
     1  # This is an example goreleaser.yaml file with some sane defaults.
     2  # Make sure to check the documentation at
     3  env:
     4    - CGO_ENABLED=0
     5  builds:
     6    - targets:
     7        - darwin_amd64
     8        - darwin_arm64
     9        - linux_386
    10        - linux_amd64
    11        - linux_arm
    12        - linux_arm64
    13        - windows_386
    14        - windows_amd64
    15      hooks:
    16        post:
    17          - mkdir -p ./dist/raw
    18          - cp "{{ .Path }}" "./dist/raw/{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
    19  archives:
    20    - id: zip
    21      name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
    22      format: zip
    23      files:
    24        - none*
    25  changelog:
    26    skip: true
    27  checksum:
    28    name_template: 'checksums.txt'
    29    extra_files:
    30      - glob: ./dist/raw/*
    31  signs:
    32    - cmd: cosign
    33      signature: '${artifact}.keyless.sig'
    34      certificate: '${artifact}.pem'
    35      output: true
    36      artifacts: checksum
    37      args:
    38        - sign-blob
    39        - '--output-certificate=${certificate}'
    40        - '--output-signature=${signature}'
    41        - '${artifact}'
    42        - --yes
    43  release:
    44    github:
    45      owner: terraform-linters
    46      name: tflint-ruleset-azurerm
    47    draft: true
    48  snapshot:
    49    name_template: "{{ .Tag }}-dev"