
     1  local g = import '../lib/thanos-grafana-builder/builder.libsonnet';
     3  {
     4    local thanos = self,
     5    compact+:: {
     6      selector: error 'must provide selector for Thanos Compact dashboard',
     7      title: error 'must provide title for Thanos Compact dashboard',
     8      dashboard:: {
     9        selector: std.join(', ', thanos.dashboard.selector + ['job=~"$job"']),
    10        dimensions: std.join(', ', thanos.dashboard.dimensions + ['job']),
    11      },
    12    },
    13    grafanaDashboards+:: {
    14      [if thanos.compact != null then 'compact.json']:
    15        g.dashboard(thanos.compact.title)
    16        .addRow(
    17          g.row('Group Compaction')
    18          .addPanel(
    19            g.panel(
    20              'Rate',
    21              'Shows rate of execution for compactions against blocks that are stored in the bucket by compaction resolution.'
    22            ) +
    23            g.queryPanel(
    24              'sum by (%(dimensions)s, resolution) (rate(thanos_compact_group_compactions_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
    25              'compaction {{job}} {{resolution}}'
    26            ) +
    27            g.stack
    28          )
    29          .addPanel(
    30            g.panel(
    31              'Errors',
    32              'Shows ratio of errors compared to the total number of executed compactions against blocks that are stored in the bucket.'
    33            ) +
    34            g.qpsErrTotalPanel(
    35              'thanos_compact_group_compactions_failures_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
    36              'thanos_compact_group_compactions_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
    37              thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions
    38            )
    39          )
    40        )
    41        .addRow(
    42          g.row('Downsample')
    43          .addPanel(
    44            g.panel(
    45              'Rate',
    46              'Shows rate of execution for downsampling against blocks that are stored in the bucket by compaction resolution.'
    47            ) +
    48            g.queryPanel(
    49              'sum by (%(dimensions)s, resolution) (rate(thanos_compact_downsample_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
    50              'downsample {{job}} {{resolution}}'
    51            ) +
    52            g.stack
    53          )
    54          .addPanel(
    55            g.panel('Errors', 'Shows ratio of errors compared to the total number of executed downsampling against blocks that are stored in the bucket.') +
    56            g.qpsErrTotalPanel(
    57              'thanos_compact_downsample_failed_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
    58              'thanos_compact_downsample_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
    59              thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions
    60            )
    61          )
    62        )
    63        .addRow(
    64          g.row('Garbage Collection')
    65          .addPanel(
    66            g.panel(
    67              'Rate',
    68              'Shows rate of execution for removals of blocks if their data is available as part of a block with a higher compaction level.'
    69            ) +
    70            g.queryPanel(
    71              'sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_compact_garbage_collection_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
    72              'garbage collection {{job}}'
    73            ) +
    74            g.stack
    75          )
    76          .addPanel(
    77            g.panel('Errors', 'Shows ratio of errors compared to the total number of executed garbage collections.') +
    78            g.qpsErrTotalPanel(
    79              'thanos_compact_garbage_collection_failures_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
    80              'thanos_compact_garbage_collection_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
    81              thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions
    82            )
    83          )
    84          .addPanel(
    85            g.panel('Duration', 'Shows how long has it taken to execute garbage collection in quantiles.') +
    86            g.latencyPanel('thanos_compact_garbage_collection_duration_seconds', thanos.compact.dashboard.selector, thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions)
    87          )
    88        )
    89        .addRow(
    90          g.row('Blocks deletion')
    91          .addPanel(
    92            g.panel(
    93              'Deletion Rate',
    94              'Shows deletion rate of blocks already marked for deletion.'
    95            ) +
    96            g.queryPanel(
    97              'sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_compact_blocks_cleaned_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
    98              'Blocks cleanup {{job}}'
    99            ) +
   100            g.stack
   101          )
   102          .addPanel(
   103            g.panel(
   104              'Deletion Error Rate',
   105              'Shows deletion failures rate of blocks already marked for deletion.'
   106            ) +
   107            g.queryPanel(
   108              'sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_compact_block_cleanup_failures_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
   109              'Blocks cleanup failures {{job}}'
   110            )
   111          )
   112          .addPanel(
   113            g.panel(
   114              'Marking Rate',
   115              'Shows rate at which blocks are marked for deletion (from GC and retention policy).'
   116            ) +
   117            g.queryPanel(
   118              'sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_compact_blocks_marked_for_deletion_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
   119              'Blocks marked {{job}}'
   120            )
   121          )
   122        )
   123        .addRow(
   124          g.row('Sync Meta')
   125          .addPanel(
   126            g.panel(
   127              'Rate',
   128              'Shows rate of execution for all meta files from blocks in the bucket into the memory.'
   129            ) +
   130            g.queryPanel(
   131              'sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_blocks_meta_syncs_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
   132              'sync {{job}}'
   133            ) +
   134            g.stack
   135          )
   136          .addPanel(
   137            g.panel('Errors', 'Shows ratio of errors compared to the total number of executed meta file sync.') +
   138            g.qpsErrTotalPanel(
   139              'thanos_blocks_meta_sync_failures_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
   140              'thanos_blocks_meta_syncs_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
   141              thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions
   142            )
   143          )
   144          .addPanel(
   145            g.panel('Duration', 'Shows how long has it taken to execute meta file sync, in quantiles.') +
   146            g.latencyPanel('thanos_blocks_meta_sync_duration_seconds', thanos.compact.dashboard.selector, thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions)
   147          )
   148        )
   149        .addRow(
   150          g.row('Object Store Operations')
   151          .addPanel(
   152            g.panel('Rate', 'Shows rate of execution for operations against the bucket.') +
   153            g.queryPanel(
   154              'sum by (%(dimensions)s, operation) (rate(thanos_objstore_bucket_operations_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.compact.dashboard,
   155              '{{job}} {{operation}}'
   156            ) +
   157            g.stack
   158          )
   159          .addPanel(
   160            g.panel('Errors', 'Shows ratio of errors compared to the total number of executed operations against the bucket.') +
   161            g.qpsErrTotalPanel(
   162              'thanos_objstore_bucket_operation_failures_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
   163              'thanos_objstore_bucket_operations_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.compact.dashboard.selector,
   164              thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions
   165            )
   166          )
   167          .addPanel(
   168            g.panel('Duration', 'Shows how long has it taken to execute operations against the bucket, in quantiles.') +
   169            g.latencyPanel('thanos_objstore_bucket_operation_duration_seconds', thanos.compact.dashboard.selector, thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions)
   170          )
   171        )
   172        .addRow(
   173          g.resourceUtilizationRow(thanos.compact.dashboard.selector, thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions)
   174        ),
   176      __overviewRows__+:: if thanos.compact == null then [] else [
   177        g.row('Compact')
   178        .addPanel(
   179          g.panel(
   180            'Compaction Rate',
   181            'Shows rate of execution for compactions against blocks that are stored in the bucket.'
   182          ) +
   183          g.queryPanel(
   184            'sum by (%(dimensions)s) (rate(thanos_compact_group_compactions_total{%(selector)s}[$__rate_interval]))' % thanos.dashboard.overview,
   185            'compaction {{job}}'
   186          ) +
   187          g.stack +
   188          g.addDashboardLink(thanos.compact.title)
   189        )
   190        .addPanel(
   191          g.panel(
   192            'Compaction Errors',
   193            'Shows ratio of errors compared to the total number of executed compactions against blocks that are stored in the bucket.'
   194          ) +
   195          g.qpsErrTotalPanel(
   196            'thanos_compact_group_compactions_failures_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.dashboard.overview.selector,
   197            'thanos_compact_group_compactions_total{%(selector)s}' % thanos.dashboard.overview.selector,
   198            thanos.compact.dashboard.dimensions
   199          ) +
   200          g.addDashboardLink(thanos.compact.title)
   201        ) +
   202        g.collapse,
   203      ],
   204    },
   205  }