
     1  // Copyright (c) The Cortex Authors.
     2  // Licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
     4  package cache
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"encoding/hex"
     9  	"flag"
    10  	"hash/fnv"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	otlog ""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	instr ""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  )
    26  // MemcachedConfig is config to make a Memcached
    27  type MemcachedConfig struct {
    28  	Expiration time.Duration `yaml:"expiration"`
    30  	BatchSize   int `yaml:"batch_size"`
    31  	Parallelism int `yaml:"parallelism"`
    32  }
    34  // RegisterFlagsWithPrefix adds the flags required to config this to the given FlagSet
    35  func (cfg *MemcachedConfig) RegisterFlagsWithPrefix(prefix, description string, f *flag.FlagSet) {
    36  	f.DurationVar(&cfg.Expiration, prefix+"memcached.expiration", 0, description+"How long keys stay in the memcache.")
    37  	f.IntVar(&cfg.BatchSize, prefix+"memcached.batchsize", 1024, description+"How many keys to fetch in each batch.")
    38  	f.IntVar(&cfg.Parallelism, prefix+"memcached.parallelism", 100, description+"Maximum active requests to memcache.")
    39  }
    41  // Memcached type caches chunks in memcached
    42  type Memcached struct {
    43  	cfg      MemcachedConfig
    44  	memcache MemcachedClient
    45  	name     string
    47  	requestDuration *instr.HistogramCollector
    49  	wg      sync.WaitGroup
    50  	inputCh chan *work
    51  	quit    chan struct{}
    53  	logger log.Logger
    54  }
    56  // NewMemcached makes a new Memcached.
    57  func NewMemcached(cfg MemcachedConfig, client MemcachedClient, name string, reg prometheus.Registerer, logger log.Logger) *Memcached {
    58  	c := &Memcached{
    59  		cfg:      cfg,
    60  		memcache: client,
    61  		name:     name,
    62  		logger:   logger,
    63  		requestDuration: instr.NewHistogramCollector(
    64  			promauto.With(reg).NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
    65  				Namespace: "cortex",
    66  				Name:      "memcache_request_duration_seconds",
    67  				Help:      "Total time spent in seconds doing memcache requests.",
    68  				// Memcached requests are very quick: smallest bucket is 16us, biggest is 1s
    69  				Buckets:     prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(0.000016, 4, 8),
    70  				ConstLabels: prometheus.Labels{"name": name},
    71  			}, []string{"method", "status_code"}),
    72  		),
    73  	}
    75  	if cfg.BatchSize == 0 || cfg.Parallelism == 0 {
    76  		return c
    77  	}
    79  	c.inputCh = make(chan *work)
    80  	c.quit = make(chan struct{})
    81  	c.wg.Add(cfg.Parallelism)
    83  	for i := 0; i < cfg.Parallelism; i++ {
    84  		go func() {
    85  			defer c.wg.Done()
    86  			for {
    87  				select {
    88  				case <-c.quit:
    89  					return
    90  				case input := <-c.inputCh:
    91  					res := &result{
    92  						batchID: input.batchID,
    93  					}
    94  					res.found, res.bufs, res.missed = c.fetch(input.ctx, input.keys)
    95  					// No-one will be reading from resultCh if we were asked to quit
    96  					// during the fetch, so check again before writing to it.
    97  					select {
    98  					case <-c.quit:
    99  						return
   100  					case input.resultCh <- res:
   101  					}
   102  				}
   103  			}
   104  		}()
   105  	}
   107  	return c
   108  }
   110  type work struct {
   111  	keys     []string
   112  	ctx      context.Context
   113  	resultCh chan<- *result
   114  	batchID  int // For ordering results.
   115  }
   117  type result struct {
   118  	found   []string
   119  	bufs    [][]byte
   120  	missed  []string
   121  	batchID int // For ordering results.
   122  }
   124  func memcacheStatusCode(err error) string {
   125  	// See
   126  	switch err {
   127  	case nil:
   128  		return "200"
   129  	case memcache.ErrCacheMiss:
   130  		return "404"
   131  	case memcache.ErrMalformedKey:
   132  		return "400"
   133  	default:
   134  		return "500"
   135  	}
   136  }
   138  // Fetch gets keys from the cache. The keys that are found must be in the order of the keys requested.
   139  func (c *Memcached) Fetch(ctx context.Context, keys []string) (found []string, bufs [][]byte, missed []string) {
   140  	if c.cfg.BatchSize == 0 {
   141  		found, bufs, missed = c.fetch(ctx, keys)
   142  		return
   143  	}
   144  	_ = instr.CollectedRequest(ctx, "Memcache.GetBatched", c.requestDuration, memcacheStatusCode, func(ctx context.Context) error {
   145  		found, bufs, missed = c.fetchKeysBatched(ctx, keys)
   146  		return nil
   147  	})
   148  	return
   149  }
   150  func (c *Memcached) fetch(ctx context.Context, keys []string) (found []string, bufs [][]byte, missed []string) {
   151  	var items map[string]*memcache.Item
   152  	const method = "Memcache.GetMulti"
   153  	err := instr.CollectedRequest(ctx, method, c.requestDuration, memcacheStatusCode, func(innerCtx context.Context) error {
   154  		log, _ := spanlogger.New(innerCtx, method)
   155  		defer log.Finish()
   156  		log.LogFields(otlog.Int("keys requested", len(keys)))
   158  		var err error
   159  		items, err = c.memcache.GetMulti(keys)
   161  		log.LogFields(otlog.Int("keys found", len(items)))
   163  		// Memcached returns partial results even on error.
   164  		if err != nil {
   165  			log.Error(err)
   166  			level.Error(log).Log("msg", "Failed to get keys from memcached", "err", err)
   167  		}
   168  		return err
   169  	})
   171  	if err != nil {
   172  		return found, bufs, keys
   173  	}
   175  	for _, key := range keys {
   176  		item, ok := items[key]
   177  		if ok {
   178  			found = append(found, key)
   179  			bufs = append(bufs, item.Value)
   180  		} else {
   181  			missed = append(missed, key)
   182  		}
   183  	}
   184  	return
   185  }
   187  func (c *Memcached) fetchKeysBatched(ctx context.Context, keys []string) (found []string, bufs [][]byte, missed []string) {
   188  	resultsCh := make(chan *result)
   189  	batchSize := c.cfg.BatchSize
   191  	go func() {
   192  		for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(keys); i += batchSize {
   193  			batchKeys := keys[i:math.Min(i+batchSize, len(keys))]
   194  			select {
   195  			case <-c.quit:
   196  				return
   197  			case c.inputCh <- &work{
   198  				keys:     batchKeys,
   199  				ctx:      ctx,
   200  				resultCh: resultsCh,
   201  				batchID:  j,
   202  			}:
   203  			}
   204  			j++
   205  		}
   206  	}()
   208  	// Read all values from this channel to avoid blocking upstream.
   209  	numResults := len(keys) / batchSize
   210  	if len(keys)%batchSize != 0 {
   211  		numResults++
   212  	}
   214  	// We need to order found by the input keys order.
   215  	results := make([]*result, numResults)
   216  loopResults:
   217  	for i := 0; i < numResults; i++ {
   218  		select {
   219  		case <-c.quit:
   220  			break loopResults
   221  		case result := <-resultsCh:
   222  			results[result.batchID] = result
   223  		}
   224  	}
   226  	for _, result := range results {
   227  		if result == nil {
   228  			continue
   229  		}
   230  		found = append(found, result.found...)
   231  		bufs = append(bufs, result.bufs...)
   232  		missed = append(missed, result.missed...)
   233  	}
   235  	return
   236  }
   238  // Store stores the key in the cache.
   239  func (c *Memcached) Store(ctx context.Context, keys []string, bufs [][]byte) {
   240  	for i := range keys {
   241  		err := instr.CollectedRequest(ctx, "Memcache.Put", c.requestDuration, memcacheStatusCode, func(_ context.Context) error {
   242  			item := memcache.Item{
   243  				Key:        keys[i],
   244  				Value:      bufs[i],
   245  				Expiration: int32(c.cfg.Expiration.Seconds()),
   246  			}
   247  			return c.memcache.Set(&item)
   248  		})
   249  		if err != nil {
   250  			level.Error(c.logger).Log("msg", "failed to put to memcached", "name",, "err", err)
   251  		}
   252  	}
   253  }
   255  // Stop does nothing.
   256  func (c *Memcached) Stop() {
   257  	if c.quit == nil {
   258  		return
   259  	}
   261  	select {
   262  	case <-c.quit:
   263  	default:
   264  		close(c.quit)
   265  	}
   266  	c.wg.Wait()
   267  }
   269  // HashKey hashes key into something you can store in memcached.
   270  func HashKey(key string) string {
   271  	hasher := fnv.New64a()
   272  	_, _ = hasher.Write([]byte(key)) // This'll never error.
   274  	// Hex because memcache errors for the bytes produced by the hash.
   275  	return hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
   276  }