
     1  {{ define "main" }}
     2  <div class="container-fluid">
     3      <div class="row py-3 py-lg-5">
     4          <div class="col col-sm-1 col-md-6 offset-md-3 col-lg-4 offset-lg-4 text-center hero-logo-container">
     5              <img class="img-fluid" style="max-width: 60%" src="Thanos-logo_full.svg" alt="Thanos Logo"/>
     6          </div>
     7      </div>
     8      <div class="row py-3 pb-lg-5">
     9          <div class="col text-center">
    10              <h3 class="mb-3">Open source, highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities.</h3>
    11              <ul class="list-inline mb-0">
    12                  <li class="list-inline-item my-3">
    13                      <a href="{{ "/tip/thanos/" | relURL }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
    14                          <i class="fas fa-fw fa-book"></i>&nbsp;Getting Started
    15                      </a>
    16                  </li>
    17                  <li class="list-inline-item my-3">
    18                      <a href="{{ "/tip/contributing/" | relURL }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
    19                          <i class="fas fa-fw fa-comments"></i>&nbsp;Community
    20                      </a>
    21                  </li>
    22                  <li class="list-inline-item my-3">
    23                      <a href="{{ .Site.Params.GithubUser }}/{{ .Site.Params.GithubProject }}/releases" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
    24                          <i class="mr-1 fas fa-fw fa-download"></i>&nbsp;Download
    25                      </a>
    26                  </li>
    27                  <li class="list-inline-item my-3">
    28                      <a href="{{ .Site.Params.QuayIoUser }}/{{ .Site.Params.QuayIoRepository }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
    29                          <i class="mr-1 fab fa-fw fa-docker"></i>&nbsp;
    30                      </a>
    31                  </li>
    32                  <li class="list-inline-item my-3">
    33                      <a href="{{ .Site.Params.DockerHubUser }}/{{ .Site.Params.DockerHubRepository }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
    34                          <i class="mr-1 fab fa-fw fa-docker"></i>&nbsp;DockerHub
    35                      </a>
    36                  </li>
    37                  <li class="list-inline-item my-3">
    38                      <a href="{{ .Site.Params.GithubUser }}/{{ .Site.Params.GithubProject }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
    39                          <i class="mr-1 fab fa-fw fa-github"></i>&nbsp;GitHub
    40                      </a>
    41                  </li>
    42              </ul>
    43          </div>
    44      </div>
    45  </div>
    46  <div class="bg-dark text-light py-3 font-weight-bold container-fluid text-center">The Thanos Team strongly condemns Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine.
    47      Please consider donating to a humanitarian aid actions such as
    48      <a class="color-yellow" target="_blank" href="">Polish National Campaign to Support Ukraine</a>
    49      or
    50      <a class="color-yellow" target="_blank" href="">Care in Action</a> to provide relief.
    51  </div>
    52  <div class="container-fluid bg-light">
    53      <div class="row">
    54          <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg text-center py-5">
    55              <i class="fas fa-search fa-5x db mb-3"></i>
    56              <h4 class="font-weight-bold">Global Query View</h4>
    57              <p>Scale your Prometheus setup by enabling querying of your Prometheus metrics across multiple Prometheus servers and clusters.</p>
    58          </div>
    59          <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg text-center py-5">
    60              <i class="fas fa-archive fa-5x db mb-3"></i>
    61              <h4 class="font-weight-bold">Unlimited Retention</h4>
    62              <p>Extend the system with the object storage of your choice to store your metrics for unlimited time. Supports GCP, S3, Azure, Swift and Tencent COS.</p>
    63          </div>
    64          <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg text-center py-5">
    65              <i class="fas fa-plug fa-5x db mb-3"></i>
    66              <h4 class="font-weight-bold">Prometheus Compatible</h4>
    67              <p>Use the same tools you love, such as Grafana and others, that support the Prometheus Query API.</p>
    68          </div>
    69          <div class="col-12 col-md-6 col-lg text-center py-5">
    70              <i class="fas fa-file-download fa-5x db mb-3"></i>
    71              <h4 class="font-weight-bold">Downsampling & Compaction</h4>
    72              <p>Downsample historical data for massive query speedup when querying large time ranges or configure complex retention policies.</p>
    73          </div>
    74      </div>
    75  </div>
    76  <div class="container py-5">
    77      <h2 class="heading-big text-center">Founded By</h2>
    78      <div class="row">
    79          <div class="col-6 offset-3 col-sm-6 offset-sm-3 col-md-4 offset-md-4">
    80              <div class="img-adopter">
    81                  <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="{{ "/logos/improbable.png" | relURL }}" class="img-fluid" alt="Improbable"></a>
    82              </div>
    83          </div>
    84      </div>
    85          <h2 class="heading-big text-center">Used By</h2>
    86      <div class="row">
    87          {{ range $adopter := sort $.Site.Data.adopters.adopters "name" }}
    88          {{ if $adopter.logo }}
    89          <div class="col-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3">
    90              <div class="img-adopter">
    91                  <a href="{{ $adopter.url }}" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="{{ (printf "/logos/%s" $adopter.logo) | relURL }}" alt="{{ $ }}"></a>
    92              </div>
    93          </div>
    94          {{ end }}
    95          {{ end }}
    96          <div class="col-6 col-sm-6 col-md-3">
    97              <div class="img-adopter">
    98                  <a class="text-center text-muted" href="{{ "/tip/contributing/" | relURL }}">Your Company</a>
    99              </div>
   100          </div>
   101      </div>
   102  </div>
   103  <div class="container-fluid bg-light">
   104      <div class="row py-5">
   105          <div class="col text-center">
   106              <div class="col col-sm-1 col-md-6 offset-md-3 col-lg-4 offset-lg-4 text-center">
   107                  <img class="img-fluid" style="max-width: 60%" src="cloud-native-computing.svg" alt="CNCF"/>
   108              </div>
   109              <p>We are a <a href="">Cloud Native Computing Foundation</a> Incubating project.</p>
   110          </div>
   111      </div>
   112  </div>
   113  <div class="container-fluid bg-light">
   114      <div class="row py-5">
   115          <div class="col text-center">
   116              <h3 class="color-purple"><a href="{{ "/tip/contributing/" | relURL }}">Join the community!</a></h3>
   117              <p>Join users and companies that are using Thanos in production.</p>
   118              <ul class="list-inline">
   119                  <li class="list-inline-item">
   120                      <a href="{{ "/tip/contributing/" | relURL }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
   121                          <i class="fas fa-fw fa-comments"></i> Community Meetings
   122                      </a>
   123                  </li>
   124                  <li class="list-inline-item">
   125                      <a href="{{ .Site.Params.SlackInvite }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
   126                          <i class="fab fa-fw fa-slack"></i> Slack
   127                      </a>
   128                  </li>
   129                  <li class="list-inline-item">
   130                      <a href="{{ .Site.Params.GithubUser }}/{{ .Site.Params.GithubProject }}/issues" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
   131                          <i class="fab fa-fw fa-github"></i> Issues</a>
   132                  </li>
   133                  <li class="list-inline-item">
   134                      <a href="{{ .Site.Params.TwitterHandle }}" class="btn btn-outline-secondary">
   135                          <i class="fab fa-fw fa-twitter"></i> Twitter</a>
   136                  </li>
   137              </ul>
   138          </div>
   139      </div>
   140  </div>
   141  {{ partial "searchConfig/index.html" . }}
   142  {{ end }}