, default='deis', dest='node_display_group', help='Node display group') 411 provision_parser.add_argument('--plan', required=False, default=4, type=int, dest='node_plan', help='Node plan id. Use list-plans to find the id.') 412 provision_parser.add_argument('--datacenter', required=False, default=2, type=int, dest='node_data_center', 413 help='Node data center id. Use list-data-centers to find the id.') 414 provision_parser.add_argument('--cloud-config', required=False, default='linode-user-data.yaml', type=file, dest='cloud_config', 415 help='CoreOS cloud config user-data file') 416 provision_parser.add_argument('--coreos-version', required=False, default='766.3.0', dest='coreos_version', 417 help='CoreOS version number to install') 418 provision_parser.add_argument('--coreos-channel', required=False, default='stable', dest='coreos_channel', 419 help='CoreOS channel to install from') 420 provision_parser.set_defaults(cmd=ProvisionCommand) 421 422 list_data_centers_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-data-centers', help="Lists the available Linode data centers.") 423 list_data_centers_parser.set_defaults(cmd=ListDataCentersCommand) 424 425 list_plans_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-plans', help="Lists the available Linode plans.") 426 list_plans_parser.set_defaults(cmd=ListPlansCommand) 427 428 args = parser.parse_args() 429 cmd = args.cmd(args) 430 431 try: 432 433 except Exception as e: 434 print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + e.message + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) 435 sys.exit(1)