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95.602 21.5825 95.602 22.1425C95.602 22.7025 95.602 23.31 95.602 23.965V27.34C95.602 27.99 95.602 28.595 95.602 29.155C95.602 29.71 95.602 30.29 95.602 30.895L95.227 30.3175H97.5445C98.2345 30.3175 98.8845 30.3175 99.4945 30.3175C100.104 30.3175 100.689 30.3175 101.249 30.3175V31H94.8595ZM95.452 25.9V25.2325H97.597C98.307 25.2325 98.9195 25.2325 99.4345 25.2325C99.9495 25.2325 100.447 25.2325 100.927 25.2325V25.9C100.417 25.9 99.9045 25.9 99.3895 25.9C98.8795 25.9 98.277 25.9 97.582 25.9H95.452ZM103.736 31C103.736 30.395 103.736 29.815 103.736 29.26C103.736 28.7 103.736 28.0925 103.736 27.4375V23.875C103.736 23.215 103.736 22.605 103.736 22.045C103.736 21.485 103.736 20.905 103.736 20.305C104.006 20.305 104.309 20.305 104.644 20.305C104.979 20.305 105.349 20.305 105.754 20.305C106.159 20.305 106.606 20.305 107.096 20.305C107.876 20.305 108.521 20.4025 109.031 20.5975C109.541 20.7875 109.921 21.0875 110.171 21.4975C110.421 21.9075 110.546 22.44 110.546 23.095C110.546 23.66 110.436 24.18 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20.8225 116.584 20.9525 116.014 21.2125C115.449 21.4725 114.979 21.83 114.604 22.285C114.234 22.735 113.956 23.2475 113.771 23.8225C113.591 24.3975 113.501 25 113.501 25.63C113.501 26.265 113.589 26.8725 113.764 27.4525C113.944 28.0275 114.216 28.54 114.581 28.99C114.951 29.44 115.421 29.795 115.991 30.055C116.561 30.31 117.239 30.4375 118.024 30.4375Z"/> 60 <path d="M38.0079 14.0775C40.3316 13.8822 42.6572 14.4316 44.6477 15.6463C46.6383 16.861 48.1905 18.6778 49.0794 20.8336C49.9684 22.9894 50.148 25.3722 49.5922 27.6369C49.0364 29.9016 47.774 31.9306 45.988 33.4299L43.164 30.0658C44.2356 29.1662 44.993 27.9489 45.3265 26.59C45.6599 25.2312 45.5522 23.8015 45.0188 22.508C44.4854 21.2146 43.5541 20.1245 42.3598 19.3956C41.1654 18.6668 39.7701 18.3372 38.3759 18.4544L38.0079 14.0775Z"/> 61 <path d="M31.6766 16.8178C29.9391 18.373 28.7417 20.441 28.2581 22.7222C27.7744 25.0034 28.0295 27.3793 28.9864 29.5058C29.9433 31.6323 31.5523 33.399 33.5804 34.5499C35.6085 35.7009 37.9503 36.1763 40.2666 35.9073L39.76 31.5443C38.3702 31.7057 36.9651 31.4204 35.7482 30.7299C34.5314 30.0393 33.566 28.9793 32.9918 27.7034C32.4177 26.4275 32.2646 25.0019 32.5548 23.6332C32.845 22.2645 33.5634 21.0237 34.606 20.0906L31.6766 16.8178Z"/> 62 </svg> 63 </div> 64 65 <h1 class="post-title"> 66 the <em>zero</em> dependency <em>WebAssembly</em> runtime for <em>Go developers</em></h1> 67 </div> 68 <div class="post-meta"> 69 {{ if .Date | default nil }} 70 <span class="post-date"> 71 {{ .Date.Format ($.Site.Params.DateFormatSingle | default "2006-01-02") }} 72 </span> 73 74 {{ if eq .Type $contentTypeName }} 75 {{ if $.Site.Params.LastModDisplay }} 76 {{ partial "lastmod.html" . }} 77 {{ end }} 78 {{ end }} 79 {{ end }} 80 81 {{ with .Params.Author }} 82 <span class="post-author" 83 >— {{ $.Site.Params.WrittenBy | default "Written by" }} {{ . }}</span 84 >{{ end }} 85 86 87 {{ if $.Site.Params.ShowReadingTime }} 88 <span class="post-read-time" 89 >— {{ .ReadingTime }} {{ 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