(about) 1 ## TinyGo allocation example 2 3 This example shows how to pass strings in and out of a Wasm function defined 4 in TinyGo, built with `tinygo build -o greet.wasm -scheduler=none -target=wasi greet.go` 5 6 ```bash 7 $ go run greet.go wazero 8 wasm >> Hello, wazero! 9 go >> Hello, wazero! 10 ``` 11 12 Under the covers, [greet.go](testdata/greet.go) does a few things of interest: 13 * Uses `unsafe.Pointer` to change a Go pointer to a numeric type. 14 * Uses `reflect.StringHeader` to build back a string from a pointer, len pair. 15 * Relies on CGO to allocate memory used to pass data from TinyGo to host. 16 17 See for more tips.