
     1  package plugin
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"io"
     6  	"testing"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  )
    15  var pluginFoo = &types.Plugin{
    16  	ID:   "id-foo",
    17  	Name: "name-foo",
    18  	Config: types.PluginConfig{
    19  		Description:   "plugin foo description",
    20  		DockerVersion: "17.12.1-ce",
    21  		Documentation: "plugin foo documentation",
    22  		Entrypoint:    []string{"/foo"},
    23  		Interface: types.PluginConfigInterface{
    24  			Socket: "pluginfoo.sock",
    25  		},
    26  		Linux: types.PluginConfigLinux{
    27  			Capabilities: []string{"CAP_SYS_ADMIN"},
    28  		},
    29  		WorkDir: "workdir-foo",
    30  		Rootfs: &types.PluginConfigRootfs{
    31  			DiffIds: []string{"sha256:8603eedd4ea52cebb2f22b45405a3dc8f78ba3e31bf18f27b4547a9ff930e0bd"},
    32  			Type:    "layers",
    33  		},
    34  	},
    35  }
    37  func TestInspectErrors(t *testing.T) {
    38  	testCases := []struct {
    39  		description   string
    40  		args          []string
    41  		flags         map[string]string
    42  		expectedError string
    43  		inspectFunc   func(name string) (*types.Plugin, []byte, error)
    44  	}{
    45  		{
    46  			description:   "too few arguments",
    47  			args:          []string{},
    48  			expectedError: "requires at least 1 argument",
    49  		},
    50  		{
    51  			description:   "error inspecting plugin",
    52  			args:          []string{"foo"},
    53  			expectedError: "error inspecting plugin",
    54  			inspectFunc: func(name string) (*types.Plugin, []byte, error) {
    55  				return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error inspecting plugin")
    56  			},
    57  		},
    58  		{
    59  			description: "invalid format",
    60  			args:        []string{"foo"},
    61  			flags: map[string]string{
    62  				"format": "{{invalid format}}",
    63  			},
    64  			expectedError: "template parsing error",
    65  		},
    66  	}
    68  	for _, tc := range testCases {
    69  		t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
    70  			cli := test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{pluginInspectFunc: tc.inspectFunc})
    71  			cmd := newInspectCommand(cli)
    72  			cmd.SetArgs(tc.args)
    73  			for key, value := range tc.flags {
    74  				cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
    75  			}
    76  			cmd.SetOut(io.Discard)
    77  			assert.ErrorContains(t, cmd.Execute(), tc.expectedError)
    78  		})
    79  	}
    80  }
    82  func TestInspect(t *testing.T) {
    83  	testCases := []struct {
    84  		description string
    85  		args        []string
    86  		flags       map[string]string
    87  		golden      string
    88  		inspectFunc func(name string) (*types.Plugin, []byte, error)
    89  	}{
    90  		{
    91  			description: "inspect single plugin with format",
    92  			args:        []string{"foo"},
    93  			flags: map[string]string{
    94  				"format": "{{ .Name }}",
    95  			},
    96  			golden: "plugin-inspect-single-with-format.golden",
    97  			inspectFunc: func(name string) (*types.Plugin, []byte, error) {
    98  				return &types.Plugin{
    99  					ID:   "id-foo",
   100  					Name: "name-foo",
   101  				}, []byte{}, nil
   102  			},
   103  		},
   104  		{
   105  			description: "inspect single plugin without format",
   106  			args:        []string{"foo"},
   107  			golden:      "plugin-inspect-single-without-format.golden",
   108  			inspectFunc: func(name string) (*types.Plugin, []byte, error) {
   109  				return pluginFoo, nil, nil
   110  			},
   111  		},
   112  		{
   113  			description: "inspect multiple plugins with format",
   114  			args:        []string{"foo", "bar"},
   115  			flags: map[string]string{
   116  				"format": "{{ .Name }}",
   117  			},
   118  			golden: "plugin-inspect-multiple-with-format.golden",
   119  			inspectFunc: func(name string) (*types.Plugin, []byte, error) {
   120  				switch name {
   121  				case "foo":
   122  					return &types.Plugin{
   123  						ID:   "id-foo",
   124  						Name: "name-foo",
   125  					}, []byte{}, nil
   126  				case "bar":
   127  					return &types.Plugin{
   128  						ID:   "id-bar",
   129  						Name: "name-bar",
   130  					}, []byte{}, nil
   131  				default:
   132  					return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected plugin name: %s", name)
   133  				}
   134  			},
   135  		},
   136  	}
   138  	for _, tc := range testCases {
   139  		t.Run(tc.description, func(t *testing.T) {
   140  			cli := test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{pluginInspectFunc: tc.inspectFunc})
   141  			cmd := newInspectCommand(cli)
   142  			cmd.SetArgs(tc.args)
   143  			for key, value := range tc.flags {
   144  				cmd.Flags().Set(key, value)
   145  			}
   146  			assert.NilError(t, cmd.Execute())
   147  			golden.Assert(t, cli.OutBuffer().String(), tc.golden)
   148  		})
   149  	}
   150  }