
     1  run:
     2    build-tags:
     3      - citest
     4    modules-download-mode: readonly
     6  issues:
     7    # Give me the full output
     8    max-same-issues: 0
    10    # Use the default excludes...
    11    exclude-use-default: false
    12    # ...but also add some of our own
    13    exclude:
    14      - Error return value of `(\w+\.)+(Close|CloseSend|Flush|Remove|(Un)?Setenv|(Fp|P)rint(f|ln))\` is not checked
    15      - 'structtag: struct field \w+ repeats json tag'
    16      - 'Subprocess launched with function call as argument or cmd arguments'
    17    exclude-rules:
    18      - path: _test\.go
    19        linters:
    20          - const
    21          - dupl
    22          - gochecknoglobals
    23          - goconst
    24          - golint
    25          - lll
    26          - unparam
    28  linters-settings:
    29    cyclop:
    30      max-complexity: 32
    31      skip-tests: true
    32    depguard:
    33      rules:
    34        main:
    35          files:
    36            - $all
    37          deny:
    38            - pkg: io/ioutil
    39              desc: "`io/ioutil` is deprecated in Go 1.16, use `io` or `os` instead"
    40            - pkg: os/exec
    41              desc: "Use `` instead of `os/exec`"
    42            - pkg: syscall
    43              desc: "Use `` instead of `syscall`"
    44            - pkg:
    45              desc: "Use `` instead of ``"
    46            - pkg:
    47              desc: "Use `` instead of ``"
    48            - pkg:
    49              desc: "Use either `` or `` instead of ``"
    50            - pkg:
    51              desc: "Use `` instead of ``"
    52    gomodguard:
    53      blocked:
    54        modules:
    55          -    { recommendations: ['', ''] }
    56          - { recommendations: ['', ''] }
    57          - { recommendations: ['', ''] }
    58    forbidigo:
    59      forbid:
    60        - '^os\.(DirEntry|FileInfo|FileMode|PathError)$' # deprecated in Go 1.16, import them from 'io/fs' instead
    61        - '\.Readdir$' # deprecated in Go 1.16, use ReadDir instead
    62      exclude_godoc_examples: false
    64    gocyclo:
    65      min-complexity: 35
    67    gocognit:
    68      min-complexity: 60
    70    lll:
    71      line-length: 180
    72      tab-width: 2
    74    nolintlint:
    75      allow-unused: true # Needed because there's some linters disabled for 1.18
    76      allow-leading-space: false
    77      require-explanation: true
    78      require-specific: true
    79      allow-no-explanation:
    80        - gocognit
    81  linters:
    82    # Enable specific linter
    83    #
    84    enable:
    85      - asasalint
    86      - asciicheck
    87      - bidichk
    88      - bodyclose
    89      - cyclop
    90      - decorder
    91      - depguard
    92      - dogsled
    93      - durationcheck
    94      - errcheck
    95      - errname
    96      - execinquery
    97      - exportloopref
    98      - forbidigo
    99      - gochecknoglobals
   100      - gocognit
   101      - gocritic
   102      - gocyclo
   103      - godot
   104      - gofmt
   105      - gofumpt
   106      - goheader
   107      - gomodguard
   108      - goprintffuncname
   109      - gosimple
   110      - govet
   111      - grouper
   112      - importas
   113      - ineffassign
   114      - lll
   115      - logrlint
   116      - makezero
   117      - misspell
   118      - nakedret
   119      - nolintlint
   120      - nosprintfhostport
   121      - prealloc
   122      - predeclared
   123      - reassign
   124      - staticcheck
   125      - unconvert
   126      - unparam
   127      - unused
   128      - usestdlibvars
   129      - whitespace
   130    disable:
   131      - containedctx
   132      - contextcheck
   133      - dupl
   134      - errchkjson
   135      - errorlint
   136      - exhaustive
   137      - exhaustruct
   138      - forcetypeassert
   139      - funlen
   140      - gci
   141      - gochecknoinits
   142      - goconst
   143      - goerr113
   144      - godox
   145      - goimports
   146      - gomnd
   147      - gomoddirectives
   148      - gosec
   149      - interfacebloat
   150      - ireturn
   151      - maintidx
   152      - nestif
   153      - nilerr
   154      - nilnil
   155      - nlreturn
   156      - noctx
   157      - nonamedreturns
   158      - paralleltest
   159      - promlinter
   160      - revive
   161      - rowserrcheck
   162      - sqlclosecheck
   163      - stylecheck
   164      - tagliatelle
   165      - tenv
   166      - testpackage
   167      - thelper
   168      - tparallel
   169      - typecheck
   170      - varnamelen
   171      - wastedassign
   172      - wrapcheck
   173      - wsl