
     1  // Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
     2  // SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
     4  // Package backend provides interfaces that the CLI uses to interact with
     5  // Terraform. A backend provides the abstraction that allows the same CLI
     6  // to simultaneously support both local and remote operations for seamlessly
     7  // using Terraform in a team environment.
     8  package backend
    10  import (
    11  	"context"
    12  	"errors"
    13  	"io/ioutil"
    14  	"log"
    15  	"os"
    17  	svchost ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  )
    35  // DefaultStateName is the name of the default, initial state that every
    36  // backend must have. This state cannot be deleted.
    37  const DefaultStateName = "default"
    39  var (
    40  	// ErrDefaultWorkspaceNotSupported is returned when an operation does not
    41  	// support using the default workspace, but requires a named workspace to
    42  	// be selected.
    43  	ErrDefaultWorkspaceNotSupported = errors.New("default workspace not supported\n" +
    44  		"You can create a new workspace with the \"workspace new\" command.")
    46  	// ErrWorkspacesNotSupported is an error returned when a caller attempts
    47  	// to perform an operation on a workspace other than "default" for a
    48  	// backend that doesn't support multiple workspaces.
    49  	//
    50  	// The caller can detect this to do special fallback behavior or produce
    51  	// a specific, helpful error message.
    52  	ErrWorkspacesNotSupported = errors.New("workspaces not supported")
    53  )
    55  // InitFn is used to initialize a new backend.
    56  type InitFn func() Backend
    58  // Backend is the minimal interface that must be implemented to enable Terraform.
    59  type Backend interface {
    60  	// ConfigSchema returns a description of the expected configuration
    61  	// structure for the receiving backend.
    62  	//
    63  	// This method does not have any side-effects for the backend and can
    64  	// be safely used before configuring.
    65  	ConfigSchema() *configschema.Block
    67  	// PrepareConfig checks the validity of the values in the given
    68  	// configuration, and inserts any missing defaults, assuming that its
    69  	// structure has already been validated per the schema returned by
    70  	// ConfigSchema.
    71  	//
    72  	// This method does not have any side-effects for the backend and can
    73  	// be safely used before configuring. It also does not consult any
    74  	// external data such as environment variables, disk files, etc. Validation
    75  	// that requires such external data should be deferred until the
    76  	// Configure call.
    77  	//
    78  	// If error diagnostics are returned then the configuration is not valid
    79  	// and must not subsequently be passed to the Configure method.
    80  	//
    81  	// This method may return configuration-contextual diagnostics such
    82  	// as tfdiags.AttributeValue, and so the caller should provide the
    83  	// necessary context via the diags.InConfigBody method before returning
    84  	// diagnostics to the user.
    85  	PrepareConfig(cty.Value) (cty.Value, tfdiags.Diagnostics)
    87  	// Configure uses the provided configuration to set configuration fields
    88  	// within the backend.
    89  	//
    90  	// The given configuration is assumed to have already been validated
    91  	// against the schema returned by ConfigSchema and passed validation
    92  	// via PrepareConfig.
    93  	//
    94  	// This method may be called only once per backend instance, and must be
    95  	// called before all other methods except where otherwise stated.
    96  	//
    97  	// If error diagnostics are returned, the internal state of the instance
    98  	// is undefined and no other methods may be called.
    99  	Configure(cty.Value) tfdiags.Diagnostics
   101  	// StateMgr returns the state manager for the given workspace name.
   102  	//
   103  	// If the returned state manager also implements statemgr.Locker then
   104  	// it's the caller's responsibility to call Lock and Unlock as appropriate.
   105  	//
   106  	// If the named workspace doesn't exist, or if it has no state, it will
   107  	// be created either immediately on this call or the first time
   108  	// PersistState is called, depending on the state manager implementation.
   109  	StateMgr(workspace string) (statemgr.Full, error)
   111  	// DeleteWorkspace removes the workspace with the given name if it exists.
   112  	//
   113  	// DeleteWorkspace cannot prevent deleting a state that is in use. It is
   114  	// the responsibility of the caller to hold a Lock for the state manager
   115  	// belonging to this workspace before calling this method.
   116  	DeleteWorkspace(name string, force bool) error
   118  	// States returns a list of the names of all of the workspaces that exist
   119  	// in this backend.
   120  	Workspaces() ([]string, error)
   121  }
   123  // HostAlias describes a list of aliases that should be used when initializing an
   124  // Enhanced Backend
   125  type HostAlias struct {
   126  	From svchost.Hostname
   127  	To   svchost.Hostname
   128  }
   130  // Enhanced implements additional behavior on top of a normal backend.
   131  //
   132  // 'Enhanced' backends are an implementation detail only, and are no longer reflected as an external
   133  // 'feature' of backends. In other words, backends refer to plugins for remote state snapshot
   134  // storage only, and the Enhanced interface here is a necessary vestige of the 'local' and
   135  // remote/cloud backends only.
   136  type Enhanced interface {
   137  	Backend
   139  	// Operation performs a Terraform operation such as refresh, plan, apply.
   140  	// It is up to the implementation to determine what "performing" means.
   141  	// This DOES NOT BLOCK. The context returned as part of RunningOperation
   142  	// should be used to block for completion.
   143  	// If the state used in the operation can be locked, it is the
   144  	// responsibility of the Backend to lock the state for the duration of the
   145  	// running operation.
   146  	Operation(context.Context, *Operation) (*RunningOperation, error)
   148  	// ServiceDiscoveryAliases returns a mapping of Alias -> Target hosts to
   149  	// configure.
   150  	ServiceDiscoveryAliases() ([]HostAlias, error)
   151  }
   153  // Local implements additional behavior on a Backend that allows local
   154  // operations in addition to remote operations.
   155  //
   156  // This enables more behaviors of Terraform that require more data such
   157  // as `console`, `import`, `graph`. These require direct access to
   158  // configurations, variables, and more. Not all backends may support this
   159  // so we separate it out into its own optional interface.
   160  type Local interface {
   161  	// LocalRun uses information in the Operation to prepare a set of objects
   162  	// needed to start running that operation.
   163  	//
   164  	// The operation doesn't need a Type set, but it needs various other
   165  	// options set. This is a rather odd API that tries to treat all
   166  	// operations as the same when they really aren't; see the local and remote
   167  	// backend's implementations of this to understand what this actually
   168  	// does, because this operation has no well-defined contract aside from
   169  	// "whatever it already does".
   170  	LocalRun(*Operation) (*LocalRun, statemgr.Full, tfdiags.Diagnostics)
   171  }
   173  // LocalRun represents the assortment of objects that we can collect or
   174  // calculate from an Operation object, which we can then use for local
   175  // operations.
   176  //
   177  // The operation methods on terraform.Context (Plan, Apply, Import, etc) each
   178  // generate new artifacts which supersede parts of the LocalRun object that
   179  // started the operation, so callers should be careful to use those subsequent
   180  // artifacts instead of the fields of LocalRun where appropriate. The LocalRun
   181  // data intentionally doesn't update as a result of calling methods on Context,
   182  // in order to make data flow explicit.
   183  //
   184  // This type is a weird architectural wart resulting from the overly-general
   185  // way our backend API models operations, whereby we behave as if all
   186  // Terraform operations have the same inputs and outputs even though they
   187  // are actually all rather different. The exact meaning of the fields in
   188  // this type therefore vary depending on which OperationType was passed to
   189  // Local.Context in order to create an object of this type.
   190  type LocalRun struct {
   191  	// Core is an already-initialized Terraform Core context, ready to be
   192  	// used to run operations such as Plan and Apply.
   193  	Core *terraform.Context
   195  	// Config is the configuration we're working with, which typically comes
   196  	// from either config files directly on local disk (when we're creating
   197  	// a plan, or similar) or from a snapshot embedded in a plan file
   198  	// (when we're applying a saved plan).
   199  	Config *configs.Config
   201  	// InputState is the state that should be used for whatever is the first
   202  	// method call to a context created with CoreOpts. When creating a plan
   203  	// this will be the previous run state, but when applying a saved plan
   204  	// this will be the prior state recorded in that plan.
   205  	InputState *states.State
   207  	// PlanOpts are options to pass to a Plan or Plan-like operation.
   208  	//
   209  	// This is nil when we're applying a saved plan, because the plan itself
   210  	// contains enough information about its options to apply it.
   211  	PlanOpts *terraform.PlanOpts
   213  	// Plan is a plan loaded from a saved plan file, if our operation is to
   214  	// apply that saved plan.
   215  	//
   216  	// This is nil when we're not applying a saved plan.
   217  	Plan *plans.Plan
   218  }
   220  // An operation represents an operation for Terraform to execute.
   221  //
   222  // Note that not all fields are supported by all backends and can result
   223  // in an error if set. All backend implementations should show user-friendly
   224  // errors explaining any incorrectly set values. For example, the local
   225  // backend doesn't support a PlanId being set.
   226  //
   227  // The operation options are purposely designed to have maximal compatibility
   228  // between Terraform and Terraform Servers (a commercial product offered by
   229  // HashiCorp). Therefore, it isn't expected that other implementation support
   230  // every possible option. The struct here is generalized in order to allow
   231  // even partial implementations to exist in the open, without walling off
   232  // remote functionality 100% behind a commercial wall. Anyone can implement
   233  // against this interface and have Terraform interact with it just as it
   234  // would with HashiCorp-provided Terraform Servers.
   235  type Operation struct {
   236  	// Type is the operation to perform.
   237  	Type OperationType
   239  	// PlanId is an opaque value that backends can use to execute a specific
   240  	// plan for an apply operation.
   241  	//
   242  	// PlanOutBackend is the backend to store with the plan. This is the
   243  	// backend that will be used when applying the plan.
   244  	PlanId         string
   245  	PlanRefresh    bool   // PlanRefresh will do a refresh before a plan
   246  	PlanOutPath    string // PlanOutPath is the path to save the plan
   247  	PlanOutBackend *plans.Backend
   249  	// ConfigDir is the path to the directory containing the configuration's
   250  	// root module.
   251  	ConfigDir string
   253  	// ConfigLoader is a configuration loader that can be used to load
   254  	// configuration from ConfigDir.
   255  	ConfigLoader *configload.Loader
   257  	// DependencyLocks represents the locked dependencies associated with
   258  	// the configuration directory given in ConfigDir.
   259  	//
   260  	// Note that if field PlanFile is set then the plan file should contain
   261  	// its own dependency locks. The backend is responsible for correctly
   262  	// selecting between these two sets of locks depending on whether it
   263  	// will be using ConfigDir or PlanFile to get the configuration for
   264  	// this operation.
   265  	DependencyLocks *depsfile.Locks
   267  	// Hooks can be used to perform actions triggered by various events during
   268  	// the operation's lifecycle.
   269  	Hooks []terraform.Hook
   271  	// Plan is a plan that was passed as an argument. This is valid for
   272  	// plan and apply arguments but may not work for all backends.
   273  	PlanFile *planfile.WrappedPlanFile
   275  	// The options below are more self-explanatory and affect the runtime
   276  	// behavior of the operation.
   277  	PlanMode     plans.Mode
   278  	AutoApprove  bool
   279  	Targets      []addrs.Targetable
   280  	ForceReplace []addrs.AbsResourceInstance
   281  	Variables    map[string]UnparsedVariableValue
   283  	// Some operations use root module variables only opportunistically or
   284  	// don't need them at all. If this flag is set, the backend must treat
   285  	// all variables as optional and provide an unknown value for any required
   286  	// variables that aren't set in order to allow partial evaluation against
   287  	// the resulting incomplete context.
   288  	//
   289  	// This flag is honored only if PlanFile isn't set. If PlanFile is set then
   290  	// the variables set in the plan are used instead, and they must be valid.
   291  	AllowUnsetVariables bool
   293  	// View implements the logic for all UI interactions.
   294  	View views.Operation
   296  	// Input/output/control options.
   297  	UIIn  terraform.UIInput
   298  	UIOut terraform.UIOutput
   300  	// StateLocker is used to lock the state while providing UI feedback to the
   301  	// user. This will be replaced by the Backend to update the context.
   302  	//
   303  	// If state locking is not necessary, this should be set to a no-op
   304  	// implementation of clistate.Locker.
   305  	StateLocker clistate.Locker
   307  	// Workspace is the name of the workspace that this operation should run
   308  	// in, which controls which named state is used.
   309  	Workspace string
   311  	// GenerateConfigOut tells the operation both that it should generate config
   312  	// for unmatched import targets and where any generated config should be
   313  	// written to.
   314  	GenerateConfigOut string
   315  }
   317  // HasConfig returns true if and only if the operation has a ConfigDir value
   318  // that refers to a directory containing at least one Terraform configuration
   319  // file.
   320  func (o *Operation) HasConfig() bool {
   321  	return o.ConfigLoader.IsConfigDir(o.ConfigDir)
   322  }
   324  // Config loads the configuration that the operation applies to, using the
   325  // ConfigDir and ConfigLoader fields within the receiving operation.
   326  func (o *Operation) Config() (*configs.Config, tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   327  	var diags tfdiags.Diagnostics
   328  	config, hclDiags := o.ConfigLoader.LoadConfig(o.ConfigDir)
   329  	diags = diags.Append(hclDiags)
   330  	return config, diags
   331  }
   333  // ReportResult is a helper for the common chore of setting the status of
   334  // a running operation and showing any diagnostics produced during that
   335  // operation.
   336  //
   337  // If the given diagnostics contains errors then the operation's result
   338  // will be set to backend.OperationFailure. It will be set to
   339  // backend.OperationSuccess otherwise. It will then use o.View.Diagnostics
   340  // to show the given diagnostics before returning.
   341  //
   342  // Callers should feel free to do each of these operations separately in
   343  // more complex cases where e.g. diagnostics are interleaved with other
   344  // output, but terminating immediately after reporting error diagnostics is
   345  // common and can be expressed concisely via this method.
   346  func (o *Operation) ReportResult(op *RunningOperation, diags tfdiags.Diagnostics) {
   347  	if diags.HasErrors() {
   348  		op.Result = OperationFailure
   349  	} else {
   350  		op.Result = OperationSuccess
   351  	}
   352  	if o.View != nil {
   353  		o.View.Diagnostics(diags)
   354  	} else {
   355  		// Shouldn't generally happen, but if it does then we'll at least
   356  		// make some noise in the logs to help us spot it.
   357  		if len(diags) != 0 {
   358  			log.Printf(
   359  				"[ERROR] Backend needs to report diagnostics but View is not set:\n%s",
   360  				diags.ErrWithWarnings(),
   361  			)
   362  		}
   363  	}
   364  }
   366  // RunningOperation is the result of starting an operation.
   367  type RunningOperation struct {
   368  	// For implementers of a backend, this context should not wrap the
   369  	// passed in context. Otherwise, cancelling the parent context will
   370  	// immediately mark this context as "done" but those aren't the semantics
   371  	// we want: we want this context to be done only when the operation itself
   372  	// is fully done.
   373  	context.Context
   375  	// Stop requests the operation to complete early, by calling Stop on all
   376  	// the plugins. If the process needs to terminate immediately, call Cancel.
   377  	Stop context.CancelFunc
   379  	// Cancel is the context.CancelFunc associated with the embedded context,
   380  	// and can be called to terminate the operation early.
   381  	// Once Cancel is called, the operation should return as soon as possible
   382  	// to avoid running operations during process exit.
   383  	Cancel context.CancelFunc
   385  	// Result is the exit status of the operation, populated only after the
   386  	// operation has completed.
   387  	Result OperationResult
   389  	// PlanEmpty is populated after a Plan operation completes to note whether
   390  	// a plan is empty or has changes. This is only used in the CLI to determine
   391  	// the exit status because the plan value is not available at that point.
   392  	PlanEmpty bool
   394  	// State is the final state after the operation completed. Persisting
   395  	// this state is managed by the backend. This should only be read
   396  	// after the operation completes to avoid read/write races.
   397  	State *states.State
   398  }
   400  // OperationResult describes the result status of an operation.
   401  type OperationResult int
   403  const (
   404  	// OperationSuccess indicates that the operation completed as expected.
   405  	OperationSuccess OperationResult = 0
   407  	// OperationFailure indicates that the operation encountered some sort
   408  	// of error, and thus may have been only partially performed or not
   409  	// performed at all.
   410  	OperationFailure OperationResult = 1
   411  )
   413  func (r OperationResult) ExitStatus() int {
   414  	return int(r)
   415  }
   417  // If the argument is a path, Read loads it and returns the contents,
   418  // otherwise the argument is assumed to be the desired contents and is simply
   419  // returned.
   420  func ReadPathOrContents(poc string) (string, error) {
   421  	if len(poc) == 0 {
   422  		return poc, nil
   423  	}
   425  	path := poc
   426  	if path[0] == '~' {
   427  		var err error
   428  		path, err = homedir.Expand(path)
   429  		if err != nil {
   430  			return path, err
   431  		}
   432  	}
   434  	if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
   435  		contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
   436  		if err != nil {
   437  			return string(contents), err
   438  		}
   439  		return string(contents), nil
   440  	}
   442  	return poc, nil
   443  }