
     1  version: 2.1
     3  filters-release: &filters-release
     4    tags:
     5      only: 
     6        - /^v.*/
     7    branches:
     8      ignore: /.*/
    10  restore_go_cache: &restore_go_cache
    11    restore_cache:
    12      keys:
    13        - go-mod-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}
    14        - go-mod-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}
    15        - go-mod-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-main
    17  save_go_cache: &save_go_cache
    18    save_cache:
    19      when: always
    20      key: go-mod-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ .Revision }}
    21      paths:
    22        - /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod
    24  commands:
    25    prepare-publish-artifacts:
    26      parameters:
    27        platform:
    28          type: string
    29          default: "linux-amd64"
    30        file_extension:
    31          type: string
    32          default: ""
    33      steps:
    34        - run: |
    35            cp build/bin/gzond<< parameters.file_extension >> /tmp/gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >>
    37            (cd /tmp && sha256sum gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >> > gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >>.sha256)
    39            echo -n "$GPG_KEY" | base64 --decode | gpg --import
    40            gpg -o /tmp/gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >>.sig --default-key 28580FDD99DA68203ABCE4205EA04E4E0FAC11B6 --sign --detach-sig /tmp/gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >>
    42            ./hack/ github_api_token=$GITHUB_TOKEN owner=theQRL repo=go-zond tag=${CIRCLE_TAG} filename=/tmp/gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >>
    43            ./hack/ github_api_token=$GITHUB_TOKEN owner=theQRL repo=go-zond tag=${CIRCLE_TAG} filename=/tmp/gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >>.sha256
    44            ./hack/ github_api_token=$GITHUB_TOKEN owner=theQRL repo=go-zond tag=${CIRCLE_TAG} filename=/tmp/gzond-${CIRCLE_TAG}-<< parameters.platform >><< parameters.file_extension >>.sig
    46  jobs:
    47    publish-linux-amd64-gzond-binary:
    48      docker:
    49        - image: cimg/go:1.20
    50      steps:
    51        - checkout
    52        - *restore_go_cache
    53        - run:
    54            command: go mod download
    55        - *save_go_cache
    56        - run: |
    57            go run build/ci.go install ./cmd/gzond
    58        - prepare-publish-artifacts:
    59            platform: "linux-amd64"
    61    publish-linux-arm64-gzond-binary:
    62      machine:
    63        image: ubuntu-2204:2023.07.1
    64      resource_class: arm.medium
    65      steps:
    66        - checkout
    67        - *restore_go_cache
    68        - run:
    69            command: go mod download
    70        - *save_go_cache
    71        - run: |
    72            go run build/ci.go install ./cmd/gzond
    73        - prepare-publish-artifacts:
    74            platform: "linux-arm64"
    76    publish-darwin-amd64-gzond-binary:
    77      macos:
    78        xcode: 14.2.0
    79      resource_class: macos.x86.medium.gen2
    80      steps:
    81        - checkout
    82        - run: |
    83            # NOTE(rgeraldes24): currently relying on brew auto update to have the latest
    84            # versions of golang available but this can be achieved in other ways!
    85            brew install go@1.20
    86            echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/go@1.20/bin:$PATH"' >> /Users/distiller/.bash_profile
    87            brew install coreutils
    88            brew install gpg
    89        - *restore_go_cache
    90        - run:
    91            command: go mod download
    92        - *save_go_cache
    93        - run: 
    94            command: go run build/ci.go install ./cmd/gzond
    95        - prepare-publish-artifacts:
    96            platform: "darwin-amd64"
    98  workflows:
    99    release:
   100      jobs:
   101        - publish-linux-amd64-gzond-binary:
   102            filters:
   103              <<: *filters-release
   104        - publish-linux-arm64-gzond-binary:
   105            filters:
   106              <<: *filters-release
   107        - publish-darwin-amd64-gzond-binary:
   108            filters:
   109              <<: *filters-release