
     1  import * as React from 'react';
     2  import $ from 'jquery';
     3  import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme';
     4  import Graph from './Graph';
     5  import ReactResizeDetector from 'react-resize-detector';
     6  import { Legend } from './Legend';
     8  describe('Graph', () => {
     9    beforeAll(() => {
    10      jest.spyOn(window, 'requestAnimationFrame').mockImplementation((cb: any) => cb());
    11    });
    12    describe('data is returned', () => {
    13      const props: any = {
    14        queryParams: {
    15          startTime: 1572128592,
    16          endTime: 1572130692,
    17          resolution: 28,
    18        },
    19        stacked: false,
    20        data: {
    21          resultType: 'matrix',
    22          result: [
    23            {
    24              metric: {
    25                code: '200',
    26                handler: '/graph',
    27                instance: 'localhost:9090',
    28                job: 'prometheus',
    29              },
    30              values: [
    31                [1572128592, '23'],
    32                [1572128620, '2'],
    33                [1572128648, '4'],
    34                [1572128676, '1'],
    35                [1572128704, '2'],
    36                [1572128732, '12'],
    37                [1572128760, '1'],
    38                [1572128788, '0'],
    39                [1572128816, '0'],
    40                [1572128844, '2'],
    41                [1572128872, '5'],
    42                [1572130384, '6'],
    43                [1572130412, '7'],
    44                [1572130440, '19'],
    45                [1572130468, '33'],
    46                [1572130496, '14'],
    47                [1572130524, '7'],
    48                [1572130552, '6'],
    49                [1572130580, '0'],
    50                [1572130608, '0'],
    51                [1572130636, '0'],
    52                [1572130664, '0'],
    53                [1572130692, '0'],
    54              ],
    55            },
    56          ],
    57        },
    58      };
    59      it('renders a graph with props', () => {
    60        const graph = shallow(<Graph {...props} />);
    61        const div = graph.find('div').filterWhere((elem) => elem.prop('className') === 'graph');
    62        const resize = div.find(ReactResizeDetector);
    63        const innerdiv = div.find('div').filterWhere((elem) => elem.prop('className') === 'graph-chart');
    64        expect(resize.prop('handleWidth')).toBe(true);
    65        expect(div).toHaveLength(1);
    66        expect(innerdiv).toHaveLength(1);
    67      });
    68      describe('Legend', () => {
    69        it('renders a legend', () => {
    70          const graph = shallow(<Graph {...props} />);
    71          expect(graph.find(Legend)).toHaveLength(1);
    72        });
    73      });
    74    });
    75    describe('on component update', () => {
    76      let graph: any;
    77      let spyState: any;
    78      let mockPlot: any;
    79      beforeEach(() => {
    80        mockPlot = jest.spyOn($, 'plot').mockReturnValue({ setData: jest.fn(), draw: jest.fn(), destroy: jest.fn() } as any);
    81        graph = mount(
    82          <Graph
    83            {...({
    84              stacked: true,
    85              queryParams: {
    86                startTime: 1572128592,
    87                endTime: 1572128598,
    88                resolution: 28,
    89              },
    90              data: { result: [{ values: [], metric: {} }] },
    91            } as any)}
    92          />
    93        );
    94        spyState = jest.spyOn(graph.instance(), 'setState');
    95      });
    96      afterEach(() => {
    97        spyState.mockReset();
    98        mockPlot.mockReset();
    99      });
   100      it('should trigger state update when new data is received', () => {
   101        graph.setProps({ data: { result: [{ values: [{}], metric: {} }] } });
   102        expect(spyState).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
   103          {
   104            chartData: [
   105              {
   106                color: '#008000',
   107                data: [[1572128592000, null]],
   108                index: 0,
   109                labels: {},
   110              },
   111            ],
   112          },
   113          expect.anything()
   114        );
   115      });
   116      it('should trigger state update when stacked prop is changed', () => {
   117        graph.setProps({ stacked: false });
   118        expect(spyState).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
   119          {
   120            chartData: [
   121              {
   122                color: '#008000',
   123                data: [[1572128592000, null]],
   124                index: 0,
   125                labels: {},
   126              },
   127            ],
   128          },
   129          expect.anything()
   130        );
   131      });
   132    });
   133    describe('on unmount', () => {
   134      it('should call destroy plot', () => {
   135        const graph = mount(
   136          <Graph
   137            {...({
   138              stacked: true,
   139              queryParams: {
   140                startTime: 1572128592,
   141                endTime: 1572130692,
   142                resolution: 28,
   143              },
   144              data: { result: [{ values: [], metric: {} }] },
   145            } as any)}
   146          />
   147        );
   148        const spyPlotDestroy = jest.spyOn(graph.instance(), 'componentWillUnmount');
   149        graph.unmount();
   150        expect(spyPlotDestroy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
   151        spyPlotDestroy.mockReset();
   152      });
   153    });
   155    describe('plot', () => {
   156      it('should not call jquery.plot if chartRef not exist', () => {
   157        const mockSetData = jest.fn();
   158        jest.spyOn($, 'plot').mockReturnValue({ setData: mockSetData, draw: jest.fn(), destroy: jest.fn() } as any);
   159        const graph = shallow(
   160          <Graph
   161            {...({
   162              stacked: true,
   163              queryParams: {
   164                startTime: 1572128592,
   165                endTime: 1572128598,
   166                resolution: 28,
   167              },
   168              data: { result: [{ values: [], metric: {} }] },
   169            } as any)}
   170          />
   171        );
   172        (graph.instance() as any).plot();
   173        expect(mockSetData).not.toBeCalled();
   174      });
   175      it('should call jquery.plot if chartRef exist', () => {
   176        const mockPlot = jest
   177          .spyOn($, 'plot')
   178          .mockReturnValue({ setData: jest.fn(), draw: jest.fn(), destroy: jest.fn() } as any);
   179        const graph = mount(
   180          <Graph
   181            {...({
   182              stacked: true,
   183              queryParams: {
   184                startTime: 1572128592,
   185                endTime: 1572128598,
   186                resolution: 28,
   187              },
   188              data: { result: [{ values: [], metric: {} }] },
   189            } as any)}
   190          />
   191        );
   192        (graph.instance() as any).plot();
   193        expect(mockPlot).toBeCalled();
   194      });
   195      it('should destroy plot', () => {
   196        const mockDestroy = jest.fn();
   197        jest.spyOn($, 'plot').mockReturnValue({ setData: jest.fn(), draw: jest.fn(), destroy: mockDestroy } as any);
   198        const graph = mount(
   199          <Graph
   200            {...({
   201              stacked: true,
   202              queryParams: {
   203                startTime: 1572128592,
   204                endTime: 1572128598,
   205                resolution: 28,
   206              },
   207              data: { result: [{ values: [], metric: {} }] },
   208            } as any)}
   209          />
   210        );
   211        (graph.instance() as any).plot();
   212        (graph.instance() as any).destroyPlot();
   213        expect(mockDestroy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
   214      });
   215    });
   216    describe('plotSetAndDraw', () => {
   217      it('should call spyPlotSetAndDraw on legend hover', () => {
   218        jest.spyOn($, 'plot').mockReturnValue({ setData: jest.fn(), draw: jest.fn(), destroy: jest.fn() } as any);
   219        const graph = mount(
   220          <Graph
   221            {...({
   222              stacked: true,
   223              queryParams: {
   224                startTime: 1572128592,
   225                endTime: 1572128598,
   226                resolution: 28,
   227              },
   228              data: {
   229                result: [
   230                  { values: [], metric: {} },
   231                  { values: [], metric: {} },
   232                ],
   233              },
   234            } as any)}
   235          />
   236        );
   237        (graph.instance() as any).plot(); // create chart
   238        const spyPlotSetAndDraw = jest.spyOn(graph.instance() as any, 'plotSetAndDraw');
   239        graph.find('.legend-item').at(0).simulate('mouseover');
   240        expect(spyPlotSetAndDraw).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
   241      });
   242      it('should call spyPlotSetAndDraw with chartDate from state as default value', () => {
   243        const mockSetData = jest.fn();
   244        const spyPlot = jest
   245          .spyOn($, 'plot')
   246          .mockReturnValue({ setData: mockSetData, draw: jest.fn(), destroy: jest.fn() } as any);
   247        const graph: any = mount(
   248          <Graph
   249            {...({
   250              stacked: true,
   251              queryParams: {
   252                startTime: 1572128592,
   253                endTime: 1572128598,
   254                resolution: 28,
   255              },
   256              data: {
   257                result: [
   258                  { values: [], metric: {} },
   259                  { values: [], metric: {} },
   260                ],
   261              },
   262            } as any)}
   263          />
   264        );
   265        (graph.instance() as any).plot(); // create chart
   266        graph.find('.graph-legend').simulate('mouseout');
   267        expect(mockSetData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(graph.state().chartData);
   268        spyPlot.mockReset();
   269      });
   270    });
   271  });