
     1  ---
     2  type: proposal
     3  title: More granular query performance metrics
     4  status: in-progress
     5  owner: moadz
     6  menu: proposals-done
     7  ---
     9  * **Owners:**
    10    * @moadz
    12  * **Related Tickets:**
    13    * [More granular query performance metrics issue by moadz](
    14    * [Accurately Measuring Query Performance by ianbillet](
    16  ## Why
    18  Currently, within thanos, the only way to measure query latency is to look at the `http_request_duration_seconds` on the `query` and `query_range` HTTP handlers.
    20  ### Pitfalls of the current solution
    22  There's a few reason why measuring the latency on the query and query_range endpoints is a poor indicator of how much 'work' Thanos is doing. Thanos will fan-out the 'select' phase of the query to each of its store targets (other stores, sidecars etc.) streaming the series from each target over the network, before executing the query on the resulting stream. This means that we actually touch far more series over the network than is returned to the final query response.
    24  **An ideal metric for query performance must include the total number of samples and series retrieved remotely before the query is executed.**
    26  ## Goals
    27  * **Must** instrument the aggregate number of samples returned during the select phase of a fanned out query with respect to time to better understand how query latency scales with respect to samples touched
    28  * **Must** instrument the aggregate number of series returned during the select phase of fanned out query with respect to time to better understand how query latency scales with respect to number of series touched
    29  * **Could** instrument the aggregate response size (bytes) of fanned out requests
    30    * This is less critical as response size can be approximated from number of series/number of samples
    32  ### Audience
    34  * Thanos' developers and maintainers who would like to better understand the series/sample funnel before a request is processed more systematically
    35  * Thanos' users who would like to better understand and enforce SLO's around query performance with respect to number of series/samples a query invariably touches
    37  ## Non-Goals
    39  * Any performance related optimizations
    40  * Any approach that involves sampling of queries (traces already sample the aforementioned data)
    42  ## How
    44  Mercifully, we already capture these stats in [tracing spans from the query path]( Unfortunately, traces are sampled and are difficult to query reliably for SLI's. My suggestion is that we add a new histogram, `thanos_store_query_duration_seconds` that persists the total elapsed time for the query, with partitions(labels) for `series_le` and `samples_le` attached to each observation to allow for querying for a particular dimension (e.g. `thanos_query_duration_seconds` for the `0.99` request duration quantile with `> 1,000,000 samples` returned). Ideally we would represent this with an N-dimensional histogram, but this is not possible with prometheus.
    46  As the [`storepb.SeriesStatsCounter`]( already trackes this information in `thanos/store/proxy.go`, we will have to write an aggregator in the same file that can sum the series/samples for each 'query'. As one thanos query is translated into multiple, fan out queries and aggregated into a single response, we will need to do this once for all the queries [here](.).
    48  ### Given most queries will have highly variable samples/series returned for each query, how do we manage cardinality?
    50  Yes, in fact if we used the unique samples/series I suspect this metric would be totally useless. Instead we should define a set of 5-10 distinct 't-shirt size' buckets for the samples/series dimensions.
    52  e.g. Exponential Scale
    54  ```
    55  Samples:
    56  s <= 1000 samples, m <=  10_000 samples, l <= 100_000 samples, xl > 1_000_000 samples
    58  Series:
    59  s <= 10 series, m <= 100 series, m <= 1000 series, l <= 10_000 series, xl <= 100_000 series
    60  ```
    62  So if a query returns `50,000 samples` spanning `10 series` in `32s` it would be an observation of `32s` with the labels `sample-size=l, series-size=s`.
    64  This would allow us to define query SLI's with respect to a specific number of series/samples and mean response time
    66  e.g. 90% of queries for up to 1,000,000 samples and up to 10 series complete in less than 2s.
    68  ### How will we determine appropriate buckets for our additional dimensions?
    70  This is my primary concern. Given the countless permutations of node size, data distribution and thanos topologies that might influence the query sizes and response times, it is unlikely any set thresholds will be appropriate for all deployments of Thanos. As a result, the 't-shirt sizes' will have to be configurable (possibly via runtime args) with some sensible defaults to allow users to tweak them. The obvious caveat being that if this metric is recorded, any changes to the bucketing would render previous data corrupted/incomprehensible. I would like guidance here if possible.
    72  Suggested flags for configuring query performance histogram quantiles
    74  ```
    75  // Buckets for labelling query performance metrics with respect to duration of query
    76  --query.telemetry.request-duration-seconds-quantiles = [ 0.1, 0.25, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.5, 3, 5, 10 ]
    78  // Buckets for labelling query performance metrics with respect to number of samples
    79  --query.telemetry.sample-quantiles = [ 100, 1_000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000 ]
    81  // Buckets for labelling query performance metrics with respect to number of series
    82  --query.telemetry.series-quantiles = [ 10, 100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000 ]
    83  ```
    85  ### How will we aggregate all series stats between unique series sets
    87  With our new metric we:
    88  * Do not want to create separate histograms for each individual store query, so they will need to be aggregated at the `Series` request level so that our observations include all
    89  * Do not want to block series receive on a `seriesStats` merging mutex for each incoming response, so maintaining a central `seriesStats` reference and passing it into each of the proxied store requests is out of the question
    91  ### How can we capture the query shape & latency spanning the entire query path?
    93  PromQL engine accepts a `storage.Queryable` which denotes the source of series data in a particular query/query engine instance. The implementation of the thanos query store proxy implements this interface, providing an API for aggregating series across disparate store targets registered to the store instance.
    95  As the 'shape' of the query is a consequence of our `storage.Queryable` implementation (backed by the proxy store API), there is no way to pass the `SeriesStats` through the PromQL engine query exec in the Thanos query path without changing the `Querier` prometheus interface.
    97  Example of how upstream `Querier` interface change would look like if we included the series stats (or some generic representation of SelectFnStats):
    99  ```go
   100  // Querier provides querying access over time series data of a fixed time range.
   101  type Querier interface {
   102  	LabelQuerier
   104  	// Select returns a set of series that matches the given label matchers.
   105  	// Caller can specify if it requires returned series to be sorted. Prefer not requiring sorting for better performance.
   106  	// It allows passing hints that can help in optimising select, but it's up to implementation how this is used if used at all.
   107  	Select(sortSeries bool, hints *SelectHints, matchers ...*labels.Matcher) (SeriesSet, SeriesStats)
   108  }
   109  ```
   111  By amending the prometheus `storage.Querier` interface to include the `SeriesStats` (or some form of it) alongside the `SeriesSet` when a `Select` is performed, all `Queriers` must return stats alongside selects (which may be a good thing but a breaking API change). I want to explore doing this in upstream Prometheus, but the below implementation is an intermediate step to see if this approach is useful at all in capturing the select phase shape/latencies independently.
   113  Due to the limitations of the prom Querier API, we can instead use the reporter pattern and override the `QueryableCreator` constructor to take an extra function parameter that exfiltrates the series stats from the `Select` function and submits the query time observation in the API query handler.
   115  **tl;dr:** Longer term to capture the entire query path by amending the Prometheus Querier API to return some stats alongside the query, and creating this generic metric inside the Prometheus PromQL engine. Short term, pass a func parameter to the Queryable constructor for the proxy StoreAPI querier that will exfiltrate the `SeriesStats`, circumventing PromQL engine.
   117  ### Measuring Thanos Query Latency with respect to query fanout
   119  First we would create a new `SeriesQueryPerformanceCalculator` for aggregating/tracking the `SeriesStatsCounters` for each fanned out query
   121  go pseudo:
   123  ```go
   124  type SeriesQueryPerformanceMetricsAggregator struct {
   125  	QueryDuration *prometheus.HistogramVec
   127  	SeriesLeBuckets  []float64
   128  	SamplesLeBuckets []float64
   129  	SeriesStats      storepb.SeriesStatsCounter
   130  }
   132  func NewSeriesQueryPerformanceMetricsAggregator(reg prometheus.Registerer) *SeriesQueryPerformanceMetrics {
   133  	return &SeriesQueryPerformanceMetrics{
   134  		QueryDuration: promauto.With(reg).NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
   135  			Name:    "thanos_query_duration_seconds",
   136  			Help:    "duration of the thanos store select phase for a query",
   137  			Buckets: []float64{0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5}, // These quantiles will be passed via commandline arg
   138  		}, []string{"series_le", "samples_le"}),
   139  		SeriesStats: storepb.SeriesStatsCounter{},
   140  	}
   141  }
   143  // Aggregator for merging `storepb.SeriesStatsCounter` for each incoming fanned out query
   144  func (s *SeriesQueryPerformanceMetricsAggregator) Aggregate(seriesStats *storepb.SeriesStatsCounter) {
   145  	s.SeriesStats.Count(seriesStats)
   146  }
   148  // Commit the aggregated SeriesStatsCounter as an observation
   149  func (s *SeriesQueryPerformanceMetricsAggregator) Observe(duration float64) {
   150  	// Bucket matching for series/labels matchSeriesBucket/matchSamplesBucket => float64, float64
   151  	seriesLeBucket := s.findBucket(s.SeriesStats.Series, &s.SeriesLeBuckets)
   152  	samplesLeBucket := s.findBucket(s.SeriesStats.Samples, &s.SamplesLeBuckets)
   153  	s.QueryDuration.With(prometheus.Labels{
   154  		"series_le":  strconv.Itoa(seriesLeBucket),
   155  		"samples_le": strconv.Itoa(samplesLeBucket),
   156  	}).Observe(duration)
   157  }
   159  // Determine the appropriate bucket for a given value relative to a set of quantiles
   160  func (s *SeriesQueryPerformanceMetricsAggregator) findBucket(value int, quantiles *[]float64) int
   161  ```
   163  Current query fanout logic:
   165  ```go
   166  for _, st := range s.stores() {
   167  	// [Error handling etc.]
   168  	// Schedule streamSeriesSet that translates gRPC streamed response
   169  	// into seriesSet (if series) or respCh if warnings.
   170  	seriesSet = append(seriesSet, startStreamSeriesSet(seriesCtx, reqLogger, span, closeSeries,
   171  		wg, sc, respSender, st.String(), !r.PartialResponseDisabled, s.responseTimeout, s.metrics.emptyStreamResponses, seriesStatsCh))
   172  }
   173  ```
   175  [Propagating the `SeriesStats` via `storepb.SeriesServer`](
   177  ```go
   178  type seriesServer struct {
   179  	// This field just exist to pseudo-implement the unused methods of the interface.
   180  	storepb.Store_SeriesServer
   181  	ctx context.Context
   183  	seriesSet      []storepb.Series
   184  	seriesSetStats storepb.SeriesStatsCounter
   185  	warnings       []string
   186  }
   188  func (s *seriesServer) Send(r *storepb.SeriesResponse) error {
   189  	if r.GetWarning() != "" {
   190  		s.warnings = append(s.warnings, r.GetWarning())
   191  		return nil
   192  	}
   194  	if r.GetSeries() != nil {
   195  		s.seriesSet = append(s.seriesSet, *r.GetSeries())
   196  		// For each appended series, increment the seriesStats
   197  		s.seriesSetStats.Count(r.GetSeries())
   198  		return nil
   199  	}
   201  	// Unsupported field, skip.
   202  	return nil
   203  }
   204  ```
   206  Now that the `SeriesStats` are propagated into the `storepb.SeriesServer`, we can ammend the `selectFn` function to return a tuple of `(storage.SeriesSet, storage.SeriesSetCounter, error)`
   208  Ammending the QueryableCreator to provide a func parameter:
   210  ```go
   211  type SeriesStatsReporter func(seriesStats storepb.SeriesStatsCounter)
   213  type QueryableCreator func(deduplicate bool, replicaLabels []string, storeDebugMatchers [][]*labels.Matcher, maxResolutionMillis int64, partialResponse, skipChunks bool, seriesStatsReporter SeriesStatsReporter) storage.Queryable
   215  // NewQueryableCreator creates QueryableCreator.
   216  func NewQueryableCreator(logger log.Logger, reg prometheus.Registerer, proxy storepb.StoreServer, maxConcurrentSelects int, selectTimeout time.Duration, seriesStatsReporter SeriesStatsReporter) QueryableCreator {
   217  	duration := promauto.With(
   218  		extprom.WrapRegistererWithPrefix("concurrent_selects_", reg),
   219  	).NewHistogram(gate.DurationHistogramOpts)
   221  	return func(deduplicate bool, replicaLabels []string, storeDebugMatchers [][]*labels.Matcher, maxResolutionMillis int64, partialResponse, skipChunks bool) storage.Queryable {
   222  		return &queryable{
   223  			logger:              logger,
   224  			replicaLabels:       replicaLabels,
   225  			storeDebugMatchers:  storeDebugMatchers,
   226  			proxy:               proxy,
   227  			deduplicate:         deduplicate,
   228  			maxResolutionMillis: maxResolutionMillis,
   229  			partialResponse:     partialResponse,
   230  			skipChunks:          skipChunks,
   231  			gateProviderFn: func() gate.Gate {
   232  				return gate.InstrumentGateDuration(duration, promgate.New(maxConcurrentSelects))
   233  			},
   234  			maxConcurrentSelects: maxConcurrentSelects,
   235  			selectTimeout:        selectTimeout,
   236  			seriesStatsReporter:  seriesStatsReporter,
   237  		}
   238  	}
   239  }
   240  ```
   242  Injecting the reporter into the qapi Queryable static constructor:
   244  ```go
   245  	var (
   246  		ssmtx       sync.Mutex
   247  		seriesStats []storepb.SeriesStatsCounter
   248  	)
   249  	seriesStatsReporter := func(ss storepb.SeriesStatsCounter) {
   250  		ssmtx.Lock()
   251  		defer ssmtx.Unlock()
   253  		seriesStats = append(seriesStats, ss)
   254  	}
   255  	qry, err := qe.NewRangeQuery(
   256  		qapi.queryableCreate(enableDedup, replicaLabels, storeDebugMatchers, maxSourceResolution, enablePartialResponse, false, seriesStatsReporter),
   257  		r.FormValue("query"),
   258  		start,
   259  		end,
   260  		step,
   261  	)
   262  ```
   264  In summary, we will:
   265  * Amend the `seriesServer` to keep track of all `SeriesStats` for each series pushed to it
   266  * Amend the static `qapi.queryableCreate` to take a `SeriesStatsReporter` func parameter that will exfiltrate the seriesStats from the Thanos Proxy StoreAPI
   267  * Add new runtime flags that will allow us to specify a) Query time quantiles b) Series size quantiles c) Sample size quantiles for our partitioned histogram
   268  * Start a query duration timer as soon as the handler is hit
   269  * Create a new partitioned vector histogram called `thanos_query_duration_seconds` in the `queryRange` API handler
   270  * Propagate all exfiltrated `SeriesStats` to aforementioned metric
   271  * Record observations against the `thanos_query_duration_seconds` histogram after bucketing samples_le/series_le buckets
   273  # Alternatives
   275  * Add the `seriesStats` to the `SeriesResponse` and aggregate it in the `responseCh`, this would enable us to propagate the seriesStats further up/in other components if need be